What’s the difference between Paul pelosi driving around in a car drunk

For one....

He wasn't drunk or he would of gotten a DWI not a DUI.

So the title of the thread straight off lies .
Huh? post the rule.
Look at it in the rules. I'm not going to run around doing your work for you.

You want to see the re enforced. I'll post something. And tell you what thread it is doing the same thing you are doing here.
the alcoholic was buzzed (illegal)...not quite DWI, but enough for impaired (illegal)
So continue with your masturbation session
if he had killed someone it would be first degree murder under the influence. nope, illegal.
Look at it in the rules. I'm not going to run around doing your work for you.

You want to see the re enforced. I'll post something. And tell you what thread it is doing the same thing you are doing here.
why not, you're suggesting something that doesn't exist. so if you feel it exists, post it. I've read the rules. I'm not doing your work for you.
😂 😂 😂 Your such an ass. What crime was her son convicted of?
You are such a stupid uneducated low information Moon Bat in denial about filthy Democrat corruption.

EXCLUSIVE: Smoking gun documents tie Nancy Pelosi's son to fraud and bribery scheme to remove permit violations against squalid San Francisco flop house owned by his ex-girlfriend and probed by the FBI​

  • DailyMail.com revealed last week Paul Pelosi Jr. is involved in an FBI investigation into San Francisco officials
  • The officials were allegedly bribed to remove violations at Nancy Pelosi's son's ex-girlfriend's squalid property
  • Now DailyMail.com has obtained smoking gun documents that tie him directly to the fraud and bribery scheme
  • In one document, Pelosi signed statements that he was the property owner, 'the party legally and financially responsible for this proposed construction activity'
  • City permit expediter Rodrigo Santos, a former president of the San Francisco Building Inspection Commission, was indicted for fraud in November
  • Santos is accused of having his clients donate thousands of dollars to building inspector Bernie Curran's rugby club in exchange for city permits
  • The documents show Pelosi applying for the very same permit that building inspector Bernie Curran and Santos have been indicted for
But yet about 50K Americans are killed in them every year. You are really confused about this.

in cars? okey dokey .... i'll take yer word on that little factoid. now please 'splain, how when the horseless carriage was first invented - the dude that conceptualized.... designed ... created it ... first said - 'hmmmm, me thinx that would do just nicely killing people in my way, & getting from here to there without an animal, & saving myself days of travel is secondary'

now do the same thing with the idea that the 1st working musket had the design & intent for something other than what i said.
why do people die? why do people use it as a weapon like Darrel Brooks?

Why do they manufacturer with air bags and seat belts? you truly are one fked in the head human. your ability to understand is limited to CNN and MSNBC.
Hey everyone, playtime thinks the it's funny Darrel Brooks killed six people in the Christmas Parade massacre.
why do people die? why do people use it as a weapon like Darrel Brooks?

take that moldy old MAGA hat off & use yer critical thinking cap that you must have around somewhere. the OP asked in THIS case - what are the differences between the animal who turned those children & teachers into swiss cheese & pelosi's husband.

INTENT. & the mechanism that was put in play.

Why do they manufacturer with air bags and seat belts?


a car's design & original purpose is not to kill.

a gun is.

you truly are one fked in the head human. your ability to understand is limited to CNN and MSNBC.

lol ... lame is as lame does. FYI - i don't even have cable ... so you fail on that too.
in cars? okey dokey .... i'll take yer word on that little factoid. now please 'splain, how when the horseless carriage was first invented - the dude that conceptualized.... designed ... created it ... first said - 'hmmmm, me thinx that would do just nicely killing people in my way, & getting from here to there without an animal, & saving myself days of travel is secondary'

now do the same thing with the idea that the 1st working musket had the design & intent for something other than what i said.

The same story is in most other new sources.

Stop being a stupid apologist for the Democrat filth. It just makes you look like a fucking moron.

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