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What's the likelyhood of Trump being Impeached?

For those democrats who were raised on video games, impeachment is a House of Representatives process. The person who is impeached has to be convicted by the Senate and that ain't likely. Impeachment didn't hurt Bill Clinton's career so democrats will be wasting their time trying to impeach Trump. The dirty little secret is that democrats have all but given up on the "special council" and all they have left in their fantasy of overthrowing the election results is the next two years of clownish behavior. Bring it on.

The Democrats have the majority in the House and all the votes they need to impeach. I'd say its near 100% since they have everything they need. Trump won't be removed though because the Republicans have the majority in the Senate. The House has the power to impeach the President. But then its up to the Senate to decide if he is removed from office. Clinton got impeached for far less than what Trump is being charged with.

:bsflag:@ everything they need. Progressively selective wording. Regressives like to play dress-up, it's in their collective head 24/7.

It only takes 218 Representatives in the House to impeach the President. The Democrats have 235 and you can definitely add a few Republicans to that number. Removal won't happen, but that is really not the point. The point is to damage is Presidency to insure he can't be re-elected in 2020. It will be the same as what the Republicans did to Bill Clinton in the 1990s. Except this time, the President will be much more effected since he is up for re-election.

The Democrats have the majority in the House and all the votes they need to impeach. I'd say its near 100% since they have everything they need. Trump won't be removed though because the Republicans have the majority in the Senate. The House has the power to impeach the President. But then its up to the Senate to decide if he is removed from office. Clinton got impeached for far less than what Trump is being charged with.

You cannot even tell us what he is being charged with, dumbass! You couldn't list them if I held a gun to your head!

If they do ever come up with a charge, it will win a Pulitzer Prize for fiction!

Trump is already certainly guilty of violating Campaign finance laws by ordering hush money to be paid to two mistresses. Cohen's current prison term is due in part to those charges. The National Inquirer guy got immunity. Trump will be found guilty as well, the only question is how much prison time once he leaves office, unless he is able to make a deal are get a pardon from Pence if he resigns.

That is just the start and does not even touch his dealings with Russia, lying, and obstruction of justice by firing Comey.

"Trump is already certainly guilty of violating Campaign finance laws by ordering hush money to be paid to two mistresses"

That has not been proven to be a crime. Nor was firing Comey a crime...Comey served at the pleasure of the President.

It has been proven to be a crime because COHEN was charged with it and his JAIL TIME is due in part to it!
It only takes 218 Representatives in the House to impeach the President. The Democrats have 235 and you can definitely add a few Republicans to that number. Removal won't happen, but that is really not the point. The point is to damage is Presidency to insure he can't be re-elected in 2020. It will be the same as what the Republicans did to Bill Clinton in the 1990s. Except this time, the President will be much more effected since he is up for re-election.
Impeach without removal and you almost guarantee re-election...Contrary to your delusion, lolberals aren't really all that popular.

Beside that, if you're going to shoot at the King, you better make damn sure you kill him.
The House, now in the hand of mindless crazies, may well move impeachment.

An d that's where it'll end.

With them more closely resembling the assholes they are.

Where is Hell is the dowside of THAT?
For those democrats who were raised on video games, impeachment is a House of Representatives process. The person who is impeached has to be convicted by the Senate and that ain't likely. Impeachment didn't hurt Bill Clinton's career so democrats will be wasting their time trying to impeach Trump. The dirty little secret is that democrats have all but given up on the "special council" and all they have left in their fantasy of overthrowing the election results is the next two years of clownish behavior. Bring it on.

Bill Clinton did not have a career in running for elective office after his 1996 win. The impeachment was in 1998. Had Clinton been able to run for another term, it would have heavily impacted his chances. No President desires to get impeached especially if they can and want to run for re-election! Again, the Republicans did this for a far more minor charge in 1998 with little to no hope of removing him in the Senate. There is no reason to believe that Democrats would be different now than Republicans were in 1998!
Every Russian on this board is saying "Zero". You're whistling past the graveyard. Impeachment is inevitable. There are just too many crimes:

1. Conspiracy with the Russians, which has now been proven by Mueller;

2. Campaign finance violations. No this isn't "small potatoes stuff" as Trump says. Nor is it anything like the John Edwards situation. Edwards paid the money to his mistress as his campaign was winding down and he was pulling out.

3. Emoulluments: The law suit was launched last year, when Trump refused to divest his assets or failed to put them in the blind trust. You have the Saudis renting 500 rooms at failing Trump hotels across the US. Foreign governments flocking to the Trump Hotel Washington to curry favour, and last but not least, the doubling of initiation fees at the east coast golf clubs where Trump spends his weekends.

Now there's an investigation about what happened to the massive amount of money raised at the Inauguration, not to mention a tax case, the investigation of the Trump Foundation which could lead to criminal charges, not just for Trump but for his children as well.

Trump is a guy with a long history of shady and outright criminal behaviour. He has openly bragged about "buying" politicians as a standard operating procedure for doing business in the construction industry, and as someone who has done a lot of legal work for large constructions companies on mega-projects, he's right. But instead of railing against the illegality and corruption, Trump has embraced it, and seems to think that it's his turn to cash in, and cashing in has been a hallmark of this Administration.

Democrats really don't want to impeach Trump because they've been waiting to get the House back for 8 long years. They want to shore up the ACA, and pass legislation to protect the election process and voter rights. They don't want to impeach the President, but as the charges mount, the we deal with the daily denials and ever changing stories.

Trump has gone from denying the affairs with Stormy Daniels and others, and any knowledge of the payoffs made by Cohen, to saying he just found about the payoffs, while still denying the affairs, to saying that yes, he paid off these women but the violations campaign finance laws were "small potatoes", while still denying the affairs.

Now we have two witnesses (David Pecker and Michael Cohen) who say that at the beginning of the campaign, a deal was made between Packer and the Campaign to "catch and kill" the stories of any women who came forward with stories of affairs with Trump. Trump has denied any knowledge of this deal, and says he relied on advice from Cohen who, as a lawyer, should have know this stuff was illegal. Except that Michael Cohen has a tape of that meeting, with Trump giving direction to the negotiations and the deal.

For years, Donald Trump has played fast and loose with the law, using the courts to bully suppliers and municipalities alike. With 3000 law suits and counting, the manner in which Trump ran his companies is the way that he's running his White House. The difference is that there was no Congressional oversight watching for illegal actions, and there was no media with a responsibility to provide public with the truth.

Impeachment isn't a just possibility. As more and more illegal behaviour by the President is revealed, it's rapidly becoming inevitable.
If 19 GOP Senators grow a pair & turn their collective thumbs down publicly on the Orange Feces Generator, the probability of the Idiot-in-Chief's impeachment approaches 100%!

You don't need Senators to impeach a sitting President. Its the House where impeachment takes place, and you only need 50% margin for impeachment. The Senate is in charge of removing the President from office or not.
Think about the implications and ramifications of impeachment with & without those 19 Senate votes! The Dems won't move on impeachment and risk the bad JuJu of a partisan innocence finding in the Senate, but a bi-partisan finding of guilt would certainly put the stamp of justification on the move for all time. I don't understand why you were unable to fathom that from the wording of my post!!!!

The Democrats have the majority in the House and all the votes they need to impeach. I'd say its near 100% since they have everything they need. Trump won't be removed though because the Republicans have the majority in the Senate. The House has the power to impeach the President. But then its up to the Senate to decide if he is removed from office. Clinton got impeached for far less than what Trump is being charged with.
Then why would they bother?....Though Pelosi is borderline senile, she's still not stone stupid.

Political theater.

IF Trump was smart (he's not), and if Trump cared about anything or anyone but himself (he doesn't) he would resign.

As of Jan. 3, 2109 he will be a lame duck. What is interesting is how the conservative movement, and the Republican Party will recover from Trumpism. Since the most recent revelations it seems real Republicans and Real conservatives have shaken off the shackle of RINO and begin to put country first, if only to rescue their goals.

The Democrats have the majority in the House and all the votes they need to impeach. I'd say its near 100% since they have everything they need. Trump won't be removed though because the Republicans have the majority in the Senate. The House has the power to impeach the President. But then its up to the Senate to decide if he is removed from office. Clinton got impeached for far less than what Trump is being charged with.

You cannot even tell us what he is being charged with, dumbass! You couldn't list them if I held a gun to your head!

If they do ever come up with a charge, it will win a Pulitzer Prize for fiction!

Trump is already certainly guilty of violating Campaign finance laws by ordering hush money to be paid to two mistresses. Cohen's current prison term is due in part to those charges. The National Inquirer guy got immunity. Trump will be found guilty as well, the only question is how much prison time once he leaves office, unless he is able to make a deal are get a pardon from Pence if he resigns.

That is just the start and does not even touch his dealings with Russia, lying, and obstruction of justice by firing Comey.

"Trump is already certainly guilty of violating Campaign finance laws by ordering hush money to be paid to two mistresses"

That has not been proven to be a crime. Nor was firing Comey a crime...Comey served at the pleasure of the President.

It has been proven to be a crime because COHEN was charged with it and his JAIL TIME is due in part to it!

I agree that it's been proven that Cohen committed several crimes. Five dealt with income taxes. One dealt with making false statements to a banking institution. One dealt with corporate campaign contributions. And one dealt with excessive campaign contributions. None of those allegations have yet to be leveled at Trump in a court, much less proven.

IF Trump was smart (he's not), and if Trump cared about anything or anyone but himself (he doesn't) he would resign.

As of Jan. 3, 2109 he will be a lame duck. What is interesting is how the conservative movement, and the Republican Party will recover from Trumpism. Since the most recent revelations it seems real Republicans and Real conservatives have shaken off the shackle of RINO and begin to put country first, if only to rescue their goals.
Thanks for the meaningless idiot-gram. :113:

I used to think that, but the Democrats are relentless in stiffling the will of the American people when they get out of line. I mean, damn what were they thinking when they thought they could elect a non- politician to the presidency?
We can see that is the reason Trump never really had the backing of the Republicans either. But the Dems will never stop, they are like dogs that feed off of each others aggression.

IF Trump was smart (he's not), and if Trump cared about anything or anyone but himself (he doesn't) he would resign.

As of Jan. 3, 2109 he will be a lame duck. What is interesting is how the conservative movement, and the Republican Party will recover from Trumpism. Since the most recent revelations it seems real Republicans and Real conservatives have shaken off the shackle of RINO and begin to put country first, if only to rescue their goals.

Thanks for the meaningless idiot-gram. :113:

"meaningless", did I misspeak? Time will tell if so, and maybe you believe I misspoke by not stating his full situation on one January, both as a lame duck and a foul one.
Now today we have this National Inquirer collusion with Trump today--that implicates Trump in other matters.
Trump was at August 2015 meeting about hush money payments, source says - CNNPolitics
"Source says"?

(CNN)Donald Trump attended an August 2015 meeting that federal prosecutors believe was central to a criminal scheme to violate campaign finance laws to help Trump win the presidency, according to a source familiar with the matter.

Another one of those CNN " unnamed sources", eh? I think that tells us all we need to know about the credibility of your link. LMAO

Cohen already has 3 years in jail in part due to this charge. Its a FACT. The guy from the national enquire is a second witness provided you think Cohen's word is not enough to convict Trump on this. Trump is guilty on this and will get jail time once he leaves office, unless he gets a pardon after resigning before the end of his term by Pence, or he is able to work out some type of deal.

I don't think this country would tolerate any pardon's at this time. We may witness the first President in the History of the Nation that gets indicted while in office. This constant lying & criminal acts cannot be tolerated. When you associate with criminals, you're probably a criminal.

Republicans blew it. If Senate Republicans try and protect Trump--they will be committing political suicide. I think Mitt Romney--once he is sworn in will be the one that leads the charge on impeachment in the Senate. Otherwise the Republican party will implode.

I used to think that, but the Democrats are relentless in stiffling the will of the American people when they get out of line. I mean, damn what were they thinking when they thought they could elect a non- politician to the presidency?
We can see that is the reason Trump never really had the backing of the Republicans either. But the Dems will never stop, they are like dogs that feed off of each others aggression.
The only party who has impeached anybody was Republicans and that was very stupid. Democrats will want more then they have now. Republicans would do it with this much or less.
Currently there are 3 reasons to impeach Trump.

1. Under the 25th amendment he is unfit to hold this office.
2. The Emoluments clause in the Constitution
3. Obstruction of Justice in the firing of James Comey.
4. Trump is also complicit in a Felony that Cohen was found guilty of, (campaign finance violations) in the payoffs of Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal.

Now today we have this National Inquirer collusion with Trump today--that implicates Trump in other matters.
Trump was at August 2015 meeting about hush money payments, source says - CNNPolitics

For the COLLUSION part--go to this link, read one article that was confirmed under sworn testimony by James Clapper (National Intelligence director) over one year ago. Watch 1 FOX NEWS video, and another of Trump admitting to Obstruction of Justice on National T.V.
Trump retweet's all those bastards that have committed treason against him.


Nancy Pelosi has already stated that she will not seek impeachment without consent of the Republican Senate. But she is going to hold open public hearings & testimony regarding crimes committed, and at that time I imagine Senate Republicans will beg her to start impeachment proceedings.

There is also talk about the Justice Department changing their stance on inditing a sitting President, and from what we're seeing today, it's very possible that they will be challenged to do just that.

A good book to prepare you for the open public hearings & testimony is this:


Frankly when the new Republican Senate is sworn in and they don't get a backbone & do something about Trump, there's not going to be too many of them left after 2020.
Those aren't reasons. They're perceptions

Of course they're REASONS under the Constitution. Trump is in violation of the Emoluments clause in the constitution that Maryland and another state is suing him over right now.
How the emoluments clause is being used to sue Trump
A judge just ruled a lawsuit accusing Trump of violating the Constitution can go forward

Would you consider someone with a 7th Grade Understanding of US policy as being FIT to hold this office? Would you consider someone that had the emotional stability of a teenage drama queen FIT to hold this office? Trump is UNFIT to hold this office and he always has been UNFIT to hold this office.

This is Trump's level of competence.

The Russian investigation speaks for itself. 6 guilty plea's, 34 Federal Grand Jury indictments, 100's of criminal charges that are certain to produce more.

Trump never wanted to be President, nor did he expect to win. That account is everywhere. He promised Melania over & over again that he could not win the election. When it was announced that he won, she broke down in sobs. Not tears of joy, but desperation. They even got into a huge argument on the day he was inaugurated. Trump jumped into this race for the millions of dollars he planned to make on the downtown Moscow Trump tower.

To do that--he had to have Vladimir Putin's personal approval, and jumping into the race was the Trump way to get his attention & approval on the Moscow Trump tower.

While Republicans stood with mouths agape

While Donald Trump was running for president in late 2015 and early 2016, his company was pursuing a plan to develop a massive Trump Tower in Moscow, according to several people familiar with the proposal and new records reviewed by Trump Organization lawyers.As part of the discussions, a Russian-born real estate developer urged Trump to come to Moscow to tout the proposal and suggested that he could get President Vladimir Putin to say “great things” about Trump, according to several people who have been briefed on his correspondence The developer, Felix Sater, predicted in a November 2015 email that he and Trump Organization leaders would soon be celebrating — both one of the biggest residential projects in real estate history and Donald Trump’s election as president, according to two of the people with knowledge of the exchange.
Trump’s business sought deal on a Trump Tower in Moscow while he ran for president


To redirect to that post where you can read one article that was confirmed by James Clapper (National intelligence director) under sworn testimony, watch 1 FOX NEWS video & another video of Trump admitting to Obstruction of Justice--(another impeachable offence)--redirect to another thread on this board by clicking here.
Trump retweet's all those bastards that have committed treason against him.
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