What’s the Logic of Mandating the Vaccine for Healthcare Workers?

COVID seems to attack weaknesses though no doubt some of that is imaginary. I know a gal who says her carpal tunnel became much worse with COVID. Oh wait, sounds like the flu.

I know another who had headaches for months after the magic shot too.

No doubt they unleashed something into former diseases (on purpose) which has a great negative affect on some. Thing of it is those shots IMO are a detriment. On the flipside, if I'm a globalist, I'm counting covid's contributions to the GDP, and reducing populations was just part of the plan.
The difference is that there are anti American idiots out there that believe meh the virus isn't a big deal. If the virus doesn't affect one long term that is true. But there are those whom are affected longer. I no longer can agree with 1 thing that Dems not repugs can support. NOT ONE. So come remove me
Best you can argue is they won’t get as sick. But they just as easily catch and spread the virus as an unvaccinated person, despite the lies from Brandon.

How about the same reason that the Flu shot has been mandatory for most healthcare workers for the last couple of decades.
Best you can argue is they won’t get as sick. But they just as easily catch and spread the virus as an unvaccinated person, despite the lies from Brandon.
Maybe we don’t want them infecting patients
Actually, the vaccine prevents people from contracting the disease, but if they do happen to have what is called a breakthrough infection (catching it after being vaccinated), they are more than likely to only have a mild case, and their chances of dying from the disease are greatly reduced. And, that sounds like a pretty good reason to get the shot to me. I'm fully vaccinated and happy about it. Didn't have any adverse reactions on the first shot, and only a very mild reaction to the second one. Gonna get my booster shot soon.

The mRNA vaccines do nothing to prevent infection at all, in any way.
But since the mRNA vaccines start your own cells growing spike proteins, that does stimulate some antibody production for up to 6 months.
But since antibodies are very bad for you if you are not infected, the mRNA injection should not be given until you ARE infected, so it can do the most good.
How about the same reason that the Flu shot has been mandatory for most healthcare workers for the last couple of decades.

No, the flu shot has never been mandatory according to the courts.
First, in Mason Hospital v. Washington State Nurses Association, the Ninth Circuit upheld an arbitrator’s decision to strike down a hospital directive that all nurses must receive the flu vaccination. 511 F.3d 908 (9th Cir. 2007). The reason for this decision was that the requirement was not implemented in accordance with the nurses’ collective bargaining agreement. Id. Second, in Chenzira v. Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, a receptionist objected to a hospital’s mandatory flu vaccination policy on the grounds that it violated her vegan dietary restrictions, which were as closely held to her as though they were religious. S.D. Ohio No. 1:11-CV-00917 (Dec. 27, 2012). The court denied a motion to dismiss, finding that the plaintiff had a plausible claim for religious discrimination. Id. Finally, though not a court case, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has stated that employees with certain disabilities or religious beliefs should be exempt from mandatory flu vaccination requirements imposed on their employees.
Best you can argue is they won’t get as sick. But they just as easily catch and spread the virus as an unvaccinated person, despite the lies from Brandon.
1) Power
2) Control
3) Wealth
4) Digital passports & the end of privacy under cover of necessity of alleged public safety

Number 4 is the main thing driving the entire CovidScam; what Bill Gates wants, Bill Gates gets.
No, the flu shot has never been mandatory according to the courts.
First, in Mason Hospital v. Washington State Nurses Association, the Ninth Circuit upheld an arbitrator’s decision to strike down a hospital directive that all nurses must receive the flu vaccination. 511 F.3d 908 (9th Cir. 2007). The reason for this decision was that the requirement was not implemented in accordance with the nurses’ collective bargaining agreement. Id. Second, in Chenzira v. Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, a receptionist objected to a hospital’s mandatory flu vaccination policy on the grounds that it violated her vegan dietary restrictions, which were as closely held to her as though they were religious. S.D. Ohio No. 1:11-CV-00917 (Dec. 27, 2012). The court denied a motion to dismiss, finding that the plaintiff had a plausible claim for religious discrimination. Id. Finally, though not a court case, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has stated that employees with certain disabilities or religious beliefs should be exempt from mandatory flu vaccination requirements imposed on their employees.

If they were not mandatory, there would not need to be disabilities or religious beliefs that needed to be exempt.

Did you even read what you wrote.
My daughter was in the hospital with covid.. 52 years old and no pre existing.. still can't smell or taste 3 months later. It's no hoax. Those that say it is are ANTI american.
I thought you said you didn't have kids?
I agree let them decide. I love love love love to see it others quit as does weatherman.

Fully vaccinated people have a much lower chance of catching or spreading covid

The problem with folks like the OP, you can't fix stupid. He thinks since Trump lost, he's going to punish the rest of us. To hell with those people.
My daughter was in the hospital with covid.. 52 years old and no pre existing.. still can't smell or taste 3 months later. It's no hoax. Those that say it is are ANTI american.
And idiots.
Best you can argue is they won’t get as sick. But they just as easily catch and spread the virus as an unvaccinated person, despite the lies from Brandon.
If it avoids hospitalization for them and keeps them out of the morgue and in-there-pitchin'... that seems sufficiently worthwhile...
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Everybody should be able to live without harassment. If they get sick, then they can be offered a free doctors visit and jab of their choice. If they aren't sick, then there's no reason to be harassing them, making their lives more stressed than they already are.

Seriously....... aside from your basic school inoculations, only hypochondriacs and sheeples get shots for diseases they don't have or will never get.

I live every day like I want to.

If I get sick, then I go to the doctor. If he tells me I need a specific shot of something, then I will get all the info I can on it before I get it. And if I don't think it's right for me, I won't get it.

Infections, diseases, and colds are going to be spread no matter how many shots you get. Hell, they don't even give preventative shots for the most contagious and deadly viruses and diseases out there.............so WHY all this bullshit about the "vaccine"????

Health care workers know what position they are in. I mean, come on, they chose to be in that profession. They know how to keep themselves clean and sanitized. If they get sick, I'm sure they get free medical care from where they work. Just leave the people alone already.
"Everybody should be able to live without harassment." And when you walk past me, unvaccinated, then get me sick, what the fuck do you call that?
Flu has been in our lives since humans existed. People were hospitalized, people died, explain the difference
There wasn't a vaccination for it centuries ago. That's the difference.

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