What’s the Logic of Mandating the Vaccine for Healthcare Workers?

The misinformation that mRNA is a safe and effective vaccine, has to be intentional.
Why else deliberately censor opposing views, keep lying that it is variants that causes loss of efficacy, banning people on social media, claiming boosters are necessary when that clearly is false, etc.?
The mRNA injections can not possibly be safe or effective.
Believing an obvious lie does not make the lie any less of a deliberate lie.

The mRNA injections are not and can not ever effect the long term T-cell immunity memory, so are not vaccines in any way.
Long term T-cell immunity memory lasts usually a life time, and at minimum, for decades.
They are deliberately lying when they are claiming the loss of mRNA injection efficacy is from variants, because the mRNA injections only start our own cells to grow spike proteins, and those spike proteins are NOT variant dependent.
They can't be because the whole point of the spike proteins is to mimic our own exosomes, so ACE2 receptors in our cells, let the virus in.

Being "fully vaxed" with boosters, is still only going to last 6 months.
And that means the mRNA injections are only a short term treatment, not a vaccine.
And it would then be better to not waste the injections ahead of time.
The injections should only be given AFTER infection, so they have the maximum effectiveness in stimulating antibodies.
Oh, rubbish... like I said... you have to be on THIS side of the ground, to worry about long-term effects...
Judges rely on facts. They research facts and everything about a case so they are ready to hear arguments on both sides.

So you are saying a USSC Justice did not bother to look up or have one other assistants look up the latest COVID numbers, facts, and figures before stepping into this case....and she just 'winged it'...spewing misinformation formation because she was ... too lazy ... too uncaring to prepare for the case...too unprofessional?!

I don't believe any of that for a second, and neither do you.

A USSC Justice, a judge on the nation's top court in the land, being unprepared for a case is as rare as a polka-dotted, flying combination unicorn and pegasus... especially being THAT unprepared as to spew out such massively false information.

Giving her the benefit of the doubt as not being that unprofessional and that unprepared, her intentional lie, then, was deliberately injected to taint .. to sway... the argument, potentially the outcome of the case...for which she needs to be removed from this case.

If she really was this unprepared for this case and ignorantly chose to spew out this misinformation on her own then she proved perhaps she doesn't belong on the USSC because the standard for being a USSC Justice is higher than this.

- Who told Sotomayor 100,000 children were extremely ill, many on ventilators, from COVID? Whose BS or talking points did she use?

.....or did she just pull the number out of her ass?
I will take my lead from our public health officials... as flawed as those pronouncements might be from time to time... rather than a legal decision...

If you catch our public health officials spewing provable B.S... that's one thing... trying to pronounce a SCOTUS bencher as an SME in that area is another...
The bottom line is this...

If vaccines keep infected public health workers off the hospitalized list and out of the morgue... then it's worth the fuss... and the coercion...
Oh, rubbish... like I said... you have to be on THIS side of the ground, to worry about long-term effects...

If you take the mRNA injection AFTER infection, it will be MUCH MORE EFFECTIVE.
Taking the mRNA injection 5 months before infection makes it almost useless and INEFFECTIVE.

And the short term effect of taking an mRNA injection when it is not needed is that it can move and then either cause your death or requiring hands or feet to need to be amputated.
While the mRNA risks may be less than covid cytokine storm risks, there is no reason to take the mRNA risk until AFTER you are for sure infected.
It does not work better if you take it sooner, it does not work as well if taken ahead of time.
The bottom line is this...

If vaccines keep infected public health workers off the hospitalized list and out of the morgue... then it's worth the fuss... and the coercion...

If taken ahead of time, the mRNA injections are LESS EFFECTIVE at keeping health workers off the hospitalized list or out of the morgue.
I will take my lead from our public health officials... as flawed as those pronouncements might be from time to time... rather than a legal decision...

If you catch our public health officials spewing provable B.S... that's one thing... trying to pronounce a SCOTUS bencher as an SME in that area is another...

What 'health care professionals' would that be?

The He-She Biden made Deputy Health Nazi responsible fior more nursing home deaths in ITS home state than Cuomo?

Fauci, the guy who helped fund COVID Gain of Function testing, committed Perjury numerous times, and has flip-flopped more times than a newly caught bass on the bottom of a boat?

The CDC, who has flip-flopped and reversed course almost as many times as Fauci and who admitted some of their decisions made were based on business not medical / medicine or science?

The WHO who lied and began protecting Xi & the CCP from the start?

Perhaps Biden,the guy who walks his dog alone on the beach while wearing a mask and says the vaccinated cannot get the virus or pass it on...the guy withholding life-saving therapeutics in order to force people to get the vaccine?
The vaccines aren't 100% effective in preventing infection but they REDUCE infections.

I'll take that and i sure as shit want NOT to get covid should I have to go to the hospital for something else so every effort to ensure against that is reasonable
The vaccines aren't 100% effective in preventing infection but they REDUCE infections.

I'll take that and i sure as shit want NOT to get covid should I have to go to the hospital for something else so every effort to ensure against that is reasonable

That is a lie.
In no way does the mRNA injection reduce infection or spread, at all, in any way.
They only reduce symptoms, by stimulating antibody production.
That does not change the number of virus you exhale.
That is a lie.
In no way does the mRNA injection reduce infection or spread, at all, in any way.
They only reduce symptoms, by stimulating antibody production.
That does not change the number of virus you exhale.
Every post YOU make is a lie including that one...so pffffft
That is a lie.
In no way does the mRNA injection reduce infection or spread, at all, in any way.
They only reduce symptoms, by stimulating antibody production.
That does not change the number of virus you exhale.
Again...you're a lying ass

Vaccines are very effective against Alpha and Delta (which are still out there killing people) and somewhat effective against omicron

"The preliminary data about omicron and vaccines is coming in quickly and is revealing lower vaccine effectiveness. Best estimates suggest vaccines are around 30%-40% effective at preventing infections and 70% effective at preventing severe disease."
Again...you're a lying ass

Vaccines are very effective against Alpha and Delta (which are still out there killing people) and somewhat effective against omicron

"The preliminary data about omicron and vaccines is coming in quickly and is revealing lower vaccine effectiveness. Best estimates suggest vaccines are around 30%-40% effective at preventing infections and 70% effective at preventing severe disease."

Only in terms of reducing symptoms, nothing else.
The claims of anything else are just total lies.
And they admit as much when they say, " 70% effective at preventing severe disease".
That does not imply any reduction of infection or spread at all.
All that implies is reduced symptoms.
What 'health care professionals' would that be?
The SMEs at CDC.
The He-She Biden made Deputy Health Nazi responsible fior more nursing home deaths in ITS home state than Cuomo?
Are you talking about the new mouthpiece for the CDC (who admittedly has big-league PR and communication problems) or the SME's at the CDC themselves?
Fauci, the guy who helped fund COVID Gain of Function testing, committed Perjury numerous times, and has flip-flopped more times than a newly caught bass on the bottom of a boat?
In this narrow context I don't care if he paid personally out-of-pocket to invent a new and undefeatable strain of bubonic plague.

At-issue is whether he is a credible S(ubject) M(atter) E(xpert) -spokesperson on behalf of his agency, to serve-up public advice on combatting COVID-19.

A good scientist will flip-flop on Topic A or B or C ( masks or surface-contact or open-schools or whatever) as the database and analysis grows and changes.

Flip-flopping in this context is NOT a negative trait... rather, it's a POSITIVE attribute indicative of objectivity and honesty and pragmatism.

He's right where he needs to be for The Duration... when it's over, you can investigate him until the cows come home, but he remains credible.

The CDC, who has flip-flopped and reversed course almost as many times as Fauci and who admitted some of their decisions made were based on business not medical / medicine or science?
Again... flip-flopping is going to happen... sometimes repeatedly... as more data comes in and is analyzed...

And... given that we're dealing with a government agency... there is ALWAYS going to be some "taint" on positions that impact the entire country...

Not exactly news...

Now... which decision(s) did you have in-mind, detrimental to the country, that were based on business rather than medical science?

The WHO who lied and began protecting Xi & the CCP from the start?
Yep... fishy at-best... I would have hoped that they would have issued a referral to the UN Security Council or General Assembly, for investigation.

But they're NOT an Enforcement Agency and have limited power, and, for all we know, they hoped for the cooperation of the ChiComs at the time.

Perhaps Biden,the guy who walks his dog alone on the beach while wearing a mask
An old man from the Old School who understands Servant Leadership and Leadership-by-Example... something Rump doesn't even understand...
and says the vaccinated cannot get the virus or pass it on...
He was wrong... was he being advised based on the sparse data that existed back then? Has he changed position as more data has come in?

Is he now saying (correctly) that the vaccine merely does a great job at preventing hospitalization and death? Objective minds change with the data.

the guy withholding life-saving therapeutics in order to force people to get the vaccine?...
What "life-saving therapeutics" is he withholding? I have heard of no government ban on any remedial drug that is proven effective.

Is any-such "ban" (and I don't believe these exist) in-place in order to force vaccine use, or because they're dangerous or otherwise simply not effective?

Why would Sleepy Old Uncle Joe want to force you to get the vaccine, other than to keep you on this side of the turf?
As expected, there’s no valid scientific reason for forcing people to be vaccinated. It does nothing to prevent infection and spread of the virus.

Imagine getting three rabies shots for your dog in a year and your dog gets rabies within a month of the last jab.
You’d be talking to your vet about being ripped off.
As expected, there’s no valid scientific reason for forcing people to be vaccinated. It does nothing to prevent infection and spread of the virus.

Imagine getting three rabies shots for your dog in a year and your dog gets rabies within a month of the last jab.
You’d be talking to your vet about being ripped off.
Dude...just stop

That crap is over

Stop whining

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