What’s the Point?

Here in USMB… because it’s a far safer alternative than letting my anger, rage, hatred and frustration out in the real world… which I did on Sunday to the tune of needing to replace a $950 television set, an interior door and patch two holes in a wall.

Here on Earth… to endure the shitty life that has been laid out for me by the powers of the Universe to the best of my ability until they decide it’s my time to die.

You're so full of shit it's incredible how desperately lonely you really are.
The Ignore List grows daily… yet I have such a hard time growing plants. Interesting.
Here in USMB… because it’s a far safer alternative than letting my anger, rage, hatred and frustration out in the real world… which I did on Sunday to the tune of needing to replace a $950 television set, an interior door and patch two holes in a wall.
What on earth inspired such rage?
My responses to disappointments and failure are rarely even moderated. Most of the time they are angry, violent and destructive.
Why do you react that way? Is it because you don't have any control over what happened?

Then maybe I was never really meant to be alive, because I’ve never been interested in dealing with many of those events.
Tragedies - What happened when you were a child?

There are no accomplishments. None of any significant value, anyway.
Then change that, starting today. What's something you want to achieve?
Then change that, starting today. What's something you want to achieve?
To be left alone in peace and quiet while the rest of the world destroys itself. To be able to literally ignore that the rest of the world even exists.
To be left alone in peace and quiet while the rest of the world destroys itself. To be able to literally ignore that the rest of the world even exists.
That's not a hard thing to do. Stop watching/listening to news if you haven't already. You don't have to be in isolation to ignore what goes on around you. Inner peace is the key. Find what "grounds" you. Do you relax more when you're outdoors and can hear birds chirping, feel the wind blowing, and/or the sound of water from a river, ocean, or creek?
That's not a hard thing to do. Stop watching/listening to news if you haven't already. You don't have to be in isolation to ignore what goes on around you. Inner peace is the key. Find what "grounds" you. Do you relax more when you're outdoors and can hear birds chirping, feel the wind blowing, and/or the sound of water from a river, ocean, or creek
No, I mean I literally don’t want to se, hear or interact with another human being for the rest of my life. To literary live in a solitary location with books to read, music to listen to (instrumental), food delivered by drone and NEVER interact with another human being ever again.
No, I mean I literally don’t want to se, hear or interact with another human being for the rest of my life. To literary live in a solitary location with books to read, music to listen to (instrumental), food delivered by drone and NEVER interact with another human being ever again.
I hit that point when my daughter died...

Where would you live out the rest of your life: mountains, beach (island), etc?
What is the point in continuing a life that has been nothing more than 49+ years of disappointment, failure, rejection and general discouragement in every facet of that life?

There is no point. I have studied on this a lot. I have come to the conclusion that it is best to stay alive just because.

You have probably noticed in those 49+ years that nothing makes any sense. Humans are capable of utilizing logic but humans aren’t logical creatures. To expect something to make sense is futile. The logical conclusion is a dark conclusion. That conclusion is that we all would be better off dead. The reason we shouldn’t is again, just because. Hang in there. Occasionally something interesting happens. Remember. You have to stay alive just because. It is the only safe conclusion. Please do not look for a logical end. You’ll find it and it ain’t pretty.
First, we all are glad that you are not "taking a bullet."

Second, I am 86.

Third, the only two people I have truly loved passed away before they or I could have imagined it.

Fourth, today could easily be my last day on earth. (A stroke? An accident? A victim of violence?)

Fifth, each morning I call my elder lawyer's office at about 5 A.M. and leave a recorded message that I have woken up on another day. (If they do not hear from me, they are supposed to send someone to my home to see whether I am still alive.)

You seem to be alive.
Why do you react that way? Is it because you don't have any control over what happened?
I react that way mostly because it’s the only way to let the negative energy out. It’s like a water boiler with a broken pressure valve. When it blows, it’s gonna be nasty.
Tragedies - What happened when you were a child?
I was born with a ver obvious and unchangeable birth defect that has influenced pretty much every part of my life in one way or another. Mostly negatively.
I react that way mostly because it’s the only way to let the negative energy out. It’s like a water boiler with a broken pressure valve. When it blows, it’s gonna be nasty.
When you know negativity is building, are you able to escape outdoors for a few hours by yourself?

I was born with a ver obvious and unchangeable birth defect that has influenced pretty much every part of my life in one way or another. Mostly negatively.
I take it the negativity you mention is from others' stupidity and ignorance. I know many people with disabilities and birth defects that can and have put "normal" people to shame after they learned how to stand up for themselves. The world is full of cruel people from all walks of life and my biggest pet peeve is just that: people that mistreat others that have disabilities/birth defects.
When you know negativity is building, are you able to escape outdoors for a few hours by yourself?
Not generally. A lot of the time I think I’ve got it under control and then something just pushes me over the edge and go from Doctor Jeckle to aMr Hyde instantly.
I take it the negativity you mention is from others' stupidity and ignorance. I know many people with disabilities and birth defects that can and have put "normal" people to shame after they learned how to stand up for themselves. The world is full of cruel people from all walks of life and my biggest pet peeve is just that: people that mistreat others that have disabilities/birth defects
I’ve overcome quite a bit in my life. What annoys me most is the people who know me without having met me in person and who suddenly have a very different opinion after meeting me in person.,
Not generally. A lot of the time I think I’ve got it under control and then something just pushes me over the edge and go from Doctor Jeckle to aMr Hyde instantly.
I think everyone is like that. We all have a breaking point.

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