What's your favorite thing about women?

YOUR life is not about fun or pleasure or love. Do not try to drag the rest of the world into that bland cesspool you call a life.

Life certainly CAN be about fun and pleasure. And love certainly SHOULD be the central theme in life.

Life can be about fun and pleasure but it was never intended to be aboit thise things. Life was, is, and should always be about Right and Wrong. Nothing more and nothing less.
what is life without love? i look back at all the poor choices i have made in life....i loved wrong....i loved hard....i loved strong....love doesnt require much....it doesnt depend on much....i have loved thru bad times and been loved thru bad times....i would rather die in my husbands arms than live without his love...

Fir me Love us a waste if time and energy. It creates too strong of a pull to ignore Right abd Wrong and do what one Wants rather than what ine Should do.
YOUR life is not about fun or pleasure or love. Do not try to drag the rest of the world into that bland cesspool you call a life.

Life certainly CAN be about fun and pleasure. And love certainly SHOULD be the central theme in life.

Life can be about fun and pleasure but it was never intended to be aboit thise things. Life was, is, and should always be about Right and Wrong. Nothing more and nothing less.

And where did you learn this little tidbit? And, btw, I do not consider keeping women as second-class citizens to be anything resembling right.
So you contend that not shooting someone is a sign of weakness? You are one sick fucker.

I believe that ANYTHING you place more value on than yourself is a potential threat to you. It offers an opportunity to get to you.

Paranoia is strong. There are things I place more value on than myself. They do not "get to me". They are my family. That you place yourself above all else, and refuse the chance at love out of a sense of fear that someone might "get to you" is just sad.
They're gifts from God. Except for libtard women who are succubi.

Good women fulfill a man's life by keeping the nest he builds neat and taking care of the kids.

It's really just that simple.

They are apt to prove to be of the race of the succubi, from whom a kissmeans death or worse.

The Balladists

You're a living breathing cliche from the 50's, you sound like the "head" of a fundamentalist muslim family. Shit, even a lot of fundy christians might admire your cro-magnon sexism. Truly a cultural fossil, they should stuff you and put you in a fucking museum when you're time comes. That's probably a bad way to say it cuz your time is long past. Too lazy to pick up your own fucking socks? You'll have to hire a fucking maid, I can't see any woman "good" or otherwise getting within spitting distance of your sorry patronising misogynistic ass. I hope at least you don't have sons or daughters who have to grow up warped by that reptilian ego. It's really just that simple.

Sorry but I've got two daughters and the thought of "men" like you still existing in the 21st century scares the hell out of me, and makes me mad as hell.
Things I like about my wife...

Her sheer physical beauty. I'm not exaggerating when I say she's a 10. She's a total fox.

Her personality and sense of humor. She's easy going and fun to joke around with.

Her intelligence. She's in medical school going for dual masters degrees. So she's got smarts.

When a woman is very intelligent and a great conversationalist, that's the formula for some mentally stimulating conversation rather than small talk all the time.

Her talent. She can draw, dance, sing and play guitar excellently. She attended a school for the performing arts from 7th to 12th grade.

Her passion and libido. We have very frequent and great sex.

So what is my favorite thing about her? The whole package!

If she feels the same way about you congrats, you're one of the luckiest men alive.
Paranoia is strong. There are things I place more value on than myself. They do not "get to me". They are my family. That you place yourself above all else, and refuse the chance at love out of a sense of fear that someone might "get to you" is just sad.

It's self-preservation, not paranoia.

If you have people or things that mean more to you than you value yourself they can be used to get to you. What would you give/do to get your spouse or kids back from a kidnapper? See my point?
Paranoia is strong. There are things I place more value on than myself. They do not "get to me". They are my family. That you place yourself above all else, and refuse the chance at love out of a sense of fear that someone might "get to you" is just sad.

It's self-preservation, not paranoia.

If you have people or things that mean more to you than you value yourself they can be used to get to you. What would you give/do to get your spouse or kids back from a kidnapper? See my point?

Oh I see your point. That is why I continually say it is sad.

Yes, I would give anything I own to get my spouse or my children (grown or not) back from kidnappers. Without question or hesitation. There are no material possessions that come close to what I feel for my family. I can get new "things".

My question to you is, what do you have that you value more than your spouse?
o m g...really.....i love the bestest baby and would take a bullet for her...she is not blood...but she is loved unconditionally by me....to never know the joy of a baby reaching up to you....wanting you to pick her up and love on her....to never walk into a room where everyone in that room loves you and wants the best for you.....i could just go on and on....but you see my point.....

the inability to take the chance has crippled you and you will never know what you have missed....and yea its a bitch when someone leaves or dies...or breaks your heart and just rocks your world....but damn that is what is called life..and you have opted out on it....
and the funniest part... most of us would take a bullet for anyones child....human nature? i do not know....people risk all for total strangers....perhaps humanity if more than love?
... then there are mothers that put their own babies in trash cans......
Oh I see your point. That is why I continually say it is sad.

Yes, I would give anything I own to get my spouse or my children (grown or not) back from kidnappers. Without question or hesitation. There are no material possessions that come close to what I feel for my family. I can get new "things".

My question to you is, what do you have that you value more than your spouse?

There is really nothing in this world which I couldn't live without. Maybe that's what makes me different than most people.

I grew up with very little in terms of luxuries abd few friends. The loss of my father in 2001 crushed what small amount of positive emotion there was in me. It's about that simple.
Oh I see your point. That is why I continually say it is sad.

Yes, I would give anything I own to get my spouse or my children (grown or not) back from kidnappers. Without question or hesitation. There are no material possessions that come close to what I feel for my family. I can get new "things".

My question to you is, what do you have that you value more than your spouse?

There is really nothing in this world which I couldn't live without. Maybe that's what makes me different than most people.

I grew up with very little in terms of luxuries abd few friends. The loss of my father in 2001 crushed what small amount of positive emotion there was in me. It's about that simple.

I'm very close to being there with you Anathema. People don't understand, but, there is a comfort to being like this.... I have never understood the culture we live in where people feel they are OWED luxuries.....

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