What's your favorite thing about women?

sad that your god is that selfish.....that he would prefer this empty life of yours for you...as long as you cling to him...

Oh, don't pin my stuff on God. He'd rather me be out loving others... I'm the selfish one.....
one cannot fight the order of things....no one likes being an orphan at any age....why are you so broken by death.....it is just the way again of life.....

I'm not an orphan. My mother will celebrate her 70th birthday in December.

My issue was with the way he died and the age he died at (on his 54th birthday). He deserved far better than he received, despite being one of the few truly GOOD people I've ever known.

at least you have known ONE ....
dont you believe that your god pre determines things for you and all....you thank him for your blessings but wont curse him for your ills? why is that
People don't even really care. It's all about ME what can you do for me.
Where are the GOOD TIMES?

When things get REALLY ugly people bail or are just of no help, so, why bother?
That's where you are able to measure and separate who is friend and who is an acquaintance. And yes acquaintances masquerading as friends are in it for themselves only...

I'm talking family here.... I don't have any expectations from acquaintances - but, I don't really have any expectations from family or friends either - they are all rather useless during bad times....

I actually see no difference....
the inability to take the chance has crippled you and you will never know what you have missed....and yea its a bitch when someone leaves or dies...or breaks your heart and just rocks your world....but damn that is what is called life..and you have opted out on it....

If that is Life, I will opt out at every chance available. Better not to play the game than to lose st it.

Refusing to play is the same as losing.
Nothing you couldn't live without, and yet you think love is bad because it allows others to get to you & take what you have.

In other words, you have nothing you value.

The things I value are not physical. Being in Control of my iwn life. Knowing that I can provide for myself, thst the bills are paid and there's enough money to get to the next paycheck. Kniwin that nobidy can tell me what to think or do. Thise are the things I value
the inability to take the chance has crippled you and you will never know what you have missed....and yea its a bitch when someone leaves or dies...or breaks your heart and just rocks your world....but damn that is what is called life..and you have opted out on it....

If that is Life, I will opt out at every chance available. Better not to play the game than to lose st it.

Refusing to play is the same as losing.

dont you believe that your god pre determines things for you and all....you thank him for your blessings but wont curse him for your ills? why is that

Because he's perfect. Any bad things in my life are my own doing.
I don't really have any ills, I have my health, a job, a home.
People need to feel someone loves them as they are, only God can, because I am not a lovable person.
As I stated before, as long as I'm all funny, happy and cheerful, people want to be around....otherwise....
Plus, anytime I start to feel good about life and myself, people want to put/push me down. I get tired of that.
Nothing you couldn't live without, and yet you think love is bad because it allows others to get to you & take what you have.

In other words, you have nothing you value.

The things I value are not physical. Being in Control of my iwn life. Knowing that I can provide for myself, thst the bills are paid and there's enough money to get to the next paycheck. Kniwin that nobidy can tell me what to think or do. Thise are the things I value

I value those things too. Love does not preclude that.
dont you believe that your god pre determines things for you and all....you thank him for your blessings but wont curse him for your ills? why is that

Because he's perfect. Any bad things in my life are my own doing.
I don't really have any ills, I have my health, a job, a home.
People need to feel someone loves them as they are, only God can, because I am not a lovable person.
As I stated before, as long as I'm all funny, happy and cheerful, people want to be around....otherwise....
Plus, anytime I start to feel good about life and myself, people want to put/push me down. I get tired of that.
..as long as you are secure in your own being nobody can put/push you down...
dont you believe that your god pre determines things for you and all....you thank him for your blessings but wont curse him for your ills? why is that

Because he's perfect. Any bad things in my life are my own doing.
I don't really have any ills, I have my health, a job, a home.
People need to feel someone loves them as they are, only God can, because I am not a lovable person.
As I stated before, as long as I'm all funny, happy and cheerful, people want to be around....otherwise....
Plus, anytime I start to feel good about life and myself, people want to put/push me down. I get tired of that.

Of course you are a lovable person. As long as you are willing to love.
Refusing to play is the same as losing.

I disagree. It's getting involved in the game that's the losing proposition. Not playing ensures you keep what you have no matter what.

Lets you keep what? You say you value your ability to provide for yourself and your financial security. If you keep working and don't blow money foolishly, loving someone doesn't effect that.
dont you believe that your god pre determines things for you and all....you thank him for your blessings but wont curse him for your ills? why is that

Because he's perfect. Any bad things in my life are my own doing.
I don't really have any ills, I have my health, a job, a home.
People need to feel someone loves them as they are, only God can, because I am not a lovable person.
As I stated before, as long as I'm all funny, happy and cheerful, people want to be around....otherwise....
Plus, anytime I start to feel good about life and myself, people want to put/push me down. I get tired of that.
..as long as you are secure in your own being nobody can put/push you down...

I'm a human being - and when it comes to jobs, yes, they can. They can keep you from getting promoted and if people like you or you work too much, they can put the screws to you. I have been blessed with jobs I love only to have jealous people make life a living hell.
dont you believe that your god pre determines things for you and all....you thank him for your blessings but wont curse him for your ills? why is that

Because he's perfect. Any bad things in my life are my own doing.
I don't really have any ills, I have my health, a job, a home.
People need to feel someone loves them as they are, only God can, because I am not a lovable person.
As I stated before, as long as I'm all funny, happy and cheerful, people want to be around....otherwise....
Plus, anytime I start to feel good about life and myself, people want to put/push me down. I get tired of that.

Of course you are a lovable person. As long as you are willing to love.

Which comes first? The chicken or the egg?
It gets very old having to always be the person to initiate....
Lets you keep what? You say you value your ability to provide for yourself and your financial security. If you keep working and don't blow money foolishly, loving someone doesn't effect that.

Lets you keep control. These attachments tend to make one foolish. Like my sister-in-law who spent $160 on a vet visit for her dog yesterday when the animal clearly needs to be put down for its own well being. But ibstead she spent more than half of her state cash assistance check on medication for an animal that's already 90% dead.

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