What's your favorite thing about women?

the inability to take the chance has crippled you and you will never know what you have missed....and yea its a bitch when someone leaves or dies...or breaks your heart and just rocks your world....but damn that is what is called life..and you have opted out on it....

If that is Life, I will opt out at every chance available. Better not to play the game than to lose st it.
the inability to take the chance has crippled you and you will never know what you have missed....and yea its a bitch when someone leaves or dies...or breaks your heart and just rocks your world....but damn that is what is called life..and you have opted out on it....

If that is Life, I will opt out at every chance available. Better not to play the game than to lose st it.

owner of a lonely heart, much better than an owner of a broken heart... I'm with you Anathema
one cannot fight the order of things....no one likes being an orphan at any age....why are you so broken by death.....it is just the way again of life.....
Oh I see your point. That is why I continually say it is sad.

Yes, I would give anything I own to get my spouse or my children (grown or not) back from kidnappers. Without question or hesitation. There are no material possessions that come close to what I feel for my family. I can get new "things".

My question to you is, what do you have that you value more than your spouse?

There is really nothing in this world which I couldn't live without. Maybe that's what makes me different than most people.

I grew up with very little in terms of luxuries abd few friends. The loss of my father in 2001 crushed what small amount of positive emotion there was in me. It's about that simple.

Nothing you couldn't live without, and yet you think love is bad because it allows others to get to you & take what you have.

In other words, you have nothing you value.
one of my closest and oldest friends died in feb...of this year...to this day.....i get a hollow feeling when i realize my friend is gone...he ended every visit with a hug and a verbal i love you....i expect to mourn for a while...you dont get over 38 years of friendship in a few months...maybe not i a few years....but i smile more in his memory and you arent really gone till no one remembers you and says you name....so he may never be gone to me
People don't even really care. It's all about ME what can you do for me.
Where are the GOOD TIMES?

When things get REALLY ugly people bail or are just of no help, so, why bother?
Oh I see your point. That is why I continually say it is sad.

Yes, I would give anything I own to get my spouse or my children (grown or not) back from kidnappers. Without question or hesitation. There are no material possessions that come close to what I feel for my family. I can get new "things".

My question to you is, what do you have that you value more than your spouse?

There is really nothing in this world which I couldn't live without. Maybe that's what makes me different than most people.

I grew up with very little in terms of luxuries abd few friends. The loss of my father in 2001 crushed what small amount of positive emotion there was in me. It's about that simple.

Nothing you couldn't live without, and yet you think love is bad because it allows others to get to you & take what you have.

In other words, you have nothing you value.

What's wrong with not having anything you value. It can't be lost and you can't get hurt then. Perfect sense!
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I find people to be basically useless unless they can make it go away.
I find no comfort in people caring, I don't need an arm around me or someone to listen.
I need it fixed, or leave me alone.
if you have nothing of value you are morally empty....that is what is wrong...nothing of value....think that thru

I wouldn't say that. I don't want to kill anyone or steal etc. I value my relationship with God, but, he'll never leave me - and I can count that. Anything or anyone else, nope.
People don't even really care. It's all about ME what can you do for me.
Where are the GOOD TIMES?

When things get REALLY ugly people bail or are just of no help, so, why bother?
That's where you are able to measure and separate who is friend and who is an acquaintance. And yes acquaintances masquerading as friends are in it for themselves only...
one cannot fight the order of things....no one likes being an orphan at any age....why are you so broken by death.....it is just the way again of life.....

I'm not an orphan. My mother will celebrate her 70th birthday in December.

My issue was with the way he died and the age he died at (on his 54th birthday). He deserved far better than he received, despite being one of the few truly GOOD people I've ever known.

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