What's your guess for the sentence?

He should be sentenced in line with others found guilty of this class of felony.
Our positions are mainstream. They have strong majority support across the board. That's why we slap you around so easily in elections.

Your positions are kook extremist fascist-commie. You've gone so far around on the right, you're coming back on the left.

That's why you've dialed the cheating up to "11". Republicans know they can't win if they don't cheat.
Left-wing looneys are no the majority of Americans? Shit, have we really sunk as low as that?
It's all for show. They just want to get us all riled up and start a war.
Ok, precedent for the President. When is the last time that a President committed a felony by paying hush money to his whore to keep quiet, even though that is not necessarily illegal, and um..................what is the charge again?

IIRC ... he wasn't President at the time ...

Yes, falsifying business records is a crime ... it's called fraud ... funny you didn't know that ... have you gone through the court records yet and learned what judges normally sentence the convicted to? ...
Again, what felony did Trump commit and what is the precedent for sentence for that felony?

Are you saying you have no idea as to either?

How many times does it need to be repeated?

Trump was found guilty of 34 counts of FALSIFYING BUSINESS RECORDS IN THE FIRST DEGREE

4 people that Bragg's office previously prosecuted for this crime recieved jail time, though typically there would not be jail time for a first time offender.

Trump's behavior however is not typical and any other offender that displays such disdain to the court and unrepentance to their criminal conduct would not-unreasonably see some jail time.
How many times does it need to be repeated?

Trump was found guilty of 34 counts of FALSIFYING BUSINESS RECORDS IN THE FIRST DEGREE

4 people that Bragg's office previously prosecuted for this crime recieved jail time, though typically there would not be jail time for a first time offender.

Trump's behavior however is not typical and any other offender that displays such disdain to the court and unrepentance to their criminal conduct would not-unreasonably see some jail time.
So, how much jail time did they get?

And why is Trump the first to get jail time the first time round?
What does it matter if Trump can or cannot cast his single vote?
Of DeSantis allows Trump to vote he will have some problems since he is NOT allowing many others in similar circumstances to vote
I hear democrats on here saying that Trump should not have to go to jail after they convicted him of a felony.


You found him guilty of a felony, so he has to go to jail

In addition, if you are going to also blame Trump for 1/6, and then sentence people who broke laws on 1/6 with a sentence of solitary confinement and up to 30 years in jail, then they also need to give Trump the same treatment, if not worse.

What am I missing here?

Get'er done democrats!!

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If not, we will all have to conclude this trial was a sham and only intended for him to win an election verses seeking justice.
Fuck you, dude! This trial was not a sham and Trump deserves to go to jail. Just like all those other pieces of shit Americans on Jan 6th.
Fuck you, dude! This trial was not a sham and Trump deserves to go to jail. Just like all those other pieces of shit Americans on Jan 6th.

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