What's your guess for the sentence?

Yes. All we need is a court and judges who will follow the law instead of political orders.
You seriously imagine that Trump would EVER admit any guilt no matter how fair the court is?

No silly, he would not ever admit any culpability. He would tell you how he is a victim of "crooked" prosecutors, judges and even his own defense picked jurors...and dupes like you will nod right along, posting on here about how we need fair courts.
You seriously imagine that Trump would EVER admit any guilt no matter how fair the court is?

No silly, he would not. He would tell you how he is a victim of "crooked" prosecutors, judges and even his own defense picked jurors...and dupes like you will nod right along.
MAGA IS TRULY A CULT. It will take years to deprogram the poor schmucks who have been sucked into the MAGA cult.
You seriously imagine that Trump would EVER admit any guilt no matter how fair the court is?

No silly, he would not ever admit any culpability. He would tell you how he is a victim of "crooked" prosecutors, judges and even his own defense picked jurors...and dupes like you will nod right along, posting on here about how we need fair courts.
Anybody who thinks that New York trial was conducted by anybody OTHER than a crooked prosecutor and judge given all the overwhelming evidence to the contrary is the one being duped.
Anybody who thinks that New York trial was conducted by anybody OTHER than a crooked prosecutor and judge given all the overwhelming evidence to the contrary is the one being duped.

12 defense-aproved jurists UNANIMOUSLY say you are full of shit like your Dear Leader and guilt is well established.

Trump yet again got caught lying in his bussiness records, yet again found liable for his lies and you keep pointing finger at everyone EXCEPT the guy that keeps getting impeached, indicted, found liable and now criminaly convicted. :slap:

The problem is Trump himself, DUH.
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12 defense-aproved jurists UNANIMOUSLY say you are full of shit like your Dear Leader and guilt is well established.
The defense did not approve the jury. The defense is only allowed so many rejections of jurors. The jury was selected in a district in which more than 9 out of 10 voters voted Democrat.
The defense did not approve the jury. The defense is only allowed so many rejections of jurors. The jury was selected in a district in which more than 9 out of 10 voters voted Democrat.

Go ahead and name the district.

They had a pool of 96 juries, 60 of whom said they could not be impartial, leaving a pool of 36 jurors who stated they felt they could be impartial, who then were vetted by the defense.

At the end of the day Trump's defense couldn't find even one, that would go along with their stupid denials.
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Anybody who thinks that New York trial was conducted by anybody OTHER than a crooked prosecutor and judge given all the overwhelming evidence to the contrary is the one being duped.
What overwhelming evidence? The defense had nothing and Donald refused to testify.
I would sentence him to attend high school English class. Regardless of guilt, he needs some help there.

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