When 10s of thousands of people protest in one day, one has to wonder why Trump supporters...

...still haven't figured out how god awful Trump is. It has to give them pause. Now of course cons want to say liberals are a bunch of pansies, but apparently they are too stupid to realize that this level of protest has never occurred for any previous republican president. Disdain for Trump is at an unprecedented level for a president that's only been in office for a month.

Trump is a stupid, whiney, insecure, and corrupt sack of shit. Quit trying to pretend otherwise, Trumpsters.

‘Not My President’s Day’: Thousands Protest President Trump in Rallies Across U.S.

Keep showing America why you children with your temper tantrums should never again be allowed to hold political power.

You are why the next democratic president hasn't been born yet.
...still haven't figured out how god awful Trump is. It has to give them pause. Now of course cons want to say liberals are a bunch of pansies, but apparently they are too stupid to realize that this level of protest has never occurred for any previous republican president. Disdain for Trump is at an unprecedented level for a president that's only been in office for a month.

Trump is a stupid, whiney, insecure, and corrupt sack of shit. Quit trying to pretend otherwise, Trumpsters.

‘Not My President’s Day’: Thousands Protest President Trump in Rallies Across U.S.

He won the election.

He is the president.

It's you that should quit trying to pretend otherwise.

You are the head pussy. All you can do is whine and complain.

You lost.

Suck on it.

Yes, he won.
Yes, he is president.
He's still a spoiled idiot who is in over his head, doesn't have the slightest idea what to do next, and is an embarrassment to the country.

For someone who doesn't know what he is doing he certainly is busy doing it

He's been there about a month, and has already taken a 2 week vacation and 3 trips to Florida to play golf.
I was not a supporter of Trump for President, as he was not my first choice. But then Clinton should have been arrested and tried for several federal felonies which as a former Army officer I know all to well and for which men are servings prison terms currently. A felon should not be allowed to run for president which Hillary is period. That said I have my doubts about Trump but he is just as qualified as Barack Obama was when he took office. I told the minister at my church what Obama was and what he would do while president and he proved me right much to the chagrin of my minister. People are calling Trump a liar but if you look back a Obama's last eight years you can find him constantly and deliberately lying to the American people and yet no one seemed to care much less trying to hold him accountable for ALL HIS LIES! I wonder why that is?

Unfortunately for you Clinton is out of the picture. She was cleared over any Criminal Charges, and in fact the DOJ has announced another investigation into Comey's failure to follow long standing DOJ protocol. It may actually be him that gets "locked up." Until you people learn that FOX News is not a Judicial branch of government, with a court room, a judge, jury and legal defense team you're going to continue to be dumbed down Americans.

We are talking about TREASON here. Benghazi and emails pale in comparison. If Republicans can do 8 separate investigations into Benghazi, it's not hard to imagine what Democrats will be doing over TREASON.

They have the phone records that prove this. Phone records never go away.


DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI
Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comey’s ‘breach of protocol’
DOJ Complaint Filed Against FBI Director James Comey For Interfering In Presidential Election

And a couple of your favorites on the Judiciary board of FOX News look to be involved in this. They may also get "locked up."
Meet Donald Trump’s Top FBI Fanboy

There is NO ONE in this country today, that believes Trump would be POTUS without the assistance of Vladimir Putin, and FBI Director James Comey's assistance. Add to this, that she won the popular vote by 3 million, makes Trump the most illegitimate President ever to be sworn into the Oval office.

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This isn't a melt down, this is a rising up. It's not sour grapes that Hillary lost, it's a reminder to politicians to "do their job" in maintaining a check and a balance on the guy in the White House. Keep him honest.

So far, Trump's lies have continued unabated, as has his corruption. And his level of personal spending on the taxpayer's dime is unprecedented.
Nah, it's just a bunch of baby libtards crying about not getting their way. Obama added 10 trillion dollars to our debt, not a peep from the likes of you so you are 100% full of excrement.

Just keep saying that--all you Baghdad Bob's out there--LOL "It's not happening, it's not happening, it's just a russsse."--LOL





And here again is what is going on in Republican Town halls across this country right now. Senate & House republican members have been warned about the "Welcome Home" parties. This is SALT LAKE CITY, Utah considered the most conservative state in the Nation, and I doubt you could count 30 Democrats living there.

Republican town halls are getting very, very nasty

You have awoken a sleeping Giant in this country by making Trump the poster boy of the Republican party, and it's PISSED. You have effectively killed the Republican party.


For more pictures on the woman's march and to see what was going on in your home state go to this link:
Woman's march pictures
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Keep it up. You all look like the unhinged fools that you are.

10s of thousands of people are all unhinged huh?

No, obviously it's a hell of a lot more than that who are totally unhinged.. It's just that only tens of thousands of them are protesting. These are the ignorant hypocrites who condemned Trump for not accepting the election results in advance under any and all conditions (even if fraud was involved??). You know, the ones who blamed Russian interference in the election for Hillary's defeat; the ones who saw no wrong in threatening members of the electoral college to get them to change their vote. Yes, those whining, self-absorbed, double-standard losers.

Protesting this early in a the term of a newly elected president is unheard of and is a sign of absolute desperation on the part of the ultra-liberal open borders, men-in-women's-bathrooms fanatics. On a personal level, what do you make of the fact that only tens of thousands of people are protesting while tens of millions of people are not. For Christ's sake, sir, you should know that the easiest thing in the world to do is get tens of thousands of people to protest almost anything. George Soros can fund that many protesters with what he would consider to be pocket change. If you don't know he's done it before you need to find a more reliable source of information. Quite watching CNC and the rest of the biased MSM and try the Internet.

From a purely logical perspective, tens of thousand of protesters does not prove that Trump is ineffective. It merely proves that tens of thousands of uninformed mindless sheep can be convinced to engage in senseless demonstrations, either through mental manipulation or financial reward. The protesters, contrary to what you may think, do not represent those of use who are independent thinkers. You believe the protesters make Trump look bad. I think they make the Democratic party look like the personification of all that is stupid, vindictive, hateful and anti-American. They present themselves as cowards who lack the courage to accept realty preferring instead to live in a dream world where their opinions are the only ones that matter and their every wish is catered to. Three words: fuck them all.
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I was not a supporter of Trump for President, as he was not my first choice. But then Clinton should have been arrested and tried for several federal felonies which as a former Army officer I know all to well and for which men are servings prison terms currently. A felon should not be allowed to run for president which Hillary is period. That said I have my doubts about Trump but he is just as qualified as Barack Obama was when he took office. I told the minister at my church what Obama was and what he would do while president and he proved me right much to the chagrin of my minister. People are calling Trump a liar but if you look back a Obama's last eight years you can find him constantly and deliberately lying to the American people and yet no one seemed to care much less trying to hold him accountable for ALL HIS LIES! I wonder why that is?

Unfortunately for you Clinton is out of the picture. She was cleared over any Criminal Charges, and in fact the DOJ has announced another investigation into Comey's failure to follow long standing DOJ protocol. It may actually be him that gets "locked up." Until you people learn that FOX News is not a Judicial branch of government, with a court room, a judge, jury and legal defense team you're going to continue to be dumbed down Americans.

We are talking about TREASON here. Benghazi and emails pale in comparison. If Republicans can do 8 separate investigations into Benghazi, it's not hard to imagine what Democrats will be doing over TREASON.

They have the phone records that prove this. Phone records never go away.


DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI
Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comey’s ‘breach of protocol’
DOJ Complaint Filed Against FBI Director James Comey For Interfering In Presidential Election

And a couple of your favorites on the Judiciary board of FOX News look to be involved in this. They may also get "locked up."
Meet Donald Trump’s Top FBI Fanboy

There is NO ONE in this country today, that believes Trump would be POTUS without the assistance of Vladimir Putin, and FBI Director James Comey's assistance. Add to this, that she won the popular vote by 3 million, makes Trump the most illegitimate President ever to be sworn into the Oval office.

Hold on to that. It might help in the coming years.

Here's a question: What do they call the guy who graduates last in his class in medical school?

Answer: Doctor.

Same with Trump. Whether you like it or not, think whatever you will about it, Trump is president, Hillary is not.

Keep it up. You all look like the unhinged fools that you are.
10s of thousands of people are all unhinged huh?

Of course not. It's obviously a hell of a lot more than that but only tens of thousands are protesting. Evey one who complained that Trumpsw's refusal to acdcept the elction returns in advnace

Keep it up. You all look like the unhinged fools that you are.
10s of thousands of people are all unhinged huh?

No, obviously it's a hell of a lot more than that who are totally unhinged.. It's just that only tens of thousands of them are protesting. These are the ignorant hypocrites who condemned Trump for not accepting the election results in advance under any and all conditions (even if fraud was involved??). You know, the ones who blamed Russian interference in the election for Hillary's defeat; the ones who saw no wrong in threatening members of the electoral college to get them to change their vote. Yes, those whining, self-absorbed, double-standard losers.

Protesting this early in a the term of a newly elected president is unheard of and is a sign of absolute desperation on the part of the ultra-liberal open borders, men-in-women's-bathrooms fanatics. On a personal level, what do you make of the fact that only tens of thousands of people are protesting while tens of millions of people are not. For Christ's sake, sir, you should know that the easiest thing in the world to do is get tens of thousands of people to protest almost anything. George Soros can fund that many protesters with what he would consider to be pocket change. If you don't know he's done it before you need to find a more reliable source of information. Quite watching CNC and the rest of the biased MSM and try the Internet.

From a purely logical perspective, tens of thousand of protesters does not prove that Trump is ineffective. It merely proves that tens of thousands of uninformed mindless sheep can be convinced to engage in senseless demonstrations, either through mental manipulation or financial reward. The protesters, contrary to what you may think, do not represent those of use who are independent thinkers. You believe the protesters make Trump look bad. I think they make the Democratic party look like the personification of all that is stupid, vindictive, hateful and anti-American. They present themselves as cowards who lack the courage to accept realty preferring instead to live in a dream world where their opinions are the only ones that matter and their every wish is catered to. Three words: fuck them all.

Yeah they're all mindless sheep--LOL You've got a lot of people to fuck. Hope your dick is up for it.







why does no-one pay any attention to us outside of our own echo-chamber?

and who exactly doesn't get it again?


Keep it up. You all look like the unhinged fools that you are.
10s of thousands of people are all unhinged huh?

Of course not. It's obviously a hell of a lot more than that but only tens of thousands are protesting. Evey one who complained that Trumpsw's refusal to acdcept the elction returns in advnace

Keep it up. You all look like the unhinged fools that you are.
10s of thousands of people are all unhinged huh?

No, obviously it's a hell of a lot more than that who are totally unhinged.. It's just that only tens of thousands of them are protesting. These are the ignorant hypocrites who condemned Trump for not accepting the election results in advance under any and all conditions (even if fraud was involved??). You know, the ones who blamed Russian interference in the election for Hillary's defeat; the ones who saw no wrong in threatening members of the electoral college to get them to change their vote. Yes, those whining, self-absorbed, double-standard losers.

Protesting this early in a the term of a newly elected president is unheard of and is a sign of absolute desperation on the part of the ultra-liberal open borders, men-in-women's-bathrooms fanatics. On a personal level, what do you make of the fact that only tens of thousands of people are protesting while tens of millions of people are not. For Christ's sake, sir, you should know that the easiest thing in the world to do is get tens of thousands of people to protest almost anything. George Soros can fund that many protesters with what he would consider to be pocket change. If you don't know he's done it before you need to find a more reliable source of information. Quite watching CNC and the rest of the biased MSM and try the Internet.

From a purely logical perspective, tens of thousand of protesters does not prove that Trump is ineffective. It merely proves that tens of thousands of uninformed mindless sheep can be convinced to engage in senseless demonstrations, either through mental manipulation or financial reward. The protesters, contrary to what you may think, do not represent those of use who are independent thinkers. You believe the protesters make Trump look bad. I think they make the Democratic party look like the personification of all that is stupid, vindictive, hateful and anti-American. They present themselves as cowards who lack the courage to accept realty preferring instead to live in a dream world where their opinions are the only ones that matter and their every wish is catered to. Three words: fuck them all.

Yeah they're all mindless sheep--LOL You've got a lot of people to fuck. Hope your dick is up for it.








Wow. The Race Card, what a shock.

These assholes have nothing to say. They are just upset that they didn't win.


Keep it up. You all look like the unhinged fools that you are.
10s of thousands of people are all unhinged huh?

Of course not. It's obviously a hell of a lot more than that but only tens of thousands are protesting. Evey one who complained that Trumpsw's refusal to acdcept the elction returns in advnace

Keep it up. You all look like the unhinged fools that you are.
10s of thousands of people are all unhinged huh?

No, obviously it's a hell of a lot more than that who are totally unhinged.. It's just that only tens of thousands of them are protesting. These are the ignorant hypocrites who condemned Trump for not accepting the election results in advance under any and all conditions (even if fraud was involved??). You know, the ones who blamed Russian interference in the election for Hillary's defeat; the ones who saw no wrong in threatening members of the electoral college to get them to change their vote. Yes, those whining, self-absorbed, double-standard losers.

Protesting this early in a the term of a newly elected president is unheard of and is a sign of absolute desperation on the part of the ultra-liberal open borders, men-in-women's-bathrooms fanatics. On a personal level, what do you make of the fact that only tens of thousands of people are protesting while tens of millions of people are not. For Christ's sake, sir, you should know that the easiest thing in the world to do is get tens of thousands of people to protest almost anything. George Soros can fund that many protesters with what he would consider to be pocket change. If you don't know he's done it before you need to find a more reliable source of information. Quite watching CNC and the rest of the biased MSM and try the Internet.

From a purely logical perspective, tens of thousand of protesters does not prove that Trump is ineffective. It merely proves that tens of thousands of uninformed mindless sheep can be convinced to engage in senseless demonstrations, either through mental manipulation or financial reward. The protesters, contrary to what you may think, do not represent those of use who are independent thinkers. You believe the protesters make Trump look bad. I think they make the Democratic party look like the personification of all that is stupid, vindictive, hateful and anti-American. They present themselves as cowards who lack the courage to accept realty preferring instead to live in a dream world where their opinions are the only ones that matter and their every wish is catered to. Three words: fuck them all.

Yeah they're all mindless sheep--LOL You've got a lot of people to fuck. Hope your dick is up for it.








Wow. The Race Card, what a shock.

These assholes have nothing to say. They are just upset that they didn't win.

lol the denial you people have over Trump is palpable.
That is sure is a lot of trust fund babies with no jobs who major in arts and letters.

Not one of those losers pay their own bills.

Does any actual working person have the time to go to a protest?



Keep it up. You all look like the unhinged fools that you are.
10s of thousands of people are all unhinged huh?

Of course not. It's obviously a hell of a lot more than that but only tens of thousands are protesting. Evey one who complained that Trumpsw's refusal to acdcept the elction returns in advnace

Keep it up. You all look like the unhinged fools that you are.
10s of thousands of people are all unhinged huh?

No, obviously it's a hell of a lot more than that who are totally unhinged.. It's just that only tens of thousands of them are protesting. These are the ignorant hypocrites who condemned Trump for not accepting the election results in advance under any and all conditions (even if fraud was involved??). You know, the ones who blamed Russian interference in the election for Hillary's defeat; the ones who saw no wrong in threatening members of the electoral college to get them to change their vote. Yes, those whining, self-absorbed, double-standard losers.

Protesting this early in a the term of a newly elected president is unheard of and is a sign of absolute desperation on the part of the ultra-liberal open borders, men-in-women's-bathrooms fanatics. On a personal level, what do you make of the fact that only tens of thousands of people are protesting while tens of millions of people are not. For Christ's sake, sir, you should know that the easiest thing in the world to do is get tens of thousands of people to protest almost anything. George Soros can fund that many protesters with what he would consider to be pocket change. If you don't know he's done it before you need to find a more reliable source of information. Quite watching CNC and the rest of the biased MSM and try the Internet.

From a purely logical perspective, tens of thousand of protesters does not prove that Trump is ineffective. It merely proves that tens of thousands of uninformed mindless sheep can be convinced to engage in senseless demonstrations, either through mental manipulation or financial reward. The protesters, contrary to what you may think, do not represent those of use who are independent thinkers. You believe the protesters make Trump look bad. I think they make the Democratic party look like the personification of all that is stupid, vindictive, hateful and anti-American. They present themselves as cowards who lack the courage to accept realty preferring instead to live in a dream world where their opinions are the only ones that matter and their every wish is catered to. Three words: fuck them all.

Yeah they're all mindless sheep--LOL You've got a lot of people to fuck. Hope your dick is up for it.








You obviously don't understand metaphor ... or logic.

You believe that tens of thousands of protestors out of tens of millions of voters determin what is factual. You cannot conceive that there are professional protesters; you cannot comprehend there are those who can be manipulated into believing things that are not true; and finally, you believe that protesters somehow know more than those who are pleased with the existing conditions and have no resaon to protest. Good for you. Live a long and peaceful life. I don't agree with you. I will give you the last word. You made your point, I've made mine and there is nothing more to say.

Keep it up. You all look like the unhinged fools that you are.
10s of thousands of people are all unhinged huh?

Of course not. It's obviously a hell of a lot more than that but only tens of thousands are protesting. Evey one who complained that Trumpsw's refusal to acdcept the elction returns in advnace

Keep it up. You all look like the unhinged fools that you are.
10s of thousands of people are all unhinged huh?

No, obviously it's a hell of a lot more than that who are totally unhinged.. It's just that only tens of thousands of them are protesting. These are the ignorant hypocrites who condemned Trump for not accepting the election results in advance under any and all conditions (even if fraud was involved??). You know, the ones who blamed Russian interference in the election for Hillary's defeat; the ones who saw no wrong in threatening members of the electoral college to get them to change their vote. Yes, those whining, self-absorbed, double-standard losers.

Protesting this early in a the term of a newly elected president is unheard of and is a sign of absolute desperation on the part of the ultra-liberal open borders, men-in-women's-bathrooms fanatics. On a personal level, what do you make of the fact that only tens of thousands of people are protesting while tens of millions of people are not. For Christ's sake, sir, you should know that the easiest thing in the world to do is get tens of thousands of people to protest almost anything. George Soros can fund that many protesters with what he would consider to be pocket change. If you don't know he's done it before you need to find a more reliable source of information. Quite watching CNC and the rest of the biased MSM and try the Internet.

From a purely logical perspective, tens of thousand of protesters does not prove that Trump is ineffective. It merely proves that tens of thousands of uninformed mindless sheep can be convinced to engage in senseless demonstrations, either through mental manipulation or financial reward. The protesters, contrary to what you may think, do not represent those of use who are independent thinkers. You believe the protesters make Trump look bad. I think they make the Democratic party look like the personification of all that is stupid, vindictive, hateful and anti-American. They present themselves as cowards who lack the courage to accept realty preferring instead to live in a dream world where their opinions are the only ones that matter and their every wish is catered to. Three words: fuck them all.

Yeah they're all mindless sheep--LOL You've got a lot of people to fuck. Hope your dick is up for it.








Wow. The Race Card, what a shock.

These assholes have nothing to say. They are just upset that they didn't win.

lol the denial you people have over Trump is palpable.
Your hate is palpable. Enjoyable too! I hope your guts rot.
That is sure is a lot of trust fund babies with no jobs who major in arts and letters.

Not one of those losers pay their own bills.

Does any actual working person have the time to go to a protest?



Good question.

Bottom line: Only an idiot would assume that those who protest know more than those who do not..
...still haven't figured out how god awful Trump is. It has to give them pause. Now of course cons want to say liberals are a bunch of pansies, but apparently they are too stupid to realize that this level of protest has never occurred for any previous republican president. Disdain for Trump is at an unprecedented level for a president that's only been in office for a month.

Trump is a stupid, whiney, insecure, and corrupt sack of shit. Quit trying to pretend otherwise, Trumpsters.

‘Not My President’s Day’: Thousands Protest President Trump in Rallies Across U.S.

Hillary called you people horrible for not accepting the election results.

Get in line and support your new President

How about no. Does no work for you? I didn't vote for orange. He's not my head of state. Never will be.
...still haven't figured out how god awful Trump is. It has to give them pause. Now of course cons want to say liberals are a bunch of pansies, but apparently they are too stupid to realize that this level of protest has never occurred for any previous republican president. Disdain for Trump is at an unprecedented level for a president that's only been in office for a month.

Trump is a stupid, whiney, insecure, and corrupt sack of shit. Quit trying to pretend otherwise, Trumpsters.

‘Not My President’s Day’: Thousands Protest President Trump in Rallies Across U.S.
really? you have to ask that question? dude hilarious, here read my signature.

what a stupid fking OP.
...still haven't figured out how god awful Trump is. It has to give them pause. Now of course cons want to say liberals are a bunch of pansies, but apparently they are too stupid to realize that this level of protest has never occurred for any previous republican president. Disdain for Trump is at an unprecedented level for a president that's only been in office for a month.

Trump is a stupid, whiney, insecure, and corrupt sack of shit. Quit trying to pretend otherwise, Trumpsters.

‘Not My President’s Day’: Thousands Protest President Trump in Rallies Across U.S.

He won the election.

He is the president.

It's you that should quit trying to pretend otherwise.

You are the head pussy. All you can do is whine and complain.

You lost.

Suck on it.

God forbid that people should care about a lying, con artist who is frightening your allies, and giving aid and comfort to your enemies, while attacking your media.
Wait, Obama isn't the subject here, is he?

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