When 10s of thousands of people protest in one day, one has to wonder why Trump supporters...

...still haven't figured out how god awful Trump is. It has to give them pause. Now of course cons want to say liberals are a bunch of pansies, but apparently they are too stupid to realize that this level of protest has never occurred for any previous republican president. Disdain for Trump is at an unprecedented level for a president that's only been in office for a month.

Trump is a stupid, whiney, insecure, and corrupt sack of shit. Quit trying to pretend otherwise, Trumpsters.

‘Not My President’s Day’: Thousands Protest President Trump in Rallies Across U.S.
Try tens of people.
I think the OPs point is that there is more going on than simple partisan political posturing or poor sportsmanship from losing an election. There is a level of moral outrage and fear that has not been seen at this level post election in our lifetimes. Not that many of you give a shit as it sounds like many of you are the "rub it in" and "kick em when they're down" types. But it is a pretty historic movement that is going on.

I personally think the Dems and the MSM are shooting themselves he foot by over reacting and over demonstrating to Trump. They are playing right into his hands. They have to be smarter and play the long game.
That means you are very young, so careful with throwing around the "in our lifetimes" assertion. Reagan and Bush were demonized as well. This is what lefties do when they are out of power. They seek to take it by force.

They do not speak for America but they think they do and we'll eventually cave to their demands. It. Ain't. Happening.
You really think Reagan and bush got it this bad? I don't think so, this is different.
...still haven't figured out how god awful Trump is. It has to give them pause. Now of course cons want to say liberals are a bunch of pansies, but apparently they are too stupid to realize that this level of protest has never occurred for any previous republican president. Disdain for Trump is at an unprecedented level for a president that's only been in office for a month.

Trump is a stupid, whiney, insecure, and corrupt sack of shit. Quit trying to pretend otherwise, Trumpsters.

‘Not My President’s Day’: Thousands Protest President Trump in Rallies Across U.S.

He won the election.

He is the president.

It's you that should quit trying to pretend otherwise.

You are the head pussy. All you can do is whine and complain.

You lost.

Suck on it.
I think the OPs point is that there is more going on than simple partisan political posturing or poor sportsmanship from losing an election. There is a level of moral outrage and fear that has not been seen at this level post election in our lifetimes. Not that many of you give a shit as it sounds like many of you are the "rub it in" and "kick em when they're down" types. But it is a pretty historic movement that is going on.

I personally think the Dems and the MSM are shooting themselves he foot by over reacting and over demonstrating to Trump. They are playing right into his hands. They have to be smarter and play the long game.

If that's his point he is failing to make it because tens of thousands looks exactly like its partisan posturing.

In fact since it looks like only tens of thousand its looking like less are protesting. Not surprising
It's not just people in the streets. It's republicans in congress, citizens at town halls, foreign diplomats. Open your eyes.
...still haven't figured out how god awful Trump is. It has to give them pause. Now of course cons want to say liberals are a bunch of pansies, but apparently they are too stupid to realize that this level of protest has never occurred for any previous republican president. Disdain for Trump is at an unprecedented level for a president that's only been in office for a month.

Trump is a stupid, whiney, insecure, and corrupt sack of shit. Quit trying to pretend otherwise, Trumpsters.

‘Not My President’s Day’: Thousands Protest President Trump in Rallies Across U.S.
I don't think they are fooled by the fact that the election is still what ails ya and these protests are nothing more than an expression of that unrelenting pain the left feels over it...your post actually screams that you are still suffering from it.

That unrelenting pain is going to bite back hard in 2018 & 2020. Trump has insulted, offended and even threatened so many in this country that he'll never be able to bridge this great divide.

You have given more than half this country someone they can actually hate, Donald Trump

As an example--G.W was in the same position winning the electoral college but losing the popular vote. Democrats while disappointed in the loss, came around quickly and accepted G.W. because he treated everyone equally with dignity and respect.

These protests are unbelievable, they're frequent and massive.


Woman's march day after his inauguration. This was in the millions as it was going on in every state. To see what was going on in your state go to this link.
Woman's march pictures

Protesters the night of the election were out in force across this nation.


And again today:


Making Trump the poster boy of the Republican party has put a target on every Republican's back and it's showing up all ready in Republican town halls across this country, including in the most conservative states and districts.
Republican town halls are getting very, very nasty

You have awoken a sleeping Giant and it's pissed. These are no longer just protesters they are activists against the Republican party. What you saw in 2010 is going to happen in 2018 only it's going to be BLUE.

I really, really, really hope you're prepared for more disappointment. This is galvanizing the people who voted for him. So please continue.
No it isn't galvanizing them you dumbass. The hatred for Trump goes beyond just liberals you sack of shit. Christ even if it didn't, the hatred for him doesn't galvanize anything but the people who hate them. You people are once again a minority that everyone else laughs at. Trump will be impeached or quit before his first term is done.

Yeah you are totally in denial. I didn't even support trump in the election and watching the response of the left is pushing me into his camp. And you are ignoring his supporters here if you don't see that they love watching you melt down
...still haven't figured out how god awful Trump is. It has to give them pause. Now of course cons want to say liberals are a bunch of pansies, but apparently they are too stupid to realize that this level of protest has never occurred for any previous republican president. Disdain for Trump is at an unprecedented level for a president that's only been in office for a month.

Trump is a stupid, whiney, insecure, and corrupt sack of shit. Quit trying to pretend otherwise, Trumpsters.

‘Not My President’s Day’: Thousands Protest President Trump in Rallies Across U.S.
I don't think they are fooled by the fact that the election is still what ails ya and these protests are nothing more than an expression of that unrelenting pain the left feels over it...your post actually screams that you are still suffering from it.

That unrelenting pain is going to bite back hard in 2018 & 2020. Trump has insulted, offended and even threatened so many in this country that he'll never be able to bridge this great divide.

You have given more than half this country someone they can actually hate, Donald Trump

As an example--G.W was in the same position winning the electoral college but losing the popular vote. Democrats while disappointed in the loss, came around quickly and accepted G.W. because he treated everyone equally with dignity and respect.

These protests are unbelievable, they're frequent and massive.


Woman's march day after his inauguration. This was in the millions as it was going on in every state. To see what was going on in your state go to this link.
Woman's march pictures

Protesters the night of the election were out in force across this nation.


And again today:


Making Trump the poster boy of the Republican party has put a target on every Republican's back and it's showing up all ready in Republican town halls across this country, including in the most conservative states and districts.
Republican town halls are getting very, very nasty

You have awoken a sleeping Giant and it's pissed. These are no longer just protesters they are activists against the Republican party. What you saw in 2010 is going to happen in 2018 only it's going to be BLUE.

I really, really, really hope you're prepared for more disappointment. This is galvanizing the people who voted for him. So please continue.
No it isn't galvanizing them you dumbass. The hatred for Trump goes beyond just liberals you sack of shit. Christ even if it didn't, the hatred for him doesn't galvanize anything but the people who hate them. You people are once again a minority that everyone else laughs at. Trump will be impeached or quit before his first term is done.

Yeah you are totally in denial. I didn't even support trump in the election and watching the response of the left is pushing me into his camp. And you are ignoring his supporters here if you don't see that they love watching you melt down

Well you can keep watching this response, and you stay in denial all the way up to 2018, while you're watching Senate investigations going on through-out this two year period. Collusion with a FOREIGN adversary to interfere into an American National Election is TREASON.

Those phone records NEVER go away.


These people are never going to forget how the goal posts were moved on Hillary Clinton's side of the field.

...still haven't figured out how god awful Trump is. It has to give them pause. Now of course cons want to say liberals are a bunch of pansies, but apparently they are too stupid to realize that this level of protest has never occurred for any previous republican president. Disdain for Trump is at an unprecedented level for a president that's only been in office for a month.

Trump is a stupid, whiney, insecure, and corrupt sack of shit. Quit trying to pretend otherwise, Trumpsters.

‘Not My President’s Day’: Thousands Protest President Trump in Rallies Across U.S.
I don't think they are fooled by the fact that the election is still what ails ya and these protests are nothing more than an expression of that unrelenting pain the left feels over it...your post actually screams that you are still suffering from it.

That unrelenting pain is going to bite back hard in 2018 & 2020. Trump has insulted, offended and even threatened so many in this country that he'll never be able to bridge this great divide.

You have given more than half this country someone they can actually hate, Donald Trump

As an example--G.W was in the same position winning the electoral college but losing the popular vote. Democrats while disappointed in the loss, came around quickly and accepted G.W. because he treated everyone equally with dignity and respect.

These protests are unbelievable, they're frequent and massive.


Woman's march day after his inauguration. This was in the millions as it was going on in every state. To see what was going on in your state go to this link.
Woman's march pictures

Protesters the night of the election were out in force across this nation.


And again today:


Making Trump the poster boy of the Republican party has put a target on every Republican's back and it's showing up all ready in Republican town halls across this country, including in the most conservative states and districts.
Republican town halls are getting very, very nasty

You have awoken a sleeping Giant and it's pissed. These are no longer just protesters they are activists against the Republican party. What you saw in 2010 is going to happen in 2018 only it's going to be BLUE.

I really, really, really hope you're prepared for more disappointment. This is galvanizing the people who voted for him. So please continue.
No it isn't galvanizing them you dumbass. The hatred for Trump goes beyond just liberals you sack of shit. Christ even if it didn't, the hatred for him doesn't galvanize anything but the people who hate them. You people are once again a minority that everyone else laughs at. Trump will be impeached or quit before his first term is done.

Yeah you are totally in denial. I didn't even support trump in the election and watching the response of the left is pushing me into his camp. And you are ignoring his supporters here if you don't see that they love watching you melt down

This isn't a melt down, this is a rising up. It's not sour grapes that Hillary lost, it's a reminder to politicians to "do their job" in maintaining a check and a balance on the guy in the White House. Keep him honest.

So far, Trump's lies have continued unabated, as has his corruption. And his level of personal spending on the taxpayer's dime is unprecedented.
I don't think they are fooled by the fact that the election is still what ails ya and these protests are nothing more than an expression of that unrelenting pain the left feels over it...your post actually screams that you are still suffering from it.

That unrelenting pain is going to bite back hard in 2018 & 2020. Trump has insulted, offended and even threatened so many in this country that he'll never be able to bridge this great divide.

You have given more than half this country someone they can actually hate, Donald Trump

As an example--G.W was in the same position winning the electoral college but losing the popular vote. Democrats while disappointed in the loss, came around quickly and accepted G.W. because he treated everyone equally with dignity and respect.

These protests are unbelievable, they're frequent and massive.


Woman's march day after his inauguration. This was in the millions as it was going on in every state. To see what was going on in your state go to this link.
Woman's march pictures

Protesters the night of the election were out in force across this nation.


And again today:


Making Trump the poster boy of the Republican party has put a target on every Republican's back and it's showing up all ready in Republican town halls across this country, including in the most conservative states and districts.
Republican town halls are getting very, very nasty

You have awoken a sleeping Giant and it's pissed. These are no longer just protesters they are activists against the Republican party. What you saw in 2010 is going to happen in 2018 only it's going to be BLUE.

I really, really, really hope you're prepared for more disappointment. This is galvanizing the people who voted for him. So please continue.
No it isn't galvanizing them you dumbass. The hatred for Trump goes beyond just liberals you sack of shit. Christ even if it didn't, the hatred for him doesn't galvanize anything but the people who hate them. You people are once again a minority that everyone else laughs at. Trump will be impeached or quit before his first term is done.

Yeah you are totally in denial. I didn't even support trump in the election and watching the response of the left is pushing me into his camp. And you are ignoring his supporters here if you don't see that they love watching you melt down

Well you can keep watching this response, and you stay in denial all the way up to 2018, while you're watching Senate investigations going on through-out this two year period. Collusion with a FOREIGN adversary to interfere into an American National Election is TREASON.

Those phone records NEVER go away.


These people are never going to forget how the goal posts were moved on Hillary Clinton's side of the field.


What do you think is going to happen? can you give me an example of what it will be like in washington even if what you think is going to happen actually does happen?

As far as those marches go that's what happens when your voice has been voted out of government, you have no where else to turn but the streets and no one cares, in fact that's where your voice belongs...why don't you give us an example of what democrats have done in Washington since the election because that's what they are going be doing for at least the next 4 years while the GOP enacts its agenda, one that will have far reaching effects long after they are gone...all because you had to have a bogus candidate run at the top of the ticket, if the democrats win that election they win back the senate, and 2 years later the congress and have a 5-4 bench, and now all that is gone because you wanted what you wanted when you wanted it...and this is what it has gotten you.
I don't think they are fooled by the fact that the election is still what ails ya and these protests are nothing more than an expression of that unrelenting pain the left feels over it...your post actually screams that you are still suffering from it.

That unrelenting pain is going to bite back hard in 2018 & 2020. Trump has insulted, offended and even threatened so many in this country that he'll never be able to bridge this great divide.

You have given more than half this country someone they can actually hate, Donald Trump

As an example--G.W was in the same position winning the electoral college but losing the popular vote. Democrats while disappointed in the loss, came around quickly and accepted G.W. because he treated everyone equally with dignity and respect.

These protests are unbelievable, they're frequent and massive.


Woman's march day after his inauguration. This was in the millions as it was going on in every state. To see what was going on in your state go to this link.
Woman's march pictures

Protesters the night of the election were out in force across this nation.


And again today:


Making Trump the poster boy of the Republican party has put a target on every Republican's back and it's showing up all ready in Republican town halls across this country, including in the most conservative states and districts.
Republican town halls are getting very, very nasty

You have awoken a sleeping Giant and it's pissed. These are no longer just protesters they are activists against the Republican party. What you saw in 2010 is going to happen in 2018 only it's going to be BLUE.

I really, really, really hope you're prepared for more disappointment. This is galvanizing the people who voted for him. So please continue.
No it isn't galvanizing them you dumbass. The hatred for Trump goes beyond just liberals you sack of shit. Christ even if it didn't, the hatred for him doesn't galvanize anything but the people who hate them. You people are once again a minority that everyone else laughs at. Trump will be impeached or quit before his first term is done.

Yeah you are totally in denial. I didn't even support trump in the election and watching the response of the left is pushing me into his camp. And you are ignoring his supporters here if you don't see that they love watching you melt down

This isn't a melt down, this is a rising up. It's not sour grapes that Hillary lost, it's a reminder to politicians to "do their job" in maintaining a check and a balance on the guy in the White House. Keep him honest.

So far, Trump's lies have continued unabated, as has his corruption. And his level of personal spending on the taxpayer's dime is unprecedented.
Why don't the democrats stop him? and this is very very much about the election and little else.
I was not a supporter of Trump for President, as he was not my first choice. But then Clinton should have been arrested and tried for several federal felonies which as a former Army officer I know all to well and for which men are servings prison terms currently. A felon should not be allowed to run for president which Hillary is period. That said I have my doubts about Trump but he is just as qualified as Barack Obama was when he took office. I told the minister at my church what Obama was and what he would do while president and he proved me right much to the chagrin of my minister. People are calling Trump a liar but if you look back a Obama's last eight years you can find him constantly and deliberately lying to the American people and yet no one seemed to care much less trying to hold him accountable for ALL HIS LIES! I wonder why that is?
I think the OPs point is that there is more going on than simple partisan political posturing or poor sportsmanship from losing an election. There is a level of moral outrage and fear that has not been seen at this level post election in our lifetimes. Not that many of you give a shit as it sounds like many of you are the "rub it in" and "kick em when they're down" types. But it is a pretty historic movement that is going on.

I personally think the Dems and the MSM are shooting themselves he foot by over reacting and over demonstrating to Trump. They are playing right into his hands. They have to be smarter and play the long game.
That means you are very young, so careful with throwing around the "in our lifetimes" assertion. Reagan and Bush were demonized as well. This is what lefties do when they are out of power. They seek to take it by force.

They do not speak for America but they think they do and we'll eventually cave to their demands. It. Ain't. Happening.
You really think Reagan and bush got it this bad? I don't think so, this is different.
You weren't around then or detached from it all at the time.



This isn't a melt down, this is a rising up. It's not sour grapes that Hillary lost, it's a reminder to politicians to "do their job" in maintaining a check and a balance on the guy in the White House. Keep him honest.

So far, Trump's lies have continued unabated, as has his corruption. And his level of personal spending on the taxpayer's dime is unprecedented.
Nah, it's just a bunch of baby libtards crying about not getting their way. Obama added 10 trillion dollars to our debt, not a peep from the likes of you so you are 100% full of excrement.
That unrelenting pain is going to bite back hard in 2018 & 2020. Trump has insulted, offended and even threatened so many in this country that he'll never be able to bridge this great divide.

You have given more than half this country someone they can actually hate, Donald Trump

As an example--G.W was in the same position winning the electoral college but losing the popular vote. Democrats while disappointed in the loss, came around quickly and accepted G.W. because he treated everyone equally with dignity and respect.

These protests are unbelievable, they're frequent and massive.


Woman's march day after his inauguration. This was in the millions as it was going on in every state. To see what was going on in your state go to this link.
Woman's march pictures

Protesters the night of the election were out in force across this nation.


And again today:


Making Trump the poster boy of the Republican party has put a target on every Republican's back and it's showing up all ready in Republican town halls across this country, including in the most conservative states and districts.
Republican town halls are getting very, very nasty

You have awoken a sleeping Giant and it's pissed. These are no longer just protesters they are activists against the Republican party. What you saw in 2010 is going to happen in 2018 only it's going to be BLUE.

I really, really, really hope you're prepared for more disappointment. This is galvanizing the people who voted for him. So please continue.
No it isn't galvanizing them you dumbass. The hatred for Trump goes beyond just liberals you sack of shit. Christ even if it didn't, the hatred for him doesn't galvanize anything but the people who hate them. You people are once again a minority that everyone else laughs at. Trump will be impeached or quit before his first term is done.

Yeah you are totally in denial. I didn't even support trump in the election and watching the response of the left is pushing me into his camp. And you are ignoring his supporters here if you don't see that they love watching you melt down

This isn't a melt down, this is a rising up. It's not sour grapes that Hillary lost, it's a reminder to politicians to "do their job" in maintaining a check and a balance on the guy in the White House. Keep him honest.

So far, Trump's lies have continued unabated, as has his corruption. And his level of personal spending on the taxpayer's dime is unprecedented.
Why don't the democrats stop him? and this is very very much about the election and little else.

Well, they're in the minority in both houses is why. But it's really up to Republicans to stop Trump because they are in the majority. And they have started two investigations into the Russian hacking already.
Trump-Russia 'exhaustive' investigation needed following Flynn resignation, says GOP Senate Intel Member - CNNPolitics.com
Senate Committee May Use Subpoenas in Russian Hacking Investigation

If they don't then they're writing their own obituaries and when Democrats take over in 2018, they will certainly do something about it.
Last edited:
Reading all these Obama supporter's posts about honesty, corruption and spending is fucking priceless!
...still haven't figured out how god awful Trump is. It has to give them pause. Now of course cons want to say liberals are a bunch of pansies, but apparently they are too stupid to realize that this level of protest has never occurred for any previous republican president. Disdain for Trump is at an unprecedented level for a president that's only been in office for a month.

Trump is a stupid, whiney, insecure, and corrupt sack of shit. Quit trying to pretend otherwise, Trumpsters.

‘Not My President’s Day’: Thousands Protest President Trump in Rallies Across U.S.

He won the election.

He is the president.

It's you that should quit trying to pretend otherwise.

You are the head pussy. All you can do is whine and complain.

You lost.

Suck on it.

God forbid that people should care about a lying, con artist who is frightening your allies, and giving aid and comfort to your enemies, while attacking your media.
Hillary lost, remember?
...still haven't figured out how god awful Trump is. It has to give them pause. Now of course cons want to say liberals are a bunch of pansies, but apparently they are too stupid to realize that this level of protest has never occurred for any previous republican president. Disdain for Trump is at an unprecedented level for a president that's only been in office for a month.

Trump is a stupid, whiney, insecure, and corrupt sack of shit. Quit trying to pretend otherwise, Trumpsters.

‘Not My President’s Day’: Thousands Protest President Trump in Rallies Across U.S.

That a bunch of you lefties are upset in no way supports the idea that you are correct about anything.
I think the OPs point is that there is more going on than simple partisan political posturing or poor sportsmanship from losing an election. There is a level of moral outrage and fear that has not been seen at this level post election in our lifetimes. Not that many of you give a shit as it sounds like many of you are the "rub it in" and "kick em when they're down" types. But it is a pretty historic movement that is going on.

I personally think the Dems and the MSM are shooting themselves he foot by over reacting and over demonstrating to Trump. They are playing right into his hands. They have to be smarter and play the long game.
That means you are very young, so careful with throwing around the "in our lifetimes" assertion. Reagan and Bush were demonized as well. This is what lefties do when they are out of power. They seek to take it by force.

They do not speak for America but they think they do and we'll eventually cave to their demands. It. Ain't. Happening.
You really think Reagan and bush got it this bad? I don't think so, this is different.
Of course this is different. Democrats were convinced that Hillary had already won. They were all secure. Hilly had it by double digits. The only question was whether she would pass 400 electoral votes.

Then it came crashing down.

It might be impossible to understand how different it is unless you review all election night coverage. Do that, then you will understand.

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