When China Takes Over Taiwan

They think they can appease China, much like British PM Chamberlain did with Hitler. That didn't work out very well for the Brits. Peace through superior strength is the only thing Xi fears and respects. That's also why Putin and Little Kim haven't been rattling their swords very loudly lately.

Uh, guy, let's get real.

Chamberlain realized that a war over Czechoslovakia wasn't worth it. The Sudetan Germans weren't ready to fight for it. The Slovaks weren't. The Hungarians wanted to go back to Hungary. Germany already had them surrounded on three sides. All that was agreed to an Munich was that the German-speaking parts of Czechoslovakia should be able to join Germany.

So Chamberlain avoided a war the UK wasn't ready for to have another year to build up. Frankly, I thought he kind of fucked up by giving a blank check to the Polish Colonels... They weren't ready for that war, either. Instead he drove Hitler into an alliance with Stalin, and that went about as well as you'd expect.

NOW- It's is very unlikely that China would invade Taiwan. Mostly because a large chunk of the Chinese economy is based on investment from Taiwan.

The only thing that might trigger an invasion would be if Taiwan was stupid enough to try to declare independence.

We need to stop posturing and let them work it out themselves.
So you agree that China is responsible.
Then Trump is your man.
I hope the word "man" doesnt offend you.

Well, calling a piece of shit who cheats his employees, takes no responsibility and screwed over family members a "man" would be offensive.

China did a great job of containing Covid, because they did the things Trump didn't do. They didn't call it a hoax, they weren't more worried about the economy than containment, etc. Most of the rest of the world, did, too.

Trump let it burn out of control, because he was more worried about Wall Street than the working class.
Nope. Trump has changed the cellular structure of the GOP, and nobody is turning their backs on him or his agenda.

Actually, in a few years, the GOP Establishment is going to purge the GOP of Trumpsters, QAnon Freaks and other mutants.

The only thing that's going to be purged are millions of fraudulent Democrat votes, and that's happening even as I am typing this...

Tick Tock motherfuckers.
So you agree that China is responsible.
Then Trump is your man.
I hope the word "man" doesnt offend you.

Well, calling a piece of shit who cheats his employees, takes no responsibility and screwed over family members a "man" would be offensive.

China did a great job of containing Covid, because they did the things Trump didn't do. They didn't call it a hoax, they weren't more worried about the economy than containment, etc. Most of the rest of the world, did, too.

Trump let it burn out of control, because he was more worried about Wall Street than the working class.
So its on record that you admire and love China, how theyve killed us, more than you love your own country.
Makes sense knowing how much you love Joe, and how hes always cuddled China.
The only thing that's going to be purged are millions of fraudulent Democrat votes, and that's happening even as I am typing this...

Tick Tock motherfuckers.

You keep holding on to the dream, buddy.

Not sure how you can purge votes in a SECRET ballot, but never mind.

So its on record that you admire and love China, how theyve killed us, more than you love your own country.
Makes sense knowing how much you love Joe, and how hes always cuddled China.

Hey, check this out.


The only thing that's going to be purged are millions of fraudulent Democrat votes, and that's happening even as I am typing this...

Tick Tock motherfuckers.

You keep holding on to the dream, buddy.

Not sure how you can purge votes in a SECRET ballot, but never mind.

So its on record that you admire and love China, how theyve killed us, more than you love your own country.
Makes sense knowing how much you love Joe, and how hes always cuddled China.

Hey, check this out.

View attachment 412508
View attachment 412509
And what exactly did we know about the virus, according to the date on these tweets ?
Nice try, he didnt know all the facts at this point...nobody did.
And what exactly did we know about the virus, according to the date on these tweets ?
Nice try, he didnt know all the facts at this point...nobody did.

We knew a lot by March 17th... But Trump lied to us. We actually knew quite a lot by Jan 25th.

Trump knew the facts, he just didn't understand them or want to believe them. He engaged in "Magical Thinking" on this virus the whole time.

It's going away by Easter
It'll go away when it gets warmer
A vaccine will be here by the election.
And what exactly did we know about the virus, according to the date on these tweets ?
Nice try, he didnt know all the facts at this point...nobody did.

We knew a lot by March 17th... But Trump lied to us. We actually knew quite a lot by Jan 25th.

Trump knew the facts, he just didn't understand them or want to believe them. He engaged in "Magical Thinking" on this virus the whole time.

It's going away by Easter
It'll go away when it gets warmer
A vaccine will be here by the election.
Like Ive said before, youre an educated idiot, nothing more.
You keep twisting and spinning with every post, and quite honestly your good at it, but it doesnt change the facts, no matter how hard you try to get others to perceive it differently.
You cant except the fact that Trump has been your Daddy for 4 years, and hes the only president in modern history that has actually stood up to China.
Now youve made your point perfectly clear, that you side with and defend China over America, but please stop blaming Trump for something that China cooked up in their Level 4 Virology lab.
Do you really want China to dominate the world ?...oh yes, thats right, you do.
No worries, Im sure Mr. Joe will protect you.
Like Ive said before, youre an educated idiot, nothing more.
You keep twisting and spinning with every post, and quite honestly your good at it, but it doesnt change the facts, no matter how hard you try to get others to perceive it differently.

Well, I'm educated enough to understand how to use contractions, so there's that.

Okay, buddy, check it out, there's a key two keys over from the letter "L", It's called an "apostrophe", and it's used to make contractions. Just trying to be helpful, they clearly didn't cover that in your home school.

You cant except the fact that Trump has been your Daddy for 4 years, and hes the only president in modern history that has actually stood up to China.

Trump contaminated the White House and in four years, you'll be hard pressed to find anyone who admitted they voted for him. Kind of like Nixon.

As for China. China isn't our enemy.

So let's review. SOME manufacturing jobs went to China because labor is cheaper. Most were in fact eliminated by automation and process improvement, but no one is discussing that when they whine why they can't get a good factory job like their grandpa they don't really want to work. (I've worked in manufacturing for 24 years now, so I know what I'm talking about.)

The problem here isn't the Chinese, it's the white American dudes in the corner offices who are always looking for ways to find cheaper labor. So Trump blamed China and the dudes in the corner offices just decided to move their factories to Vietnam, where the labor is even cheaper.

And no way Trump is going to talk about Vietnam, he might have to explain how he avoided it. (Snicker) and called the guys who went there Suckers and Losers!

Now youve made your point perfectly clear, that you side with and defend China over America, but please stop blaming Trump for something that China cooked up in their Level 4 Virology lab.

Guy, there's no evidence that Covid-19 is made in a lab. A biological weapon with a 2% fatality rate that only really effects the elderly isn't a very effective weapon. A Bio weapon would be a lot more deadly to be of any use on a battlefield.

Do you really want China to dominate the world ?...oh yes, thats right, you do.
No worries, Im sure Mr. Joe will protect you.

Uh, guy, I was in the Army for 11 years. What did you do? What is your great contribution from the evil Chinese...

China isn't going to dominate the world. It's still really a very poor country. It's why you see so many Chinese Massage parlors in this country, because giving handjobs to Americans is preferable to living in China's grinding poverty.
Like Ive said before, youre an educated idiot, nothing more.
You keep twisting and spinning with every post, and quite honestly your good at it, but it doesnt change the facts, no matter how hard you try to get others to perceive it differently.

Well, I'm educated enough to understand how to use contractions, so there's that.

Okay, buddy, check it out, there's a key two keys over from the letter "L", It's called an "apostrophe", and it's used to make contractions. Just trying to be helpful, they clearly didn't cover that in your home school.

You cant except the fact that Trump has been your Daddy for 4 years, and hes the only president in modern history that has actually stood up to China.

Trump contaminated the White House and in four years, you'll be hard pressed to find anyone who admitted they voted for him. Kind of like Nixon.

As for China. China isn't our enemy.

So let's review. SOME manufacturing jobs went to China because labor is cheaper. Most were in fact eliminated by automation and process improvement, but no one is discussing that when they whine why they can't get a good factory job like their grandpa they don't really want to work. (I've worked in manufacturing for 24 years now, so I know what I'm talking about.)

The problem here isn't the Chinese, it's the white American dudes in the corner offices who are always looking for ways to find cheaper labor. So Trump blamed China and the dudes in the corner offices just decided to move their factories to Vietnam, where the labor is even cheaper.

And no way Trump is going to talk about Vietnam, he might have to explain how he avoided it. (Snicker) and called the guys who went there Suckers and Losers!

Now youve made your point perfectly clear, that you side with and defend China over America, but please stop blaming Trump for something that China cooked up in their Level 4 Virology lab.

Guy, there's no evidence that Covid-19 is made in a lab. A biological weapon with a 2% fatality rate that only really effects the elderly isn't a very effective weapon. A Bio weapon would be a lot more deadly to be of any use on a battlefield.

Do you really want China to dominate the world ?...oh yes, thats right, you do.
No worries, Im sure Mr. Joe will protect you.

Uh, guy, I was in the Army for 11 years. What did you do? What is your great contribution from the evil Chinese...

China isn't going to dominate the world. It's still really a very poor country. It's why you see so many Chinese Massage parlors in this country, because giving handjobs to Americans is preferable to living in China's grinding poverty.
Uh, guy,
Im glad I struck a nerve, that's awesome.
You keep bringing up that you served, well I served as well, but never have I seen a need to tell any details of my personal life to defend the truth on this forum, along with many other aspects of your personal garbage that you believe is relevant.
Youve also admitted that you like gays, trans, and minorities of color, and that they are superior over white people.
So lets see, youve admitted that you prefer China communism over America, gotcha, duly noted.
Now you might have a higher education, but you are not very smart, thats apparent.
Uh, guy,
Im glad I struck a nerve, that's awesome.
You keep bringing up that you served, well I served as well, but never have I seen a need to tell any details of my personal life to defend the truth on this forum, along with many other aspects of your personal garbage that you believe is relevant.

Naw, man, I bring that up to give my viewpoint PERSPECTIVE. Some day when you grow up, you'll understand.

Youve also admitted that you like gays, trans, and minorities of color, and that they are superior over white people.

Not sure how, "Treating people with dignity" equates with "thinking they are superior"... Do you often struggle with the English Language?

So lets see, youve admitted that you prefer China communism over America, gotcha, duly noted.

Uh, no, but there's the comprehension problem, again. I mean, I made the argument as clear as I could, and you still don't understand it.

China is not our enemy. That their workers work harder and cheaper than ours is not a concern. It means we need to work harder.

You want to ruin China's day? Next time you mosey down from the Trailer Park to the WalMart, don't buy the Chinese made products.

Now you might have a higher education, but you are not very smart, thats apparent.

It seems you have less education AND poorer reasoning skills.

Here's a bit of free advice. Take everything EVERYONE says with a grain of salt. Don't just repeat what Trump or Biden say, but drill down into the issue.
Uh, guy,
Im glad I struck a nerve, that's awesome.
You keep bringing up that you served, well I served as well, but never have I seen a need to tell any details of my personal life to defend the truth on this forum, along with many other aspects of your personal garbage that you believe is relevant.

Naw, man, I bring that up to give my viewpoint PERSPECTIVE. Some day when you grow up, you'll understand.

Youve also admitted that you like gays, trans, and minorities of color, and that they are superior over white people.

Not sure how, "Treating people with dignity" equates with "thinking they are superior"... Do you often struggle with the English Language?

So lets see, youve admitted that you prefer China communism over America, gotcha, duly noted.

Uh, no, but there's the comprehension problem, again. I mean, I made the argument as clear as I could, and you still don't understand it.

China is not our enemy. That their workers work harder and cheaper than ours is not a concern. It means we need to work harder.

You want to ruin China's day? Next time you mosey down from the Trailer Park to the WalMart, don't buy the Chinese made products.

Now you might have a higher education, but you are not very smart, thats apparent.

It seems you have less education AND poorer reasoning skills.

Here's a bit of free advice. Take everything EVERYONE says with a grain of salt. Don't just repeat what Trump or Biden say, but drill down into the issue.
Everything you just said, makes you the epitome of why Trump won the first time.
Im sorry that you had such traumatic childhood.
If you like we can start a go-fund-me, so you can afford counseling.
Everything you just said, makes you the epitome of why Trump won the first time.

Trump didn't win the first time. He lost by 3 million votes. He's behind 4 million now, and it'll probably be 7 million when all the votes are counted.

Im sorry that you had such traumatic childhood.

Not sure why my childhood has anything to do with it. I'm not the one who grew up with participation trophies like you did....

Okay, buddy, you should probably just admit you are out of your league and slink away quietly now.
Everything you just said, makes you the epitome of why Trump won the first time.

Trump didn't win the first time. He lost by 3 million votes. He's behind 4 million now, and it'll probably be 7 million when all the votes are counted.

Im sorry that you had such traumatic childhood.

Not sure why my childhood has anything to do with it. I'm not the one who grew up with participation trophies like you did....

Okay, buddy, you should probably just admit you are out of your league and slink away quietly now.
I see that nerve damage is beginning to cloud your judgment.
At least I admit when Im wrong.
Everything you just said, makes you the epitome of why Trump won the first time.

Trump didn't win the first time. He lost by 3 million votes. He's behind 4 million now, and it'll probably be 7 million when all the votes are counted.

Im sorry that you had such traumatic childhood.

Not sure why my childhood has anything to do with it. I'm not the one who grew up with participation trophies like you did....

Okay, buddy, you should probably just admit you are out of your league and slink away quietly now.
And you just dont like it, when someone of lesser superiority as I, compared to someone like you, calls you out for what everyone already knows you are.
I see that nerve damage is beginning to cloud your judgment.
At least I admit when Im wrong.

You've never been right.

When you refute something I've actually said, let me know.

And you just dont like it, when someone of lesser superiority as I, compared to someone like you, calls you out for what everyone already knows you are.

Naw, man, what annoys me is people who keep repeating whatever they've heard on Faux News or Hate Radio like they've had an original idea.
When China takes over Taiwan will Biden bomb England or Germany?

See the source image

Mr. Biden is not Trump. Trump "bombed" Great Britain together with Boris Johnson into an hard Brexit, which will have extremely negative effects for little Great Britain and great little Ireland. And Trump "bombed" the relations between the USA and Germany into the deepest cellar since world war 2. Taiwan was by the way never territory of China. And it would not be the most bad idea to coordinate the politics in case of China between the EU and the USA. And the situation in Belarus (Lukashenko) is a very serios problem for the free world too.

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