When Did Liberalism Become Fascism?

The most famous fascist in history denounced capitalism and had a fun slogan. "The common good before self interest."

Your rebranding is failing.
That slogan gets no quote when googled. Is that Marx? And he's a fascist now? Brainwashed GOP insanity in extremis...

Every one of these totalist views has the very same aim for the final stage of society:

Nazism, communism, socialism..Liberalism, Progressivism,.and fascism....

All demand submission to unrestricted centralized power.

How about pointing out which of them are defenders of religious, political, and economic freedom, and recognize the individual as the most important element of society?
Right....none of 'em.
Only right wing philosophies...i.e., conservatism.
BS- socialism, progressivism, and liberalism- basically the same thing nowadays, superdupe. American conservatism of the New BS GOP KGB Fox- not so much...
Christian ideals then.


Which Christian ideals are you attributing to me that you hate so.o..o... much?



Jeebus what a dumbass. Quote the whole thing duh. The ones you vote against-
"...a dislike for God, the very idea of a supreme being."
A big AMEN to that, bro.
Here, in their own words:
1. There is no God

Yep. Pretty hard for monarchists like Kim-Jong-Un, Stalin or even milder socialists to dictate to their subjects when admitting there is a power higher than them they have to answer to. The State can have no authority higher than itself if it is to maintain control.
Socialism has been defined as ALWAYS DEMOCRATIC, fair capitalism for many years now, ignorant dupe. That's communism, asshole.
a dislike for God

Which God? Who's God, is it that we supposedly dislike?

Does not believing in supernatural beings controlling our destiny count as a dislike for 'God'?

View attachment 125976

So instead of the believing some supernatural being might be controlling your destiny in some way you'd prefer the mortal with all of it's MacBeth intrigues, deceit, and frailties.



First of all I said beings, not just one. Like the devil. Satan is a supernatural being. If I believed in it, disliking that one is okay right?

Christian mythology is full of them. History is full of them too.

Nice Kansas however.

I feel a part of something that is greater than myself. What that something is, is as of yet indescribable in words. But that doesn't mean I believe in the immaculate reception (fuching Pittsburgh!!!), Jesus's divinity, or the resurrection. Doesn't make me hate my mother or devalue humanity.

"...a dislike for God, the very idea of a supreme being."
A big AMEN to that, bro.
Here, in their own words:
1. There is no God

Yep. Pretty hard for monarchists like Kim-Jong-Un, Stalin or even milder socialists to dictate to their subjects when admitting there is a power higher than them they have to answer to. The State can have no authority higher than itself if it is to maintain control.
Socialism has been defined as ALWAYS DEMOCRATIC, fair capitalism for many years now, ignorant dupe. That's communism, asshole.

While you are an abject fool....you are a sterling example of government schooling.

"Venezuela Reminds Us That Socialism Frequently Leads to Dictatorship"
Venezuela Reminds Us That Socialism Frequently Leads to Dictatorship
"...a dislike for God, the very idea of a supreme being."
A big AMEN to that, bro.
Here, in their own words:
1. There is no God

Yep. Pretty hard for monarchists like Kim-Jong-Un, Stalin or even milder socialists to dictate to their subjects when admitting there is a power higher than them they have to answer to. The State can have no authority higher than itself if it is to maintain control.
Socialism has been defined as ALWAYS DEMOCRATIC, fair capitalism for many years now, ignorant dupe. That's communism, asshole.

While you are an abject fool....you are a sterling example of government schooling.

"Venezuela Reminds Us That Socialism Frequently Leads to Dictatorship"
Venezuela Reminds Us That Socialism Frequently Leads to Dictatorship
You're a brainwashed twit- and I went to private school after 6th grade, and taught there-and have a Masters in History that goes against all of your theories that have been invented in the last 20 years by the New BS GOP propaganda machine, a disgrace for ignorant dupes only.

You're ALWAYS wrong, and Venezuela is still a democracy- fighting like hell against a corrupt oligarchy. Also a 3rd world mess since the 2008 corrupt GOP world depression you jackass dupes seem to be unaware of...

The more unfair a capitalist system, the more likely it is to go communist, always by violent revolution. Socialism and the embourgeoisement of the working class is the best safeguard against same.
"...a dislike for God, the very idea of a supreme being."
A big AMEN to that, bro.
Here, in their own words:
1. There is no God

Yep. Pretty hard for monarchists like Kim-Jong-Un, Stalin or even milder socialists to dictate to their subjects when admitting there is a power higher than them they have to answer to. The State can have no authority higher than itself if it is to maintain control.
Socialism has been defined as ALWAYS DEMOCRATIC, fair capitalism for many years now, ignorant dupe. That's communism, asshole.

While you are an abject fool....you are a sterling example of government schooling.

"Venezuela Reminds Us That Socialism Frequently Leads to Dictatorship"
Venezuela Reminds Us That Socialism Frequently Leads to Dictatorship
You're a brainwashed twit- and I went to private school after 6th grade, and taught there-and have a Masters in History that goes against all of your theories that have been invented in the last 20 years by the New BS GOP propaganda machine, a disgrace for ignorant dupes only.

You're ALWAYS wrong, and Venezuela is still a democracy- fighting like hell against a corrupt oligarchy. Also a 3rd world mess since the 2008 corrupt GOP world depression you jackass dupes seem to be unaware of...

The more unfair a capitalist system, the more likely it is to go communist, always by violent revolution. Socialism and the embourgeoisement of the working class is the best safeguard against same.

1. "I went to private school after 6th grade,"
Juvie prison doesn't count as a private school

2. " I have a Masters in History that goes against all of your theories..."
I don't have theories....I post facts. Documented, sourced, linked facts.

Clearly you never learned to question any of the dogma they taught you in Clown College....and have never done your own research.

Remember the last accurate post of yours?
Me neither.

3. "The more unfair a capitalist system, the more likely it is to go communist,..."
OK....here's your lesson for today:

1. Modern history presents us with two divergent models of economic arrangement: socialism, and capitalism. One of these appears preoccupied with the common good, and social betterment, the other with profits and production.

2. In its modern beginnings, socialism was optimistic and well intentioned, without the overlay of its contemporary varieties that tend to bemoan prosperity, romanticize poverty, and promote a view that place individual rights are a secondary concern. This is to say that the earliest socialists sought the fullest possible flourishing of humanity, “the common good.”

3. A half-century before Karl Marx published the Communist Manifesto, there was Gracchus Babeuf’s Plebeian Manifesto, which was later renamed the Manifesto of the Equals. Babeuf’s early (1796) work has been described as socialist, anarchist, and communist, and has had an enormous impact. He wrote: “The French Revolution was nothing but a precursor of another revolution, on which will be bigger, more solemn, and which will be the last…We reach for something more sublime and more just: the common good or the community of goods! Nor more individual property in land: the land belongs to no one. We demand, we want, the common enjoyment of the fruits of the land: the fruits belong to all.” Here, then, are the major themes of socialist theory. It takes very little interpolation to find that opponents profit at the expense of the environment, and conditions of inequality in society.

4. For Babeur, socialism would distribute prosperity across the entire population, as it would “[have] us eat four good meals a day, [dress} us most elegantly, and also [provide] those of us who are fathers of families with charming houses worth a thousand louis each.”

5. Oscar Wilde: “Under socialism…there will be no people living in fetid dens and fetid rags, and bringing up unhealthy, hunger pinched children in the midst of impossible and absolutely repulsive surroundings…Each member of society will share in the general prosperity and happiness of the society…”

6. Marxism rested on the assumption that the condition of the working classes would grow ever worse under capitalism, that there would be but two classes: one small and rich, the other vast and increasingly impoverished, and revolution would be the anodyne that would result in the “common good.” But by the early 20th century, it was clear that this assumption was completely wrong! Under capitalism, the standard of living of all was improving: prices falling, incomes rising, health and sanitation improving, lengthening of life spans, diets becoming more varied, the new jobs created in industry paid more than most could make in agriculture, housing improved, and middle class industrialists and business owners displaced nobility and gentry as heroes.

7. These economic advances continued throughout the period of the rise of socialist ideology. The poor didn’t get poorer because the rich were getting richer (a familiar socialist refrain even today) as the socialists had predicted. Instead, the underlying reality was that capitalism had created the first societies in history in which living standards were rising in all sectors of society.
From a speech by Rev. Robert A. Sirico, President, Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty.
Delivered at Hillsdale College, October 27, 2006

See if you can find any errors, you dunce.
"...a dislike for God, the very idea of a supreme being."
A big AMEN to that, bro.
Here, in their own words:
1. There is no God

Yep. Pretty hard for monarchists like Kim-Jong-Un, Stalin or even milder socialists to dictate to their subjects when admitting there is a power higher than them they have to answer to. The State can have no authority higher than itself if it is to maintain control.
Socialism has been defined as ALWAYS DEMOCRATIC, fair capitalism for many years now, ignorant dupe. That's communism, asshole.

While you are an abject fool....you are a sterling example of government schooling.

"Venezuela Reminds Us That Socialism Frequently Leads to Dictatorship"
Venezuela Reminds Us That Socialism Frequently Leads to Dictatorship
You're a brainwashed twit- and I went to private school after 6th grade, and taught there-and have a Masters in History that goes against all of your theories that have been invented in the last 20 years by the New BS GOP propaganda machine, a disgrace for ignorant dupes only.

You're ALWAYS wrong, and Venezuela is still a democracy- fighting like hell against a corrupt oligarchy. Also a 3rd world mess since the 2008 corrupt GOP world depression you jackass dupes seem to be unaware of...

The more unfair a capitalist system, the more likely it is to go communist, always by violent revolution. Socialism and the embourgeoisement of the working class is the best safeguard against same.

1. "I went to private school after 6th grade,"
Juvie prison doesn't count as a private school

2. " I have a Masters in History that goes against all of your theories..."
I don't have theories....I post facts. Documented, sourced, linked facts.

Clearly you never learned to question any of the dogma they taught you in Clown College....and have never done your own research.

Remember the last accurate post of yours?
Me neither.

3. "The more unfair a capitalist system, the more likely it is to go communist,..."
OK....here's your lesson for today:

1. Modern history presents us with two divergent models of economic arrangement: socialism, and capitalism. One of these appears preoccupied with the common good, and social betterment, the other with profits and production.

2. In its modern beginnings, socialism was optimistic and well intentioned, without the overlay of its contemporary varieties that tend to bemoan prosperity, romanticize poverty, and promote a view that place individual rights are a secondary concern. This is to say that the earliest socialists sought the fullest possible flourishing of humanity, “the common good.”

3. A half-century before Karl Marx published the Communist Manifesto, there was Gracchus Babeuf’s Plebeian Manifesto, which was later renamed the Manifesto of the Equals. Babeuf’s early (1796) work has been described as socialist, anarchist, and communist, and has had an enormous impact. He wrote: “The French Revolution was nothing but a precursor of another revolution, on which will be bigger, more solemn, and which will be the last…We reach for something more sublime and more just: the common good or the community of goods! Nor more individual property in land: the land belongs to no one. We demand, we want, the common enjoyment of the fruits of the land: the fruits belong to all.” Here, then, are the major themes of socialist theory. It takes very little interpolation to find that opponents profit at the expense of the environment, and conditions of inequality in society.

4. For Babeur, socialism would distribute prosperity across the entire population, as it would “[have] us eat four good meals a day, [dress} us most elegantly, and also [provide] those of us who are fathers of families with charming houses worth a thousand louis each.”

5. Oscar Wilde: “Under socialism…there will be no people living in fetid dens and fetid rags, and bringing up unhealthy, hunger pinched children in the midst of impossible and absolutely repulsive surroundings…Each member of society will share in the general prosperity and happiness of the society…”

6. Marxism rested on the assumption that the condition of the working classes would grow ever worse under capitalism, that there would be but two classes: one small and rich, the other vast and increasingly impoverished, and revolution would be the anodyne that would result in the “common good.” But by the early 20th century, it was clear that this assumption was completely wrong! Under capitalism, the standard of living of all was improving: prices falling, incomes rising, health and sanitation improving, lengthening of life spans, diets becoming more varied, the new jobs created in industry paid more than most could make in agriculture, housing improved, and middle class industrialists and business owners displaced nobility and gentry as heroes.

7. These economic advances continued throughout the period of the rise of socialist ideology. The poor didn’t get poorer because the rich were getting richer (a familiar socialist refrain even today) as the socialists had predicted. Instead, the underlying reality was that capitalism had created the first societies in history in which living standards were rising in all sectors of society.
From a speech by Rev. Robert A. Sirico, President, Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty.
Delivered at Hillsdale College, October 27, 2006

See if you can find any errors, you dunce.
Communism is dictatorship, socialism is always democratic. Start there, brainwashed moron. Socialism is the cure for unfair capitalism that leads to violent revolution and communism, if you can upgrade your crap from the 1800's and GOP BS propaganda- join the rest of the world-it's 2017....
You know, if you can't tell the difference between liberalism and fascism, then you might want to consider finding a pastime that doesn't involve you making a fool of yourself trying to pontificate on political matters.
Last edited:
"...a dislike for God, the very idea of a supreme being."
A big AMEN to that, bro.
Here, in their own words:
1. There is no God

Yep. Pretty hard for monarchists like Kim-Jong-Un, Stalin or even milder socialists to dictate to their subjects when admitting there is a power higher than them they have to answer to. The State can have no authority higher than itself if it is to maintain control.
Socialism has been defined as ALWAYS DEMOCRATIC, fair capitalism for many years now, ignorant dupe. That's communism, asshole.

While you are an abject fool....you are a sterling example of government schooling.

"Venezuela Reminds Us That Socialism Frequently Leads to Dictatorship"
Venezuela Reminds Us That Socialism Frequently Leads to Dictatorship
You're a brainwashed twit- and I went to private school after 6th grade, and taught there-and have a Masters in History that goes against all of your theories that have been invented in the last 20 years by the New BS GOP propaganda machine, a disgrace for ignorant dupes only.

You're ALWAYS wrong, and Venezuela is still a democracy- fighting like hell against a corrupt oligarchy. Also a 3rd world mess since the 2008 corrupt GOP world depression you jackass dupes seem to be unaware of...

The more unfair a capitalist system, the more likely it is to go communist, always by violent revolution. Socialism and the embourgeoisement of the working class is the best safeguard against same.

Wow! You can be a teacher with a Masters and still be this ignorant! Only three disparaging names in one post--- you can do better with a Masters. Venezuela is still a free society, just busy fighting their dictatorial oppressive government! Education is in even more trouble than I thought! No wonder our kid's minds are absolutely fried.
Yep. Pretty hard for monarchists like Kim-Jong-Un, Stalin or even milder socialists to dictate to their subjects when admitting there is a power higher than them they have to answer to. The State can have no authority higher than itself if it is to maintain control.
Socialism has been defined as ALWAYS DEMOCRATIC, fair capitalism for many years now, ignorant dupe. That's communism, asshole.

While you are an abject fool....you are a sterling example of government schooling.

"Venezuela Reminds Us That Socialism Frequently Leads to Dictatorship"
Venezuela Reminds Us That Socialism Frequently Leads to Dictatorship
You're a brainwashed twit- and I went to private school after 6th grade, and taught there-and have a Masters in History that goes against all of your theories that have been invented in the last 20 years by the New BS GOP propaganda machine, a disgrace for ignorant dupes only.

You're ALWAYS wrong, and Venezuela is still a democracy- fighting like hell against a corrupt oligarchy. Also a 3rd world mess since the 2008 corrupt GOP world depression you jackass dupes seem to be unaware of...

The more unfair a capitalist system, the more likely it is to go communist, always by violent revolution. Socialism and the embourgeoisement of the working class is the best safeguard against same.

1. "I went to private school after 6th grade,"
Juvie prison doesn't count as a private school

2. " I have a Masters in History that goes against all of your theories..."
I don't have theories....I post facts. Documented, sourced, linked facts.

Clearly you never learned to question any of the dogma they taught you in Clown College....and have never done your own research.

Remember the last accurate post of yours?
Me neither.

3. "The more unfair a capitalist system, the more likely it is to go communist,..."
OK....here's your lesson for today:

1. Modern history presents us with two divergent models of economic arrangement: socialism, and capitalism. One of these appears preoccupied with the common good, and social betterment, the other with profits and production.

2. In its modern beginnings, socialism was optimistic and well intentioned, without the overlay of its contemporary varieties that tend to bemoan prosperity, romanticize poverty, and promote a view that place individual rights are a secondary concern. This is to say that the earliest socialists sought the fullest possible flourishing of humanity, “the common good.”

3. A half-century before Karl Marx published the Communist Manifesto, there was Gracchus Babeuf’s Plebeian Manifesto, which was later renamed the Manifesto of the Equals. Babeuf’s early (1796) work has been described as socialist, anarchist, and communist, and has had an enormous impact. He wrote: “The French Revolution was nothing but a precursor of another revolution, on which will be bigger, more solemn, and which will be the last…We reach for something more sublime and more just: the common good or the community of goods! Nor more individual property in land: the land belongs to no one. We demand, we want, the common enjoyment of the fruits of the land: the fruits belong to all.” Here, then, are the major themes of socialist theory. It takes very little interpolation to find that opponents profit at the expense of the environment, and conditions of inequality in society.

4. For Babeur, socialism would distribute prosperity across the entire population, as it would “[have] us eat four good meals a day, [dress} us most elegantly, and also [provide] those of us who are fathers of families with charming houses worth a thousand louis each.”

5. Oscar Wilde: “Under socialism…there will be no people living in fetid dens and fetid rags, and bringing up unhealthy, hunger pinched children in the midst of impossible and absolutely repulsive surroundings…Each member of society will share in the general prosperity and happiness of the society…”

6. Marxism rested on the assumption that the condition of the working classes would grow ever worse under capitalism, that there would be but two classes: one small and rich, the other vast and increasingly impoverished, and revolution would be the anodyne that would result in the “common good.” But by the early 20th century, it was clear that this assumption was completely wrong! Under capitalism, the standard of living of all was improving: prices falling, incomes rising, health and sanitation improving, lengthening of life spans, diets becoming more varied, the new jobs created in industry paid more than most could make in agriculture, housing improved, and middle class industrialists and business owners displaced nobility and gentry as heroes.

7. These economic advances continued throughout the period of the rise of socialist ideology. The poor didn’t get poorer because the rich were getting richer (a familiar socialist refrain even today) as the socialists had predicted. Instead, the underlying reality was that capitalism had created the first societies in history in which living standards were rising in all sectors of society.
From a speech by Rev. Robert A. Sirico, President, Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty.
Delivered at Hillsdale College, October 27, 2006

See if you can find any errors, you dunce.
Communism is dictatorship, socialism is always democratic. Start there, brainwashed moron. Socialism is the cure for unfair capitalism that leads to violent revolution and communism, if you can upgrade your crap from the 1800's and GOP BS propaganda- join the rest of the world-it's 2017....

"Communism is dictatorship, socialism is always democratic."

This is where you inadvertently reveal that you never studied history.

Socialism is communism sans a gun.

In an article on socialism in the Encyclopedia Britannica, Prof. G. D. H. Cole, a leading theoretician and historian of the British Labor Party, declares: The distinction between socialism as distinguished by various Labor and Socialist parties of Europe and the New World, and communism, as represented by the Russians and minority parties in other countries is one of tactics-and-strategy rather than one of objective. Communism is indeed only socialism pursued by revolutionary means and making its revolutionary method a canon of faith...."

In The Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels stated that communist ends can be attained "only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions."
"...a dislike for God, the very idea of a supreme being."
A big AMEN to that, bro.
Here, in their own words:
1. There is no God

Yep. Pretty hard for monarchists like Kim-Jong-Un, Stalin or even milder socialists to dictate to their subjects when admitting there is a power higher than them they have to answer to. The State can have no authority higher than itself if it is to maintain control.
Socialism has been defined as ALWAYS DEMOCRATIC, fair capitalism for many years now, ignorant dupe. That's communism, asshole.

While you are an abject fool....you are a sterling example of government schooling.

"Venezuela Reminds Us That Socialism Frequently Leads to Dictatorship"
Venezuela Reminds Us That Socialism Frequently Leads to Dictatorship
You're a brainwashed twit- and I went to private school after 6th grade, and taught there-and have a Masters in History that goes against all of your theories that have been invented in the last 20 years by the New BS GOP propaganda machine, a disgrace for ignorant dupes only.

You're ALWAYS wrong, and Venezuela is still a democracy- fighting like hell against a corrupt oligarchy. Also a 3rd world mess since the 2008 corrupt GOP world depression you jackass dupes seem to be unaware of...

The more unfair a capitalist system, the more likely it is to go communist, always by violent revolution. Socialism and the embourgeoisement of the working class is the best safeguard against same.

Wow! You can be a teacher with a Masters and still be this ignorant! Only three disparaging names in one post--- you can do better with a Masters. Venezuela is still a free society, just busy fighting their dictatorial oppressive government! Education is in even more trouble than I thought! No wonder our kid's minds are absolutely fried.
The socialist gov't has to fight a bad oligarchy there...ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
Socialism: a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole where there is no private property. Does that sound like a democracy? I hope you say no. Democracy is a system of capitalistic government determined by an unrestrained majority of the population or its eligible members, based on private ownership and taxation typically through elected representation.

Communism is a broad movement whose ultimate goal is the establishment of two major social classes: the working class who must work to survive, and who make up the majority within society—and the capitalistic class, a minority who derives profit from employing the working class. No freedom, no private property. The state owns everything and give you everything, even your house and tells you where to work.
Socialism has been defined as ALWAYS DEMOCRATIC, fair capitalism for many years now, ignorant dupe. That's communism, asshole.

While you are an abject fool....you are a sterling example of government schooling.

"Venezuela Reminds Us That Socialism Frequently Leads to Dictatorship"
Venezuela Reminds Us That Socialism Frequently Leads to Dictatorship
You're a brainwashed twit- and I went to private school after 6th grade, and taught there-and have a Masters in History that goes against all of your theories that have been invented in the last 20 years by the New BS GOP propaganda machine, a disgrace for ignorant dupes only.

You're ALWAYS wrong, and Venezuela is still a democracy- fighting like hell against a corrupt oligarchy. Also a 3rd world mess since the 2008 corrupt GOP world depression you jackass dupes seem to be unaware of...

The more unfair a capitalist system, the more likely it is to go communist, always by violent revolution. Socialism and the embourgeoisement of the working class is the best safeguard against same.

1. "I went to private school after 6th grade,"
Juvie prison doesn't count as a private school

2. " I have a Masters in History that goes against all of your theories..."
I don't have theories....I post facts. Documented, sourced, linked facts.

Clearly you never learned to question any of the dogma they taught you in Clown College....and have never done your own research.

Remember the last accurate post of yours?
Me neither.

3. "The more unfair a capitalist system, the more likely it is to go communist,..."
OK....here's your lesson for today:

1. Modern history presents us with two divergent models of economic arrangement: socialism, and capitalism. One of these appears preoccupied with the common good, and social betterment, the other with profits and production.

2. In its modern beginnings, socialism was optimistic and well intentioned, without the overlay of its contemporary varieties that tend to bemoan prosperity, romanticize poverty, and promote a view that place individual rights are a secondary concern. This is to say that the earliest socialists sought the fullest possible flourishing of humanity, “the common good.”

3. A half-century before Karl Marx published the Communist Manifesto, there was Gracchus Babeuf’s Plebeian Manifesto, which was later renamed the Manifesto of the Equals. Babeuf’s early (1796) work has been described as socialist, anarchist, and communist, and has had an enormous impact. He wrote: “The French Revolution was nothing but a precursor of another revolution, on which will be bigger, more solemn, and which will be the last…We reach for something more sublime and more just: the common good or the community of goods! Nor more individual property in land: the land belongs to no one. We demand, we want, the common enjoyment of the fruits of the land: the fruits belong to all.” Here, then, are the major themes of socialist theory. It takes very little interpolation to find that opponents profit at the expense of the environment, and conditions of inequality in society.

4. For Babeur, socialism would distribute prosperity across the entire population, as it would “[have] us eat four good meals a day, [dress} us most elegantly, and also [provide] those of us who are fathers of families with charming houses worth a thousand louis each.”

5. Oscar Wilde: “Under socialism…there will be no people living in fetid dens and fetid rags, and bringing up unhealthy, hunger pinched children in the midst of impossible and absolutely repulsive surroundings…Each member of society will share in the general prosperity and happiness of the society…”

6. Marxism rested on the assumption that the condition of the working classes would grow ever worse under capitalism, that there would be but two classes: one small and rich, the other vast and increasingly impoverished, and revolution would be the anodyne that would result in the “common good.” But by the early 20th century, it was clear that this assumption was completely wrong! Under capitalism, the standard of living of all was improving: prices falling, incomes rising, health and sanitation improving, lengthening of life spans, diets becoming more varied, the new jobs created in industry paid more than most could make in agriculture, housing improved, and middle class industrialists and business owners displaced nobility and gentry as heroes.

7. These economic advances continued throughout the period of the rise of socialist ideology. The poor didn’t get poorer because the rich were getting richer (a familiar socialist refrain even today) as the socialists had predicted. Instead, the underlying reality was that capitalism had created the first societies in history in which living standards were rising in all sectors of society.
From a speech by Rev. Robert A. Sirico, President, Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty.
Delivered at Hillsdale College, October 27, 2006

See if you can find any errors, you dunce.
Communism is dictatorship, socialism is always democratic. Start there, brainwashed moron. Socialism is the cure for unfair capitalism that leads to violent revolution and communism, if you can upgrade your crap from the 1800's and GOP BS propaganda- join the rest of the world-it's 2017....

"Communism is dictatorship, socialism is always democratic."

This is where you inadvertently reveal that you never studied history.

Socialism is communism sans a gun.

In an article on socialism in the Encyclopedia Britannica, Prof. G. D. H. Cole, a leading theoretician and historian of the British Labor Party, declares: The distinction between socialism as distinguished by various Labor and Socialist parties of Europe and the New World, and communism, as represented by the Russians and minority parties in other countries is one of tactics-and-strategy rather than one of objective. Communism is indeed only socialism pursued by revolutionary means and making its revolutionary method a canon of faith...."

In The Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels stated that communist ends can be attained "only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions."
150+ years ago...

And Cole was a socialist in the modern sense. Try non GOP bs sources someday.
Last edited:
While you are an abject fool....you are a sterling example of government schooling.

"Venezuela Reminds Us That Socialism Frequently Leads to Dictatorship"
Venezuela Reminds Us That Socialism Frequently Leads to Dictatorship
You're a brainwashed twit- and I went to private school after 6th grade, and taught there-and have a Masters in History that goes against all of your theories that have been invented in the last 20 years by the New BS GOP propaganda machine, a disgrace for ignorant dupes only.

You're ALWAYS wrong, and Venezuela is still a democracy- fighting like hell against a corrupt oligarchy. Also a 3rd world mess since the 2008 corrupt GOP world depression you jackass dupes seem to be unaware of...

The more unfair a capitalist system, the more likely it is to go communist, always by violent revolution. Socialism and the embourgeoisement of the working class is the best safeguard against same.

1. "I went to private school after 6th grade,"
Juvie prison doesn't count as a private school

2. " I have a Masters in History that goes against all of your theories..."
I don't have theories....I post facts. Documented, sourced, linked facts.

Clearly you never learned to question any of the dogma they taught you in Clown College....and have never done your own research.

Remember the last accurate post of yours?
Me neither.

3. "The more unfair a capitalist system, the more likely it is to go communist,..."
OK....here's your lesson for today:

1. Modern history presents us with two divergent models of economic arrangement: socialism, and capitalism. One of these appears preoccupied with the common good, and social betterment, the other with profits and production.

2. In its modern beginnings, socialism was optimistic and well intentioned, without the overlay of its contemporary varieties that tend to bemoan prosperity, romanticize poverty, and promote a view that place individual rights are a secondary concern. This is to say that the earliest socialists sought the fullest possible flourishing of humanity, “the common good.”

3. A half-century before Karl Marx published the Communist Manifesto, there was Gracchus Babeuf’s Plebeian Manifesto, which was later renamed the Manifesto of the Equals. Babeuf’s early (1796) work has been described as socialist, anarchist, and communist, and has had an enormous impact. He wrote: “The French Revolution was nothing but a precursor of another revolution, on which will be bigger, more solemn, and which will be the last…We reach for something more sublime and more just: the common good or the community of goods! Nor more individual property in land: the land belongs to no one. We demand, we want, the common enjoyment of the fruits of the land: the fruits belong to all.” Here, then, are the major themes of socialist theory. It takes very little interpolation to find that opponents profit at the expense of the environment, and conditions of inequality in society.

4. For Babeur, socialism would distribute prosperity across the entire population, as it would “[have] us eat four good meals a day, [dress} us most elegantly, and also [provide] those of us who are fathers of families with charming houses worth a thousand louis each.”

5. Oscar Wilde: “Under socialism…there will be no people living in fetid dens and fetid rags, and bringing up unhealthy, hunger pinched children in the midst of impossible and absolutely repulsive surroundings…Each member of society will share in the general prosperity and happiness of the society…”

6. Marxism rested on the assumption that the condition of the working classes would grow ever worse under capitalism, that there would be but two classes: one small and rich, the other vast and increasingly impoverished, and revolution would be the anodyne that would result in the “common good.” But by the early 20th century, it was clear that this assumption was completely wrong! Under capitalism, the standard of living of all was improving: prices falling, incomes rising, health and sanitation improving, lengthening of life spans, diets becoming more varied, the new jobs created in industry paid more than most could make in agriculture, housing improved, and middle class industrialists and business owners displaced nobility and gentry as heroes.

7. These economic advances continued throughout the period of the rise of socialist ideology. The poor didn’t get poorer because the rich were getting richer (a familiar socialist refrain even today) as the socialists had predicted. Instead, the underlying reality was that capitalism had created the first societies in history in which living standards were rising in all sectors of society.
From a speech by Rev. Robert A. Sirico, President, Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty.
Delivered at Hillsdale College, October 27, 2006

See if you can find any errors, you dunce.
Communism is dictatorship, socialism is always democratic. Start there, brainwashed moron. Socialism is the cure for unfair capitalism that leads to violent revolution and communism, if you can upgrade your crap from the 1800's and GOP BS propaganda- join the rest of the world-it's 2017....

"Communism is dictatorship, socialism is always democratic."

This is where you inadvertently reveal that you never studied history.

Socialism is communism sans a gun.

In an article on socialism in the Encyclopedia Britannica, Prof. G. D. H. Cole, a leading theoretician and historian of the British Labor Party, declares: The distinction between socialism as distinguished by various Labor and Socialist parties of Europe and the New World, and communism, as represented by the Russians and minority parties in other countries is one of tactics-and-strategy rather than one of objective. Communism is indeed only socialism pursued by revolutionary means and making its revolutionary method a canon of faith...."

In The Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels stated that communist ends can be attained "only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions."
150+ years ago...

And Cole was a socialist in the modern sense. Try non GOP bs sources someday.

You were challenged.....

"The more unfair a capitalist system, the more likely it is to go communist,..."
OK....here's your lesson for today:

1. Modern history presents us with two divergent models of economic arrangement: socialism, and capitalism. One of these appears preoccupied with the common good, and social betterment, the other with profits and production.

2. In its modern beginnings, socialism was optimistic and well intentioned, without the overlay of its contemporary varieties that tend to bemoan prosperity, romanticize poverty, and promote a view that place individual rights are a secondary concern. This is to say that the earliest socialists sought the fullest possible flourishing of humanity, “the common good.”

3. A half-century before Karl Marx published the Communist Manifesto, there was Gracchus Babeuf’s Plebeian Manifesto, which was later renamed the Manifesto of the Equals. Babeuf’s early (1796) work has been described as socialist, anarchist, and communist, and has had an enormous impact. He wrote: “The French Revolution was nothing but a precursor of another revolution, on which will be bigger, more solemn, and which will be the last…We reach for something more sublime and more just: the common good or the community of goods! Nor more individual property in land: the land belongs to no one. We demand, we want, the common enjoyment of the fruits of the land: the fruits belong to all.” Here, then, are the major themes of socialist theory. It takes very little interpolation to find that opponents profit at the expense of the environment, and conditions of inequality in society.

4. For Babeur, socialism would distribute prosperity across the entire population, as it would “[have] us eat four good meals a day, [dress} us most elegantly, and also [provide] those of us who are fathers of families with charming houses worth a thousand louis each.”

5. Oscar Wilde: “Under socialism…there will be no people living in fetid dens and fetid rags, and bringing up unhealthy, hunger pinched children in the midst of impossible and absolutely repulsive surroundings…Each member of society will share in the general prosperity and happiness of the society…”

6. Marxism rested on the assumption that the condition of the working classes would grow ever worse under capitalism, that there would be but two classes: one small and rich, the other vast and increasingly impoverished, and revolution would be the anodyne that would result in the “common good.” But by the early 20th century, it was clear that this assumption was completely wrong! Under capitalism, the standard of living of all was improving: prices falling, incomes rising, health and sanitation improving, lengthening of life spans, diets becoming more varied, the new jobs created in industry paid more than most could make in agriculture, housing improved, and middle class industrialists and business owners displaced nobility and gentry as heroes.

7. These economic advances continued throughout the period of the rise of socialist ideology. The poor didn’t get poorer because the rich were getting richer (a familiar socialist refrain even today) as the socialists had predicted. Instead, the underlying reality was that capitalism had created the first societies in history in which living standards were rising in all sectors of society.
From a speech by Rev. Robert A. Sirico, President, Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty.
Delivered at Hillsdale College, October 27, 2006

This was your challenge:
See if you can find any errors, you dunce.

You couldn't find a single error....as expected.

In effect, you've served your purpose: proven me.....again.....100% correct.
Socialism: a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole where there is no private property. Does that sound like a democracy? I hope you say no. Democracy is a system of capitalistic government determined by an unrestrained majority of the population or its eligible members, based on private ownership and taxation typically through elected representation.

Communism is a broad movement whose ultimate goal is the establishment of two major social classes: the working class who must work to survive, and who make up the majority within society—and the capitalistic class, a minority who derives profit from employing the working class. No freedom, no private property. The state owns everything and give you everything, even your house and tells you where to work.
BS "Owned or REGULATED". These day it's REGULATED and DEMOCRATIC. You added no private property to the definition yourself or some propagandist did, dupe.
You're a brainwashed twit- and I went to private school after 6th grade, and taught there-and have a Masters in History that goes against all of your theories that have been invented in the last 20 years by the New BS GOP propaganda machine, a disgrace for ignorant dupes only.

You're ALWAYS wrong, and Venezuela is still a democracy- fighting like hell against a corrupt oligarchy. Also a 3rd world mess since the 2008 corrupt GOP world depression you jackass dupes seem to be unaware of...

The more unfair a capitalist system, the more likely it is to go communist, always by violent revolution. Socialism and the embourgeoisement of the working class is the best safeguard against same.

1. "I went to private school after 6th grade,"
Juvie prison doesn't count as a private school

2. " I have a Masters in History that goes against all of your theories..."
I don't have theories....I post facts. Documented, sourced, linked facts.

Clearly you never learned to question any of the dogma they taught you in Clown College....and have never done your own research.

Remember the last accurate post of yours?
Me neither.

3. "The more unfair a capitalist system, the more likely it is to go communist,..."
OK....here's your lesson for today:

1. Modern history presents us with two divergent models of economic arrangement: socialism, and capitalism. One of these appears preoccupied with the common good, and social betterment, the other with profits and production.

2. In its modern beginnings, socialism was optimistic and well intentioned, without the overlay of its contemporary varieties that tend to bemoan prosperity, romanticize poverty, and promote a view that place individual rights are a secondary concern. This is to say that the earliest socialists sought the fullest possible flourishing of humanity, “the common good.”

3. A half-century before Karl Marx published the Communist Manifesto, there was Gracchus Babeuf’s Plebeian Manifesto, which was later renamed the Manifesto of the Equals. Babeuf’s early (1796) work has been described as socialist, anarchist, and communist, and has had an enormous impact. He wrote: “The French Revolution was nothing but a precursor of another revolution, on which will be bigger, more solemn, and which will be the last…We reach for something more sublime and more just: the common good or the community of goods! Nor more individual property in land: the land belongs to no one. We demand, we want, the common enjoyment of the fruits of the land: the fruits belong to all.” Here, then, are the major themes of socialist theory. It takes very little interpolation to find that opponents profit at the expense of the environment, and conditions of inequality in society.

4. For Babeur, socialism would distribute prosperity across the entire population, as it would “[have] us eat four good meals a day, [dress} us most elegantly, and also [provide] those of us who are fathers of families with charming houses worth a thousand louis each.”

5. Oscar Wilde: “Under socialism…there will be no people living in fetid dens and fetid rags, and bringing up unhealthy, hunger pinched children in the midst of impossible and absolutely repulsive surroundings…Each member of society will share in the general prosperity and happiness of the society…”

6. Marxism rested on the assumption that the condition of the working classes would grow ever worse under capitalism, that there would be but two classes: one small and rich, the other vast and increasingly impoverished, and revolution would be the anodyne that would result in the “common good.” But by the early 20th century, it was clear that this assumption was completely wrong! Under capitalism, the standard of living of all was improving: prices falling, incomes rising, health and sanitation improving, lengthening of life spans, diets becoming more varied, the new jobs created in industry paid more than most could make in agriculture, housing improved, and middle class industrialists and business owners displaced nobility and gentry as heroes.

7. These economic advances continued throughout the period of the rise of socialist ideology. The poor didn’t get poorer because the rich were getting richer (a familiar socialist refrain even today) as the socialists had predicted. Instead, the underlying reality was that capitalism had created the first societies in history in which living standards were rising in all sectors of society.
From a speech by Rev. Robert A. Sirico, President, Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty.
Delivered at Hillsdale College, October 27, 2006

See if you can find any errors, you dunce.
Communism is dictatorship, socialism is always democratic. Start there, brainwashed moron. Socialism is the cure for unfair capitalism that leads to violent revolution and communism, if you can upgrade your crap from the 1800's and GOP BS propaganda- join the rest of the world-it's 2017....

"Communism is dictatorship, socialism is always democratic."

This is where you inadvertently reveal that you never studied history.

Socialism is communism sans a gun.

In an article on socialism in the Encyclopedia Britannica, Prof. G. D. H. Cole, a leading theoretician and historian of the British Labor Party, declares: The distinction between socialism as distinguished by various Labor and Socialist parties of Europe and the New World, and communism, as represented by the Russians and minority parties in other countries is one of tactics-and-strategy rather than one of objective. Communism is indeed only socialism pursued by revolutionary means and making its revolutionary method a canon of faith...."

In The Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels stated that communist ends can be attained "only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions."
150+ years ago...

And Cole was a socialist in the modern sense. Try non GOP bs sources someday.

You were challenged.....

"The more unfair a capitalist system, the more likely it is to go communist,..."
OK....here's your lesson for today:

1. Modern history presents us with two divergent models of economic arrangement: socialism, and capitalism. One of these appears preoccupied with the common good, and social betterment, the other with profits and production.

2. In its modern beginnings, socialism was optimistic and well intentioned, without the overlay of its contemporary varieties that tend to bemoan prosperity, romanticize poverty, and promote a view that place individual rights are a secondary concern. This is to say that the earliest socialists sought the fullest possible flourishing of humanity, “the common good.”

3. A half-century before Karl Marx published the Communist Manifesto, there was Gracchus Babeuf’s Plebeian Manifesto, which was later renamed the Manifesto of the Equals. Babeuf’s early (1796) work has been described as socialist, anarchist, and communist, and has had an enormous impact. He wrote: “The French Revolution was nothing but a precursor of another revolution, on which will be bigger, more solemn, and which will be the last…We reach for something more sublime and more just: the common good or the community of goods! Nor more individual property in land: the land belongs to no one. We demand, we want, the common enjoyment of the fruits of the land: the fruits belong to all.” Here, then, are the major themes of socialist theory. It takes very little interpolation to find that opponents profit at the expense of the environment, and conditions of inequality in society.

4. For Babeur, socialism would distribute prosperity across the entire population, as it would “[have] us eat four good meals a day, [dress} us most elegantly, and also [provide] those of us who are fathers of families with charming houses worth a thousand louis each.”

5. Oscar Wilde: “Under socialism…there will be no people living in fetid dens and fetid rags, and bringing up unhealthy, hunger pinched children in the midst of impossible and absolutely repulsive surroundings…Each member of society will share in the general prosperity and happiness of the society…”

6. Marxism rested on the assumption that the condition of the working classes would grow ever worse under capitalism, that there would be but two classes: one small and rich, the other vast and increasingly impoverished, and revolution would be the anodyne that would result in the “common good.” But by the early 20th century, it was clear that this assumption was completely wrong! Under capitalism, the standard of living of all was improving: prices falling, incomes rising, health and sanitation improving, lengthening of life spans, diets becoming more varied, the new jobs created in industry paid more than most could make in agriculture, housing improved, and middle class industrialists and business owners displaced nobility and gentry as heroes.

7. These economic advances continued throughout the period of the rise of socialist ideology. The poor didn’t get poorer because the rich were getting richer (a familiar socialist refrain even today) as the socialists had predicted. Instead, the underlying reality was that capitalism had created the first societies in history in which living standards were rising in all sectors of society.
From a speech by Rev. Robert A. Sirico, President, Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty.
Delivered at Hillsdale College, October 27, 2006

This was your challenge:
See if you can find any errors, you dunce.

You couldn't find a single error....as expected.

In effect, you've served your purpose: proven me.....again.....100% correct.
Try something new and not BS GOP propaganda, superdupe.
Christian ideals then.


Which Christian ideals are you attributing to me that you hate so.o..o... much?



Jeebus what a dumbass. Quote the whole thing duh. The ones you vote against-


In other words you can not answer my question and have to resort to abuse like any good progressive troll.

The only dumbass here is the one who thought I was a Christian then deflects and can't state which Christian ideals they think I support when questioned which those would be.

What's the matter there rich boy can't get your thoughts straight because you spent so much time partying on you daddy's money when in college?


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a dislike for God

Which God? Who's God, is it that we supposedly dislike?

Does not believing in supernatural beings controlling our destiny count as a dislike for 'God'?

View attachment 125976

So instead of the believing some supernatural being might be controlling your destiny in some way you'd prefer the mortal with all of it's MacBeth intrigues, deceit, and frailties.



First of all I said beings, not just one. Like the devil. Satan is a supernatural being. If I believed in it, disliking that one is okay right?

Christian mythology is full of them. History is full of them too.

Nice Kansas however.

I feel a part of something that is greater than myself. What that something is, is as of yet indescribable in words. But that doesn't mean I believe in the immaculate reception (fuching Pittsburgh!!!), Jesus's divinity, or the resurrection. Doesn't make me hate my mother or devalue humanity.


Yet you apparently devalue beliefs that many people hold.



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