When Did Trump Make You A Keynesian?

It isn’t funny seeing big government trumpers call somebody else big government. Sorry but repubs threw away the small gov label.
Precisely. That's why I started this topic. To jab pseudocons with the fact that Trump has made them into Keynesians.
But ironically enough, all you’ve been able to achieve is to illustrate to everyone is that you and Brain (a radical leftist) circle-jerk the shit out of each other despite your claims of being opposed to his ideology. :laugh:
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And I can guarantee you P@triot will continue to claim I am the big government liberal in future topics on this forum. Even though he has been buried under a mountain of truth.
I have been buried under a “mountain of truth” on this forum. The truth that you are a radical left-wing asshole. Show me anybody (including marxist’s) on this forum who whines about Trump more than you do.

Sorry asshat, but I was the ultimate “Never Trump” conservative. But as a true constitutional conservative, I can acknowledge when someone is adhering to the U.S. Constitution (as Trump has done). Your complete and total inability to recognize what he has done is all the proof one needs to see you’re a left-wing partisan hack.
Here are the US deficits by year: Is the U.S. Budget Deficit Really That Bad?

FY 2009 $1.4 trillion
FY 2010 $1.3 trillion
FY 2011 $1.3 trillion
FY 2012 $1 trillion
FY 2013 $679 billion
FY 2014 $485 billion
FY 2015 $438 billion
FY 2016 $585 billion
FY 2017 $665 billion
FY 2018 $833 billion (est)
FY 2019 $984 billion (est)

As you can plainly see, during the Obama regime, deficits had a downward trend, and during the Trump regime they have an upward trend, with a lot of help by the Republican Congress. Just like deficits had an upward trend the last time a Republican President had a Republican Congress.

Also, Trump's tax "reform" will add $1.5 trillion dollars to our debt. The pseudocons crowed that this giant debt bill would stimulate the economy. It just doesn't get more Keynesian than that.

In fact, the pseudocons have out-Keynesed Keynes! Keynes didn't believe in deficit spending during an up economy. He actually believed we should pay our debt DOWN during an up economy.

So...when did Trump make you pseudocons into uber Keynesians?

You love you some Progressives "rube".
It isn’t funny seeing big government trumpers call somebody else big government. Sorry but repubs threw away the small gov label.
Precisely. That's why I started this topic. To jab pseudocons with the fact that Trump has made them into Keynesians.
But ironically enough, all you’ve been able to achieve is to illustrate to everyone who your and Brain (a radical leftist) circle-jerk the shit out of each other despite your claims of being opposed to his ideology. :laugh:
Wow being fiscally responsible is radical leftist now. Go figure.
And I can guarantee you P@triot will continue to claim I am the big government liberal in future topics on this forum. Even though he has been buried under a mountain of truth.
I have been buried under a “mountain of truth” on this forum. The truth that you are a radical left-wing asshole. Show me anybody (including marxist’s) on this forum who whines about Trump more than you do.

Sorry asshat, but I was the ultimate “Never Trump” conservative. But as a true constitutional conservative, I can acknowledge when someone is adhering to the U.S. Constitution (as Trump has done). Your complete and total inability to recognize what he has done is all the proof one needs to see you’re a left-wing partisan hack.
I bet you wanted a balanced budget till repubs took control of everything too.
I bet you wanted a balanced budget till repubs took control of everything too.
Nope! Didn’t want a “balanced budget” then, do not want a “balanced budget” now. I find anything less than a surplus put towards paying down the debt to be intolerable.

President Trump has upheld his end. He signed off on the Republican tax cuts - which resulted in an exponentially better economy and thus more tax revenues to the federal government. If the greedy and lazy left-wing parasites would get rid of the unconstitutional socialism, we could pay off the entire national debt in a mere 20 years (would have been 10 years before the MaObama reign of terror) at the current tax rates.
I bet you wanted a balanced budget till repubs took control of everything too.
Nope! Didn’t want a “balanced budget” then, do not want a “balanced budget” now. I find anything less than a surplus put towards paying down the debt to be intolerable.

President Trump has upheld his end. He signed off on the Republican tax cuts - which resulted in an exponentially better economy and thus more tax revenues to the federal government. If the greedy and lazy left-wing parasites would get rid of the unconstitutional socialism, we could pay off the entire national debt in a mere 20 years (would have been 10 years before the MaObama reign of terror) at the current tax rates.
So you haven’t noticed how much deficits have increased?
So you haven’t noticed how much deficits have increased?
Well, compared to MaObama, minimally. But that aside, did President Trump and or the Republican Party create Social Security? Nope, the Dumbocrats did (despite Republicans best effort to prevent it and stern warnings against it). Did President Trump and or the Republican Party create welfare? Nope, the Dumbocrats did (despite Republicans best effort to prevent it and stern warnings against it). Did President Trump and or the Republican Party create food stamps? Nope, the Dumbocrats did (despite Republicans best effort to prevent it and stern warnings against it). Did President Trump and or the Republican Party create Medicaid? Nope, the Dumbocrats did (despite Republicans best effort to prevent it and stern warnings against it). Did President Trump and or the Republican Party create Medicare? Nope, the Dumbocrats did (despite Republicans best effort to prevent it and stern warnings against it). Did President Trump and or the Republican Party create Obamacare? Nope, the Dumbocrats did (despite Republicans best effort to prevent it and stern warnings against it). Did President Trump and or the Republican Party create government housing? Nope, the Dumbocrats did (despite Republicans best effort to prevent it and stern warnings against it).

So you haven’t noticed how much deficits have increased?
Well, compared to MaObama, minimally. But that aside, did President Trump and or the Republican Party create Social Security? Nope, the Dumbocrats did (despite Republicans best effort to prevent it and stern warnings against it). Did President Trump and or the Republican Party create welfare? Nope, the Dumbocrats did (despite Republicans best effort to prevent it and stern warnings against it). Did President Trump and or the Republican Party create food stamps? Nope, the Dumbocrats did (despite Republicans best effort to prevent it and stern warnings against it). Did President Trump and or the Republican Party create Medicaid? Nope, the Dumbocrats did (despite Republicans best effort to prevent it and stern warnings against it). Did President Trump and or the Republican Party create Medicare? Nope, the Dumbocrats did (despite Republicans best effort to prevent it and stern warnings against it). Did President Trump and or the Republican Party create Obamacare? Nope, the Dumbocrats did (despite Republicans best effort to prevent it and stern warnings against it). Did President Trump and or the Republican Party create government housing? Nope, the Dumbocrats did (despite Republicans best effort to prevent it and stern warnings against it).

Minimally? He had increased them hugely. During a strong economy,
Hayek on protectionism:

PR: Professor Hayek, we're hearing much today about the threat to world trade through new rounds of protectionism. What advice would you have to political leaders and also to the people of Western countries who might be concerned about new protectionist measures?

Hayek: Perhaps I am over-optimistic—but one thing has been understood, at least by the more responsible people, that nothing did more to intensify the depression of the 1930s than the return to protectionism. I have not yet found anybody who, once he was reminded of this fact, would still continue to believe that it might be necessary to reintroduce protection.

Policy Report: Interview with F.A. Hayek
His book, “The Road to Surfdom” should be mandatory reading for every sophomore in America. It’s a masterpiece.
On protectionism:
PR: Professor Hayek, we're hearing much today about the threat to world trade through new rounds of protectionism. What advice would you have to political leaders and also to the people of Western countries who might be concerned about new protectionist measures?

Hayek: Perhaps I am over-optimistic—but one thing has been understood, at least by the more responsible people, that nothing did more to intensify the depression of the 1930s than the return to protectionism. I have not yet found anybody who, once he was reminded of this fact, would still continue to believe that it might be necessary to reintroduce protection.
Policy Report: Interview with F.A. Hayek
Don't think Hayek would like trumpy, he'd probably call him a socialist....
Hayek on deficits and the Reagan tax cuts
Posted on August 1, 2010 by Greg Ransom
F. A. Hayek interviewed by the NY Times, Dec. 1, 1982:

“On the scale on which [tax cutting] is being tried, I’m a little apprehensive. I’m all for reduction of government expenditures but to anticipate it by reducing the rate of taxation before you have reduced expenditure is a very risky thing to do.”

“The only way you can finance deficits is by inflation. You cannot raise this amount of money by genuine borrowing. You borrow from banks, which create credit for the purpose. A large government deficit is a certain way to inflation.”

Hayek on deficits and the Reagan tax cuts | Taking Hayek Seriously
Don't think Hayek would like trumpy, he'd probably call him a socialist....
Hayek on deficits and the Reagan tax cuts
Posted on August 1, 2010 by Greg Ransom
F. A. Hayek interviewed by the NY Times, Dec. 1, 1982:

“On the scale on which [tax cutting] is being tried, I’m a little apprehensive. I’m all for reduction of government expenditures but to anticipate it by reducing the rate of taxation before you have reduced expenditure is a very risky thing to do.”

“The only way you can finance deficits is by inflation. You cannot raise this amount of money by genuine borrowing. You borrow from banks, which create credit for the purpose. A large government deficit is a certain way to inflation.”

Hayek on deficits and the Reagan tax cuts | Taking Hayek Seriously

Trump may out-debt even Reagan

Niether would anyone else

Reaganomics was all about trickle down, greasing that top 1% , and by using the next genrations $$$ to do so

Reagan was Trump's idol , he's operating basically the same

I guess that's what anyone should expect of a wall street CEO


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