When Donald Trump Revoked a Babys Health care to get Back at Family

so, if this agreement is so tightly guarded with a non disclosure, tell us, how exactly is it that you of all people have been blessed with the privilage to know of it?
I don't it's an honest presumption of what good lawyers produce in such circumstances.
what you said was
Trump caved and made a settlement which does not allow for the disclosure of terms. Typical rightie to talk out of their ass before acquainting themselves of all the facts
you presented as fact, something that according to your last post indicates that you are making a presumption based on nothing.
so, essentially you are now lying to try to make a point? would this be a correct assumption on the rest of the readers parts?
and you say the Admiral was done from the start?
It doesn't change the dynamic that Trump risked the health care of an infant out of revenge and you people are doing your best to defend it. Shame on you.
based on your history, what is it about what you post that anyone should take for anything but a lie?
I do give you credit however, you have been slapped by so many here and you just keep coming back for more, like the energizer poster or something.

I could say the very same about you and I am not trying to find excuses for taking a baby's health care away.
Yes, I know the big words confound you, but it shouldn't stop you from being well informed.

And someone like you is maladroit in telling the truth. Oh, if by "big words" you mean "Trump is mean" then yes, they are confounding. Other than being a big mouthed blowhard, he's got a good heart, and it doesn't matter what you think.
Obviously his big heart has no room for babies.
so, if this agreement is so tightly guarded with a non disclosure, tell us, how exactly is it that you of all people have been blessed with the privilage to know of it?
I don't it's an honest presumption of what good lawyers produce in such circumstances.
what you said was
Trump caved and made a settlement which does not allow for the disclosure of terms. Typical rightie to talk out of their ass before acquainting themselves of all the facts
you presented as fact, something that according to your last post indicates that you are making a presumption based on nothing.
so, essentially you are now lying to try to make a point? would this be a correct assumption on the rest of the readers parts?
and you say the Admiral was done from the start?
It doesn't change the dynamic that Trump risked the health care of an infant out of revenge and you people are doing your best to defend it. Shame on you.
based on your history, what is it about what you post that anyone should take for anything but a lie?
I do give you credit however, you have been slapped by so many here and you just keep coming back for more, like the energizer poster or something.

I could say the very same about you and I am not trying to find excuses for taking a baby's health care away.
please show where I lied, please do.
I showed your blatent lie, its only fair you show mine.
Regardless the fact that Obamacare has nothing to do with this incident I revel in the fact you are all trying to find an excuse for it.

"Regardless of the fact"

Yes, just ignore the facts like you always do. Now's the time to look up the word "irony" in the dictionary. Because while you focus on Trump pulling healthcare benefits from a disabled baby, you ignore the current, I repeat, current effects of Obamacare, which has done more than just strip insurance away from a single person, it has stripped millions of Americans their insurance. OH, and let's not forget our veterans and the disaster known as the VA. You have no regard for these people.

The baby is a tool for you, not a recipient of your sympathy.
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so, if this agreement is so tightly guarded with a non disclosure, tell us, how exactly is it that you of all people have been blessed with the privilage to know of it?
I don't it's an honest presumption of what good lawyers produce in such circumstances.
what you said was
Trump caved and made a settlement which does not allow for the disclosure of terms. Typical rightie to talk out of their ass before acquainting themselves of all the facts
you presented as fact, something that according to your last post indicates that you are making a presumption based on nothing.
so, essentially you are now lying to try to make a point? would this be a correct assumption on the rest of the readers parts?
and you say the Admiral was done from the start?
It doesn't change the dynamic that Trump risked the health care of an infant out of revenge and you people are doing your best to defend it. Shame on you.
based on your history, what is it about what you post that anyone should take for anything but a lie?
I do give you credit however, you have been slapped by so many here and you just keep coming back for more, like the energizer poster or something.

I could say the very same about you and I am not trying to find excuses for taking a baby's health care away.
please show where I lied, please do.
I showed your blatent lie, its only fair you show mine.
LOL stick to the point. Taking out a family disagreement on a baby is pitiful beyond belief and the fact that all of you are stretching for a way to excuse it is sad beyond belief.
Obviously his big heart has no room for babies.

And obviously that cranial cavity of yours has no room for a brain.

Let's say you were giving me monthly stipends to take care of my poor family and children. Let's say than instead of being thankful for said generosity, I decide to take you to court and sue you. Would you continue giving me those stipends?

Don't lie to me, you wouldn't.
Regardless the fact that Obamacare has nothing to do with this incident I revel in the fact you are all trying to find an excuse for it.

"Regardless of the fact"

Yes, just ignore the facts like you always do. Now's the time to look up the word "irony" in the dictionary. Because while you focus on Trump pulling healthcare benefits from a disabled baby, you ignore the current, I repeat, current effects of Obamacare, which has done more than just strip insurance away from a single person. OH, and let's not forget our veterans and the disaster known as the VA. You have no regard for these people.

The baby is a tool for you, not a recipient of your sympathy.
LOL, you are the same people who screamed "let them die" in 2011
Obviously his big heart has no room for babies.

And obviously that cranial cavity of yours has no room for a brain.

Let's say you were giving me monthly stipends to take care of my poor family and children. Let's say than instead of being thankful for said generosity, I decide to take you to court and sue you. Would you continue giving me those stipends?

Don't lie to me, you wouldn't.
I would never take it out on a baby as you and Trump would.
One other thing, do you really care about what Trump did to the baby? Or are you just throwing this up here just to trash him? I doubt you could give two shits about the baby.

Look at you, using poor children as a means to score political points. You're despicable.

Excusing Trump for his despicable behavior shows more about you than me. I feel sorry for someone so lacking in basic morals as you are.
what you said was
you presented as fact, something that according to your last post indicates that you are making a presumption based on nothing.
so, essentially you are now lying to try to make a point? would this be a correct assumption on the rest of the readers parts?
and you say the Admiral was done from the start?
It doesn't change the dynamic that Trump risked the health care of an infant out of revenge and you people are doing your best to defend it. Shame on you.
based on your history, what is it about what you post that anyone should take for anything but a lie?
I do give you credit however, you have been slapped by so many here and you just keep coming back for more, like the energizer poster or something.

I could say the very same about you and I am not trying to find excuses for taking a baby's health care away.
please show where I lied, please do.
I showed your blatent lie, its only fair you show mine.
LOL stick to the point. Taking out a family disagreement on a baby is pitiful beyond belief and the fact that all of you are stretching for a way to excuse it is sad beyond belief.
No, I am sticking to the point, you claim I lied, I would like for you to back that statement up with fact, else, you are once again lying.
are you a chronic liar?
It doesn't change the dynamic that Trump risked the health care of an infant out of revenge and you people are doing your best to defend it. Shame on you.
based on your history, what is it about what you post that anyone should take for anything but a lie?
I do give you credit however, you have been slapped by so many here and you just keep coming back for more, like the energizer poster or something.

I could say the very same about you and I am not trying to find excuses for taking a baby's health care away.
please show where I lied, please do.
I showed your blatent lie, its only fair you show mine.
LOL stick to the point. Taking out a family disagreement on a baby is pitiful beyond belief and the fact that all of you are stretching for a way to excuse it is sad beyond belief.
No, I am sticking to the point, you claim I lied, I would like for you to back that statement up with fact, else, you are once again lying.
are you a chronic liar?
I really don't give a shit what you want to stick to. You calling me a blatant liar is the work of the devil incarnate, there is no truth to your kind of ilk.
No babies were harmed or armed during the production of this thread.
You know that how?
You know how a loudspeaker is the same as a microphone? You can hear everything everyone says in an room with a radio, TV or whatever?

It works the same way with a computer monitor.

Think about that for a second or two.

Is it your life work to confound threads with abject idiocy?
Regardless the fact that Obamacare has nothing to do with this incident I revel in the fact you are all trying to find an excuse for it.

"Regardless of the fact"

Yes, just ignore the facts like you always do. Now's the time to look up the word "irony" in the dictionary. Because while you focus on Trump pulling healthcare benefits from a disabled baby, you ignore the current, I repeat, current effects of Obamacare, which has done more than just strip insurance away from a single person. OH, and let's not forget our veterans and the disaster known as the VA. You have no regard for these people.

The baby is a tool for you, not a recipient of your sympathy.
LOL, you are the same people who screamed "let them die" in 2011

Who is "you"? And who are these "same people" who screamed "let them die?"

You're out of ammo, pal.
based on your history, what is it about what you post that anyone should take for anything but a lie?
I do give you credit however, you have been slapped by so many here and you just keep coming back for more, like the energizer poster or something.

I could say the very same about you and I am not trying to find excuses for taking a baby's health care away.
please show where I lied, please do.
I showed your blatent lie, its only fair you show mine.
LOL stick to the point. Taking out a family disagreement on a baby is pitiful beyond belief and the fact that all of you are stretching for a way to excuse it is sad beyond belief.
No, I am sticking to the point, you claim I lied, I would like for you to back that statement up with fact, else, you are once again lying.
are you a chronic liar?
I really don't give a shit what you want to stick to. You calling me a blatant liar is the work of the devil incarnate, there is no truth to your kind of ilk.
I think I pointed out rather clearly that you lied about Trump quickly jumping to settle the matter.
then you said I too was lying, or that you could say the same about me. If you cant show where I lied, then you are again lying. This would indicate a possible chronic condition.
Oh, and when you just said that there was no truth to my kind of ilk, I was kind enough to quote your lies to point them out, so again, yet another lie. There is truth in what I said.
would you like to try for another lie to get out of this?
A person can rewrite their will however they like. Why is a grandfather or family are responsible for a grand child's insurance. Parents are usually responsible for that.
If you can, and if you want to help...........fine, but you are not obligated to. If they had not tried to sue or contest the will there would have been no issue. Parents should have considered their actions might have negative consequences.

However the will was decided, it was not criminal and there is no purpose getting upset over it.

The children's argument was that an earlier version of the will provided for them and the new revision was done while the elder Trump suffered from dementia and was not capable of executing a new will. The childrens father was dead.

Trump senior was at the office all the time till the week he went to the hospital for pneumonia. at 93 yrs old, if he was capable of running his business he was capable of changing his will.
The fact that he suffered from dementia is well known, the fact that such people are easily manipulated is probably why Donald Trump was so quick to settle and keep it out of court..

Only the disgruntled grandchildren suggested senior began to suffered from Alzheimer's six years before his death. The will they disputed was drafted 8 yrs before senior's death. He was in full control of his business till the week he went to hospital with pneumonia.
Alzheimer's is a slow progressive deterioration and in many cases is evident in the evening, what they call sundown syndrome, in different ways while during the day can leave the person very capable of most decisions. Many might need help with certain aspects of their life but it does not make them incapable of decisions or mean they lack any awareness. It is very different with each person and a diagnosis does not automatically make one complainant, even in later stages. Even if senior was diagnosed, it has not relevance to the will or the matter of the medical coverage of a great-grandchild born so many years after the will was written.

This was a family matter and not a current issue or one for speculation by outsiders after so long.

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