When (if ever) will R-W'ers admit to Trump's approval ratings?

When pollers stop intentionally oversampling Democrats.

How "true"......Pollsters, media and the 3 million ADDITIONAL voters who voted for Hillary are ALL against you.....Best thing for you to do is keep hiding under your bed with a flashlight and your comic books....of course

(BTW, are pollers those naked ladies who dance at bars???)
Yeah and that's why the polls had Hillary winning the Electoral in a landslide and how did that work out ? I love comics by the way got several hundred on my computer along with several hundred novels I've read. Mostly hard science fiction and independent comics. I could suggest some reading material if you like. I'm sure I've read a hundred or so from both mediums that you have never heard of.
You send those women over to fight ISIS........ISIS is going to have fun "Laying Pipe!" as 12 inches of YOGI!!!!
There are women fighting against ISIS now and those Marines in my signature ain't no snowflakes.
When pollers stop intentionally oversampling Democrats.

How "true"......Pollsters, media and the 3 million ADDITIONAL voters who voted for Hillary are ALL against you.....Best thing for you to do is keep hiding under your bed with a flashlight and your comic books....of course

(BTW, are pollers those naked ladies who dance at bars???)
Yeah and that's why the polls had Hillary winning the Electoral in a landslide and how did that work out ? I love comics by the way got several hundred on my computer along with several hundred novels I've read. Mostly hard science fiction and independent comics. I could suggest some reading material if you like. I'm sure I've read a hundred or so from both mediums that you have never heard of.
You send those women over to fight ISIS........ISIS is going to have fun "Laying Pipe!" as 12 inches of YOGI!!!!
Meh! ISIS will run the tra
in-gang bangThere are women fighting against ISIS now and those Marines in my signature ain't no snowflakes.
Meh! ISIS will run the train and gang bang these woman......sorry that's the reality!!!!

True, science is "overrated"..........We also faked the landing on the moon and gravity is a cruel hoax on right wing morons...............LOL
Maybe you'd like to go back to RCP,
still don't have you're numbers straight.

Yeah, let's

Polling Data
Poll Date Sample Favorable Unfavorable Spread
RCP Average 1/12 - 1/31 -- 42.0 49.9 -7.9
PPP (D) 1/30 - 1/31 725 RV 45 52 -7
Economist/YouGov 1/28 - 1/31 1278 RV 45 50 -5
Quinnipiac 1/20 - 1/25 1190 RV 39 52 -13
FOX News 1/15 - 1/18 1006 RV 42 55 -13
Rasmussen Reports 1/17 - 1/18 1000 LV 52 48 +4
Reuters/Ipsos 1/13 - 1/17 2070 A 50 50 Tie
CBS News 1/13 - 1/16 1257 A 32 42 -10
ABC News/Wash Post 1/12 - 1/15 1005 A 40 54 -14
CNN/ORC 1/12 - 1/15 1000 A 44 53 -9
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 1/12 - 1/15 1000 A 38 48 -10
Monmouth 1/12 - 1/15 708 RV 35 45 -10
Right wingers on here and elsewhere, speak of Trump as representing "the people of America" and that whatever he has done and will do is the "will of the people."

Well, that's typical R-W bullshit.......From such regulations signed by Trump without direct congressional backing, such as repealing the fiduciary rule on investors looking out for client's benefit, or repealing the ban on mentally ill people from owning lethal guns.

The facts are clear regardless of R-Wers insanity and delusions.

RCP has Trump's approval rating at 42%, while DISAPPROVAL at 50%........Buyers' remorse has already set in after only 2 weeks of the demagogue sitting in the oval office.
They won't. They'll only pretend the more favorable polls are valid. The others are from "fake news"
Trump is in the toilet and about to fall further into that abyss where all turd eventually go with a good flush!

"US President Donald Trump received the lowest approval rating — and highest disapproval rating — for a new president in recent history, according to a survey released Friday."
~~ Trump just received the lowest approval rating in recent history for a new president ~~


Obama's awesome ratings still lost 63 Dem House seats in 2010.
And that has what to do with the price of potatoes? As much as Bush 43's approval rating around 25% in his last months! Not a fucking thing in the here and now of it, shit for brains!

And that has what to do with the price of potatoes?

Did Obama's high approval save the Dem majority once the people saw his actions?
Obviously not. Trump's actions will decide what happens in the future, not his poll ratings today.
Nobody cares. Except for whining losers.......ahem.

You just don't fucking get it do you? GAWD DAMN but you're thick as a bloody brick! Find the thread about the 2010 Congressional elections and post your idiot's drivel there, dimwit!

I thought you especially would like this meme. Don't thank me, thank the massive failure of petulant former President Obama.

Maybe you'd like to go back to RCP,
still don't have you're numbers straight.

Yeah, let's

Polling Data
Poll Date Sample Favorable Unfavorable Spread
RCP Average 1/12 - 1/31 -- 42.0 49.9 -7.9

PPP (D) 1/30 - 1/31 725 RV 45 52 -7
Economist/YouGov 1/28 - 1/31 1278 RV 45 50 -5
Quinnipiac 1/20 - 1/25 1190 RV 39 52 -13
FOX News 1/15 - 1/18 1006 RV 42 55 -13
Rasmussen Reports 1/17 - 1/18 1000 LV 52 48 +4
Reuters/Ipsos 1/13 - 1/17 2070 A 50 50 Tie
CBS News 1/13 - 1/16 1257 A 32 42 -10
ABC News/Wash Post 1/12 - 1/15 1005 A 40 54 -14
CNN/ORC 1/12 - 1/15 1000 A 44 53 -9
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 1/12 - 1/15 1000 A 38 48 -10
Monmouth 1/12 - 1/15 708 RV 35 45 -10

Aside from copying and pasting, you have no clue as to how to make your post legible, do you? Your desperation is duly noted, Have you noticed that this is the month of February?

Polling Data
. . . . . . . . . . . .Poll Date . Approve Disapprove Spread
RCP Average 1/27 - 2/3 . . . 46.0 . . . . . 48.3 . . . . . -2.3

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

THANK YOU! I appreciate you going out of the way to prove me right. I don't often see that from the far left Progressives.
his delusions would not allow reality to sink in


outdated electoral college.


outdated electoral college.


Once more for posterity:

outdated electoral college.

I think you have the problem reversed nat. Seriously, you do. You're the one deluded enough to think the electoral college is outdated.

Then again, it wouldn't have been outdated if Hillary had won.

But yeah...you go with that.

outdated electoral college.
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You really believe that?...2018 will see more GOP candidates in congress and probably the senate, if that happens and the above is true then that will validate trumps policies...and then of course the republicans will have a larger majority control over redistricting in 2020 which will give them even greater majorities...I would be careful with these kinds of posts, lest they reappear like your Nov.2 thread/posts did.

Sure, and then Papa Bear.........

Now, moron, judging by Trump's approval ratings and large demonstration throughout the nation and the world....

WHO do you think elected republicans will side with in the next 20 months??

if they side with a failed demagogue.....they may be in trouble.....

However, if your ilk "wins".....Its ALL yours to defend the future fuck ups.

I LOVE your desperation. The demonstrators are proving what losers they are and that they are NOT who they purport to be. You know, TOLERANT, ACCEPTING, RESPECTFUL. What fun!

Riots, violent demonstrations, injuries, property destruction are what represents the thug left. They are SO PROUD!

WOW! This shameless woman is teaching CHILDREN.
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Right wingers on here and elsewhere, speak of Trump as representing "the people of America" and that whatever he has done and will do is the "will of the people."

Well, that's typical R-W bullshit.......From such regulations signed by Trump without direct congressional backing, such as repealing the fiduciary rule on investors looking out for client's benefit, or repealing the ban on mentally ill people from owning lethal guns.

The facts are clear regardless of R-Wers insanity and delusions.

RCP has Trump's approval rating at 42%, while DISAPPROVAL at 50%........Buyers' remorse has already set in after only 2 weeks of the demagogue sitting in the oval office.

The poll taken on Nov 8th says otherwise. That's the only one that counts.
Right wingers on here and elsewhere, speak of Trump as representing "the people of America" and that whatever he has done and will do is the "will of the people."

Well, that's typical R-W bullshit.......From such regulations signed by Trump without direct congressional backing, such as repealing the fiduciary rule on investors looking out for client's benefit, or repealing the ban on mentally ill people from owning lethal guns.

The facts are clear regardless of R-Wers insanity and delusions.

RCP has Trump's approval rating at 42%, while DISAPPROVAL at 50%........Buyers' remorse has already set in after only 2 weeks of the demagogue sitting in the oval office.

Fat chance of them admitting they made a bad choice, or mention his "ratings", he does that himself enough anyway. They're rigged if they're too low anyway, or it's the media fault, they're picking on him--is all you'll get.

They let him do this through-out the debates and still elected him--LOL


They aren't going to dumb him like a hot rock and admit that they were WRONG now. They aren't going to get off the Trump Titanic, they'll be with him all the way to the bottom.
How many campaign promises did Obama keep?

Dumb question to respond to after Obama's 8 years in office......Probably the biggest promise that Obama could NOT keep is the closing of GITMO.......but then, of course, those "sweethearts" in congress just sat on their fat asses worrying about their reelection and decided to do NOTHING to help the country for more than FIVE long years......

Check out all thos great bills that congress passed from 2011. to 2016.....
They didn't have the opportunity. Everything was done by EO.

Obama never intended to close Gitmo, he just told the nutters what they wanted to hear to get votes and the nutters drank it up.
Obama dropped the population from 280 to around 80. Best he could do with congressional obstruction

Trump wants to open a new torture cell

Why do you and petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama believe it is a grand idea to release 200 TERRORISTS allowing them to return to the battlefield?

Why too does former President Obama believe that killing a terrorist and lots of citizens around them is a grand idea but capturing them, shipping them off to GITMO to gain lots of valuable information about future attacks.
There is a big conspiracy against trump that makes him tell lies and stupid stuff every day. The whole world is in on it.
Right wingers on here and elsewhere, speak of Trump as representing "the people of America" and that whatever he has done and will do is the "will of the people."

Well, that's typical R-W bullshit.......From such regulations signed by Trump without direct congressional backing, such as repealing the fiduciary rule on investors looking out for client's benefit, or repealing the ban on mentally ill people from owning lethal guns.

The facts are clear regardless of R-Wers insanity and delusions.

RCP has Trump's approval rating at 42%, while DISAPPROVAL at 50%........Buyers' remorse has already set in after only 2 weeks of the demagogue sitting in the oval office.

Fat chance of them admitting they made a bad choice, or mention his "ratings", he does that himself enough anyway. They're rigged if they're too low anyway, or it's the media fault, they're picking on him--is all you'll get.

They let him do this through-out the debates and still elected him--LOL


They aren't going to dumb him like a hot rock and admit that they were WRONG now. They aren't going to get off the Trump Titanic, they'll be with him all the way to the bottom.

If you feel like that about PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP. How in the heck do you feel about you candidate who lost in a landslide to him?

Nope, don't even try to go there. Take out the failing state of moonbeams and unicorns and President Trump won the popular vote too.
Right wingers on here and elsewhere, speak of Trump as representing "the people of America" and that whatever he has done and will do is the "will of the people."

Well, that's typical R-W bullshit.......From such regulations signed by Trump without direct congressional backing, such as repealing the fiduciary rule on investors looking out for client's benefit, or repealing the ban on mentally ill people from owning lethal guns.

The facts are clear regardless of R-Wers insanity and delusions.

RCP has Trump's approval rating at 42%, while DISAPPROVAL at 50%........Buyers' remorse has already set in after only 2 weeks of the demagogue sitting in the oval office.
Well nat4900, regardless of what you think of the Frump, our U.S. Constitution has set up the way for a president to be elected as one done by the Electoral College, not the popular vote and because the Frump won 304 Electoral votes, he is, like it or not, our lawfully elected president. If the Frump for some reason, stepped down, he MUST be replaced by the vice president ONLY. That of course, would be Mike Pence. You still won't get that vile bitch Clinton in office. Our current president isn't as odious as his running mate, as the current president is more left than his running mate, who is so far right as to almost fall off the scale of left and right. If having a political party in office that isn't far left, then you are against multiple parties running for office and I suggest going to live in China, you will be guaranteed only one party and only the candidates they let you vote for.
No Obama didn't want to close Gitmo. Money was never a determent to Obama doing what he wanted.

I'm sure you mean right wingers in congress were NEVER deterred by the huge expenditures of GITMO.

How much does each detainee cost at GITMO, versus if that detainee was held at a maximum security federal prison?

Want congress to save a few bucks........Write your right wing congress person.

Kindly explain why you support returning Islamic Terrorists to the battlefield to KILL MORE AMERICANS? Why do you believe that is a great thing to do?
Obama dropped the population from 280 to around 80. Best he could do with congressional obstruction

Trump wants to open a new torture cell

At the very least, Bush was trying to hide the right wingers' psychosis and thirst for torture.....Trump flaunts it....

Hard to say who enjoys torture more.....Trump or Cheney

Wrong my far left Progressive good friend.

Without question, petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama enjoys torture and murder the most by far!

Pulling all our troops out of Iraq gave rise to ISIS and their worldwide torture and fatal Islamic terrorist attacks. That move was against all his military advisors. The result, as you were told, would be a vacuum filled by bad guys. Since then the vacuum has been filled Russia as well. What a plan!

According to rightwinger, this is NOT torturing! Curious is it not?



Then we have hundreds of thousands of citizen fatalities in Syria due to President Obama along with MILLIONS of refugees causing chaos around the world.



Send your thank you note to petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama.
The same polls showed him losing states he won. Doesn't that seem odd to you?

No, not really.....Buyers' remorse sets in quite quickly.....At this rate, even polling in Texas may have Trump down.

NOthing in your post explains why you think that today's polls are more accurate than the polls 3 months ago.

Which was my obvious point.

INstead of addressing my point, you choose to restate your previous assertion.

You are a propagandist.

Do you want to admit that you can't make any argument for your position?
Today's polls reflect the percentage of people who voted for Trump. Around 43 percent

Question is...can he keep that 43 percent or will they bail

Why do you keep lying about that?

Is it just more convenient than telling the truth or just habit?

Polling Data
. . . . . . . . . . . . .Poll Date . . . Approve . Disapprove . Spread
RCP Average . 1/27 - 2/3 . . . . . 46.0 . . . . . . 48.3 . . . . . -2.3

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

WOW! According to you, PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP's approval has skyrocketed overnight!
Why bother? Think it's gonna slow him down?
It already is. His campaign promises are being compromised and much of his actions have been purely public relation stunts to please his base as he throws them under the bus.
How many campaign promises did Obama keep?
How many Filibusters and Sabotages did the GOP congress throw at Obama to prevent him from delivering????

Thank God he didn't deliver any more, not sure the world would still exist!

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