When President Obama wins re-election, how will right-wingers react?

Hate to break this to you, but the Republicans will be very lucky if they hold on to the House. After this proposed budget by the House, which includes a reduction in the top income tax rate to 25%, I can't fucking wait for the general election.

Wouldn't want those rich bastards to have any extra money to hire with. Fuck jobs

They're not short of money to hire with. They're short of a need for more employees. Giving them more money won't accomplish anything. Giving their customers more money will.

And so YOU advocate forcing them to do with thier resources that which they don't wish to participate?


Is there ANY business that 'gives customers money' Gracie?
Wouldn't want those rich bastards to have any extra money to hire with. Fuck jobs

They're not short of money to hire with. They're short of a need for more employees. Giving them more money won't accomplish anything. Giving their customers more money will.

And so YOU advocate forcing them to do with thier resources that which they don't wish to participate?


Is there ANY business that 'gives customers money' Gracie?

I think you missed his point George
They're not short of money to hire with. They're short of a need for more employees. Giving them more money won't accomplish anything. Giving their customers more money will.

And so YOU advocate forcing them to do with thier resources that which they don't wish to participate?


Is there ANY business that 'gives customers money' Gracie?

I think you missed his point George

And i think you missed mine Cletus.
we don't riot !!! and he is not going to win !!! and we will be the majority in congress after the election !!!

Hate to break this to you, but the Republicans will be very lucky if they hold on to the House. After this proposed budget by the House, which includes a reduction in the top income tax rate to 25%, I can't fucking wait for the general election.

Wouldn't want those rich bastards to have any extra money to hire with. Fuck jobs

If they hired with that money, it would be sheltered and increased their wealth. You do know that payroll is a deduction. Well perhaps you don't.
Hate to break this to you, but the Republicans will be very lucky if they hold on to the House. After this proposed budget by the House, which includes a reduction in the top income tax rate to 25%, I can't fucking wait for the general election.

Wouldn't want those rich bastards to have any extra money to hire with. Fuck jobs

If they hired with that money, it would be sheltered and increased their wealth. You do know that payroll is a deduction. Well perhaps you don't.

And you do know it was their money to begin with don't you? Well perhaps not.
Wouldn't want those rich bastards to have any extra money to hire with. Fuck jobs

If they hired with that money, it would be sheltered and increased their wealth. You do know that payroll is a deduction. Well perhaps you don't.

And you do know it was their money to begin with don't you? Well perhaps not.

"All wealth/property belongs to Government"! Be thier battle cry...(especially when I get MY cut of it) ;)
Obama ain't perfect, but he sure beats the hell out of anything the right has to offer!!!!!

Obama is the worst president in our history. A monkey would have been better. I'm serious. It's like he tried to screw us over at every turn. What would expect from a Communist Kenyan Muslim with a deep hatred of the west? BTW - Read that link I sent you instead of being an educated dullard.
Obama ain't perfect, but he sure beats the hell out of anything the right has to offer!!!!!

Obama is the worst president in our history. A monkey would have been better. I'm serious. It's like he tried to screw us over at every turn. What would expect from a Communist Kenyan Muslim with a deep hatred of the west? BTW - Read that link I sent you instead of being an educated dullard.

Are you a registered idiot, or just a freelancer?
And then what? Sit back and laugh after 8 years at how he, a foreign Muslim f'd over the most powerful nation in the world at at a time in which they were at war with Islamo Facists? Yea. The joke's on us.
Wouldn't want those rich bastards to have any extra money to hire with. Fuck jobs
Obama is the worst president in our history. A monkey would have been better. I'm serious. It's like he tried to screw us over at every turn. What would expect from a Communist Kenyan Muslim with a deep hatred of the west? BTW - Read that link I sent you instead of being an educated dullard.
A military coup or maybe a losing war with China. Either one is preferable to obama.
Have you ever noticed that conservatives in this forum and in general appear to be perpetually mad at somebody and something!

In their heart-of-hearts, conservatives actually want Obama to be re-elected so they have an identifiable target on which to vent their anger - if Romney is elected, they will be doomed to spend the next 4 years frustrated in their attempts to disassociate themselves from Mitt.

This could all be solved if conservatives were required to take "anger management" classes so that they can be rehabilitated to become productive members of society.
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Obama ain't perfect, but he sure beats the hell out of anything the right has to offer!!!!!

Obama is the worst president in our history. A monkey would have been better. I'm serious. It's like he tried to screw us over at every turn. What would expect from a Communist Kenyan Muslim with a deep hatred of the west? BTW - Read that link I sent you instead of being an educated dullard.

Are you a registered idiot, or just a freelancer?

Yea I got your neg rep. Way to recycle your lame come on. Reade the link. Educated yourself instead of being a useful idiot.

The Destructors by Graham Greene
Obama ain't perfect, but he sure beats the hell out of anything the right has to offer!!!!!

Obama is the worst president in our history. A monkey would have been better. I'm serious. It's like he tried to screw us over at every turn. What would expect from a Communist Kenyan Muslim with a deep hatred of the west? BTW - Read that link I sent you instead of being an educated dullard.

Are you a registered idiot, or just a freelancer?

A Republican in Cali. What could be more frustrating than that? :D
Obama is the worst president in our history. A monkey would have been better. I'm serious. It's like he tried to screw us over at every turn. What would expect from a Communist Kenyan Muslim with a deep hatred of the west? BTW - Read that link I sent you instead of being an educated dullard.

Are you a registered idiot, or just a freelancer?

A Republican in Cali. What could be more frustrating than that? :D

When you get out of the big cities, most people are normal, hard working conservatives..just sayin
After the GOP war on women, Obama can coast into his second term.

And then what? Sit back and laugh after 8 years at how he, a foreign Muslim f'd over the most powerful nation in the world at at a time in which they were at war with Islamo Facists? Yea. The joke's on us.

I'm sure he is very familiar with Graham Greene's The 'Destructors'

Look, everyone, we have a Birfer!

Seriously folks, take a deep breath. Turn off Rush, Sean and Mark for a few days. Find a nice tree on the beach and have a few pina coladas. The talking points and platitudes are just looking sillier and sillier. Holy crap.


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