When President Obama wins re-election, how will right-wingers react?

Will they accept the "Constitutional" will of the people, or will there be riots and violence? President Obama’s re-election seems inevitable, as was further confirmed by Joe Scarborough on Wednesday:

Joe Scarborough: Nobody Thinks Romney Is Going To Win | Mediaite

by James Crugnale

“Nobody thinks Romney’s going to win,” Scarborough said candidly. “Let’s just be honest. Can we just say this for everybody at home? Let me just say this for everybody at home.”

“The Republican establishment — I’ve yet to meet a single person in the Republican establishment that thinks Mitt Romney is going to win the general election this year,” Scarborough continued. “They won’t say it on TV because they’ve got to go on TV and they don’t want people writing them nasty emails. I obviously don’t care. But I have yet to meet anybody in the Republican establishment that worked for George W. Bush, that works in the Republican congress, that worked for Ronald Reagan that thinks Mitt Romney is going to win the general election.”

I don't think the right would riot if Obama got re-elected....now the left if he doesn't get re-elected on the other hand would probably do so.

Why do I say this, just compare occupy to tea party.
"If" Barack Obama pulls off a win...and that's highly questionable at this point given his underwhelming record as President but with enough help from a fawning main stream media who knows...I'll simply shake my head at the gullibility of people because that's all you can do. It was bad enough when enough of the electorate fell for "Hope & Change" the first time around but after four years of Barry is there anyone out there who STILL thinks his confused vision of what we should be is a good one? Trillion dollar deficits stacked up to the horizon? Four dollar a gallon gas as the norm with price spikes up to $5 or even $6? 8% unemployment and 15% underemployment for years to come as the norm? Running away from tackling any of the tough issues like how to pay for sky-rocketing entitlement programs?

Bottom line is this...reelecting Barry means a lost DECADE for America. America will come out the other end of it still breathing because our economy is strong enough that it can withstand even someone as clueless as Barack Obama. The question is...why would we want to put ourselves through another four years of "this"?

Good post and I agree.

There are some out there who think this dufus is doing a good job. They blame the GOP. The GOP is blocking him therefore everything that has gone wrong is their fault. Not his.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-A09a_gHJc]Mitch McConnell: Top Priority, Make Obama a One Term President - YouTube[/ame]

I urge all my conservative pals to tune in to MSNBC on election night for the the hoot of your life. Did it on the night of the mid-terms and spent the night laughing my ass off watching the k00ks over there falling further and further into a state of perpetual misery. Those 4 anchors looked like they were sitting on a white hot tuning fork the whole night and I couldnt have ben laughing any harder. Its cant miss TV..............


still a small little man, i see.

same shit different day with you. ill bet you didnt watch fox in the '08 election to see the same whine. n'aw.

Im laughing...........many of the k00k lefties on this site are still living in 2008.:D


"If" Barack Obama pulls off a win...and that's highly questionable at this point given his underwhelming record as President but with enough help from a fawning main stream media who knows...I'll simply shake my head at the gullibility of people because that's all you can do. It was bad enough when enough of the electorate fell for "Hope & Change" the first time around but after four years of Barry is there anyone out there who STILL thinks his confused vision of what we should be is a good one? Trillion dollar deficits stacked up to the horizon? Four dollar a gallon gas as the norm with price spikes up to $5 or even $6? 8% unemployment and 15% underemployment for years to come as the norm? Running away from tackling any of the tough issues like how to pay for sky-rocketing entitlement programs?

Bottom line is this...reelecting Barry means a lost DECADE for America. America will come out the other end of it still breathing because our economy is strong enough that it can withstand even someone as clueless as Barack Obama. The question is...why would we want to put ourselves through another four years of "this"?

Good post and I agree.

There are some out there who think this dufus is doing a good job. They blame the GOP. The GOP is blocking him therefore everything that has gone wrong is their fault. Not his.

Guy is in way over his head. He got elected because folks were sick of Bush and the Reps and Hope and Change rang a bell for lots of folks.

Don't think he's gonna make it in Nov. He now has a record and it ain't to good. His "signature legislation" HC reform, minus the reform, is on its way to the curb courtesy of the SC.

Barry really doesn't have much to brag about so it will be divide and conquer and its all the Reps fault.

However that doesn't mean he can't win that second term. There are enough clueless morons out there who will still buy into his Hope and Change BS and lets give the guy another 4 years.

I'm sure we'll survive it but one has to wonder how much deeper the hole we have to crawl out of will be.

What I find amusing about Barry's perpetual whine about GOP "obstructionism" is that if Congress (both Republican and moderate Democrats) hadn't refused to pass the Cap & Trade legislation that Obama wanted so badly...
Ah, yes.......​


Like most, I will wake up that Wednesday and recognize that it was just all a bad dream, driven by too much celebration regarding His defeat the night before.

President Obama’s re-election seems inevitable...
I don't think the right would riot if Obama got re-elected....now the left if he doesn't get re-elected on the other hand would probably do so.
There will be unsupportable cries of fraud, just as there was when Gore and Kerry lost.
Good post and I agree.

There are some out there who think this dufus is doing a good job. They blame the GOP. The GOP is blocking him therefore everything that has gone wrong is their fault. Not his.

Guy is in way over his head. He got elected because folks were sick of Bush and the Reps and Hope and Change rang a bell for lots of folks.

Don't think he's gonna make it in Nov. He now has a record and it ain't to good. His "signature legislation" HC reform, minus the reform, is on its way to the curb courtesy of the SC.

Barry really doesn't have much to brag about so it will be divide and conquer and its all the Reps fault.

However that doesn't mean he can't win that second term. There are enough clueless morons out there who will still buy into his Hope and Change BS and lets give the guy another 4 years.

I'm sure we'll survive it but one has to wonder how much deeper the hole we have to crawl out of will be.

What I find amusing about Barry's perpetual whine about GOP "obstructionism" is that if Congress (both Republican and moderate Democrats) hadn't refused to pass the Cap & Trade legislation that Obama wanted so badly...we'd be looking at not only $4 a gallon gasoline but also much higher electricity bills as well, something that would have REALLY pissed off the electorate. The truth is...if Barry had gotten his way...we'd be in much worse shape than we are now.

All I can say is Thank God they were there to obstruct where they could.

Guy could have gotten all his bs through in his first few months at POTUS if he hadn't wasted all that time on his clusterfuck HC bill.

Glad he wasted the time myself.

You, and a LOT of.....


:woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo:

Hey, this is all moot anyway, since "Mitt Romney is Coming On Strong":

The American Spectator : Romney Is Coming On Strong

Great example of how ideology distorts reality. All Romney has managed to do so far is outlast a terribly weak field by spending them into the ground.


Now.....he only needs to perfect his stage-diving!!!!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWib8GbrIlA]Bob Dole stage fall - YouTube[/ame]​
Not sure anybody expected free anything...I know I don't. But what I do expect is to be able to be employed in a position where I can support myself and use my skills to earn a living. I expect that's all most people want too. The vast majority of people do not want to ask the government for food stamps, free cell phones, etc...We see the smaller minority of people who receive assistance and somehow think this applies to a very large number of people in our country. It doesn't.

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The right will do as they have always done, accept the outcome of the election, hold their head high, and do what ever they can to insure the rights and freedoms of the country are preserved.
Yeah.....we've seen.......

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYt-rNQAL2A]Boehner No Facts - YouTube[/ame]​
Lets lay our cards on the table, shall we lefties? You know damned well what the right wing will do if Barry Hussein is re-elected. They will go back to the drawing boards and try to field a better candidate and concentrate on congressional elections for the next four years. In other words the right wing will behave just the way you expect a political movement to behave. So let's examine what the left wing will do if Barry loses. I am seriously fearful of what the OWS radicals are capable of if they have nothing to lose by engaging in the Bill Ayers or Van Jones brand of anarchy. Political violence is a left wing tool.
When Obama wins reelection I expect the right wingers to seek second amendment remedies.

Be afraid America, be very afraid

oh my goodness..the dramatics are hilarious.
I think we need to be more afraid of you obamabots, IF HE LOSES..

When Obama wins reelection, I expect untold carnage from Republicans as they take to the streets wrecking havoc, shooting puppies and kittens, insulting gays, stripping drugstores of condoms and birth control pills and water boarding welfare recipients
.....And, going-back to their day-jobs......

Not sure anybody expected free anything...I know I don't. But what I do expect is to be able to be employed in a position where I can support myself and use my skills to earn a living. I expect that's all most people want too. The vast majority of people do not want to ask the government for food stamps, free cell phones, etc...We see the smaller minority of people who receive assistance and somehow think this applies to a very large number of people in our country. It doesn't.

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you see, the problem is not so much about people expecting things for free or people being lazy...sure, there are a few...but then again, there are a few greedy business people as well...but neither group define the masses...most people arent lazy and dont want free stuff and most business owners arent heartless greedy people.

But as I debate the issue of income equality, or lack thereof, I am finding something very interesting.

In the case of many people in the middle class....they struggle to pay for healthcare...afterall, family can be 18K or more (for the better plans).....but they struggle by choice.

Many seem content with their lifestyles as they should be...but are not willing to give up that extra car for their son...give up 'redoing" their kitchen...many spouses are not willing to go back to work even though their kids are old enough to come home from high school to an empty house...

There was one poster on here who cried poverty if she had to pay her own healthcare...but admitted that "she paid her dues" and has no reason to get a room mate..

And that was the exact terms she used...she asked me...."give me one good reason why I should have to get a room mate"...and my answewr was simple...."so you dont have to worry about paying for healthcare if your empoloyer drops your coverage...

(she was paying 1200 a mointh rent...600 extra in her pocket equates to 7200 a year).

And that is when she told me "she paid her dues and should not have to get a room mate."

It is an issue where I think Americans have becoime soft. Not willing to do what they need to do.

Well...thats my take.
Oh... Now Lakhota.... We've seen enough of them rant and wave their Virtual Internet Arsenals around to know that it's possible. Hell, they actually believe that Democrats are Marxist Commies that are here to take over "THEIR" country.

So while "slobber on my pillows" willow tries to claim their pacifism... We know better, don't we?

That's OK... I have guns too and will protect my family from the drooling, masturbating horde of Beckians and Limbots if/when the next election doesn't turn out the way they want it to.

Newsflash: It is 'their' country. It is 'yours' too. No side owns it.... it belongs to us all. One of our major issues these days is that we appear to have forgotten that fact.

Yeah....I know your side has forgotten it. It was obvious the moment McCain ceded the election to Obama.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34phsb4e6Eg]John McCain Endorses Mitt Romney (Mistakenly President Obama) For 2012 - YouTube[/ame]


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