When President Obama wins re-election, how will right-wingers react?


Hey, this is all moot anyway, since "Mitt Romney is Coming On Strong":

The American Spectator : Romney Is Coming On Strong

Great example of how ideology distorts reality. All Romney has managed to do so far is outlast a terribly weak field by spending them into the ground.


Unfortunately, it's all they've got, really.

Now, I'm not a fan of President Obama, and don't think much good will come out of a second term of him, but Romney would be worse.

I think the GOP needs to seriously do some soul searching and rethinking what it is about.

They'll have until 2024 to get their ducks-in-a-row......

I don't think the right would riot if Obama got re-elected....now the left if he doesn't get re-elected on the other hand would probably do so.
There will be unsupportable cries of fraud, just as there was when Gore and Kerry lost.

I find when on complains about something like this a lot of times it is because they are doing it themselves so they assume their opposition does the same thing.
I don't think the right would riot if Obama got re-elected....now the left if he doesn't get re-elected on the other hand would probably do so.
There will be unsupportable cries of fraud, just as there was when Gore and Kerry lost.

Not to mention the cries of
"See? We still cant get past race in this country"

They would almost have a point if the majority of americans didn't vote for Obama in 2008.
Judging by what he's done to the military, I would hope for a military coup.

Oh, do tell.

A military coup or maybe a losing war with China. Either one is preferable to obama.

What the heck are you going on about katz?

C'mon a military coup would be horrible for the country, i know its hard to think of things more horrible than Obama's direction thus far but that would be really bad....and losing a war with china! Well we already lost the economic war seeing as how they own a lot of our land and our national debt....but c'mon....

What are you doing?!?!?!
Will they accept the "Constitutional" will of the people, or will there be riots and violence? President Obama’s re-election seems inevitable, as was further confirmed by Joe Scarborough on Wednesday:

Joe Scarborough: Nobody Thinks Romney Is Going To Win | Mediaite

by James Crugnale

“Nobody thinks Romney’s going to win,” Scarborough said candidly. “Let’s just be honest. Can we just say this for everybody at home? Let me just say this for everybody at home.”

“The Republican establishment — I’ve yet to meet a single person in the Republican establishment that thinks Mitt Romney is going to win the general election this year,” Scarborough continued. “They won’t say it on TV because they’ve got to go on TV and they don’t want people writing them nasty emails. I obviously don’t care. But I have yet to meet anybody in the Republican establishment that worked for George W. Bush, that works in the Republican congress, that worked for Ronald Reagan that thinks Mitt Romney is going to win the general election.”

I don't think the right would riot if Obama got re-elected....now the left if he doesn't get re-elected on the other hand would probably do so.

Why do I say this, just compare occupy to tea party.

I wish to hell I had organi ed a riot in 2000 when a right wing supreme court, Jeb Bush and his concubine Katherine Harris absolutely and without question stole the election from Al Gore. This country would be out of debt, 4400 young Americans would still be alive, over 32,000 not seriously wounded...not that it ever bothers anybody who thinks every citi en sould be armed.
I don't think the right would riot if Obama got re-elected....now the left if he doesn't get re-elected on the other hand would probably do so.
There will be unsupportable cries of fraud, just as there was when Gore and Kerry lost.

I find when on complains about something like this a lot of times it is because they are doing it themselves so they assume their opposition does the same thing.
....Much the way "conservative"-commentators/apologists suggest "Well, both sides are doing it.", every time a Republican gets busted for something!​
I wish to hell I had organi ed a riot in 2000 when a right wing supreme court, Jeb Bush and his concubine Katherine Harris absolutely and without question stole the election from Al Gore. This country would be out of debt, 4400 young Americans would still be alive, over 32,000 not seriously wounded...not that it ever bothers anybody who thinks every citi en sould be armed.

1) How would a riot have changed anything?
2) Do you have evidence that Harris was Bush's "concubine", or are you just showing your misogyny here?
3) Do you really think Gore would have avoided the war or the debt?

Sorry, been picking on RIght wing stupid, need to slap a left wing stupid to be "fair and balanced".
Don't be so retarded. I never said I have ever seen a right winger riot. I was asking a question...

Oh... Now Lakhota.... We've seen enough of them rant and wave their Virtual Internet Arsenals around to know that it's possible. Hell, they actually believe that Democrats are Marxist Commies that are here to take over "THEIR" country.

So while "slobber on my pillows" willow tries to claim their pacifism... We know better, don't we?

That's OK... I have guns too and will protect my family from the drooling, masturbating horde of Beckians and Limbots if/when the next election doesn't turn out the way they want it to.

Newsflash: It is 'their' country. It is 'yours' too. No side owns it.... it belongs to us all. One of our major issues these days is that we appear to have forgotten that fact.

Then why do so many of the teabaggers and rightwingers always make the claim....we want "our" country back?
we don't riot !!! and he is not going to win !!! and we will be the majority in congress after the election !!!

Whoo for defeating the purpose for this nation!

Like we need intolerant religious faggots in our government, using prejudice to force their religion upon the laws and people in a nation who has declared the freedom of religion and freedom from religion.

Don't destroy our rights even further.
Can't say how the right will react if Obama is reelected how did the left react when Bush was? Oh and yes he was reelected despite what some like to claim.
we don't riot !!! and he is not going to win !!! and we will be the majority in congress after the election !!!

Hate to break this to you, but the Republicans will be very lucky if they hold on to the House. After this proposed budget by the House, which includes a reduction in the top income tax rate to 25%, I can't fucking wait for the general election.

Wouldn't want those rich bastards to have any extra money to hire with. Fuck jobs
we don't riot !!! and he is not going to win !!! and we will be the majority in congress after the election !!!

Hate to break this to you, but the Republicans will be very lucky if they hold on to the House. After this proposed budget by the House, which includes a reduction in the top income tax rate to 25%, I can't fucking wait for the general election.

Wouldn't want those rich bastards to have any extra money to hire with. Fuck jobs

They're not short of money to hire with. They're short of a need for more employees. Giving them more money won't accomplish anything. Giving their customers more money will.
Hate to break this to you, but the Republicans will be very lucky if they hold on to the House. After this proposed budget by the House, which includes a reduction in the top income tax rate to 25%, I can't fucking wait for the general election.

Wouldn't want those rich bastards to have any extra money to hire with. Fuck jobs

They're not short of money to hire with. They're short of a need for more employees. Giving them more money won't accomplish anything. Giving their customers more money will.

It's not giving them anything that wasn't theirs to begin with.

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