When Reality beats Fiction: Anti-Gay Republican Outed As A Drag Queen Named ‘Miss Mona Sinclair’

Vast majority of anti-gay people are actually closeted homosexuals themselves.

Homophobic Men Most Aroused by Gay Male Porn Psychology Today

Study Reveals Homophobic Men Are In Fact More Likely To Be Gay

Homophobes Gay Study Ties Anti-Gay Outlook To Homosexuality Authoritarian Parenting

Most Homophobes are Gay

Last link is from 1998. This isn't news :)

"Research by US psychologist Prof. Adams of the University of Georgia suggests that 80 percent of men who are homophobic have secret homosexual feelings.

In Prof. Adams's test, homophobic men who said they were exclusively heterosexual were shown gay sex videos. Four out of five became sexually aroused by the homoerotic imagery, as recorded by a penile circumference measuring device (a plethysmograph).

Prof. Adams's research was published in the prestigious US Journal of Abnormal Psychology in 1996, with the backing of the American Psychological Association."

That is utter bullshit. The fact that you posted that nonsense only shows how gullible you are.

In the first place, how is the term "homophobic" defined? A majority of the voters in California voted in favor of Prop #8. Are they all homophobic? All the queers in here would say "yes." That alone is sufficient to demonstrate what utter nonsense your so-called "studies" are.
Vast majority of anti-gay people are actually closeted homosexuals themselves.

Homophobic Men Most Aroused by Gay Male Porn Psychology Today

Study Reveals Homophobic Men Are In Fact More Likely To Be Gay

Homophobes Gay Study Ties Anti-Gay Outlook To Homosexuality Authoritarian Parenting

Most Homophobes are Gay

Last link is from 1998. This isn't news :)

"Research by US psychologist Prof. Adams of the University of Georgia suggests that 80 percent of men who are homophobic have secret homosexual feelings.

In Prof. Adams's test, homophobic men who said they were exclusively heterosexual were shown gay sex videos. Four out of five became sexually aroused by the homoerotic imagery, as recorded by a penile circumference measuring device (a plethysmograph).

Prof. Adams's research was published in the prestigious US Journal of Abnormal Psychology in 1996, with the backing of the American Psychological Association."

That is utter bullshit. The fact that you posted that nonsense only shows how gullible you are.

In the first place, how is the term "homophobic" defined? A majority of the voters in California voted in favor of Prop #8. Are they all homophobic? All the queers in here would say "yes." That alone is sufficient to demonstrate what utter nonsense your so-called "studies" are.

Wishful thinking, Mary. :)
When Reality beats Fiction: Anti-Gay Republican Outed As A Drag Queen Named ‘Miss Mona Sinclair’


Is that anything like a President who vows to have "the most transparent administration in history", who then spends most of his time concealing stuff from Congress, lying to the American people about what his programs will do, and swearing there's "not a smidgen of corruption" in his reign?

Is that the "reality beating fiction" you're talking about?

I recall another thread where some libs were objecting to the fact that the actions of a few queers who made death threats to a pizzaria owner were being used to characterize an entire group of people.
Vast majority of anti-gay people are actually closeted homosexuals themselves.

Homophobic Men Most Aroused by Gay Male Porn Psychology Today

Study Reveals Homophobic Men Are In Fact More Likely To Be Gay

Homophobes Gay Study Ties Anti-Gay Outlook To Homosexuality Authoritarian Parenting

Most Homophobes are Gay

Last link is from 1998. This isn't news :)

"Research by US psychologist Prof. Adams of the University of Georgia suggests that 80 percent of men who are homophobic have secret homosexual feelings.

In Prof. Adams's test, homophobic men who said they were exclusively heterosexual were shown gay sex videos. Four out of five became sexually aroused by the homoerotic imagery, as recorded by a penile circumference measuring device (a plethysmograph).

Prof. Adams's research was published in the prestigious US Journal of Abnormal Psychology in 1996, with the backing of the American Psychological Association."

That is utter bullshit. The fact that you posted that nonsense only shows how gullible you are.

In the first place, how is the term "homophobic" defined? A majority of the voters in California voted in favor of Prop #8. Are they all homophobic? All the queers in here would say "yes." That alone is sufficient to demonstrate what utter nonsense your so-called "studies" are.

Wishful thinking, Mary. :)

Nope. That just shows that I understand how these so-called "scientists" operate.

You tell us, is everyone who voted in favor of Prop #8 "homophobic?"
One man made the G-men legendary, turned a bumbling FBI into what was perceived to be an army of truth and justice known the world over, and made himself a towering American legend: J. Edgar Hoover. For nearly 50 years, he ran the FBI. As the gatekeeper of its secrets, its power and its image, Hoover kept the keys to a kingdom called Washington.

Of course today, the Hoover legend is not just about crime fighting. It has as much to do with playing fast and loose with civil liberties, with collecting vast secret files on innocent people — a powerful man with secrets of his own, including rumors of bizarre sexual behavior. Finding the real J. Edgar Hoover has been the passion of author Richard Hack for nearly two decades, leading him to write the book, “Puppet Master: The Secret life of J. Edgar Hoover."
The secrets of J. Edgar Hoover - Dateline NBC NBC News
Addicting Info Anti-Gay Republican Outed As A Drag Queen Named Miss Mona Sinclair IMAGE


Meet 34-year-old Steve Wiles, GOP candidate for the North Carolina Senate. He supports Amendment 1, North Carolina’s ban on same-sex marriage. However, there is another side to Mr. Wiles. According Randy Duggins, former owner of the gay bar Club Odyssey, Wiles was a frequent patron of the club in the 1990’s. Further, circa 2001-2002, Wiles began working for the club as the performance booker and show director for drag shows. Wiles emceed the drag shows as a female impersonator named Miss Mona Sinclair, The Raw Story reports. Duggins says, speaking of Wiles to the Winston-Salem Journal:

“He’s Mona Sinclair.”

Wiles, while blundering around to attempt to both deny and justify his past, originally said:

That’s not me.”

Later, however, Wiles admitted to his former career as a Club Odyssey drag queen while speaking to Business Insider:

“I think that everyone has their own choices to make and I’m fine with everyone making their own. For me, from a religious standpoint, just for my life, for me, it just was not something that I wanted to continue. Of course it was an embarrassment, but you know, you move on. You live life, and you change, and you make yourself what you want yourself to be. And that’s where I am now.”

Here’s the image:


t isn’t exactly the sort of thing one can do in secret. Further, if someone does something like that, then comes out for legislation that hurts the community he was once a part of, he has to expect the whistle to get blown. That is just the way it is, Mr. Wiles, and, in my opinion, you are getting just what you deserve. You are a hypocrite of the highest order, and your time for getting your comeuppance is now.

As for the million dollar question, that is, whether or not Steve Wile is gay? Of course Wiles neither confirms nor denies that, lest something about his sexual past comes out, most likely. He says, in response to the question:

No, no, I really wont make any comments on that.”
First you fags say the GOP is non-inclusive....then you bitch when they are....

Fucking tossers!!!!
Addicting Info Anti-Gay Republican Outed As A Drag Queen Named Miss Mona Sinclair IMAGE


Meet 34-year-old Steve Wiles, GOP candidate for the North Carolina Senate. He supports Amendment 1, North Carolina’s ban on same-sex marriage. However, there is another side to Mr. Wiles. According Randy Duggins, former owner of the gay bar Club Odyssey, Wiles was a frequent patron of the club in the 1990’s. Further, circa 2001-2002, Wiles began working for the club as the performance booker and show director for drag shows. Wiles emceed the drag shows as a female impersonator named Miss Mona Sinclair, The Raw Story reports. Duggins says, speaking of Wiles to the Winston-Salem Journal:

“He’s Mona Sinclair.”

Wiles, while blundering around to attempt to both deny and justify his past, originally said:

That’s not me.”

Later, however, Wiles admitted to his former career as a Club Odyssey drag queen while speaking to Business Insider:

“I think that everyone has their own choices to make and I’m fine with everyone making their own. For me, from a religious standpoint, just for my life, for me, it just was not something that I wanted to continue. Of course it was an embarrassment, but you know, you move on. You live life, and you change, and you make yourself what you want yourself to be. And that’s where I am now.”

Here’s the image:


t isn’t exactly the sort of thing one can do in secret. Further, if someone does something like that, then comes out for legislation that hurts the community he was once a part of, he has to expect the whistle to get blown. That is just the way it is, Mr. Wiles, and, in my opinion, you are getting just what you deserve. You are a hypocrite of the highest order, and your time for getting your comeuppance is now.

As for the million dollar question, that is, whether or not Steve Wile is gay? Of course Wiles neither confirms nor denies that, lest something about his sexual past comes out, most likely. He says, in response to the question:

No, no, I really wont make any comments on that.”
First you fags say the GOP is non-inclusive....then you bitch when they are....

Fucking tossers!!!!

Where in this story do you see the GOP being inclusive? :rofl:
Addicting Info Anti-Gay Republican Outed As A Drag Queen Named Miss Mona Sinclair IMAGE


Meet 34-year-old Steve Wiles, GOP candidate for the North Carolina Senate. He supports Amendment 1, North Carolina’s ban on same-sex marriage. However, there is another side to Mr. Wiles. According Randy Duggins, former owner of the gay bar Club Odyssey, Wiles was a frequent patron of the club in the 1990’s. Further, circa 2001-2002, Wiles began working for the club as the performance booker and show director for drag shows. Wiles emceed the drag shows as a female impersonator named Miss Mona Sinclair, The Raw Story reports. Duggins says, speaking of Wiles to the Winston-Salem Journal:

“He’s Mona Sinclair.”

Wiles, while blundering around to attempt to both deny and justify his past, originally said:

That’s not me.”

Later, however, Wiles admitted to his former career as a Club Odyssey drag queen while speaking to Business Insider:

“I think that everyone has their own choices to make and I’m fine with everyone making their own. For me, from a religious standpoint, just for my life, for me, it just was not something that I wanted to continue. Of course it was an embarrassment, but you know, you move on. You live life, and you change, and you make yourself what you want yourself to be. And that’s where I am now.”

Here’s the image:


t isn’t exactly the sort of thing one can do in secret. Further, if someone does something like that, then comes out for legislation that hurts the community he was once a part of, he has to expect the whistle to get blown. That is just the way it is, Mr. Wiles, and, in my opinion, you are getting just what you deserve. You are a hypocrite of the highest order, and your time for getting your comeuppance is now.

As for the million dollar question, that is, whether or not Steve Wile is gay? Of course Wiles neither confirms nor denies that, lest something about his sexual past comes out, most likely. He says, in response to the question:

No, no, I really wont make any comments on that.”
First you fags say the GOP is non-inclusive....then you bitch when they are....

Fucking tossers!!!!

Where in this story do you see the GOP being inclusive? :rofl:
In the friggen title dumb-ass.
Addicting Info Anti-Gay Republican Outed As A Drag Queen Named Miss Mona Sinclair IMAGE


Meet 34-year-old Steve Wiles, GOP candidate for the North Carolina Senate. He supports Amendment 1, North Carolina’s ban on same-sex marriage. However, there is another side to Mr. Wiles. According Randy Duggins, former owner of the gay bar Club Odyssey, Wiles was a frequent patron of the club in the 1990’s. Further, circa 2001-2002, Wiles began working for the club as the performance booker and show director for drag shows. Wiles emceed the drag shows as a female impersonator named Miss Mona Sinclair, The Raw Story reports. Duggins says, speaking of Wiles to the Winston-Salem Journal:

“He’s Mona Sinclair.”

Wiles, while blundering around to attempt to both deny and justify his past, originally said:

That’s not me.”

Later, however, Wiles admitted to his former career as a Club Odyssey drag queen while speaking to Business Insider:

“I think that everyone has their own choices to make and I’m fine with everyone making their own. For me, from a religious standpoint, just for my life, for me, it just was not something that I wanted to continue. Of course it was an embarrassment, but you know, you move on. You live life, and you change, and you make yourself what you want yourself to be. And that’s where I am now.”

Here’s the image:


t isn’t exactly the sort of thing one can do in secret. Further, if someone does something like that, then comes out for legislation that hurts the community he was once a part of, he has to expect the whistle to get blown. That is just the way it is, Mr. Wiles, and, in my opinion, you are getting just what you deserve. You are a hypocrite of the highest order, and your time for getting your comeuppance is now.

As for the million dollar question, that is, whether or not Steve Wile is gay? Of course Wiles neither confirms nor denies that, lest something about his sexual past comes out, most likely. He says, in response to the question:

No, no, I really wont make any comments on that.”
First you fags say the GOP is non-inclusive....then you bitch when they are....

Fucking tossers!!!!

I guess you missed the part where it says THIS guy is anti-gay.
Yeah, its quite clear that the most homophobic people want to be gay but their social group forbids it so they take that frustration of being sexually attracted to another male out on men who are not afraid of being gay.

It's sad.
Yeah, its quite clear that the most homophobic people want to be gay but their social group forbids it so they take that frustration of being sexually attracted to another male out on men who are not afraid of being gay.

It's sad.
There's nothing clear about liberal delusions. There is absolutely no factual bases for these fantasies.
I'm not sure I understand the point of the OP or this thread. Is it that all drag queens are gay? Or that anyone who fits into XYZ liberal pigeonhole is required to support ABC position?

Anyone got a Gibberish-to-English dictionary and can translate?
Oh Gawd, more gay propaganda. One day, gays will figure it out. Most people are completely sick of the 24/7 gay propaganda. It's gotten to be too much. It's a lame 'Boy who cried Wolf' scenario now. Most just want gays to STFU. Enough is enough already. SHEESH!

As soon as they receive their rights as citizens, it will all go away.
Oh Gawd, more gay propaganda. One day, gays will figure it out. Most people are completely sick of the 24/7 gay propaganda. It's gotten to be too much. It's a lame 'Boy who cried Wolf' scenario now. Most just want gays to STFU. Enough is enough already. SHEESH!

As soon as they receive their rights as citizens, it will all go away.

You have no right to be served by any business, period. They already have all the rights they're entitled to.

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