When republicans claim the US is "exceptional" and the "greatest nation on Earth", do they think...


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
...they as citizens are exceptional by extension? Donl they think they are better than people of other countries?

I feel like the answer is "yes" and that's hysterical.
Where does the majority of the world want to immigrate to?

Nuff said.

What's funny is the reality that these idiots think we're so great but the facts say otherwise...We're 35th in Healthcare, our healthcare cost 3 times as much per capital as the avg single payer system, our educational system isn't very good(22nd in math and science) and they(repubicans) fight tooth and nail against freedom.

These people think we're so great but if they had their way we'd be worse off then Iran.
...they as citizens are exceptional by extension? Donl they think they are better than people of other countries?

I feel like the answer is "yes" and that's hysterical.

Of course not. WE agree on virtually nothing as a nation. NOT EVER "a village". Living here is a PRIVILEGE -- yes. But that doesn't infer that we are any better than other civilized places. We ARE better than UNcivilized places, but only because we were GIVEN an extraordinary well designed PLAN for governance and progress. Not because of individual "greatness".

In fact -- SOME of us actually suck.. Especially the ones that worry about the term "American Exceptionalism"...

:rofl: Or have been taught how Xenophobic and wrong it is use to believe in that...
What's funny is the reality that these idiots think we're so great but the facts say otherwise...We're 35th in Healthcare, our healthcare cost 3 times as much per capital as the avg single payer system, our educational system isn't very good(22nd in math and science) and they(repubicans) fight tooth and nail against freedom.

These people think we're so great but if they had their way we'd be worse off then Iran.

Let me get this straight...you liberals fuck up our educational system and our healthcare system...but conservatives are idiots?

What ever happened to your leaving here, Matthew? Or was that just you being a drama queen because you got your wrist slapped for being such a partisan shill?
...they as citizens are exceptional by extension? Donl they think they are better than people of other countries?

I feel like the answer is "yes" and that's hysterical.

America was once "exceptional" as it was the great experiment of self rule instead of being ruled by an oligarchy but that didn't last very long at all. Americans today are not "free" and they don't have "rights", they have "privileges" that require licenses and they lost all allodial rights to property in 1933. The only exceptional part of this country is the exceptionally stupid leftard that believes in "gubermint" god where the truth of the matter is that USA.INC is nothing more than the third arm of the elite global structure for full spectrum dominance that has used our labor and sweat equity to move this fiat currency created from nothing while using our sons as cannon fodder to take over countries and their resources that don't have the means to fend it off.

THEN, you have leftards that believe that they are slighted at every turn, always the victim...their failures are due to someone else "exploiting" them and by all that is holy, the world owes them a "giving". They are not pissed that some are struggling but what causes them to seethe with anger and hatred is that some seem to have it too good. What I find most ironic is that the communist loving left (that suffers from a terminal case of ignorance) have been on the front lines doing the dirty work of the very elites that they claim to be against. It would be fucking HILARIOUS if I was watching this from afar with no connections to them.

What passes for the demcrat party (which are nothing but a bunch of Maoists at heart) these days are a bunch of simple-minded programmed fools that suffer from arrested development and thus easily manipulated. They have no boundaries when it comes to morals and they have no boundaries when it comes to pushing their commie agenda. People with a conscience and know right from wrong have lines in the sand that they will not cross. Leftards? Not so much because the end justifies the means and there isn't anything that they will not stoop to doing if it furthers the cause.

...they as citizens are exceptional by extension? Donl they think they are better than people of other countries?

I feel like the answer is "yes" and that's hysterical.

The same thing happens all over. People like sports, and often wish to support the best teams in order to win, so this then implies that they themselves have won, and therefore they are great.

You can go all over the world and find fans of Real Madrid and Barcelona, fans who don't speak Spanish, have never been to Madrid or Barcelona, have never even been to Spain, but all the same feel the glory and the self satisfaction when "they" win.
As long as big, foam fingers with "We're #1" printed on them are manufactured, conservatives will believe the U.S. in first in everything.

Perhaps, ending the manufacture of these fingers would force conservatives to see reality? Nah, they are much too stupid.

...they as citizens are exceptional by extension? Donl they think they are better than people of other countries?

I feel like the answer is "yes" and that's hysterical.

We are better than people in most other countries. I mean, you're probably not, but most of the rest of us are.
...they as citizens are exceptional by extension? Donl they think they are better than people of other countries?

I feel like the answer is "yes" and that's hysterical.
More Fake "news".

A liberal asks his own silly question, makes up his own silly lies for an answer, then blames Republicans for it all. :cuckoo:
...they as citizens are exceptional by extension? Donl they think they are better than people of other countries?

I feel like the answer is "yes" and that's hysterical.
The US is exceptional, a land of opportunity and freedom, where snowflakes can actually engage in subversion, sedition, and treason, where they can not only openly speak out against the government without being jailed or killed for doing so - they can actually openly call for military coups, call for the President's assassination, and break laws in an attempt to undermine our govt without being punished.

I encourage all snowflakes to go to Russia, Iran, North Korea, and other places and try doing that. They would truly learn just how exceptional this country is.
BTW, people in this country are not necessarily better somehow, than people in other countries.

People in this country simply are not as used to having government restrict them as heavily as people in other countries do. And they are not as used to government saving them from the results of any laziness, inefficiency, lack of planning etc. they may have. So they are conditioned to be hardworking, responsible, and tough, more than people under the governments that other countries have.

Liberals have been trying to change this, and make people in this country as govt-dependent as people in other countries. If they ever succeed, then people’s performance in this country will be no better than those in other countries, and U.S. exceptionalism will be only a memory.
I invite the OP to leave this nation and find some other country that is better to live. And all who agree with him can leave as well.
BTW, people in this country are not necessarily better somehow, than people in other countries.

People in this country simply are not as used to having government restrict them as heavily as people in other countries do. And they are not as used to government saving them from the results of any laziness, inefficiency, lack of planning etc. they may have. So they are conditioned to be hardworking, responsible, and tough, more than people under the governments that other countries have.

Liberals have been trying to change this, and make people in this country as govt-dependent as people in other countries. If they ever succeed, then people’s performance in this country will be no better than those in other countries, and U.S. exceptionalism will be only a memory.
The Constitution keeps getting in the librals' way... :p
What people like Billy can't grasp is that reason America has always been exceptional is that it's always been a country where exceptional people were allowed to thrive. In other countries you couldn't become wealthy if you were in the wrong social class, or in the wrong religious group or simply because the government seized the fruits of your labor. America was a place where dreams could come true and because of that...it attracted "exceptional" people!
...they as citizens are exceptional by extension? Donl they think they are better than people of other countries?

I feel like the answer is "yes" and that's hysterical.

It is our system of government that is exceptional.

That has had, at least in the past, a very healthy effect on the American people, but, mostly the answer to your question is mostly no.

Also, hint: If you are asking a question of people who are very different than you, don't include your guess and then ridicule your enemies based on your guess as to what they would say.

It makes you look like a fool.
Snowflakes can't see their own hate to love, appreciate, and be proud of their own country. Instead, they hate their own country, feel they have to apologize for it.

Michelle Obama, despite our great history and achievements, declared she was never proud of the United States...until Barry was elected President.

Barry's anti-colonialist father hated America.

One of the 1st things Barry did after being elected was to go on a world-wide 'apology' tour.
...they as citizens are exceptional by extension? Donl they think they are better than people of other countries?

I feel like the answer is "yes" and that's hysterical.

It is our system of government that is exceptional.

That has had, at least in the past, a very healthy effect on the American people, but, mostly the answer to your question is mostly no.

Also, hint: If you are asking a question of people who are very different than you, don't include your guess and then ridicule your enemies based on your guess as to what they would say.

It makes you look like a fool.
The people are exceptional, too. We are one of, if not THE most generousy nations in the world.

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