When republicans claim the US is "exceptional" and the "greatest nation on Earth", do they think...

What's funny is the reality that these idiots think we're so great but the facts say otherwise...We're 35th in Healthcare, our healthcare cost 3 times as much per capital as the avg single payer system, our educational system isn't very good(22nd in math and science) and they(repubicans) fight tooth and nail against freedom.

These people think we're so great but if they had their way we'd be worse off then Iran.

What's funny is the reality that these idiots think we're so great but the facts say otherwise...We're 35th in Healthcare, our healthcare cost 3 times as much per capital as the avg single payer system, our educational system isn't very good(22nd in math and science) and they(repubicans) fight tooth and nail against freedom.

These people think we're so great but if they had their way we'd be worse off then Iran.
My health care is great!
...they as citizens are exceptional by extension? Donl they think they are better than people of other countries?

I feel like the answer is "yes" and that's hysterical.

It is our system of government that is exceptional.

That has had, at least in the past, a very healthy effect on the American people, but, mostly the answer to your question is mostly no.

Also, hint: If you are asking a question of people who are very different than you, don't include your guess and then ridicule your enemies based on your guess as to what they would say.

It makes you look like a fool.
The people are exceptional, too. We are one of, if not THE most generousy nations in the world.

I strongly suspect that comes at least in part from the fact that our government does not, or at least did not seek to run our lives.

A subject of an all powerful government, allowed to keep a portion of his money, is not in a place to feel empowered or to be generous.

An American, free to make his own way, in a free land, has traditionally been more generous and apt to help his fellow man.

The stereotypical BARN RAISING, is the iconic example.

A farmer could not raise a barn by himself. His neighbors would come on their own to help.

They were not told to. They were not directly compensated for their efforts.

But the knowledge was that when they were in a similar place, the community would rally to help them.

That was America.

Now we have government and government programs.
Liberal seem to puzzle over that simple statement, which speaks VOLUMES. The USofA rose to the ranks of the number one superpower on Earth. We still are even with all the attempts to destroy what made it happen from within. We have helped spread freedom throughout the world and many Americans payed the price with blood. We could have easily been more isolationist.

We are the reason communism didn't take over the world, who else could have stopped them? I suspect that the real reason lefties can't stand out heritage or place in the world.
...they as citizens are exceptional by extension? Donl they think they are better than people of other countries?

I feel like the answer is "yes" and that's hysterical.

It is our system of government that is exceptional.

That has had, at least in the past, a very healthy effect on the American people, but, mostly the answer to your question is mostly no.

Also, hint: If you are asking a question of people who are very different than you, don't include your guess and then ridicule your enemies based on your guess as to what they would say.

It makes you look like a fool.
The people are exceptional, too. We are one of, if not THE most generousy nations in the world.

I strongly suspect that comes at least in part from the fact that our government does not, or at least did not seek to run our lives.

A subject of an all powerful government, allowed to keep a portion of his money, is not in a place to feel empowered or to be generous.

An American, free to make his own way, in a free land, has traditionally been more generous and apt to help his fellow man.

The stereotypical BARN RAISING, is the iconic example.

A farmer could not raise a barn by himself. His neighbors would come on their own to help.

They were not told to. They were not directly compensated for their efforts.

But the knowledge was that when they were in a similar place, the community would rally to help them.

That was America.

Now we have government and government programs.
Certain Self-appointed rulers seek / have sought to eliminate everything else in the world people can rely on besides them / the govt...there is a name for that type of govt...anyone care to guess the name? :p
“If you love your country, you must be willing to defend it from fraud, bigotry, and recklessness--even from a president.”
- DaShanne Stokes -

"Patriotism is usually the refuge of the scoundrel. He is the man who talks the loudest."
- Mark Twain -

"We teach them to take their patriotism at second-hand; to shout with the largest crowd without examining into the right or wrong of the matter -- exactly as boys under monarchies are taught and have always been taught. We teach them to regard as traitors, and hold in aversion and contempt, such as do not shout with the crowd, and so here in our democracy we are cheering a thing which of all things is most foreign to it and out of place -- the delivery of our political conscience into somebody else's keeping. This is patriotism on the Russian plan." - Mark Twain -

"The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people so full of doubts."
- Bertrand Russell -

"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use." - Galileo Galilei -

"Patriotism is a lively sense of collective responsibility. Nationalism is a silly cock crowing on its own dunghill and calling for larger spurs and brighter beaks."
- Richard Aldington -
Depends on what ones definition of exceptional is I can think of no other country I would rather move to for a better life and those who want to argue about rather the U.S. is exceptional or not with very few exceptions don't leave.
Come on lefties, do you need to start a fight about America's exceptionalism now? You know what it means.
...they as citizens are exceptional by extension? Donl they think they are better than people of other countries?

I feel like the answer is "yes" and that's hysterical.

America is still AWESOME where it's American.
The problem is, we've imported tens of millions of human filth...Liberal Loons love taking care of their pet humans with other people's checking accounts...the "diversity" and these human cockroaches have ruined the "American dynamic" in all ways. THE END!
...they as citizens are exceptional by extension? Donl they think they are better than people of other countries?

I feel like the answer is "yes" and that's hysterical.

We are better than people in most other countries. I mean, you're probably not, but most of the rest of us are.
That's just stupid. Based on what? You have no idea and you know it. Saying so just gives you the warm and fuzzies. That's it.
I feel the answer is "no". Republicans simply see America's success as a result of the people being allowed freedom to achieve their maximum potential because of a non-domineering government. I see the potential of individuals in other countries restricted by their government, likewise when our government grabs power from the people in form of over-regulation and taxes. Republicans have pride in America and feel fortunate to be here because they value that opportunity to achieve.
...they as citizens are exceptional by extension? Donl they think they are better than people of other countries?

I feel like the answer is "yes" and that's hysterical.

It is our system of government that is exceptional.

That has had, at least in the past, a very healthy effect on the American people, but, mostly the answer to your question is mostly no.

Also, hint: If you are asking a question of people who are very different than you, don't include your guess and then ridicule your enemies based on your guess as to what they would say.

It makes you look like a fool.
The people are exceptional, too. We are one of, if not THE most generousy nations in the world.
The people are definitely no better.
Come on lefties, do you need to start a fight about America's exceptionalism now? You know what it means.
You can call America exceptional all you want. I'm saying the people aren't in comparison to other world citizens.
American exceptionalism has existed for centuries and you guys still dont know what it is
Come on lefties, do you need to start a fight about America's exceptionalism now? You know what it means.
You can call America exceptional all you want. I'm saying the people aren't in comparison to other world citizens.

You realize how DUMB that sounds don't you? Is this more of the idiot liberal "you didn't build that government did" nonsense?

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