When the Boss Says, 'Don't Tell Your Coworkers How Much You Get Paid'

It is because most businesses are chronyistic, and they pay friends or family of management a higher wage. You can always tell who these are, because they are in all cases completely worthless as workers.

^Sounds more personal than actual America.

I can only think of one employer that I've worked for where this was among the primary workplace problems.

It was an issue before NAFTA. But since then we don't have Corporate families inside industry, it's all outsourced. It's why one of the top 10 1% occupations is "UNEMPLOYED"

I've worked mostly for "small businesses"
Yes we went to war on false information about WMD's made by a certain party. That parties Corporation "Halliburton" has been rebuilding Iraq ever since. Smart investment?

OK, I will assume you conceded our previous discussion. A certain party? Time to burn that claim!

So you failed to read my name when you claim "reading" is your strong point. Pathetic.

No no no. You claimed "party". More specifically "a certain party." Party = singular. Parties = Plural. I don't give a shit about your name. I give a shit about your ill informed, uneducated, and misleading claim.

I didn't claim anything kid. I'm anti-Party. Following a party blindly would make me anything but. I'm anti-EVERY party, not just one. You are decades behind me in knowledge for a reason. Party pixie dust. :banghead:

A DIRECT QUOTE: You said "Yes we went to war on false information about WMD's made by a certain party." I don't care what your name says. I never accused you of following a party. I accused you of making the claim in the above quote. Then I destroyed it!

Crazy how a certain party made that quote. Republicans. I fully realize all parties voted for that war. Funny thing about the President saying he has Inside Information that they have Nukes or WMD's and Congress/People follow.

Later notating that there were no WMD's and the same idiot that claimed there were WMD's in Iraq later showed up using a different name stating Ghaddafi was killing his people and we went to war there too says a lot. Same person. Same lies. The truth is much deeper on who that person is. You are over your head kiddo.
It is because most businesses are chronyistic, and they pay friends or family of management a higher wage. You can always tell who these are, because they are in all cases completely worthless as workers.

^Sounds more personal than actual America.

I can only think of one employer that I've worked for where this was among the primary workplace problems.

It was an issue before NAFTA. But since then we don't have Corporate families inside industry, it's all outsourced. It's why one of the top 10 1% occupations is "UNEMPLOYED"

I've worked mostly for "small businesses"

Small business will not thrive with Monopolies, once considered illegal.

Every Business today knows the way to become successful is to become a politician (small scale) or buy a politician (large scale) who will use lawful measures to allow your industry but restrict others. Basic Politics.
OK, I will assume you conceded our previous discussion. A certain party? Time to burn that claim!

So you failed to read my name when you claim "reading" is your strong point. Pathetic.

No no no. You claimed "party". More specifically "a certain party." Party = singular. Parties = Plural. I don't give a shit about your name. I give a shit about your ill informed, uneducated, and misleading claim.

I didn't claim anything kid. I'm anti-Party. Following a party blindly would make me anything but. I'm anti-EVERY party, not just one. You are decades behind me in knowledge for a reason. Party pixie dust. :banghead:

A DIRECT QUOTE: You said "Yes we went to war on false information about WMD's made by a certain party." I don't care what your name says. I never accused you of following a party. I accused you of making the claim in the above quote. Then I destroyed it!

Crazy how a certain party made that quote. Republicans. I fully realize all parties voted for that war. Funny thing about the President saying he has Inside Information that they have Nukes or WMD's and Congress/People follow.

Later notating that there were no WMD's and the same idiot that claimed there were WMD's in Iraq later showed up using a different name stating Ghaddafi was killing his people and we went to war there too says a lot. Same person. Same lies. The truth is much deeper on who that person is. You are over your head kiddo.

Bush never went to war until Saddam kicked out the weapons inspectors who had a right to be there in accordance with the 1991 cease fire agreement. I served in Iraq. Quit your bitching about a war you know nothing about. Lemme guess. You were in elementary school when the war broke out? I only assume because of your childish writing style.

Once again. "A certain party? LOOK AT THE DATES ON THE VIDEO. Republicans weren't in power until 2000. That's President Clinton and his admin you see there.

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You know where. You are quoting idiotic old books. I remember old text books used to say, "We discovered America". It's not rocket science to believe some books are wrong.

The Bible was written 90 years after Jesus death. Perhaps there some discrepancies?

Guns Germs and Steel was written in 1997. Old?

A 1997 version of what happened to the Indians written by people has to be true. (R)ight?

There is a historical consensus that most of the native Americans died due to Old World diseases. The claim is not a controversial one. Can you find me ONE, just ONE historian who disagrees with that claim? Besides, I think you'll actually enjoy that book. the subject matter is not what you think. I was only using it as a reference. Now provide me a reference that says most of the Natives did not die due to European diseases.

You do understand your post earlier had that directly in it.......Starting to think reading isn't your thing.

Fine, whatever. Fine me ONE HISTORIAN who thinks that most of the Native Americans did not perish at the hands of a European born disease. Come on, just one historian. Or any evidence at all that refutes this historical fact.

Annnnnnnnd Antiparty comes back with nothing.
So you failed to read my name when you claim "reading" is your strong point. Pathetic.

No no no. You claimed "party". More specifically "a certain party." Party = singular. Parties = Plural. I don't give a shit about your name. I give a shit about your ill informed, uneducated, and misleading claim.

I didn't claim anything kid. I'm anti-Party. Following a party blindly would make me anything but. I'm anti-EVERY party, not just one. You are decades behind me in knowledge for a reason. Party pixie dust. :banghead:
A DIRECT QUOTE: You said "Yes we went to war on false information about WMD's made by a certain party." I don't care what your name says. I never accused you of following a party. I accused you of making the claim in the above quote. Then I destroyed it!

Crazy how a certain party made that quote. Republicans. I fully realize all parties voted for that war. Funny thing about the President saying he has Inside Information that they have Nukes or WMD's and Congress/People follow.

Later notating that there were no WMD's and the same idiot that claimed there were WMD's in Iraq later showed up using a different name stating Ghaddafi was killing his people and we went to war there too says a lot. Same person. Same lies. The truth is much deeper on who that person is. You are over your head kiddo.

Bush never went to war until Saddam kicked out the weapons inspectors who had a right to be there in accordance with the 1991 cease fire agreement. I served in Iraq. Quit your bitching about a war you know nothing about. Lemme guess. You were in elementary school when the war broke out? I only assume because of your childish writing style.

Once again. "A certain party? LOOK AT THE DATES ON THE VIDEO. Republicans weren't in power until 2000. That's President Clinton and his admin you see there.

Ah, Military.
We would not have a good military if we did not mentally train you so I understand your bias. Thanks.
Guns Germs and Steel was written in 1997. Old?

A 1997 version of what happened to the Indians written by people has to be true. (R)ight?

There is a historical consensus that most of the native Americans died due to Old World diseases. The claim is not a controversial one. Can you find me ONE, just ONE historian who disagrees with that claim? Besides, I think you'll actually enjoy that book. the subject matter is not what you think. I was only using it as a reference. Now provide me a reference that says most of the Natives did not die due to European diseases.

You do understand your post earlier had that directly in it.......Starting to think reading isn't your thing.

Fine, whatever. Fine me ONE HISTORIAN who thinks that most of the Native Americans did not perish at the hands of a European born disease. Come on, just one historian. Or any evidence at all that refutes this historical fact.

Annnnnnnnd Antiparty comes back with nothing.

You were stuck on insults and the Left. I saw an opportunity for a good post to expose followers.
Guns Germs and Steel was written in 1997. Old?

A 1997 version of what happened to the Indians written by people has to be true. (R)ight?

There is a historical consensus that most of the native Americans died due to Old World diseases. The claim is not a controversial one. Can you find me ONE, just ONE historian who disagrees with that claim? Besides, I think you'll actually enjoy that book. the subject matter is not what you think. I was only using it as a reference. Now provide me a reference that says most of the Natives did not die due to European diseases.

You do understand your post earlier had that directly in it.......Starting to think reading isn't your thing.

Fine, whatever. Fine me ONE HISTORIAN who thinks that most of the Native Americans did not perish at the hands of a European born disease. Come on, just one historian. Or any evidence at all that refutes this historical fact.

Annnnnnnnd Antiparty comes back with nothing.

I never want to tell a soldier to day what they fought for. It's a challenging subject. No matter what soldiers ARE the hero's and politicians are idiots. It's just sad that soldiers will do what politicians want them to do no matter what.

A 1997 version of what happened to the Indians written by people has to be true. (R)ight?

There is a historical consensus that most of the native Americans died due to Old World diseases. The claim is not a controversial one. Can you find me ONE, just ONE historian who disagrees with that claim? Besides, I think you'll actually enjoy that book. the subject matter is not what you think. I was only using it as a reference. Now provide me a reference that says most of the Natives did not die due to European diseases.

You do understand your post earlier had that directly in it.......Starting to think reading isn't your thing.

Fine, whatever. Fine me ONE HISTORIAN who thinks that most of the Native Americans did not perish at the hands of a European born disease. Come on, just one historian. Or any evidence at all that refutes this historical fact.

Annnnnnnnd Antiparty comes back with nothing.

You were stuck on insults and the Left. I saw an opportunity for a good post to expose followers.

And he still doesn't have a reference that demonstrates that the number one killer of Native Americans was NOT European born disease. Have you ceded the point yet?
The only other job I had was at a pizza place. I busted my ass every shift to make sure any given task was done before the manager asked someone to do it. People would frequently ask me to cover shifts for them because they knew I would with no questions asked. This always made payday awkward because the kids who skipped the shifts they couldn't give me would always complain about their checks and ask to see mine, which was normally about three times as much. I never had the heart to cave to their demands.

Luckily the manager could usually set everything right for another two weeks by sitting them down individually and showing them the exact hours they worked each day they did show up, their hourly wage, their taxes, and how all of that equated to the exact number on the check in their hand. Not that it really mattered for many of those people. One of them was a drug dealer who only got the job on court order. Another jumped boyfriend to boyfriend to have her way paid for her. Whatever they earned was basically spending money anyway.
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There is a historical consensus that most of the native Americans died due to Old World diseases. The claim is not a controversial one. Can you find me ONE, just ONE historian who disagrees with that claim? Besides, I think you'll actually enjoy that book. the subject matter is not what you think. I was only using it as a reference. Now provide me a reference that says most of the Natives did not die due to European diseases.

You do understand your post earlier had that directly in it.......Starting to think reading isn't your thing.

Fine, whatever. Fine me ONE HISTORIAN who thinks that most of the Native Americans did not perish at the hands of a European born disease. Come on, just one historian. Or any evidence at all that refutes this historical fact.

Annnnnnnnd Antiparty comes back with nothing.

You were stuck on insults and the Left. I saw an opportunity for a good post to expose followers.

And he still doesn't have a reference that demonstrates that the number one killer of Native Americans was NOT European born disease. Have you ceded the point yet?

The point is happening all around you and I'm sorry you don't see it.

Thank you for serving our Country.
A 1997 version of what happened to the Indians written by people has to be true. (R)ight?

There is a historical consensus that most of the native Americans died due to Old World diseases. The claim is not a controversial one. Can you find me ONE, just ONE historian who disagrees with that claim? Besides, I think you'll actually enjoy that book. the subject matter is not what you think. I was only using it as a reference. Now provide me a reference that says most of the Natives did not die due to European diseases.

You do understand your post earlier had that directly in it.......Starting to think reading isn't your thing.

Fine, whatever. Fine me ONE HISTORIAN who thinks that most of the Native Americans did not perish at the hands of a European born disease. Come on, just one historian. Or any evidence at all that refutes this historical fact.

Annnnnnnnd Antiparty comes back with nothing.

I never want to tell a soldier to day what they fought for. It's a challenging subject. No matter what soldiers ARE the hero's and politicians are idiots. It's just sad that soldiers will do what politicians want them to do no matter what.

Once again, the world is more Machiavellian than you think. You do know what I mean by "Machiavellian" correct?
You do understand your post earlier had that directly in it.......Starting to think reading isn't your thing.

Fine, whatever. Fine me ONE HISTORIAN who thinks that most of the Native Americans did not perish at the hands of a European born disease. Come on, just one historian. Or any evidence at all that refutes this historical fact.

Annnnnnnnd Antiparty comes back with nothing.

You were stuck on insults and the Left. I saw an opportunity for a good post to expose followers.

And he still doesn't have a reference that demonstrates that the number one killer of Native Americans was NOT European born disease. Have you ceded the point yet?

The point is happening all around you and I'm sorry you don't see it.

Thank you for serving our Country.

trust me, I have my own problems with Iraq, but you're approaching the argument the wrong way. The blanket "Bush lied" theme falls on its face once you connect the series of events that led to the war. It was a war of choice, not necessity. that's where your best argument is.
The only other job I had was at a pizza place. I busted my ass every shift to make sure any given task was done before the manager asked someone to do it. People would frequently ask me to cover shifts for them because they knew I would with no questions asked. This always made payday awkward because the kids who skipped the shifts they couldn't give me would always complain about their checks and ask to see mine, which was normally about three times as much. I never had the heart to cave to their demands.

I love your post about hard work but you seem to be off topic. Big Corp. pay is the issue here. Not fast food
The only other job I had was at a pizza place. I busted my ass every shift to make sure any given task was done before the manager asked someone to do it. People would frequently ask me to cover shifts for them because they knew I would with no questions asked. This always made payday awkward because the kids who skipped the shifts they couldn't give me would always complain about their checks and ask to see mine, which was normally about three times as much. I never had the heart to cave to their demands. Luckily the manager could usually set everything right for another two weeks by sitting them down individually and showing them the exact hours they worked each day they did show up, their hourly wage, their taxes, and how all of that equated to the exact number on the check in their hand.

most people are lazy workers. I'm surprised they didn't take advantage of your hard work and initiative.
There is a historical consensus that most of the native Americans died due to Old World diseases. The claim is not a controversial one. Can you find me ONE, just ONE historian who disagrees with that claim? Besides, I think you'll actually enjoy that book. the subject matter is not what you think. I was only using it as a reference. Now provide me a reference that says most of the Natives did not die due to European diseases.

You do understand your post earlier had that directly in it.......Starting to think reading isn't your thing.

Fine, whatever. Fine me ONE HISTORIAN who thinks that most of the Native Americans did not perish at the hands of a European born disease. Come on, just one historian. Or any evidence at all that refutes this historical fact.

Annnnnnnnd Antiparty comes back with nothing.

I never want to tell a soldier to day what they fought for. It's a challenging subject. No matter what soldiers ARE the hero's and politicians are idiots. It's just sad that soldiers will do what politicians want them to do no matter what.

Once again, the world is more Machiavellian than you think. You do know what I mean by "Machiavellian" correct?

I don't want to break your heart and turn you into one of the suicidal soldiers that finally understood they were tools so I am done. Again, thank you for serving.
You do understand your post earlier had that directly in it.......Starting to think reading isn't your thing.

Fine, whatever. Fine me ONE HISTORIAN who thinks that most of the Native Americans did not perish at the hands of a European born disease. Come on, just one historian. Or any evidence at all that refutes this historical fact.

Annnnnnnnd Antiparty comes back with nothing.

I never want to tell a soldier to day what they fought for. It's a challenging subject. No matter what soldiers ARE the hero's and politicians are idiots. It's just sad that soldiers will do what politicians want them to do no matter what.

Once again, the world is more Machiavellian than you think. You do know what I mean by "Machiavellian" correct?

I don't want to break your heart and turn you into one of the suicidal soldiers that finally understood they were tools so I am done. Again, thank you for serving.

I leaned more from my various deployments to Iraq than I ever did in school/college/university combined. I don't regret having the experience, although, I look back and think how I made it back in one piece. I now live a perfectly normal life and the war has affected me very little in my civilian life. Don't worry for me. I'm fine.
I never tell my coworkers how much I get paid. Because I almost always get paid more than they who have equal/comparable experience and tenure. Sometimes I get paid more than people who have higher positions than myself. :D

Aside from that, a true professional does not discuss these matters with coworkers. It does not matter how much I get paid. Your pay is your problem. If you think you are worth more money, then you need to make your case.

One thing that is evident from the story in the OP, the job seeker lacked negotiation skills.
It's not about "a true professional" pfft, shouldn't workers who WORK together want to discuss what the capitalist is paying them?
Most workers are not professionals, they are easily replaceable drones who put up with massive amounts of bullshit because they are nothing but faceless cogs and management reminds them every day of that fact. I never have worked for a big company because of just how coldly impersonal the employment relationship is when you have never laid eyes on the man who signs your paycheck.
It's disturbing. Workers need to take over production, work together, care for each other..

... ride unicorns to work together.
I get well over 20 times the salary of the lowest paid teacher, and I deserve it, but I don't tell them what I get.

600k a year!!! Fucking bullshit. Or you are a liar. Which is it?

Ahha, you don't live in the USA. So who gives a fuck how much you make. You don't contribute anything to this country. So who cares.

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