When they tell you who they are

After democrats used bogus evidence to impeach Trump and indicted him on frivolous charges and drove "America's Mayor" into bankruptcy while Schumer organized a mob to surround the homes of Supreme Court Justices and possibly initiated the attempted assassination of Justice Kav, the crazy left whines about a potential coup if Trump is elected. Americans are being raped and murdered almost every day by illegal aliens that the doddering old fool let into the Country. Aren't we already living in a coup manufactured by democrats who demonstrate every day that they hate this Country?
The Dem PROJECTION and lies is off the charts even for those assholes.
YOu have to listen.

trump is giving us clear warning that another coup attempt is coming. Are precautions being taken? IF so, what?

We can't count on the courts this time, the so called supreme court is in his pocket.

Do we have a plan for this? Does anyone know?

It’s pointless confronting Trump Cult members with facts and the truth – they’ll remain willfully ignorant and continue to lie.
After democrats used bogus evidence to impeach Trump and indicted him on frivolous charges and drove "America's Mayor" into bankruptcy while Schumer organized a mob to surround the homes of Supreme Court Justices and possibly initiated the attempted assassination of Justice Kav, the crazy left whines about a potential coup if Trump is elected. Americans are being raped and murdered almost every day by illegal aliens that the doddering old fool let into the Country. Aren't we already living in a coup manufactured by democrats who demonstrate every day that they hate this Country?
The country has never faced something like this before, and we're really not set up for it.

The Founders warned of charlatans, but they couldn't have foreseen a cult like this.

Uncharted territory. They're at war, and I don't think enough people are taking that seriously.
People who have decided that both sides are equally bad are part of the problem.

The fence-sitters who whine and lie about ‘both sides’ being ‘the same’ are indeed the problem; both sides are not ‘the same’ – Trump represents a tangible evil comprehensively unfit to be president.
Such typical leftist appeals to fear and ignorance.

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