When they tell you who they are

So, I should stop shopping Amazon?

Most harm that Americans suffer is self-inflicted.
Lol. Why are you confused? My point has nothing to do with Amazon. They are a great company offering a great service. This has absolutely nothing to do with billionaires controlling our government.
What "medicine" is that?
"Russian Collusion"
"Trump stole the election (2016)"
His supporters/voters are "A basketful of Deplorables"
Trump has no respect for the Constitution.
Trump seeks an insurrection (though it was the Dems and their Summer 2020 riots)
Trump wants to be a tyrant - yet Obama "I have a pen and a phone" (don't need to work with Congress respect laws).
Etc. Etc. Etc.
Lol. Why are you confused? My point has nothing to do with Amazon. They are a great company offering a great service. This has absolutely nothing to do with billionaires controlling our government.
What foes an average floor worker at Amazon get? I'm hoping at least $25 per hour starting. US full bennies.
Lol. Why are you confused? My point has nothing to do with Amazon. They are a great company offering a great service. This has absolutely nothing to do with billionaires controlling our government.
It has everything to do with buying their stuff. How do you think they became billionaires in the first place? You name those billionaires and I'll tell you what they sell and who's buying it.
A person who makes alot of money is no more important than the person who cleans the floors. Both parties better realize this.
Our side didn’t try to overturn the results of an election with illegitimate claims of fraud.
"Russian Collusion",, then wasted millions of taxpayers dollars and four years "investigation" on false "evidence"; compounded with phony impeachment efforts, nationwide insurrection (Summer 2020 riots, etc.), and general obstruction of Justice and Legislative process.
Etc. Etc. Etc.
No he won't. What is being done to Trump is what happens to anyone in this country when they commit a crime.

What Trump plans to do is prosecute his political opponents without evidence of any wrongdoing.

There is plenty of evidence against Trump to convict him and unless you are talking about Senator Menendez, there is no evidence of Democratic wrongdoing.
20 lbs of shit in a 10 lb bag.
What is it with you assholes and constantly repeating lies? Is it just reflex for you Trump humpers? :)

Talk of Trump being an illegitimate President didn't start until months AFTER he was inaugurated.
And that isn't denying election results like Skippy did/still does.
Started before he was even elected!

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