When Trump goes to court, he will be found guilty

And the Mueller investigation will surely, irrevocably prove his collusion with the Russian Federation.

Hey: Whatever happened to that antiquated, quaint notion, anyway?
How many people were prosecuted in the Mueller investigation? How many in Trump's Politicized Durham investigation?

Trump's campaign manager and others colluded with the Russians. They were found guilty.
Plus, it’s NY City and NY County before a liberal judge.

But the likelihood of a conviction isn’t the big question. The real test is gonna come with the appeals. And NY’s court system on the appellate levels is also pretty liberal.

Ironically, liberal judges are mostly good for defendants in the criminal Justice system, whereas that’s not so true in his case. But it could easily go all the way to the SCOTUS. And maybe — at last —Trump may benefit from our actual laws and from our Constitution.
Oh please, Trump is from NY Fuck him
How many people were prosecuted in the Mueller investigation? How many in Trump's Politicized Durham investigation?

Trump's campaign manager and others colluded with the Russians. They were found guilty.
Comey testified not one vote was switched from Hillary to Trump due to Russian collusion. Manafort was railroaded because he didn't register as a foreign agent, just like John Podesta's brother who by the way was not charged for the same thing Manafort was.
Comey testified not one vote was switched from Hillary to Trump due to Russian collusion. Manafort was railroaded because he didn't register as a foreign agent
You are omitting key facts, and, as such, you're comment is a mischaracterization ('railroaded' implies unjust imprisonment, and that's incorrect). The jury found Manafort guilty on 8 of the 18 felony counts, including five counts of filing false tax returns, two counts of bank fraud, and one count of failing to disclose a foreign bank account
, just like John Podesta's brother who by the way was not charged for the same thing Manafort was.
You are omitting key facts, and, as such, you're comment is a mischaracterization ('railroaded' implies unjust imprisonment, and that's incorrect). The jury found Manafort guilty on 8 of the 18 felony counts, including five counts of filing false tax returns, two counts of bank fraud, and one count of failing to disclose a foreign bank account

The jury was biased as was the judge.
Where did you get your law degree?
Comey testified not one vote was switched from Hillary to Trump due to Russian collusion. Manafort was railroaded because he didn't register as a foreign agent, just like John Podesta's brother who by the way was not charged for the same thing Manafort was.
No one said votes were switched. Trump Campaign Manager Manafort colluded with the Russians.

quote: Ultimately, jurors found Manafort guilty of eight of the 18 charges he faced: two counts of bank fraud, five counts of tax fraud and one count of failing to declare a foreign bank account. : end quote

US says Russia was given Trump campaign polling data in 2016​

It was one of the more tantalizing, yet unresolved, questions of the investigation into possible connections between Russia and Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign: Why was a business associate of campaign chairman Paul Manafort given internal polling data — and what did he do with it?

A Treasury Department statement Thursday offered a potentially significant clue, asserting that Konstantin Kilimnik, a Russian and Ukrainian political consultant, had shared sensitive campaign and polling information with Russian intelligence services.

Kilimnik has long been alleged by U.S. officials to have ties to Russian intelligence. But the statement in a broader Treasury Department sanctions announcement was the first time the U.S. government had so directly drawn a connection from the Trump campaign to the Kremlin’s intelligence services. The revelation was all the more startling because it went beyond any allegation made in either special counsel Robert Mueller’s 2019 report or in an even more damning and detailed document released last year by the Senate Intelligence Committee.

Comey testified not one vote was switched from Hillary to Trump due to Russian collusion. Manafort was railroaded because he didn't register as a foreign agent, just like John Podesta's brother who by the way was not charged for the same thing Manafort was.
what does Podesta have to do with this? The "But MA! Johnnie did it too" defense?
Trump's legal team has asked the phony indictment be removed to Federal court.

It looks like a damn fine motion. See it here: DocumentCloud

That doesn’t mean it will prevail. But I could certainly see it being granted.

It is a kind of strange request to have a Federal Jury of his peers in New York City be the finders of fact rather than a state jury from just one county of the five NYC Counties. But I’d venture a guess that it would at least minimize the liberal jury bias.

Plus, it would be governed by NY State law rather than Federal Law. And a Federal judge might not be as biased as the defense thinks the local Manhattan judge might be. Also, it might expedite an appeal within the Federal Appellate system by cutting out the NY State Appellate system.
The jury was biased as was the judge.

Funny too how Manafort's co-defendant Gates served basically no time.

Yeah, he turned witness for the Feds but he had the same charges against him, and 99% of the time that would mean a lesser sentence, but all Gates received was 45 days(!) in jail and 3 years probation. And he was allowed to serve those 45 days on weekends or intermittently while doing his probation.

No one said votes were switched. Trump Campaign Manager Manafort colluded with the Russians.

quote: Ultimately, jurors found Manafort guilty of eight of the 18 charges he faced: two counts of bank fraud, five counts of tax fraud and one count of failing to declare a foreign bank account. : end quote

US says Russia was given Trump campaign polling data in 2016​

It was one of the more tantalizing, yet unresolved, questions of the investigation into possible connections between Russia and Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign: Why was a business associate of campaign chairman Paul Manafort given internal polling data — and what did he do with it?

A Treasury Department statement Thursday offered a potentially significant clue, asserting that Konstantin Kilimnik, a Russian and Ukrainian political consultant, had shared sensitive campaign and polling information with Russian intelligence services.

Kilimnik has long been alleged by U.S. officials to have ties to Russian intelligence. But the statement in a broader Treasury Department sanctions announcement was the first time the U.S. government had so directly drawn a connection from the Trump campaign to the Kremlin’s intelligence services. The revelation was all the more startling because it went beyond any allegation made in either special counsel Robert Mueller’s 2019 report or in an even more damning and detailed document released last year by the Senate Intelligence Committee.

AP is not a legitimate source
They're anti-Trump.
They will do exactly what they did when congress investigated him for his jan6th attempt to bring down our government. He will be found guilty because all the witnesses against him will be his own ex cabinet member , his own ex lawyers, his closest allies and the biggest witnesses will be his own family. No Jury will find him not guilty. From now on every charge and investigation will put him in front of a judge and in all cases his own people will be the witnesses against him, and they will bring him down. Then after his first case being found guilty, they will start charging about 3 dozen republicans, or more, most being sitting politicians. They will never be allowed to be part of this government ever because they will be felons.
from what i've read in the other replies in this thread, it does seem like Trump can't get a fair trial under current liberal-as-F NY law.
They will do exactly what they did when congress investigated him for his jan6th attempt to bring down our government. He will be found guilty because all the witnesses against him will be his own ex cabinet member , his own ex lawyers, his closest allies and the biggest witnesses will be his own family. No Jury will find him not guilty. From now on every charge and investigation will put him in front of a judge and in all cases his own people will be the witnesses against him, and they will bring him down. Then after his first case being found guilty, they will start charging about 3 dozen republicans, or more, most being sitting politicians. They will never be allowed to be part of this government ever because they will be felons.

So where is it written, that a felon can't serve in a federal elected office?

They will do exactly what they did when congress investigated him for his jan6th attempt to bring down our government. He will be found guilty because all the witnesses against him will be his own ex cabinet member , his own ex lawyers, his closest allies and the biggest witnesses will be his own family. No Jury will find him not guilty. From now on every charge and investigation will put him in front of a judge and in all cases his own people will be the witnesses against him, and they will bring him down. Then after his first case being found guilty, they will start charging about 3 dozen republicans, or more, most being sitting politicians. They will never be allowed to be part of this government ever because they will be felons.
Maybe so

Most kangaroo courts get their man
The one thing that will stand in the way is our jury system.

The final step in convicting anyone of any crime, is to convince a jury of a dozen people to unanimously agree that the defendant's guilt has been established beyond a reasonable doubt. The process of selecting a jury is crafted to insure that neither side can stack the jury with members that can be counted on to support that side.

As public and as controversial a figure as Trump is, good luck putting together a jury that will unanimously agree on anything as to whether he is guilty or not guilty of any crime that for which they try to put him on trial. No matter how solid a case either side can make, I will be very much surprised if it is possible to get any outcome out of any trial against Trump, other than a mistrial.

Since before he even took office, the left wrong has been trying to pin all sorts of bullshit charges on Trump, and they've never got anything to stick. They'll keep trying, of course, as long as they can, but ultimately, a jury is going to be the one barrier that they cannot get past.

Except a jury of his peers DID find him guilty in the E. Jean Carroll case of libel and sexual assault.

I have no problem believing that a jury will find him guilty of tax fraud, because the facts are not really in dispute.

He did have sex with the porn stars (Party of family values, everyone!)
He did pay them for their silence.
He did hide what the payments were for through surrogates and didn't report it on his taxes/campaign disclosures.

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