Zone1 When Will Black People Get Over The Past?

If only it were that simple. There are dozens of ways to thwart a person's ability to obtain justice utilizing the court system.
First off, the grievance must have a legal basis in order to be adjudicated.
The laws may have changed, attitudes and beliefs though, not as much as many white people want to believe.
True. While laws have greatly improved the fortunes of blacks' race-based attitudes remain.
It’s how it was defined in the U.S. when it came to segregation. Seems odd to suddenly change it when it comes to lauding something positive..oh wait he isn’t really black enough for the purpose of accomplishments but he is black enough to be segregated.
Well, there's nothing odd other than why it was changed an defined like that in America around segregation times. The term to describe people from parents of different race is "Mixed Race". This stems back to the now defunked and offensive description"Half-Caste" that goes back to the British Empire, colonial days, and used in other countries. In America, Mestee was commonly applied. Here's the link discussing it's history, it predates America -

Half-caste - Wikipedia

So by all means call Obama black, but he's actually Mixed Race. Why it was changed in America around segregation times, that's for America's education system to explain to their pupils.

So if someone is mixed race, 50/50, why isn't he white?
Well, there's nothing odd other than why it was changed an defined like that in America around segregation times. The term to describe people from parents of different race is "Mixed Race". This stems back to the now defunked and offensive description"Half-Caste" that goes back to the British Empire, colonial days, and used in other countries. In America, Mestee was commonly applied. Here's the link discussing it's history, it predates America -

Half-caste - Wikipedia

So by all means call Obama black, but he's actually Mixed Race. Why it was changed in America around segregation times, that's for America's education system to explain to their pupils.

So if someone is mixed race, 50/50, why isn't he white?
What is “black”? What is “white”? Why is a dark skinned mixed race person mixed race but a lighter skinned North African “black”?
What is “black”? What is “white”? Why is a dark skinned mixed race person mixed race but a lighter skinned North African “black”?
That's why mixed race is used. Pick black, is it racist against whites. Pick white, is it racist against blacks. But you know fine well, blacks can't be racist to whites, so, when you have someone of mixed race in America, the answer is black.

I hit the nail on the head. Change my mind, as they say.
That's why mixed race is used. Pick black, is it racist against whites. Pick white, is it racist against blacks. But you know fine well, blacks can't be racist to whites, so, when you have someone of mixed race in America, the answer is black.

I hit the nail on the head. Change my mind, as they say.
Every group an be racist.
Every group an be racist.
Racist used to mean, "When you felt superior over another race". Words are not racist, apparently, only people. So a black guy can say the N word, a white person can't. But if they allow a black to say it and not a white, just means they're racist against whites. But are white and black the only two racist colours? You can can say orange!!

All this terminology just means, society is fucked up. That's why my goal is to retire into the sticks (middle of nowhere), and get away from all these dickheads.
MYTH: Affirmative action only benefits Blacks.
FACT: Affirmative action benefits a broad range of communities that continue to face discrimination in this country, including w
omen, Native Americans, Arab Americans, Latinos, Asian Americans, and African Americans.


I've never been a fan of state control over the economy. Whether it is corporatism, (state capitalism,) or managed socialism.

IMO, a large portion of our minority community, has lost touch with their heritage and ancestry, and thus, having come from slavery, has only known being taken care of, as a community culture. It has, then, taken right to the STATE, and consequently, ideologies like Jacobinism, Fabians, State Socialist, Anarcho-Communists, Communism, and of course now, the global technocracy, rather than individual initiative and liberty as the source of security and hope for the future. IMO.

As Erich Fromm wrote, humans have not evolved to naturally embrace freedom and liberty, it is not in our DNA. We have evolved to seek the security of a tribal leader, and edicts of the tribe.

It should come as no surprise, then, whether it is from the progressive left, or those who have suffered inequality throughout the ages, that they should believe, and look to their traditional oppressors for salvation.

Thus, most folks, believe the same media and institutions that are the source of their oppression to begin with.

Chris Hedges: Woke Imperialism​


. . .

I've never been a fan of state control over the economy.
i agree, a level playing field is all that's needed, jmho Mr B
IMO, a large portion of our minority community, has lost touch with their heritage and ancestry
The hyphenated American, exits despite of this , but only as a superficial reference
As Erich Fromm wrote, humans have not evolved to naturally embrace freedom and liberty, it is not in our DNA. We have evolved to seek the security of a tribal leader, and edicts of the tribe.
we are pack animals ....
It should come as no surprise, then, whether it is from the progressive left, or those who have suffered inequality throughout the ages, that they should believe, and look to their traditional oppressors for salvation.

who's running the asylum ?

i digress Mr B......historically we've always been a race of oppressors , albeit some may be harder to recognize that others , it is our nature to follow them.

But to IM2's point i started to think, who or what faction has been oppressed the most on this rock?

and it hit me like a brick........women.


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