When will Trump be Held Accountable for Molesting 12 Women

All you have to do is deny any crime against women and that makes you innocent.
So says Trump and his merry band of deplorables.

The onus is upon the accuser to prove that another committed a crime. You would fit in perfectly with the North Korean "justice" system.
The accusers said explicitly what crime Trump committed against them.
Didn’t Fox News televise their interviews?

Yea, well, just because I believe you anally raped a litter of kittens isn't enough to throw you in the slammer, "reaonsable". LOL. Where's the proof? Hell, where's the evidence?
The evidence is with the explicit stories each woman told.
Many have been convicted with a lot less evidence.
Why do you believe a pathological liar over 12 credable witnesses?
I know... you have to... you just have to.

Shut the fuck up kitten rapist.
View attachment 161844 The mathematical likelihood that all of Trump's accusers are lying, as he says, is

Seems like beyond a 'reasonable doubt.'
I suppose he will be held accountable if he ever does molest 12 women. So far that hasn't been the case.
16 women say differently. 12 had the courage to speak out. They all got death threats from DEPLORABLES.
Were you one of them?

99% of the time such threats were either fabricated or made by liberals. So-called "hate" crimes have been proven, time and again, to be fabrications of lying libtards like you.
You lie so easily. Must be from habit.
View attachment 161844 The mathematical likelihood that all of Trump's accusers are lying, as he says, is

Seems like beyond a 'reasonable doubt.'

Give him a break! He only admitted assaulting women on audio tape! I expect the orange pervert is already after a couple WH staffers. Melania and his other bed mate, Ivanka are going to be very jealous soon when he pegs wife number four.
All you have to do is deny any crime against women and that makes you innocent.
So says Trump and his merry band of deplorables.

The onus is upon the accuser to prove that another committed a crime. You would fit in perfectly with the North Korean "justice" system.
The accusers said explicitly what crime Trump committed against them.
Didn’t Fox News televise their interviews?

Yea, well, just because I believe you anally raped a litter of kittens isn't enough to throw you in the slammer, "reaonsable". LOL. Where's the proof? Hell, where's the evidence?
The evidence is with the explicit stories each woman told.
Many have been convicted with a lot less evidence.
Why do you believe a pathological liar over 12 credable witnesses?
I know... you have to... you just have to.

Shut the fuck up kitten rapist.
A little unhinged?
The misogyny and blind loyalty to an admitted serial sex offender is real thick in this thread.

Trump has over 1600 documented lies since taking office. But they still believe him when he says the grandmothers, housewives, People Magazine reporter etc all lied.
The onus is upon the accuser to prove that another committed a crime. You would fit in perfectly with the North Korean "justice" system.
The accusers said explicitly what crime Trump committed against them.
Didn’t Fox News televise their interviews?

Yea, well, just because I believe you anally raped a litter of kittens isn't enough to throw you in the slammer, "reaonsable". LOL. Where's the proof? Hell, where's the evidence?
The evidence is with the explicit stories each woman told.
Many have been convicted with a lot less evidence.
Why do you believe a pathological liar over 12 credable witnesses?
I know... you have to... you just have to.

Shut the fuck up kitten rapist.
A little unhinged?


Kitten rape is sick!
View attachment 161844 The mathematical likelihood that all of Trump's accusers are lying, as he says, is

Seems like beyond a 'reasonable doubt.'

All of these accusations are of them being groped, or kissed. Not one claimed to be raped or had an affair with him. Most are just “he said she said”, no way of knowing at all. Other completely debunked by other witnesses. The best has to be the Jessica Drake, a porn star, claiming he offered ten thousand dollars, and she turned it down. Yea....sure, a whore turning down big money.

None of these women have any shred of proof for their accusations, and they are not even claiming he had sex with them.

If we are to beleive this is his normal behavior, then surely there would be a long line of women claiming to have had sex with him. You know, like BJ Clinton did.....
Deplorables believe this guy is telling the truth when he said he didn’t do to 16 women what he admitted here.
Perhaps when some actual evidence is provided that he did you see there is this little thing in our legal system known as innocent till proven guilty and to prove someone guilty of something evidence must be provided to prove the allegation true. I know it really slows things down especially for those who don't really care about the truth or if someone is innocent or guilty but still it's a very good thing to have in place.
Thousands of men have been put away in prison for a long long time based on the testimony of one or two witnesses.
There’s been 12 witnesses against Trump. All credible women.
Karma’s a bitch. Trump will get his.
Dumbass they are they are the ones making the allegations a witness is someone other than the accuser.
View attachment 161844 The mathematical likelihood that all of Trump's accusers are lying, as he says, is

Seems like beyond a 'reasonable doubt.'

Give him a break! He only admitted assaulting women on audio tape! I expect the orange pervert is already after a couple WH staffers. Melania and his other bed mate, Ivanka are going to be very jealous soon when he pegs wife number four.

Wrong moron, he never claimed to do that. He merely stated that women act like they will allow him to do anything to them. I have no doubt that some women will do anything to be with a billionaire, to include letting them grab their pussy.
View attachment 161844 The mathematical likelihood that all of Trump's accusers are lying, as he says, is

Seems like beyond a 'reasonable doubt.'

All of these accusations are of them being groped, or kissed. Not one claimed to be raped or had an affair with him. Most are just “he said she said”, no way of knowing at all. Other completely debunked by other witnesses. The best has to be the Jessica Drake, a porn star, claiming he offered ten thousand dollars, and she turned it down. Yea....sure, a whore turning down big money.

None of these women have any shred of proof for their accusations, and they are not even claiming he had sex with them.

If we are to beleive this is his normal behavior, then surely there would be a long line of women claiming to have had sex with him. You know, like BJ Clinton did.....
Liar. Not one of these women stories were debunked except one. He was a pimp who secured young boys for British politicians.He stood up for Trump. Nice alibi. Ha!
View attachment 161844 The mathematical likelihood that all of Trump's accusers are lying, as he says, is

Seems like beyond a 'reasonable doubt.'

All of these accusations are of them being groped, or kissed. Not one claimed to be raped or had an affair with him. Most are just “he said she said”, no way of knowing at all. Other completely debunked by other witnesses. The best has to be the Jessica Drake, a porn star, claiming he offered ten thousand dollars, and she turned it down. Yea....sure, a whore turning down big money.

None of these women have any shred of proof for their accusations, and they are not even claiming he had sex with them.

If we are to beleive this is his normal behavior, then surely there would be a long line of women claiming to have had sex with him. You know, like BJ Clinton did.....

I bet this "reasonable" k*nt never demanded Bill's head when he was accused by multiple women of sexual misconduct. He's a hypocrite and a moron.

I'm not inclined to dismiss a capable CEO over allegations that he slapped someone's ass.

On another note, Hillary was caught red-handed breaking serious laws and she skated. Liberal twats like "reasonable" were giddy with delight. He never demanded that Hillary be held accountable for her blatant crimes that were PROVEN, unlike the allegations against Trump.

Once again, a libtard agitator demonstrates himself to be a fucking idiot. Well done, "reasonable".
View attachment 161844 The mathematical likelihood that all of Trump's accusers are lying, as he says, is

Seems like beyond a 'reasonable doubt.'

Give him a break! He only admitted assaulting women on audio tape! I expect the orange pervert is already after a couple WH staffers. Melania and his other bed mate, Ivanka are going to be very jealous soon when he pegs wife number four.

Wrong moron, he never claimed to do that. He merely stated that women act like they will allow him to do anything to them. I have no doubt that some women will do anything to be with a billionaire, to include letting them grab their pussy.
First of all Trump isn’t a billionaire. Disagree? Show me his tax returns. He admitted molesting women. Grabbing women’s pussies without their approval is molestation and a crime.
Isn’t it ironic the serial sex offender denied doing to 16 women what he admitted doing on the Access Hollywood tape. And like the dupe you are... you believe him.
I have no doubt that some women will do anything to be with a billionaire, to include letting them grab their pussy.

There is no shortage of women that would whore out their own daughter if it meant they could become financially attached to some rich guy. LOL.
View attachment 161844 The mathematical likelihood that all of Trump's accusers are lying, as he says, is

Seems like beyond a 'reasonable doubt.'

All of these accusations are of them being groped, or kissed. Not one claimed to be raped or had an affair with him. Most are just “he said she said”, no way of knowing at all. Other completely debunked by other witnesses. The best has to be the Jessica Drake, a porn star, claiming he offered ten thousand dollars, and she turned it down. Yea....sure, a whore turning down big money.

None of these women have any shred of proof for their accusations, and they are not even claiming he had sex with them.

If we are to beleive this is his normal behavior, then surely there would be a long line of women claiming to have had sex with him. You know, like BJ Clinton did.....

I bet this "reasonable" k*nt never demanded Bill's head when he was accused by multiple women of sexual misconduct. He's a hypocrite and a moron.

I'm not inclined to dismiss a capable CEO over allegations that he slapped someone's ass.

On another note, Hillary was caught red-handed breaking serious laws and she skated. Liberal twats like "reasonable" were giddy with delight. He never demanded that Hillary be held accountable for her blatant crimes that were PROVEN, unlike the allegations against Trump.

Once again, a libtard agitator demonstrates himself to be a fucking idiot. Well done, "reasonable".
Hillary reference - check
Personal attack - check
Lying about me- check
Being an asshole - check
View attachment 161844 The mathematical likelihood that all of Trump's accusers are lying, as he says, is

Seems like beyond a 'reasonable doubt.'

To start with these are merely accusations.

But for shits and giggles lets say Trump is found

to be guilty..

We will just take a page out of the liberal playbook

and play it like you guys did with clinton.

It was just sex and it's his business and he is

doing a great job saving America....

We need him to stay in office and appoint some

more Supreme Court Judges while he is stacking

the lower courts while Making America Great


After 17 years or so we will all say how wrong it all


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