When you think about it, most of America’s culture war revolves around protecting children:

The radical left assault on children will only stop when those doing it face some real consequences for their depravity.

It is, at this point, only a matter time, as the alphabet perverts get bolder and bolder, before parents of abused children give up on the formal justice system and start taking out these subhuman animals directly, and it will be impossible to empanel a jury that would convict them of any crime for doing so.
It's up to the parents of these children you say are being "abused" or "molested" to decide if they want to do anything about it. It certainly is not up to me.

What if the parent •IS• the molester, as happened with my wife and her father? Over a period of about two years, starting when she was eight, an ending when she was ten, my wife was sexually abused by her own father. It ended, shortly after it came out what he had been doing to his daughter, when he did what is probably one of the best things that he ever did in his life, which was to put a gun to his head and pull the trigger,

My wife is now in her fifties, and is still haunted by the trauma of what her father did to her.

And now, we've got even worse perverts wanting to do much more fucked-up things to children than what was done to my wife.

The world would be a much better place if all of them, all who defend them, and those of you who are happy to just look away, would follow my father-in-law's final example. There are some things for which a .357-caliber brain hemorrhage makes a very good cure.
Yes you are a disgusting moron. You want kids exposed to gay men in public doing Satan only knows what. You are disgusting. You admit you said it then say I’m lying. Desperation. Parents won’t take kindly to you showing that shit to their kids.
You are lying…. Want proof? I ask for a quote of something specific you claim im saying and all you got is “things”. That’s pathetic
If you don't have children you'll never understand

I don't have children, and I understand.

I'll never understand what my wife went through, as well as she does, or as well as anyone else does who has had similar experiences, but through her, I understand enough to know that it is extremely important to stand against this evil, in any form that it takes, whenever and wherever it may happen; and to have nothing but utter disgust, contempt, and yes, deep hatred, toward anyone who would even think of trying to defend or excuse it in any form.
Where has there been sexual abuse allowed in school?

Here's just one example, that happened not far from where I live, out of many, many, many more happening all over the country.

Anyone want to try to make the case that brainwashing a five-year-old boy into thinking that he's a girl, and then putting him up in front of a kindergarten class, in a dress, with a girls' name to sexually confuse other children, isn't sexual abuse against him, and against all the other children involved?
How can your child hide mental illness from you?

An even more egregious example. By all reports, this little girl did not have any significant mental health issues until a short-eyed elementary school teacher started trying to force a “transgender” identity on her against her will. Apparently, this went on for quite some time, with the parents having no idea, until it was called to their attention that the little girl had expressed a desire to commit suicide.

How can your child hide mental illness from you?
By being trans and not telling you and then telling teachers and them not telling you

No young child is “trans” or “gay” or any other fucked-up sexual perversion, unless some sick pedophilic fuck is filling that child's head with this shit.

Of course a child that is being abused in such a manner, by a pedophile outside of that child's immediate family is going to be instructed, by the abuser, to try to keep it a secret form the parents.
I don't have children, and I understand.

I'll never understand what my wife went through, as well as she does, or as well as anyone else does who has had similar experiences, but through her, I understand enough to know that it is extremely important to stand against this evil, in any form that it takes, whenever and wherever it may happen; and to have nothing but utter disgust, contempt, and yes, deep hatred, toward anyone who would even think of trying to defend or excuse it in any form.
You should probably focus more on getting a life and worrying about yourself and not judging other peoples choices. Especially when your “understanding” of it is so warped
If you don't have children you'll never understand
I have raised two fine sons. I was molested as a child. I never let either know and I have no plans on letting them know. All they ever needed to know is that I had their back.

That being said, I think anybody capable of empathy is able to place themselves in the shoes of a child whether they have children or not.

The problem here, is that the democrat party is now filled with sociopaths incapable of doing that. All they know is obedience to the agenda and the agenda involves sacrificing children.
No retard. YOU are a NO minded prick. Show where I (or anybody else here) has said anything other than keep your shit away from kids. Even Gays Against Groomers have that view, causing degenerates like you to call them a hate group. YOU keep running from that. You’re flailing as usual. .

Interestingly, that's pretty much the entire position of Gays Against Groomers, and for that, they've been labeled an “an American far-right anti-LGBT organization”, as currently stated on the Wikipedia (I'm pretty sure it used to say “hate group”, but I guess they've backed off a bit from calling it that).

But it's become clear, on this and plenty of other sources, that it is considered by the fucked-up perverts to be “far-right anti-LGBT” to oppose the sexual abuse of children.

I do not now remember from which other member of this forum I stole this image along with the clever way of saying it, but it's like the dots are almost touching, and some will not connect them.


By the way, did you see where Slade3200 specifically condemned the “keep your shit away from kids” position?
Hahaha, yeah I’m sure he is more worried about people who support the gay community more than those who are hateful bigots like yourself. ““ hey I’m not hateful, just keep that sick perverted shit away from my kids”” you don’t even understand how stupid you sound do you?!

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Interestingly, that's pretty much th entire position of Gays Against Groomers, and for that, they've been labeled an “an American far-right anti-LGBT organization”, as currently stated on the Wikipedia (I'm pretty sure it used to say “hate group”, but I guess they've backed off a bit from calling it that).

But it's become clear, on this and plenty of other sources, that it is considered by the fucked-up perverts to be “far-right anti-LGBT” to oppose the sexual abuse of children.

I do not now remember from which other member of this forum I stole this image along with the clever way of saying it, but it's like the dots are almost touching, and some will not connect them.

View attachment 793516

By the way, did you see where Slade3200 specifically condemned the “keep your shit away from kids” position?
As far as the labeling "far right" I am much reminded of a fellow whose name is Pim Fortuyn from several years ago. He was a gay politician in the Netherlands and was concerned with the rapid rise in violence against gay people there due to Muslims.

The left called him "far right" up to, and after the time of his murder at the hands of Muslims.

Identity politics is the sickness at the heart of all of this.
You [mamooth] consider Conservative values perverse, but pushing transgender, and homosexuality on kids normal, you are a special kind of stupid, how about you leave kids alone perv.

“Stupid” isn't the word I would use. Not sure what word would suffice, but “stupid” isn't it. That just denotes a lack of intelligence. This is something much, much, much worse, not merely a lack of intelligence, but a very high level of being fucked up in the head, in the heart, in (assuming he still has it) the soul. “Evil” would be closer than “stupid”, but this is something far beyond that.
The usual response to reporting things like this is my thread banning.
It happened the last time I was called a pedophile and then called a pedophile AGAIN by the same privileged individual who clarified quite openly that he was calling me such.

I was thinking of an incident where it was someone else that was called “short eyes”. Not you.

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