When you think about it, most of America’s culture war revolves around protecting children:

What we're besieged with these days.

They plant the seed at 5. They nurture the seedling at 7. By 9, they have a fully formed tranny on their hands and they feel VERY satisfied about their handiwork.

A Custom-crafted, new-and-improved bacha bāzī, the envy of the powerful pedofaggots of Afghanistan. Sexually-confused, drugged with puberty-blockers to prolong their childhood and their value to childfuckers.

It's no mystery what the most basic motive is that is driving all this fucked-up shit being done now to children. There may be other motives involved as well, but at the core, it's about providing easy prey for pedophiles.
You should probably focus more on getting a life and worrying about yourself and not judging other peoples choices. Especially when your “understanding” of it is so warped
Indoctrinating children in a pre-determined sexual objective is certainly a "choice", true, but so is the choice to allow them to be children.

Some of us choose the latter approach, which confuses you greatly since you choose the former.

Time and time again, we read leftists telling us that exposing this to children is done under the name of tolerance and acceptance.

They sure are making it awfully clear what they want children to emulate, don't you think?

I have a rather radical idea, though. Why don't we PROTECT children from this, instead?
Again, I dunno. How about you tell me about it?
Since you are so curious

First they get to know you. They tell you that you are smarter than the other boys, more aware. They figure out that your parents are pretty much ignoring you, so they pay extra attention to you. They flatter you constantly, and let you know that they appreciate you in ways that nobody else really understands. They gradually isolate you and find ways to spend more time with you, inviting you to do various chores at their house so they can get you alone.

One day they find an opportunity when you are on a trip together in a group far away from your family in a hotel. They wait until the other boys in the group are gone and then sidle up next to you saying they want to show you something. Then the hands come down..................

Does that help "Tumblin Tumbleweed"? Does that help you feel more smug and self-satisfied that you never had to deal with that, Tumblin Tumbleweed? I would really like to know, and am just SO happy to help in your smug derision that makes you feel SO much better.
Since you are so curious

First they get to know you. They tell you that you are smarter than the other boys, more aware. They figure out that your parents are pretty much ignoring you, so they pay extra attention to you. They flatter you constantly, and let you know that they appreciate you in ways that nobody else really understands. They gradually isolate you and find ways to spend more time with you, inviting you to do various chores at their house so they can get you alone.

One day they find an opportunity when you are on a trip together in a group far away from your family in a hotel. They wait until the other boys in the group are gone and then sidle up next to you saying they want to show you something. Then the hands come down..................

Does that help "Tumblin Tumbleweed"? Does that help you feel more smug and self-satisfied that you never had to deal with that, Tumblin Tumbleweed? I would really like to know, and am just SO happy to help in your smug derision that makes you feel SO much better.
:eek: Wow. This ^^^ was not necessarily what I was expecting. Get some help, dude.

Sorry if you went through some stuff. But, again, we all have our own journey. :dunno:
I have raised two fine sons. I was molested as a child. I never let either know and I have no plans on letting them know. All they ever needed to know is that I had their back.

That being said, I think anybody capable of empathy is able to place themselves in the shoes of a child whether they have children or not.

The problem here, is that the democrat party is now filled with sociopaths incapable of doing that. All they know is obedience to the agenda and the agenda involves sacrificing children.

I'm sorry you had to go through that. I really am.

I'll never reveal details but one of our adopted daughters was sexually abused when she was very young, she's now 19 and doing very well but the pain is still there.

She received a life sentence...chomos at the very least deserve the same...but preferably a bullet in the forehead
You asked me to tell you about it, you piece of shit.

I told you about it.
Okay, snowflake. I read your story, and empathized with your circumstance. Terrible stuff. Am I done here? Are you using this personal trauma to make some stupid political point?

Oh, yes, you are. So tell me, do you believe your own personal experiences dictate the reality of society?

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