When you think about it, most of America’s culture war revolves around protecting children:

The ones who do not support pedophilia sure are being quiet about it.

The faggot/tranny community's public image would benefit greatly, right now, from having a large, vocal portion thereof come out and loudly repudiate and reject the pedophiles that have infested their community. Where are those voices? I'm sure not hearing them. I'm hearing a lot of noise form the open pedophiles that have been allowed in on the coattails of the faggots and trannies, but only deafening silence from any in that community that oppose pedophilia.
There are several that post videos on YouTube.
I guess they must somehow see that as a way to justify it, in their fucked-up minds—They're not abusing a child, causing serious, lifelong harm to that child. They're just making a political statement; striking a blow against heteronormativity. The child is just collateral damage, at most.
Did you notice how quickly Tumbleweed started blaming ME when I answered his question and then launched into all his accusations against my character because I did?

Again, these creatures have been trained by their masters to be true sociopaths.
You insufferable Stalinists think EVERYTHING is extreme that is not Stalinist.
Yeah. Yet another great meltdown. :dunno: Sorry, that meant fuck all to me. I think you've blown a gasket, extremist. Go have a nap. Or don't. I don't really have any fucks to give either way. :fu:

If I'm a stalinist, as you say, why the fuck would I care so much about our constitutional rights, freedom, liberty and capitalism as much as I do? Why would I ever be a lifetime critic of the fiscal responsibility of our federal government through both republican and democrat administrations because I kinda already know how these things will pan out, regardless of the asshole we vote into the office? :dunno:
The ones who do not support pedophilia sure are being quiet about it.

The faggot/tranny community's public image would benefit greatly, right now, from having a large, vocal portion thereof come out and loudly repudiate and reject the pedophiles that have infested their community. Where are those voices? I'm sure not hearing them. I'm hearing a lot of noise from the open pedophiles that have been allowed in on the coattails of the faggots and trannies, but only deafening silence from any in that community that oppose pedophilia.
A few from Twitter

ays Against Groomers


Hear from more of our members as to why they too are #DoneWithPride! Enough already. We have all our rights. There is no need for it anymore, and it’s gotten out of control.



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I guess they must somehow see that as a way to justify it, in their fucked-up minds—They're not abusing a child, causing serious, lifelong harm to that child. They're just making a political statement; striking a blow against heteronormativity. The child is just collateral damage, at most.
That isn't necessarily political. The majority of the US just doesn't care about this stuff in general. Like you, I wish they did, but they don't. So, you're an activist. Promoting change, no?
Did you notice how quickly Tumbleweed started blaming ME when I answered his question and then launched into all his accusations against my character because I did?
Again, these creatures have been trained by their masters to be true sociopaths.

It seems to be a common attack against abuse victims, to convince them to blame themselves, at least in part.

My wife still suffers from some of that; in spite of reason, she still feels, to some extent, that she is to blame for how her father abused her, and even for his death (from a self-inflicted .357-caliber brain hemorrhage, after if came out what he had been doing to his daughter). At a rational level, she knows that this is all wrong, but still, she cannot escape from it.

I cannot begin to grasp the degree to which the modern pedotrannies fuck with children's minds, in the course of confusing them over whether they are girls or boys. It surely must be a much deeper, more sophisticated, and more destructive form of mindfuckery than what my wife experienced, and even if a child manages to get out of that without actually being convinced that he is of the opposite sex, without having any quasi-medical Frankensteinery done to him, it must still leave some very nasty damage to the mind.
Indoctrinating children in a pre-determined sexual objective is certainly a "choice", true, but so is the choice to allow them to be children.

Some of us choose the latter approach, which confuses you greatly since you choose the former.
The only indoctrination of children in a pre-determined sexual objective comes from traditionalists and heterosexuals. I have no problem with this but y’all need to stop lying about the notion that schools are trying to turn kids gay.
Yes, I understand.

Your fucked-up kind, that want to do evil, wish that good people would just mind our own business.

“What I particularly admire in him is the firm stand he has taken, not only against the oppressors of his countrymen, but also against those opportunists who are always ready to compromise with the Devil. He perceives very clearly that the world is in greater peril from those who tolerate or encourage evil than from those who actually commit it.

—Albert Einstein, in his tribute to Pablo Casals
Hate and bigotry is evil. That’s what you’re spewing out. Liberty and self expression is not evil. It’s not evil to be LGBTQ. You lie and say it is but that doesn’t make it reality. Grow up and get a life
Hate and bigotry is evil. That’s what you’re spewing out. Liberty and self expression is not evil. It’s not evil to be LGBTQ. You lie and say it is but that doesn’t make it reality. Grow up and get a life

Your “Liberty and self-expression” consists of allowing pedophiles to fuck with children.

That is evil, and there is no spin that you can put on it to make it appear otherwise.

And it is clear that by “Grow up and get a life”, what you mean is that you want for me to keep my eyes and my mouth shut, and let pedophiles fuck with children, and do nothing at all about it.

You want more children to be victimized as my wife has been, worse than my wife has been, and you want me to silently let it happen.

Fuck you, very much.

And on behalf of my wife, who is usually too much of a lady to say such a thing, fuck you.

And on behalf of every child who has ever been sexually abused, or ever will be sexually abused, fuck you.
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It seems to be a common attack against abuse victims, to convince them to blame themselves, at least in part.

My wife still suffers from some of that; in spite of reason, she still feels, to some extent, that she is to blame for how her father abused her, and even for his death (from a self-inflicted .357-caliber brain hemorrhage, after if came out what he had been doing to his daughter). At a rational level, she knows that this is all wrong, but still, she cannot escape from it.

I cannot begin to grasp the degree to which the modern pedotrannies fuck with children's minds, in the course of confusing them over whether they are girls or boys. It surely must be a much deeper, more sophisticated, and more destructive form of mindfuckery than what my wife experienced, and even if a child manages to get out of that without actually being convinced that he is of the opposite sex, without having any quasi-medical Frankensteinery done to him, it must still leave some very nasty damage to the mind.

Um, wait, someone in a Mormon family abuses someone and that's the fault of gays and transgenders, somehow?

I have to ask the question again, Bob, do you know anyone who is gay or transgender? Have you actually sat down and had a talk with them to find out when they realized they were different from the other kids?
The ones who do not support pedophilia sure are being quiet about it.

The faggot/tranny community's public image would benefit greatly, right now, from having a large, vocal portion thereof come out and loudly repudiate and reject the pedophiles that have infested their community. Where are those voices? I'm sure not hearing them. I'm hearing a lot of noise form the open pedophiles that have been allowed in on the coattails of the faggots and trannies, but only deafening silence from any in that community that oppose pedophilia.

82% of pedophiles are hetereosexual.
The vast majority of child abuse occurs within families.
And while I would love to take cheap shots at the Catholic and Mormon Churches for the prevelence of pedos in their ranks, the reality is, pedophiles will take jobs where they can get easy access to children, whether it be ministers, scout leaders, and yes, sometimes stepparents.
82% of pedophiles are hetereosexual [sic].

Probably an inflated number, but even so…

Roughly 95% of al nominally-human creatures are not faggots. So, using your dubious number, that would mean that roughly 5% of nominally-human creatures account for 18% of childfuckers. This would show that faggots are almost four times as likely to be childfuckers as non-faggots are.

Your made-up bullshit statistic does not support the position that you meant for it to support.

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