When you think about it, most of America’s culture war revolves around protecting children:

No, why would I?
Because many others who speak your way do. Take your buddy Bobby here, who is hooting at all your posts with likes and praise… he makes constant claims that just being Gay or Trans is an act perversion that’s poisoning our youth.

I’m glad you don't agree with that. I just hope you’re mindful that many on your side of the argument are making that point and using kids to fight against LGBTQ
Because many others who speak your way do. Take your buddy Bobby here, who is hooting at all your posts with likes and praise… he makes constant claims that just being Gay or Trans is an act perversion that’s poisoning our youth.

I’m glad you don't agree with that. I just hope you’re mindful that many on your side of the argument are making that point.
I speak only for myself. I am not a drone in a hive mind like you appear to be. I judge people on behavior, not identity. You excuse bad behavior BECAUSE of identity.
I speak only for myself. I am not a drone in a hive mind like you appear to be. I judge people on behavior, not identity. You excuse bad behavior BECAUSE of identity.
Whose behavior have I excused?

This swarm of conversation was not stirred because of pedo cases. It’s stirred because of pride month and LGBTQ. You seem like a smart person, you have see the line that’s being drawn. So while you say you’re thinking for yourself… you are speaking on one side of the argument here and it’s with those showing hate and bigotry against LGBTQ and doing so in the name of protecting children
Whose behavior have I excused?

This swarm of conversation was not stirred because of pedo cases. It’s stirred because of pride month and LGBTQ. You seem like a smart person, you have see the line that’s being drawn. So while you say you’re thinking for yourself… you are speaking on one side of the argument here and it’s with those showing hate and bigotry against LGBTQ and doing so in the name of protecting children
Children do not need to watch drag queens dry humping each other, they don't need books showing underage boys giving blowjobs, they don't need teachers messing with their minds by introducing the thought that they might be the opposite gender, and they do not need to be forced to attend events promoting homosexuality.

They need to be children and they need to be protected from this campaign to sexualize them.

That is my position. Those are the behaviors I oppose. You call that being on a side.

I call it being a responsible human.
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Children do not need to watch drag queens dry humping each other, they don't need books showing underage boys giving blowjobs, they don't need teachers messing with their minds by introducing the thought that they might be the opposite gender, and they do not need to be forced to attend events promoting homosexuality.

They need to be children and they need to be protected from this campaign to sexualize them.

That is my position. Those are the behaviors I oppose. You call that being on a side.

I call it being a responsible human.
You accuse me of supporting all of that but it’s not true. You seem to imply that “Pride” blanket supports all that, also not true.

I don’t support drag queens or even heterosexual couples dry humping around kids. I don’t support kids books that show gay or hetero blow jobs….

With all the hate and bigotry that has been shown to the LGBTQ community I don’t mind schools putting some effort into creating a safe environment for kids who are or have family members who fit those categories. People of all “categories” should be accepted in a public school and work environment. That’s what the movement is about… not exposing kids to sexual content like you all dishonestly paint
You accuse me of supporting all of that but it’s not true. You seem to imply that “Pride” blanket supports all that, also not true.

I don’t support drag queens or even heterosexual couples dry humping around kids. I don’t support kids books that show gay or hetero blow jobs….

With all the hate and bigotry that has been shown to the LGBTQ community I don’t mind schools putting some effort into creating a safe environment for kids who are or have family members who fit those categories. People of all “categories” should be accepted in a public school and work environment. That’s what the movement is about… not exposing kids to sexual content like you all dishonestly paint

But when we try to eliminate those books from the classrooms, the left decries it as book burning.

When we try to oppose the immorality of many of the performances, in front of children, at pride parades and festivals, the left claims hate and bigotry.

When we try to keep men out of womens sports, the left throw fits.

Most Gays and Lesbians support the protection of children, but the extremes try to silence them as well. I heard a trans saying recently that if the straight progressives just kept their mouths shut, trans people would be better off.

That is absolutely correct.
But when we try to eliminate those books from the classrooms, the left decries it as book burning.

When we try to oppose the immorality of many of the performances, in front of children, at pride parades and festivals, the left claims hate and bigotry.

When we try to keep men out of womens sports, the left throw fits.

Most Gays and Lesbians support the protection of children, but the extremes try to silence them as well. I heard a trans saying recently that if the straight progressives just kept their mouths shut, trans people would be better off.

That is absolutely correct.
If that was all there was to it then I’d be with you 100% but I think we all know that it is much more convoluted. For example, most of these conversations I engage in on this board express outrage over all this inappropriate sexual material being pushed on kids. All I do is ask for specific examples of what they are talking about and less than 5% of the time I actually get anything.

I have seen a few examples of things that I do not find appropriate for kids. But they are few and far between. The vast majority of the controversies I’m seeing are over politicized and generalized. They are littered with assholes like Bob here who are unapologetically bigoted against LGBTQ in any shape or form.

Make it about a specific book with something actually inappropriate for kids, then I’m with you… make it generalized trying to paint anything LGBTQ as perverted and inappropriate then you’re being dishonest and discriminatory…. I’m not with you
It is your responsibility as a citizen to be concerned.

You don't have to DO something, but voicing an opinion opposed to the grooming would be better than looking the other way.

Voicing an opinion is just words on an anonymous messageboard. Demanding that someone prove something by posting an opinion on something is meaningless.

There are several annoying trends I am seeing more and more (academia especially). One is the requisite identification of pronouns on every email, the other is what I call the automatic acknowledgement: “I acknowledge that the land I am living on belonged to the xyz people and blah blah blah” at the end of every email. It is nothing more than virtue signaling, words that require little effort, cost or action but instead are some sort of litmus test to judge people by. That is what this reminds me of.
I hate people who sexually abuse children
I am bigoted against pedophiles.
I am intolerant of pederasts
I fear the affects of what they do to children.

We are obviously on different sides of this issue.

Yes, you are on the side that makes stuff up.

The reality is that 82% of child sexual abuse are women being abused by males.
And 77% of child abuse happens within families.

But you want to go after this imaginary gay transgender pedophile boogeyman.
Because it satisfies your own bigotries.
No. When you think about, it most of America's culture war does not revolve "around protecting children." All of revolves around hatred, bigotry, fear, and intolerance. Nothing more, nothing less. You can cloak it in whatever name you wish, but it boils to those four things. And they're exclusive to just one party...

Shit. I just reread this and I realized that I left out the word "not."

It should have read, "And they're not exclusive to just one party..."

Though one party certainly seems to be far more public and vocal about their feelings...
Yes, you are on the side that makes stuff up.

The reality is that 82% of child sexual abuse are women being abused by males.
And 77% of child abuse happens within families.

But you want to go after this imaginary gay transgender pedophile boogeyman.
Because it satisfies your own bigotries.
Wrong again:

  • Most often, sexual abusers know the child they abuse but are not relatives. In fact, about 60% of perpetrators are nonrelative acquaintances, such as a friend of the family, babysitter, or neighbor.
  • About 30% of those who sexually abuse children are relatives of the child, such as fathers, uncles, or cousins.
  • Strangers are perpetrators in about 10% of child sexual abuse cases.
  • Men are found to be perpetrators in most cases, regardless of whether the victim is a boy or a girl. However, women are found to be perpetrators in about 14% of cases reported against boys and about 6% of cases reported against girls.
Wrong again:

You just kind of repeated what I just said.

Why are they so quiet about it, then? If they're really the majority, then surely they should be making themselves heard at least as loudly as the childfuckers are that are being allowed to ride on their coattails.

Except they aren't. The homophobes have been engaged in this kind of blood libel since Anita Bryant lost her orange juice contracts. (Ironically, her granddaughter came out as gay recently.)

And for those playing along at home, Bob belongs to a cult where the leaders routinely married multiple teenage girls until the government made them outlaw polygamy.
Not really... 82% vs. 90% - compared to 18% vs. 10%.

That's barely disproportionate at all. It seems to be pretty much on the money.

And again, given that the founders of your deranged cult were fucking teenage girls, I am reminded of an idiom about glass domiciles and mineral projectiles.
Considering your proven lying, racism, misogyny, and other sordid things, you may want to heed your own advice about that glass house. For those playing along, Joe is a misogynist who states that women are whores who only want half of his stuff. Explains a few things....
Nope. See how the left continue to try to keep pornographic materials in front of children.
When you respond negatively to instruction manuals teaching prepubescent boys how to give blowjobs, they just indulge in a bait and switch by claiming you are actually talking about something completely different.

Then they call you names.

Considering your proven lying, racism, misogyny, and other sordid things, you may want to heed your own advice about that glass house. For those playing along, Joe is a misogynist who states that women are whores who only want half of his stuff. Explains a few things....
Have you noticed how today's leftists are the very antithesis of liberal?
When you respond negatively to instruction manuals teaching prepubescent boys how to give blowjobs, they just indulge in a bait and switch by claiming you are actually talking about something completely different.

Then they call you names.

This article by Carol Markowicz hits the target. Some of the images in these books some here defend being in elementary school libraries are just disturbing.


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