Whence the expression, "Black Lives Matter"?

Black Lives Matter began as a call to action in response to state-sanctioned violence and anti-Black racism.

There it is in black and white and the two colors are not hurting each other like stupid humans(who claim to be more intelligent) do...
See, this is their main problem. Not all black folks should be made into partisan tools.

White folks are allowed to be conservatives. Asians are allowed to be conservative. So are Hispanics.

Back in the sixties, the black panthers were not necessarily connected to the DNC, this movement explicitly is, and thus, is doomed to divide the nation and funnel it's funding and energy to other causes besides justice for black Americans.

THIS is why the GOP is pushing back, and why shouldn't they? The DNC has always pushed for failed economic policies. . .

Hit the BLM's "DONATE NOW" button, and it takes you to this;


Black Lives Matter began as a call to action in response to state-sanctioned violence and anti-Black racism.

There it is in black and white and the two colors are not hurting each other like stupid humans(who claim to be more intelligent) do...
See, this is their main problem. Not all black folks should be made into partisan tools.

White folks are allowed to be conservatives. Asians are allowed to be conservative. So are Hispanics.

Back in the sixties, the black panthers were not necessarily connected to the DNC, this movement explicitly is, and thus, is doomed to divide the nation and funnel it's funding and energy to other causes besides justice for black Americans.

THIS is why the GOP is pushing back, and why shouldn't they? The DNC has always pushed for failed economic policies. . .

Hit the BLM's "DONATE NOW" button, and it takes you to this;


I see, now you think all blacks are forced into a political party, how condescending and closed minded of yous.
In order for the expression, "Black Lives Matter" to have any meaning, there must be an assertion, somewhere or somehow, that Black lives don't matter. How would a Black person come to believe that?

Imagine the pointless death of a white 17-year-old blonde, beautiful cheerleader, killed by a hit&run driver while jogging in a park.

Contrariwise, imagine a 17-year-old Black HS dropout, killed by gunfire during a midnight turf battle in the 'hood.

It is likely that the local constabulary would go to great measures to find the hit&run driver who killed the Babe, apprehend him and bring him to justice. The whole episode, from the initial car-human collision to the sentencing of the perp would be played out on the front pages of the local birdcage liner. A human tragedy of the highest order, and the taking of a life that matters.

As for the unfortunate gang-banger, the cops would ask a few bystanders if they had seen anything, get the predictable negative responses, fill out the obligatory paperwork, and forget about it. The newspaper would have a two or three line entry in the crime roundup, possibly have a quote from the deceased's Aunt, saying that, "Lamont had just found Jesus," and the Thing - as far as the public is concerned - would be at an end.

Because, you see, Black lives don't matter much.

But is this "fair"? I submit that it is.

The vast majority of Black deaths that hit the news(papers) are just the sort of thing mentioned above. Almost invariably, the victim was either a chronic Problem Child, or at the very least, up to no good at the time of his death. So there is no sympathy from the public, and the Media have no real interest.

In almost all of the most celebrated cases of Black deaths in recent years, one or both of these factors plays a part. The Black guy was either a chronic f*ck-up or was up to no good at the time of his demise. St. George Floyd was high on illegal substances, passing counterfeit cash, and had a criminal record, let's say a quarter-mile long. Did he deserve to die for those things (maybe he wasn't even aware that the bills were counterfeit)? No, of course not. Was the cop criminally out-of-line? Certainly. But his death was no tragedy to anyone outside his immediate circle of friends and family. Did his life matter? Not really.

I submit that when a Black victim is in fact innocent and blameless, when it appears that he is an upright person contributing or likely to contribute in the future to society, his death gets just as much attention as a similarly situated white person. Those lives do matter, for sure. But not ALL Black lives, and not ALL other lives are tragedies, worthy of public attention or mourning outside their immediate circle.

Hence we constantly hear about the carnage in Chicago, Baltimore, and other notorious urban venues. Seriously, who cares? Nobody, Black or white. If it did matter to Black people as much as they wail that "Black Lives Matter," the Black community would be doing something about it - self-policing, if you will. But that ain't happening. Obviously.

Some lives matter and some lives don't. And that's the fact.
You've completely missed the point.

Not really a surprise, I suppose.

Don't think "black lives matter". Think "black lives matter too".

That's all they want. Just to matter as much as everyone else.

It's not complicated, there's nothing deeply philosophical about it, it's just a call for equal treatment.
Black Lives Matter began as a call to action in response to state-sanctioned violence and anti-Black racism.

There it is in black and white and the two colors are not hurting each other like stupid humans(who claim to be more intelligent) do...
See, this is their main problem. Not all black folks should be made into partisan tools.

White folks are allowed to be conservatives. Asians are allowed to be conservative. So are Hispanics.

Back in the sixties, the black panthers were not necessarily connected to the DNC, this movement explicitly is, and thus, is doomed to divide the nation and funnel it's funding and energy to other causes besides justice for black Americans.

THIS is why the GOP is pushing back, and why shouldn't they? The DNC has always pushed for failed economic policies. . .

Hit the BLM's "DONATE NOW" button, and it takes you to this;


I see, now you think all blacks are forced into a political party, how condescending and closed minded of yous.

But this is EXACTLY what the liberals and DNC believe of the black community.

What I have just PROVED to you is that BLM is an arm of the DNC. If you choose not to follow those links I gave you, and do the research I gave you, and then really THINK? That is on you buddy.

BLM is a social engineering tool of the Ford Foundation.

If a black person wants social justice, but sees through the nefarious nature of BLM, what then? :dunno:


What Would the Black Panthers Think of Black Lives Matter?
Black Lives Matter began as a call to action in response to state-sanctioned violence and anti-Black racism.

There it is in black and white and the two colors are not hurting each other like stupid humans(who claim to be more intelligent) do...
See, this is their main problem. Not all black folks should be made into partisan tools.

White folks are allowed to be conservatives. Asians are allowed to be conservative. So are Hispanics.

Back in the sixties, the black panthers were not necessarily connected to the DNC, this movement explicitly is, and thus, is doomed to divide the nation and funnel it's funding and energy to other causes besides justice for black Americans.

THIS is why the GOP is pushing back, and why shouldn't they? The DNC has always pushed for failed economic policies. . .

Hit the BLM's "DONATE NOW" button, and it takes you to this;


I see, now you think all blacks are forced into a political party, how condescending and closed minded of yous.

But this is EXACTLY what the liberals and DNC believe of the black community.

What I have just PROVED to you is that BLM is an arm of the DNC. If you choose not to follow those links I gave you, and do the research I gave you, and then really THINK? That is on you buddy.

BLM is a social engineering tool of the Ford Foundation.

If a black person wants social justice, but sees through the nefarious nature of BLM, what then? :dunno:


What Would the Black Panthers Think of Black Lives Matter?

"The white conservatives aren't friends of the Negro either, but they at least don't try to hide it. They are like wolves; they show their teeth in a snarl that keeps the Negro always aware of where he stands with them.
Black Lives Matter began as a call to action in response to state-sanctioned violence and anti-Black racism.

There it is in black and white and the two colors are not hurting each other like stupid humans(who claim to be more intelligent) do...
See, this is their main problem. Not all black folks should be made into partisan tools.

White folks are allowed to be conservatives. Asians are allowed to be conservative. So are Hispanics.

Back in the sixties, the black panthers were not necessarily connected to the DNC, this movement explicitly is, and thus, is doomed to divide the nation and funnel it's funding and energy to other causes besides justice for black Americans.

THIS is why the GOP is pushing back, and why shouldn't they? The DNC has always pushed for failed economic policies. . .

Hit the BLM's "DONATE NOW" button, and it takes you to this;


I see, now you think all blacks are forced into a political party, how condescending and closed minded of yous.

But this is EXACTLY what the liberals and DNC believe of the black community.

What I have just PROVED to you is that BLM is an arm of the DNC. If you choose not to follow those links I gave you, and do the research I gave you, and then really THINK? That is on you buddy.

BLM is a social engineering tool of the Ford Foundation.

If a black person wants social justice, but sees through the nefarious nature of BLM, what then? :dunno:


What Would the Black Panthers Think of Black Lives Matter?

"The white conservatives aren't friends of the Negro either, but they at least don't try to hide it. They are like wolves; they show their teeth in a snarl that keeps the Negro always aware of where he stands with them.

When someone dies prematurely, by violence, it is newsworthy for a moment. They are all covered in the news media. There is a blurb in the crime section and probably an obituary a few days later. That's it.

Secondarily, if there is a significant reason why that death might have been meaningful to the general public - the deceased was an accomplished person or a promising student, or the scion of a famous family - there is continuing news coverage. That life MATTERS. The others matter to the person's family and friends, but not to the general public. It is a non-event.

My point is that most violent deaths of Black people are deaths of people whose lives matter very little...to the general public. They are people who, frequently, are criminals and were engaged in criminal activity at the time of their death, were involved in some sort of turf war, or were hanging out at a bar at 3 in the morning on a Thursday - which responsible people are not. They have no legitimate children, no job, and no noteworthy accomplishments to report. Maybe he was a high school football star. Big deal. Have you read any reports about George Floyd's former employer mourning his death? Didn't think so.

And so from that standpoint, Black lives don't matter much to the general public. So what? Neither do the lives of white petty criminals who die under the same sorts of circumstances.

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