Where are all the democrats?

Thanks for proving how fucked up you really are.

So, still clinging to that fallacy of the excluded middle. And having a tough time with "past" and "future". Saddam killing people in the past does not mean he'd be allowed to kill more in the future.

I'm starting to think you don't have the intellectual capacity to understand how you fail, in addition to not having the moral capacity.
Thanks for proving how fucked up you really are.

Still clinging to that fallacy of the excluded middle, eh?

I'm starting to think you don't have the intellectual capacity to understand how you fail, in addition to not having the moral capacity.

You are in denial. If recent events won't wake you up, then there is no hope for you. Enjoy your stupidity. You sir are on the wrong side of history.

Reagan gave us economic prosperity that lasted through Bush Sr and Clinton. Only liberal ideology like the NWO destroyed that.

Bush jr was a failed President and now so is Obama. 16 years of NWO progressive bullshit and you think your view of the world is correct.

Well wake up and smell today. You are a moron with blinders on. The corruption in DC has reached new heights and we just cut the legs off by throwing HRC in the garbage can of history.

Welcome to the revolution.

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Reagan gave us economic prosperity that lasted through Bush Sr and Clinton. Only liberal ideology like the NWO destroyed that.

Carter had a better average job creation rate than Reagan.

That's right, the worst Democrat beats the best Republican in job creation.

Bush jr was a failed President and now so is Obama.

Burns you up that Obama is leaving with a higher approval rating than Reagan, I see. it won't take long for the "Miss me yet?" Obama stickers to appear.

16 years of NWO progressive bullshit and you think your view of the world is correct

"NWO". Any other loopy conspiracy theories you'd like to add?
We don't. That is you, and crick, and trolling blunder, and a couple of your other loon pals that want that. SSDD even has one of crickys calls for mass murder in his siggie. It ain't us clown boy, it's YOU!

An outright lie on your part, one you proudly tell over and over. Crick's was a sarcastic response to one of those calls for death. You know that, but you deliberately choose to lie about it.

Anyways, since you're deflecting from your side's well-documented calls-for-death, everyone will take that as your hearty approval of such tactics. You could have just said "No, I don't approve of that", but you didn't. Very telling.

Bull poo. The only thing that we have called for is the investigation, and trial for those involved in the AGW fraud. No death squads like you and cricky and more importantly those who are deeply involved in the AGW fraud have more than once publicly called for the incarceration of "deniers", and some even have called for well known sceptics to be put to death. Nowhere has ANY person in a position of power ever called for the murder of those who disagree with their philosophies. No...that would be YOU!
Reagan gave us economic prosperity that lasted through Bush Sr and Clinton. Only liberal ideology like the NWO destroyed that.

Carter had a better average job creation rate than Reagan.

That's right, the worst Democrat beats the best Republican in job creation.

Bush jr was a failed President and now so is Obama.

Burns you up that Obama is leaving with a higher approval rating than Reagan, I see. it won't take long for the "Miss me yet?" Obama stickers to appear.

16 years of NWO progressive bullshit and you think your view of the world is correct

"NWO". Any other loopy conspiracy theories you'd like to add?

I remember the Carter years. They sucked. Credit card rates over 25% and mortgage rates over 12%. Low wage jobs. Underpaid military with announcements by the government to rental properties to give grace periods to families with members in uniform because the US government wasn't able to issue their payroll checks in a timely manner. Fuel rationing. Carter doing nothing as Saddam Hussein overthrew a US friendly government or as the religious radicals overthrew the Shaw of Iran. Carter again doing nothing during the Iran Hostage crisis.

Carter was a douche who rightfully gets the credit he deserves.

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Bull poo. The only thing that we have called for is the investigation, and trial for those involved in the AGW fraud.

And multiple investigations have shown no fraud, yet you're still calling for trials. You've never been able to demonstrate a bit of fraud anywhere, but you're still calling for trails. Your side has been caught red-handed faking and fudging everything over and over, and you call for the trials of those who busted you for fraud. Stalinist to the core, you are.

No death squads like you and cricky

Again, an outright lie on your part. Neither I nor Crick ever said such a thing, though many deniers have. You're deliberately lying to everyone's face now.

and more importantly those who are deeply involved in the AGW fraud have more than once publicly called for the incarceration of "deniers", and some even have called for well known sceptics to be put to death.

I'm sure you can name some of these "deeply involved" people. Oh wait, you can't. I mean, there was some random Kennedy, and a liberal arts professor somewhere, and a monty-python type video, and that's about it. And all that was condemned by all the rational people.

In contrast, the constant death and prosecution threats from your side, many displayed on this board, are condemned by nobody on your side, especially you.

Nowhere has ANY person in a position of power ever called for the murder of those who disagree with their philosophies. No...that would be YOU!

That's another hallmark of Stalinism, accusing your opponents of your own tactics .

You can show you're not a Stalinist easily enough. Simply condemn unequivocally the Republican attempts to shut down science using threats of jail. I've asked over and over, and not a single denier on this board will do so. Literally not one. Every single one of them, without exception, supports those Stalinist thug tactics. You side is entirely Stalinist, while ours is entirely democratic.
Bull poo. The only thing that we have called for is the investigation, and trial for those involved in the AGW fraud.

And multiple investigations have shown no fraud, yet you're still calling for trials. You've never been able to demonstrate a bit of fraud anywhere, but you're still calling for trails. Your side has been caught red-handed faking and fudging everything over and over, and you call for the trials of those who busted you for fraud. Stalinist to the core, you are.

No death squads like you and cricky

Again, an outright lie on your part. Neither I nor Crick ever said such a thing, though many deniers have. You're deliberately lying to everyone's face now.

and more importantly those who are deeply involved in the AGW fraud have more than once publicly called for the incarceration of "deniers", and some even have called for well known sceptics to be put to death.

I'm sure you can name some of these "deeply involved" people. Oh wait, you can't. I mean, there was some random Kennedy, and a liberal arts professor somewhere, and a monty-python type video, and that's about it. And all that was condemned by all the rational people.

In contrast, the constant death and prosecution threats from your side, many displayed on this board, are condemned by nobody on your side, especially you.

Nowhere has ANY person in a position of power ever called for the murder of those who disagree with their philosophies. No...that would be YOU!

That's another hallmark of Stalinism, accusing your opponents of your own tactics .

You can show you're not a Stalinist easily enough. Simply condemn unequivocally the Republican attempts to shut down science using threats of jail. I've asked over and over, and not a single denier on this board will do so. Literally not one. Every single one of them, without exception, supports those Stalinist thug tactics. You side is entirely Stalinist, while ours is entirely democratic.

You lyin sack of poo! Here is just ONE of your buddy crikeys calls for the death of sceptics. You are a 'tard of the first order.

Just from a hypothetical viewpoint, it would be a great deal more effective to "off" all the deniers. - Crick
Have any of those disgusting Deportables left yet? Is that commie traitor Ginzburg still here? Why are they still here?
You can show you're not a Stalinist easily enough. Simply condemn unequivocally the Republican attempts to shut down science using threats of jail.

And ... silence. Which means assent. You obviously support those tactics.

You lyin sack of poo! Here is just ONE of your buddy crikeys calls for the death of sceptics. You are a 'tard of the first order.

Just from a hypothetical viewpoint, it would be a great deal more effective to "off" all the deniers. - Crick


You know you're lying. Everyone knows you're lying. But you still do it. You're pathological, and you just can't help yourself.

Stephanie told all liberals to commit suicide. Crick responded with that sarcastic comment.

And instead of criticizing Stephanie for her genocidal death-lust, you lie about Crick for having the gall to mock it.

Here's Cricks' list of around 20 or so denier death threats on this board, and there are plenty more.


That's compared to zero such threats from the rational side. And look at you, not just totally silent about all those denier threats, but actively trying divert attention away from them by telling lies about the moral people. Your mentor Stalin would be so proud.

Let me guess. When Conway just threatened Reid and others with prosecution if they dared criticize DearLeaderDonald, it sent a tingle up your leg, right? You can't wait for that pesky first amendment to get trashed, if it helps you get liberals tossed into the gulag.
You can show you're not a Stalinist easily enough. Simply condemn unequivocally the Republican attempts to shut down science using threats of jail.

And ... silence. Which means assent. You obviously support those tactics.

You lyin sack of poo! Here is just ONE of your buddy crikeys calls for the death of sceptics. You are a 'tard of the first order.

Just from a hypothetical viewpoint, it would be a great deal more effective to "off" all the deniers. - Crick


You know you're lying. Everyone knows you're lying. But you still do it. You're pathological, and you just can't help yourself.

Stephanie told all liberals to commit suicide. Crick responded with that sarcastic comment.

And instead of criticizing Stephanie for her genocidal death-lust, you lie about Crick for having the gall to mock it.

Here's Cricks' list of around 20 or so denier death threats on this board, and there are plenty more.


That's compared to zero such threats from the rational side. And look at you, not just totally silent about all those denier threats, but actively trying divert attention away from them by telling lies about the moral people. Your mentor Stalin would be so proud.

Let me guess. When Conway just threatened Reid and others with prosecution if they dared criticize DearLeaderDonald, it sent a tingle up your leg, right? You can't wait for that pesky first amendment to get trashed, if it helps you get liberals tossed into the gulag.

Just give it up mammmy. You suck at your job. Yes, crickey said it. You know it. I know it. EVERYBODY on the environment forum KNOWS it. Your candidate was a douche, and she lost because of it. Take your butthurt and inflict it on your local crying circle.
So, you're not even attempting to defend your bad behavior now. That's really for the best, as it just made you look worse. Time for me to carve another notch.

So, your DearLeaderDonald just appointed an open racist and anti-semite as his co-chief of staff. Your DearLeader will be finding more and more free speech to squash and persecute, and he'll really be letting his racist freak flag fly. And we won't hear a peep from you, as you'll be too busy enjoying all the tingles up your leg.
So, you're not even attempting to defend your bad behavior now. That's really for the best, as it just made you look worse. Time for me to carve another notch.

So, your DearLeaderDonald just appointed an open racist and anti-semite as his co-chief of staff. Your DearLeader will be finding more and more free speech to squash and persecute, and he'll really be letting his racist freak flag fly. And we won't hear a peep from you, as you'll be too busy enjoying all the tingles up your leg.

What bad behavior would that be mammy? Please provide a link to what you determine to be "bad behavior".
oooooh, poor mammy. Yes, dear, I am a liberal Democrat.
Stalinists can't be liberal Democrats, as those are polar opposites. And no matter what you call yourself, you're clearly a Stalinist,like so many Trump-fans.
I haven't seen or heard from any democrats since like 9 pm!?

Maybe because we're tired of talking to Repug fucktards like you who watch Fox News all day and simply don't care about facts.

I know I'm tired of talking to imbeciles like you. It's simply boring talking to Repugs who live in their own world and make up their own facts, which is 99% of the Repugs on this cesspool of a message board. You all are mostly racists and uneducated dolts who never learned to think critically about anything. It's very boring talking to people like you who are not open-minded and ignore all facts that conflict with your Repug worldview.

You all wanted your Repug cesspool message board with no liberal opposition, so now you got it. Now go fuck yourself.
I haven't seen or heard from any democrats since like 9 pm!?

Maybe because we're tired of talking to Repug fucktards like you who watch Fox News all day and simply don't care about facts.

I know I'm tired of talking to imbeciles like you. It's simply boring talking to Repugs who live in their own world and make up their own facts, which is 99% of the Repugs on this cesspool of a message board. You all are mostly racists and uneducated dolts who never learned to think critically about anything. It's very boring talking to people like you who are not open-minded and ignore all facts that conflict with your Repug worldview.

You all wanted your Repug cesspool message board with no liberal opposition, so now you got it. Now go fuck yourself.
^^^^^there is allot of uneducated LWNJ trash that wonders in here, like the fucktard above.....just ignore it as its of no value.....
I haven't seen or heard from any democrats since like 9 pm!?

Maybe because we're tired of talking to Repug fucktards like you who watch Fox News all day and simply don't care about facts.

I know I'm tired of talking to imbeciles like you. It's simply boring talking to Repugs who live in their own world and make up their own facts, which is 99% of the Repugs on this cesspool of a message board. You all are mostly racists and uneducated dolts who never learned to think critically about anything. It's very boring talking to people like you who are not open-minded and ignore all facts that conflict with your Repug worldview.

You all wanted your Repug cesspool message board with no liberal opposition, so now you got it. Now go fuck yourself.
^^^^^there is allot of uneducated LWNJ trash that wonders in here, like the fucktard above.....just ignore it as its of no value.....

You meant "wanders", dumb fuck. And nothing that comes from your intellectually dishonest, fact-free, unremarkable Repug mind is worth reading.

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