Where are Republican Town Halls? I want to go to one.

The cowards take their ques from Trump . The Don refuses to appear anywhere he didn’t win in a landslide.
You should do some research before opening your mouth. He has held rallies in Pennsylvania AND Michigan. Neither state did he win in a landslide LOL.He will next time though!

Trump is showing his brilliance by following up on his campaign promise to get prescription drug costs under control, that just won him many votes from seniors.
There's a certain symmetry there since it was Republicans that made it against the law for states or HMO's to bundle drugs which decreases costs.
Republican town halls are down since we gutted Obamacare, increased jobs, cut regulations, and lowered taxes.
You rushed and missed a lot of words.

Let me help you with that:

Republican town halls are down since we gutted Obamacare leaving millions of Trump supporters without healthcare so they could die quickly,

increased jobs but not training or education so we will need to import a couple of million educated foreigners,

cut regulations on both safety and the environment. Millions more projected to die from cancer causing particulates in the air and water,

and lowered taxes on needy billionaires and corporations. Needy billionaires because they are needy and corporations because they are people too. Important people. More important than anyone in the GOP base.

You libs you cling to failure. Those are the same FAKE talking points you people used to lose the election to Trump, didn't work then won't work in 2018.

The cowards take their ques from Trump . The Don refuses to appear anywhere he didn’t win in a landslide.
You should do some research before opening your mouth. He has held rallies in Pennsylvania AND Michigan. Neither state did he win in a landslide LOL.He will next time though!

Trump is showing his brilliance by following up on his campaign promise to get prescription drug costs under control, that just won him many votes from seniors.
There's a certain symmetry there since it was Republicans that made it against the law for states or HMO's to bundle drugs which decreases costs.

Lib please Obama and Dem's had a filibuster proof majority in congress when they passed Obamacare and they caved to big Pharma on prescription drug costs. President Trump is taking them on single handedly, where you failed Trump will win.

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