Where are the supplies Trump keep promising?

Trump still thinks that reassuring America means bullshitting us. We are not children, we are not looking for fairy stories, we want the horrible truth (most of us anyway). He has missed a golden opportunity to rise to the occasion and be America's president. All the scandal and impeachment drama could have been mostly forgiven but he can not stop doing stupid shit and lying his ass off.

He's not doing it for his own benefit. We are in a situation not only with a potentially dangerous virus around, but a dangerous situation financially. It's a difficult balance to work with. Do you people want Trump to come out and tell us we're doomed? Do you want to see the market crash even more? Do you want to see us go into a depression?

There is only so much any leader can do in times like this.
Trump is so concerned about his relection, so concerned about the market, the employment numbers, his legacy....meanwhile, ppl are dying.....can somebody please tell me, what has this moron done right since this thing started
What since does it make, seeing the God, ie Trump day after day after day, with all these promises of supplies, when seconds after the God, leave the stage, reports are made by foot soldiers on the ground, begging for supplies???? If this was Texas, Ky. Fla....they'd have supplies yesterday, but because its Blue states taking the lead...the score keeping God, ie Trump is holding back.

What Trump wants and need, especially since he can no longer get "rally highs" from his adoring nuts, he uses the Lie Conferences on a daily basis to get the nations attention and puts out the same bs, he would feed his nuts....not fully realizing, his nuts are at home caughing up their guts and the world is now in his audience and won't fall for the bs
What happen to your cry for attention when you started a thread about leaving?
who could have predicted that the Trump presidency would lead to the end of civilization?

The problem with you nuts, is that your so hell fire bent on supporting stupidity, that your completely immune from reality. We as a nation can not help you. Keep joking, keep pretending, but stay the fuck out of our way
What since does it make, seeing the God, ie Trump day after day after day, with all these promises of supplies, when seconds after the God, leave the stage, reports are made by foot soldiers on the ground, begging for supplies???? If this was Texas, Ky. Fla....they'd have supplies yesterday, but because its Blue states taking the lead...the score keeping God, ie Trump is holding back.

What Trump wants and need, especially since he can no longer get "rally highs" from his adoring nuts, he uses the Lie Conferences on a daily basis to get the nations attention and puts out the same bs, he would feed his nuts....not fully realizing, his nuts are at home caughing up their guts and the world is now in his audience and won't fall for the bs

I don't know what makes you think we live in an autocracy just because we have a Republican President. Much of the holdup are the bureaucracies, particularly the CDC and the FDA. Trump has little control over them. He can only tell us what they told him.
What since does it make, seeing the God, ie Trump day after day after day, with all these promises of supplies, when seconds after the God, leave the stage, reports are made by foot soldiers on the ground, begging for supplies???? If this was Texas, Ky. Fla....they'd have supplies yesterday, but because its Blue states taking the lead...the score keeping God, ie Trump is holding back.

What Trump wants and need, especially since he can no longer get "rally highs" from his adoring nuts, he uses the Lie Conferences on a daily basis to get the nations attention and puts out the same bs, he would feed his nuts....not fully realizing, his nuts are at home caughing up their guts and the world is now in his audience and won't fall for the bs
What happen to your cry for attention when you started a thread about leaving?
I am home bound thanks to the virus and I'm using my time, in isolating to vent. I may lose my home, my job.....I have to speak on this.
MItch wants to bail out the cruise shit industry...the very industry when all is said and done. Solely responsible for the spreading of this virus, mainly in Italy. The very industry that don't pay US federal taxes, the very industry that houses nothing but viral pandemics. Once again the state of Ky. at the forfront of chaos in this nation. Rand P. may have infected the entire congress, Mitch holding up a bill to save workers, by adding bs loop holes for Trump supporters.

Holy fucking shit are you seriously blaming the Cruise Industry for what China Government is to blame for?

Are kidding me!
What since does it make, seeing the God, ie Trump day after day after day, with all these promises of supplies, when seconds after the God, leave the stage, reports are made by foot soldiers on the ground, begging for supplies???? If this was Texas, Ky. Fla....they'd have supplies yesterday, but because its Blue states taking the lead...the score keeping God, ie Trump is holding back.

What Trump wants and need, especially since he can no longer get "rally highs" from his adoring nuts, he uses the Lie Conferences on a daily basis to get the nations attention and puts out the same bs, he would feed his nuts....not fully realizing, his nuts are at home caughing up their guts and the world is now in his audience and won't fall for the bs
What happen to your cry for attention when you started a thread about leaving?
I am home bound thanks to the virus and I'm using my time, in isolating to vent. I may lose my home, my job.....I have to speak on this.
While your at it, speak on Pelosis cockblocking of the check that could have helped save your ass...
What since does it make, seeing the God, ie Trump day after day after day, with all these promises of supplies, when seconds after the God, leave the stage, reports are made by foot soldiers on the ground, begging for supplies???? If this was Texas, Ky. Fla....they'd have supplies yesterday, but because its Blue states taking the lead...the score keeping God, ie Trump is holding back.

What Trump wants and need, especially since he can no longer get "rally highs" from his adoring nuts, he uses the Lie Conferences on a daily basis to get the nations attention and puts out the same bs, he would feed his nuts....not fully realizing, his nuts are at home caughing up their guts and the world is now in his audience and won't fall for the bs
What happen to your cry for attention when you started a thread about leaving?
I am home bound thanks to the virus and I'm using my time, in isolating to vent. I may lose my home, my job.....I have to speak on this.
While your at it, speak on Pelosis cockblocking of the check that could have helped save your ass...
If she had a honest senate and presidency that would spend the money on the ppl, she's sign the shit.....why should our tax money bail out cruise ships that don't pay american taxes? Why should our tax dollars bail out the Trump hotels and industries that spent their windfall buying back their own stock and not raising wages....Way to go Pelosi
What since does it make, seeing the God, ie Trump day after day after day, with all these promises of supplies, when seconds after the God, leave the stage, reports are made by foot soldiers on the ground, begging for supplies???? If this was Texas, Ky. Fla....they'd have supplies yesterday, but because its Blue states taking the lead...the score keeping God, ie Trump is holding back.

What Trump wants and need, especially since he can no longer get "rally highs" from his adoring nuts, he uses the Lie Conferences on a daily basis to get the nations attention and puts out the same bs, he would feed his nuts....not fully realizing, his nuts are at home caughing up their guts and the world is now in his audience and won't fall for the bs
What happen to your cry for attention when you started a thread about leaving?
I am home bound thanks to the virus and I'm using my time, in isolating to vent. I may lose my home, my job.....I have to speak on this.
While your at it, speak on Pelosis cockblocking of the check that could have helped save your ass...
If she had a honest senate and presidency that would spend the money on the ppl, she's sign the shit.....why should our tax money bail out cruise ships that don't pay american taxes? Why should our tax dollars bail out the Trump hotels and industries that spent their windfall buying back their own stock and not raising wages....Way to go Pelosi
Console yourself with that... While you pack your shit because you got evicted...
"So we are all basically on house arrest but they are letting the prisoners out? Sounds like a brilliant idea. "
What since does it make, seeing the God, ie Trump day after day after day, with all these promises of supplies, when seconds after the God, leave the stage, reports are made by foot soldiers on the ground, begging for supplies???? If this was Texas, Ky. Fla....they'd have supplies yesterday, but because its Blue states taking the lead...the score keeping God, ie Trump is holding back.

What Trump wants and need, especially since he can no longer get "rally highs" from his adoring nuts, he uses the Lie Conferences on a daily basis to get the nations attention and puts out the same bs, he would feed his nuts....not fully realizing, his nuts are at home caughing up their guts and the world is now in his audience and won't fall for the bs

Those supplies are in the process of being made, in a factory in China. They should be here in a month or two.
Trump still thinks that reassuring America means bullshitting us. We are not children, we are not looking for fairy stories, we want the horrible truth (most of us anyway). He has missed a golden opportunity to rise to the occasion and be America's president. All the scandal and impeachment drama could have been mostly forgiven but he can not stop doing stupid shit and lying his ass off.

He's not doing it for his own benefit. We are in a situation not only with a potentially dangerous virus around, but a dangerous situation financially. It's a difficult balance to work with. Do you people want Trump to come out and tell us we're doomed? Do you want to see the market crash even more? Do you want to see us go into a depression?

There is only so much any leader can do in times like this.
I realize this is a difficult situation and I am seriously giving him a lot of slack. I am in a leadership position in my own life, I know how hard it can get. I have led carpentry crews through at least a dozen major hurricanes. No amount of bullshitting ever got our smashed lives back to normal. We had to deal with a new reality of diminished expectations as adults. We sacrificed for our neighbors and put petty bullshit on the back burner. Americans crave the sort of presidential leadership that we see in movies. Heroic, stoic, resolute and selfless. Most politicians could at least fake it. I have to do it everyday.
Trump still thinks that reassuring America means bullshitting us. We are not children, we are not looking for fairy stories, we want the horrible truth (most of us anyway). He has missed a golden opportunity to rise to the occasion and be America's president. All the scandal and impeachment drama could have been mostly forgiven but he can not stop doing stupid shit and lying his ass off.

He's not doing it for his own benefit. We are in a situation not only with a potentially dangerous virus around, but a dangerous situation financially. It's a difficult balance to work with. Do you people want Trump to come out and tell us we're doomed? Do you want to see the market crash even more? Do you want to see us go into a depression?

There is only so much any leader can do in times like this.
I realize this is a difficult situation and I am seriously giving him a lot of slack. I am in a leadership position in my own life, I know how hard it can get. I have led carpentry crews through at least a dozen major hurricanes. No amount of bullshitting ever got our smashed lives back to normal. We had to deal with a new reality of diminished expectations as adults. We sacrificed for our neighbors and put petty bullshit on the back burner. Americans crave the sort of presidential leadership that we see in movies. Heroic, stoic, resolute and selfless. Most politicians could at least fake it. I have to do it everyday.

Our government is a very complex one. Perhaps one of the most complex of any other country. We have a President with limited powers. We have several levels of government representatives. We have bureaucracies. We have courts and judges. It's not as simple as snapping your fingers like a king, and your will is carried out.

I think the President is trying to do everything he can, however there is only so much he can do. For instance we may be going another trillion into debt over this, as if 22 trillion is not enough. The Democrats want to give it to the working folks, and Trump wants to give at least some to industry. Sure, give it all to the working folks, and they may hold them over for a month or so. But their jobs might not be there when this blows over. Give it to mostly industry, people like yourself end up in a precarious situation.

All spending is appropriated in the House, and it's eventually approved by the President.
Trump still thinks that reassuring America means bullshitting us. We are not children, we are not looking for fairy stories, we want the horrible truth (most of us anyway). He has missed a golden opportunity to rise to the occasion and be America's president. All the scandal and impeachment drama could have been mostly forgiven but he can not stop doing stupid shit and lying his ass off.

He's not doing it for his own benefit. We are in a situation not only with a potentially dangerous virus around, but a dangerous situation financially. It's a difficult balance to work with. Do you people want Trump to come out and tell us we're doomed? Do you want to see the market crash even more? Do you want to see us go into a depression?

There is only so much any leader can do in times like this.
I realize this is a difficult situation and I am seriously giving him a lot of slack. I am in a leadership position in my own life, I know how hard it can get. I have led carpentry crews through at least a dozen major hurricanes. No amount of bullshitting ever got our smashed lives back to normal. We had to deal with a new reality of diminished expectations as adults. We sacrificed for our neighbors and put petty bullshit on the back burner. Americans crave the sort of presidential leadership that we see in movies. Heroic, stoic, resolute and selfless. Most politicians could at least fake it. I have to do it everyday.
The problem is asshole we are not living in a fucking movie. President Trump is a real life man with flaws.......just like YOU have!
He is doing the very best he can given the FACT that he was thrown into this situation.
He has assembled the very best scientists and health experts in the world. He has given them free rein to do whatever they must to stop the virus. He has ordered the FDA to wave thousands of arcane regulations to aid the experts.
If the malaria medicine ends up working to control the virus YOU and the LIB media will actually be pissed off.
You don't like (hate) his brash New York style. Too fucking bad!
By the time the Nov. election rolls around the virus will have been brought under control and the US economy will be exploding!
YOU and the disgraceful LIB media assholes will be slashing their wrists and puking on the carpet on election night.
GOOD! YOU deserve it!
Close your eyes and imagine a President Biden in President Trump's position.
Now open your eyes. Good thing you weren't watching a 'movie' right?
Trump still thinks that reassuring America means bullshitting us. We are not children, we are not looking for fairy stories, we want the horrible truth (most of us anyway). He has missed a golden opportunity to rise to the occasion and be America's president. All the scandal and impeachment drama could have been mostly forgiven but he can not stop doing stupid shit and lying his ass off.

He's not doing it for his own benefit. We are in a situation not only with a potentially dangerous virus around, but a dangerous situation financially. It's a difficult balance to work with. Do you people want Trump to come out and tell us we're doomed? Do you want to see the market crash even more? Do you want to see us go into a depression?

There is only so much any leader can do in times like this.
I realize this is a difficult situation and I am seriously giving him a lot of slack. I am in a leadership position in my own life, I know how hard it can get. I have led carpentry crews through at least a dozen major hurricanes. No amount of bullshitting ever got our smashed lives back to normal. We had to deal with a new reality of diminished expectations as adults. We sacrificed for our neighbors and put petty bullshit on the back burner. Americans crave the sort of presidential leadership that we see in movies. Heroic, stoic, resolute and selfless. Most politicians could at least fake it. I have to do it everyday.

Our government is a very complex one. Perhaps one of the most complex of any other country. We have a President with limited powers. We have several levels of government representatives. We have bureaucracies. We have courts and judges. It's not as simple as snapping your fingers like a king, and your will is carried out.

I think the President is trying to do everything he can, however there is only so much he can do. For instance we may be going another trillion into debt over this, as if 22 trillion is not enough. The Democrats want to give it to the working folks, and Trump wants to give at least some to industry. Sure, give it all to the working folks, and they may hold them over for a month or so. But their jobs might not be there when this blows over. Give it to mostly industry, people like yourself end up in a precarious situation.

All spending is appropriated in the House, and it's eventually approved by the President.
You still don't get it. No one expects miracles and will forgive him for a lot but in return he has to be The President. Even silly old George W Bush faked it well enough. America needs a heroic figure in times like these and Trump cannot pull it off. He's just not capable of inspiring the kind of unifing confidence that pulls nations through bad times. He's acting overwhelmed and is clearly out of his depth.
Trump still thinks that reassuring America means bullshitting us. We are not children, we are not looking for fairy stories, we want the horrible truth (most of us anyway). He has missed a golden opportunity to rise to the occasion and be America's president. All the scandal and impeachment drama could have been mostly forgiven but he can not stop doing stupid shit and lying his ass off.

He's not doing it for his own benefit. We are in a situation not only with a potentially dangerous virus around, but a dangerous situation financially. It's a difficult balance to work with. Do you people want Trump to come out and tell us we're doomed? Do you want to see the market crash even more? Do you want to see us go into a depression?

There is only so much any leader can do in times like this.
I realize this is a difficult situation and I am seriously giving him a lot of slack. I am in a leadership position in my own life, I know how hard it can get. I have led carpentry crews through at least a dozen major hurricanes. No amount of bullshitting ever got our smashed lives back to normal. We had to deal with a new reality of diminished expectations as adults. We sacrificed for our neighbors and put petty bullshit on the back burner. Americans crave the sort of presidential leadership that we see in movies. Heroic, stoic, resolute and selfless. Most politicians could at least fake it. I have to do it everyday.
The problem is asshole we are not living in a fucking movie. President Trump is a real life man with flaws.......just like YOU have!
He is doing the very best he can given the FACT that he was thrown into this situation.
He has assembled the very best scientists and health experts in the world. He has given them free rein to do whatever they must to stop the virus. He has ordered the FDA to wave thousands of arcane regulations to aid the experts.
If the malaria medicine ends up working to control the virus YOU and the LIB media will actually be pissed off.
You don't like (hate) his brash New York style. Too fucking bad!
By the time the Nov. election rolls around the virus will have been brought under control and the US economy will be exploding!
YOU and the disgraceful LIB media assholes will be slashing their wrists and puking on the carpet on election night.
GOOD! YOU deserve it!
Close your eyes and imagine a President Biden in President Trump's position.
Now open your eyes. Good thing you weren't watching a 'movie' right?
You're making excuses for a man you once thought was capable of god-like political miracles? At least you now accept that he's capable of mistakes. A few more baby steps and you will see that Trump is out of his depth and his slow learning curve has cost us dearly.
Trump still thinks that reassuring America means bullshitting us. We are not children, we are not looking for fairy stories, we want the horrible truth (most of us anyway). He has missed a golden opportunity to rise to the occasion and be America's president. All the scandal and impeachment drama could have been mostly forgiven but he can not stop doing stupid shit and lying his ass off.
Yeah I heard he was hand delivering all supplies and working the assembly line on goods ..........damn he's a slacker....

I herd their is one Stock that is soaring on the markets....

The WHINE STOCK is going through the roof.........did you buy low.........LOL
Remember after 9/11 when GWB briefly enjoyed one of the highest approval ratings ever measured? He used that to get two whole wars. Your man fucked up. Those snide little partisan punch lines he has to slip into those daily briefings and lack of proper gravity and priority has sealed his legacy as a failure.
Your outrage is Fake........your OH LOOK WHAT TRUMP DID ........is TDS...........

Sell your snake oil somewhere else..........the virus and panic caused shortages worldwide......Damn ..........you must think TRUMP IS BAD ASS..........to be able to do this all over the world........

Deal with it.........and stop whining.......
I am dealing with it, like everyone else. This will be a time when lies die and bullshit will be taken personally. It's a time for truth and truth tellers to lead. It's a time for bullshitters to STFU.
Then you need to STFU
Trump still thinks that reassuring America means bullshitting us. We are not children, we are not looking for fairy stories, we want the horrible truth (most of us anyway). He has missed a golden opportunity to rise to the occasion and be America's president. All the scandal and impeachment drama could have been mostly forgiven but he can not stop doing stupid shit and lying his ass off.

He's not doing it for his own benefit. We are in a situation not only with a potentially dangerous virus around, but a dangerous situation financially. It's a difficult balance to work with. Do you people want Trump to come out and tell us we're doomed? Do you want to see the market crash even more? Do you want to see us go into a depression?

There is only so much any leader can do in times like this.
I realize this is a difficult situation and I am seriously giving him a lot of slack. I am in a leadership position in my own life, I know how hard it can get. I have led carpentry crews through at least a dozen major hurricanes. No amount of bullshitting ever got our smashed lives back to normal. We had to deal with a new reality of diminished expectations as adults. We sacrificed for our neighbors and put petty bullshit on the back burner. Americans crave the sort of presidential leadership that we see in movies. Heroic, stoic, resolute and selfless. Most politicians could at least fake it. I have to do it everyday.

Our government is a very complex one. Perhaps one of the most complex of any other country. We have a President with limited powers. We have several levels of government representatives. We have bureaucracies. We have courts and judges. It's not as simple as snapping your fingers like a king, and your will is carried out.

I think the President is trying to do everything he can, however there is only so much he can do. For instance we may be going another trillion into debt over this, as if 22 trillion is not enough. The Democrats want to give it to the working folks, and Trump wants to give at least some to industry. Sure, give it all to the working folks, and they may hold them over for a month or so. But their jobs might not be there when this blows over. Give it to mostly industry, people like yourself end up in a precarious situation.

All spending is appropriated in the House, and it's eventually approved by the President.
You still don't get it. No one expects miracles and will forgive him for a lot but in return he has to be The President. Even silly old George W Bush faked it well enough. America needs a heroic figure in times like these and Trump cannot pull it off. He's just not capable of inspiring the kind of unifing confidence that pulls nations through bad times. He's acting overwhelmed and is clearly out of his depth.

It's probably just your hatred of him. I think he's doing fine, especially given the fact this is not a domestic problem, it's a worldwide problem. What do you want him to do differently? What would change your life or mine? Heroes are in the movies and cartoons. I want a President that is taking a leadership role which he is.

If he tells us how bad things are, you'd be blaming him for making people feel down. If he tells us everything will be just fine, you say he's lying to us. I just don't know what you're expecting of him other than not being a phony.

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