Where Are You From?

Do you have a Boston accent like Dante?

I try to stifle my accent as much as I can, but I'm sure I have a bit of an accent when I say some words or whatever. In fact, I worked with a girl who was from Rhode Island, and she knew that I was from Massachusetts. The accent varies though, depending on what part of MA you are from. Some areas have a more accentuated accent. :D

Massachusetts people have my favorite accent to listen to.

I don't know why. I think we were voted the most annoying accent, actually. :lol:

Great Chris now every time you post I am going to think you sound like Fran

Lovable??? Her voice was so nasally and so annoyin-G. Lol!

Oh but she had a body on her when she was young :)
I live about 30 minutes from Cumberland Falls, home of the moon bow, which only happens in a handful of places in the world.


And about 30 minutes from the first KFC.


See to me that is weird, how do you guys find it?

I am used to this:

View attachment 171059

Yeah, that is probably why you were confused in Worcester. There are some very old historical towns here in MA, and they want to preserve that appearance, so there are zoning laws for businesses, including what the exterior of their building has to look like. It has to fit in with the historical feel in some areas.
I try to stifle my accent as much as I can, but I'm sure I have a bit of an accent when I say some words or whatever. In fact, I worked with a girl who was from Rhode Island, and she knew that I was from Massachusetts. The accent varies though, depending on what part of MA you are from. Some areas have a more accentuated accent. :D

Massachusetts people have my favorite accent to listen to.

I don't know why. I think we were voted the most annoying accent, actually. :lol:

Great Chris now every time you post I am going to think you sound like Fran

Lovable??? Her voice was so nasally and so annoyin-G. Lol!

Oh but she had a body on her when she was young :)

Yes, but that voice!
I live about 30 minutes from Cumberland Falls, home of the moon bow, which only happens in a handful of places in the world.


And about 30 minutes from the first KFC.


See to me that is weird, how do you guys find it?

I am used to this:

View attachment 171059

Where do you find what? The moonbow?

"It’s a phenomenon you can’t see anywhere else in the Western Hemisphere – the only other reported moonbow can be seen at Victoria Falls in Zambia in Africa. They’re rare because a lot of factors have to occur at the same time to produce the moonbow.

• There must be a bright, nearly full moon (usually 2 days before or 2 days after a full moon) and an almost cloudless night.
• Mist must be rising from the waterfall.
• Moonbows will appear white except on cold, crisp nights in the fall and winter when the atmosphere is drier and more clear. Then colors can be seen.
• Water temperature, fog and wind direction are also factors."

"The time to view the moonbow depends on when the moon is high enough to shine over the mountain and into the river gorge. This can be as early as 7 p.m. in the winter and as late as 1 a.m. in the summer. It’s best to see the moonbow if you are standing along the upper outlook areas above the falls, looking down over the falls."

A Road Trip to See the Moonbow at Cumberland Falls
I live about 30 minutes from Cumberland Falls, home of the moon bow, which only happens in a handful of places in the world.


And about 30 minutes from the first KFC.


See to me that is weird, how do you guys find it?

I am used to this:

View attachment 171059

Yeah, that is probably why you were confused in Worcester. There are some very old historical towns here in MA, and they want to preserve that appearance, so there are zoning laws for businesses, including what the exterior of their building has to look like. It has to fit in with the historical feel in some areas.

I liked it but I couldn't really find anything, everything didn't shout out to you like it does in the Midwest and south ..
Massachusetts people have my favorite accent to listen to.

I don't know why. I think we were voted the most annoying accent, actually. :lol:

Great Chris now every time you post I am going to think you sound like Fran

Lovable??? Her voice was so nasally and so annoyin-G. Lol!

Oh but she had a body on her when she was young :)

Yes, but that voice!

Ahhh but you know what us blue collar guys and Trump would say , just duck tape her mouth shut and you will be fine..

Just kidding..

I am still mad that guys broke in her house beat up her husband and raped her in front of him...but then again she had the spunk to get over it.
We didn't go west of Milwaukee. The only airport I recall was the base off Willow east of Shermer where we'd drag race. Our spot in the forest preserves was mainly behind Bob Chinn's Crab House.

Dundee turns into willow road right? it's been along time, yea behind Bob Chinns is potawamni..where they used to race RC boats I still remember a Easter egg hint there when I was like 6 years old..

And it's funny your right sherry us wheeling guys never went much over the toll way, and you guys never much came into are neck of the woods ..

Btw you still live around there? I have not been back since 2008 I heard it has grown.

I haven't been up that way since around the turn of the century, and have no desire to ever go back.

I would move back if they lowered the damn taxes ...13 years latter I still miss it, I miss the great food and zipping around on the toll ways causing hell...driving down to the lake, fun times

If I was ever passing through I might be tempted to swing by Hackney's for their onion loaf. WelfareQueen and I are very happy living on Florida's Nature Coast, and assuming my kids stay in the area, it's where we'll retire.:thup:

Did you ever go to la' France on Milwaukee, (great food but expensive as heck)I did twice that food was good or lums?

We didn't go west of Milwaukee. The only airport I recall was the base off Willow east of Shermer where we'd drag race. Our spot in the forest preserves was mainly behind Bob Chinn's Crab House.

Dundee turns into willow road right? it's been along time, yea behind Bob Chinns is potawamni..where they used to race RC boats I still remember a Easter egg hint there when I was like 6 years old..

And it's funny your right sherry us wheeling guys never went much over the toll way, and you guys never much came into are neck of the woods ..

Btw you still live around there? I have not been back since 2008 I heard it has grown.

I haven't been up that way since around the turn of the century, and have no desire to ever go back.

I would move back if they lowered the damn taxes ...13 years latter I still miss it, I miss the great food and zipping around on the toll ways causing hell...driving down to the lake, fun times

If I was ever passing through I might be tempted to swing by Hackney's for their onion loaf. WelfareQueen and I are very happy living on Florida's Nature Coast, and assuming my kids stay in the area, it's where we'll retire.:thup:

Did you ever go to la' France on Milwaukee, (great food but expensive as heck)I did twice that food was good or lums?

Yeah, Lums was fine dining, along with the Golden Bear up by Hawthorn mall.:lol:
Here is a picture of what the town I grew up in looked like back in the 1800s . . . (not really sure on the dates here, but it's from a LONG time ago).


And here is what it looks like now or more recently (I live several towns away now, but this is where I grew up).


As you can see, it really hasn't changed all that much. The buildings all still look basically the same. Of course, there have been a few changes, but for the most part, the town looks almost the same (the center of town anyways). There are zoning laws in the center of town, where business owners have to maintain the historical appearance.
Dundee turns into willow road right? it's been along time, yea behind Bob Chinns is potawamni..where they used to race RC boats I still remember a Easter egg hint there when I was like 6 years old..

And it's funny your right sherry us wheeling guys never went much over the toll way, and you guys never much came into are neck of the woods ..

Btw you still live around there? I have not been back since 2008 I heard it has grown.

I haven't been up that way since around the turn of the century, and have no desire to ever go back.

I would move back if they lowered the damn taxes ...13 years latter I still miss it, I miss the great food and zipping around on the toll ways causing hell...driving down to the lake, fun times

If I was ever passing through I might be tempted to swing by Hackney's for their onion loaf. WelfareQueen and I are very happy living on Florida's Nature Coast, and assuming my kids stay in the area, it's where we'll retire.:thup:

Did you ever go to la' France on Milwaukee, (great food but expensive as heck)I did twice that food was good or lums?

Dundee turns into willow road right? it's been along time, yea behind Bob Chinns is potawamni..where they used to race RC boats I still remember a Easter egg hint there when I was like 6 years old..

And it's funny your right sherry us wheeling guys never went much over the toll way, and you guys never much came into are neck of the woods ..

Btw you still live around there? I have not been back since 2008 I heard it has grown.

I haven't been up that way since around the turn of the century, and have no desire to ever go back.

I would move back if they lowered the damn taxes ...13 years latter I still miss it, I miss the great food and zipping around on the toll ways causing hell...driving down to the lake, fun times

If I was ever passing through I might be tempted to swing by Hackney's for their onion loaf. WelfareQueen and I are very happy living on Florida's Nature Coast, and assuming my kids stay in the area, it's where we'll retire.:thup:

Did you ever go to la' France on Milwaukee, (great food but expensive as heck)I did twice that food was good or lums?

Yeah, Lums was fine dining, along with the Golden Bear up by Hawthorn mall.:lol:

Lol I worked at the Hawthorn mall for a few months at arbys...that mall sucked, never been to golden bear..

I remember when I was around 15 years old I ran away from home (upset a girl dumped me) made it all the way up to Lincoln shire and this water worker found me , talked to me and drove me home ...
Here is a picture of what the town I grew up in looked like back in the 1800s . . . (not really sure on the dates here, but it's from a LONG time ago).


And here is what it looks like now or more recently (I live several towns away now, but this is where I grew up).


As you can see, it really hasn't changed all that much. The buildings all still look basically the same. Of course, there have been a few changes, but for the most part, the town looks almost the same (the center of town anyways). There are zoning laws in the center of town, where business owners have to maintain the historical appearance.

I don't know why. I think we were voted the most annoying accent, actually. :lol:

Great Chris now every time you post I am going to think you sound like Fran

Lovable??? Her voice was so nasally and so annoyin-G. Lol!

Oh but she had a body on her when she was young :)

Yes, but that voice!

Ahhh but you know what us blue collar guys and Trump would say , just duck tape her mouth shut and you will be fine..

Just kidding..

I am still mad that guys broke in her house beat up her husband and raped her in front of him...but then again she had the spunk to get over it.

Really? I didn't know anything about that. That is terrible.
Here is a picture of what the town I grew up in looked like back in the 1800s . . . (not really sure on the dates here, but it's from a LONG time ago).


And here is what it looks like now or more recently (I live several towns away now, but this is where I grew up).


As you can see, it really hasn't changed all that much. The buildings all still look basically the same. Of course, there have been a few changes, but for the most part, the town looks almost the same (the center of town anyways). There are zoning laws in the center of town, where business owners have to maintain the historical appearance.


It used to be a really small town. Then came the highways, then the mall, and then other businesses and shopping plazas. Too bad. There used to be a lot more woods when I was a kid.
Here is a picture of what the town I grew up in looked like back in the 1800s . . . (not really sure on the dates here, but it's from a LONG time ago).


And here is what it looks like now or more recently (I live several towns away now, but this is where I grew up).


As you can see, it really hasn't changed all that much. The buildings all still look basically the same. Of course, there have been a few changes, but for the most part, the town looks almost the same (the center of town anyways). There are zoning laws in the center of town, where business owners have to maintain the historical appearance.


It used to be a really small town. Then came the highways, then the mall, and then other businesses and shopping plazas. Too bad. There used to be a lot more woods when I was a kid.

Informative what is great about the Chicago area is that they preserved the woods (ask sherry) the deer are huge and at night will come right up to the road on Milwaukee ave and stick there tounge out at you saying nah nah you can't kill me
I was born in Seoul, South Korea. When I was about a year old, my parents and I legally immigrated to America. We first lived in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I have no memory of it, but there are pictures of me as a baby in Pittsburgh. We stayed there about 10-12 months before moving to the L.A. area.

I think we stayed in L.A. for only about 2-3 years before moving north to Santa Barbara County where I grew up.

I later lived in Irvine while attending UC Irvine. Just when I was about to graduate, I was accepted into a study abroad program in France. So I postponed graduation for a year to study in Bordeaux, France for two semesters. While in France, I also visited San Sebastian, Spain and Holland. I also visited Paris a few times.

After returning to America, I graduated and started studying for the LSAT. I was also working as a short order cook at a country bar and restaurant. I eventually got accepted to University of San Diego School of Law, which I attended for 3 years.

After graduation, I worked for a former district attorney in his solo practice in San Diego for about 4 years.

I then briefly moved to the Inland Empire in California to work as a workers' compensation defense attorney. I was there for 1 week when I got a call back from a much bigger W.C. defense firm in Los Angeles. I eventually got a job offer at that L.A. firm, so I put in my two weeks notice. The I.E. firm kept me on for the two weeks, so I stayed a total of 1 month and 1 week in the Inland Empire before moving out to L.A.

I eventually got an apartment in Manhattan Beach, California. I lived there for about two years before my apartment was sold and set to be demolished by investors. So I moved to Redondo Beach and lived about 2 blocks from the beach. I lived in Redondo Beach for about a year and a half before that apartment was sold as well.

I then moved back to Santa Barbara County to open my solo law practice, and I currently still live and work here.
And/or live?

At least the state, city is optional.

Me? Clearly I'm in Atlanta, GA, before that, I lived in NYC, before that Michigan, before that, north Georgia.

And before that an island in the Caribbean.

Just curious as to the backgrounds of the posters.
working backwards;

Tamaqua PA
Hazleton PA
Tamaqua PA
S Bethlehem PA
Bethlehem PA
Pottsville PA
Mahanoy pa
Bensalem pa
Groton Ct
Norfolk VA
Groton CT
Little Rock Ak
Sheridan ark
Charleston MO
St. Thomas
Charleston MO
Cliton Il
Steamwood Il

Where am I from?

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