Where did republicans get the rap as racist when history says it was the demcrats?


Look no further than the Civil Rights Act and the Southern Strategy.

These Conservatives try too hard to look as if they are not racist. You can see the racism coming out even when they are accusing us of being racist. Of course, no one is claiming that they are intelligent, and they do nothing to make us think differently.
What have I ever done or said that's racist?

This is the part where you get to demonstrate you can think for yourself and not just parrot leftiwing memes. Feel up to it, Skippy?
You passed over this post. I suppose you don't have anything other than parroting leftwing memes.

'Bout what I figured.
Did not think that you had any.

NOTHING says it better than that video, NOTHING.

{Entitlements and affirmative action can apply to any minority, not just blacks. But these are the programs that Democrats use to appeal to black voters. Unfortunately, entitlements and affirmative action have drawn poor black Americans into a perpetual state of dependence. They have contributed to the breakdown of the family, high unemployment and a legacy of poverty from one generation to the next. Even as Democrats like John Edwards decry the gap between rich and poor, his party relies on a permanent underclass to support it at the polls. }

SmallGovTimes.com :: How long will Democrats own the black vote?

{This trend started in the era of F D Roosevelt who was seen to be helping those who could not help themselves in the time of the New Deal. }

Voting behaviour in America
Uncensored sounds just like the mother kluckers back in the fifties and sixties. They got theirs, and so will those who stand in the way of the 99%.
They side with who treats them like humans, and I will give you a clue, you are not one of these people.

Humans are individuals, NoBrains. Each human is unique and distinct. When you of the left treat blacks as a monolithic voting bloc, it is you who treats them as less than human.

When you of the left attack Clarence Thomas and Herman Cain for "not being black enough" because they dare hold political views you object to, it is you who treats them as less than human.

Your glass house appears shattered from the rocks flying, NoBrains.

You conservatives are the ones guilty of your accusations towards me, by saying that Blacks support those who give them handouts. You should try thinking before you type, you would not look like as much of a hypocrite.

"I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it"
- Ben Franklin 1966

Now which party supports more lower income "entitlements"? Which party promotes the idea of taking from the rich, and handing it down to those who lack of lower income? Now which party do blacks so happen to predominantly are asked and do support? Do you need a clearer picture than that? These are just the facts, doesn't look to me like anyone was making a racial statement using the term "handouts" over the word entitlements.
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Republicans got the rap when the Southern Strategy converted racist Dems into racist Pubs in the South. Strom Thurmond and thosuands of others like him moved right over. Tis what tis.

Looks like someone needs to brush up on some history:

Slavery: Democrats Fought to Expand It – Republicans Fought to End It

The Civil War: Democrats Seceded From The Union to Preserve Slavery
The Second Confiscation Act July 17, 1862 - NAACPC.org

Segregation: Democrats Opposed Civil Rights – Republicans Championed Civil Rights
the record shows that since 1933 Republicans had a more positive record on civil rights than the Democrats.

In the 26 major civil rights votes after 1933, a majority of Democrats opposed civil rights legislation in over 80 percent of the votes. By contrast, the Republican majority favored civil rights in over 96 percent of the votes.

Republicans and Civil Rights

As a presidential campaigner in 1960, Kennedy largely avoided the civil rights issue for basically political reasons. Although he endorsed some kind of federal action, he could not afford to antagonize southern Democrats whose support he desperately needed to defeat Republican candidate Richard M. Nixon. In outlining the most important issues for the campaign early in 1960, Kennedy ignored civil rights rather than jeopardize his political support.
CongressLink: [Congress: The Basics - Lawmaking] Civil Rights: Major Features of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

The Civil Rights Act provided protection of voting rights; banned discrimination in public facilities—including private businesses offering public services—such as lunch counters, hotels, and theaters; and established equal employment opportunity as the law of the land.

As Senator Byrd took his seat, House members, former senators, and others—150 of them—vied for limited standing space at the back of the chamber. With all gallery seats taken, hundreds waited outside in hopelessly extended lines.

Georgia Democrat Richard Russell offered the final arguments in opposition. Minority Leader Everett Dirksen, who had enlisted the Republican votes that made cloture a realistic option, spoke for the proponents with his customary eloquence. Noting that the day marked the 100th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln's nomination to a second term, the Illinois Republican proclaimed, in the words of Victor Hugo, "Stronger than all the armies is an idea whose time has come." He continued, "The time has come for equality of opportunity in sharing in government, in education, and in employment. It will not be stayed or denied. It is here!"

Never in history had the Senate been able to muster enough votes to cut off a filibuster on a civil rights bill. And only once in the 37 years since 1927 had it agreed to cloture for any measure.
U.S. Senate: Art & History Home > Historical Minutes > 1964-Present > Civil Rights Filibuster Ended

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Was A Republican,

Im sure the left, however, would continue to show their advancement with regard to race by implying the same pretense as they do with any black Republican, through words like 'Uncle Tom'. How unfortunate the liberals must use racism when they are unable to debate on issues, or based on someone's past political record.

Frequently Asked Questions | National Black Republican Association
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Shakles, you are either stupid or a liar. Dr. King's daddy was a Republican, not Dr. King. Also we are talking post 1968. No one cares about the 1860s at all. Now show us everything the GOP has done since 1968 to win the hearts and souls of black folks. You are nothing but a progressive right winger.
So why do black people vote for Democrats, if the Democratic party is such a racist group?
SAT, we both know that racists exist in the Dems, including some black racists. That does not matter in this thread, because the hammerheads are suggesting that somehow the GOP since 1968 is the friend of black Americans. Wow, loony tunes.
SAT, we both know that racists exist in the Dems, including some black racists. That does not matter in this thread, because the hammerheads are suggesting that somehow the GOP since 1968 is the friend of black Americans. Wow, loony tunes.

That's why I'm asking, why to black people support the Democrats instead of the GOP? I threw out the question, I'm waiting to see the answers.
Shakles, you are either stupid or a liar. Dr. King's daddy was a Republican, not Dr. King. Also we are talking post 1968. No one cares about the 1860s at all. Now show us everything the GOP has done since 1968 to win the hearts and souls of black folks. You are nothing but a progressive right winger.

Hate to be proven wrong there Jake, so now it's 'no one cares about the 1860s'? Here's your link on Dr King JR, if you took the time to use the links in my previous post you wouldn't be asking this question. Now childish antics like "progressive right winger" is usually ALL that really remains, and what I come to expect, from somone that is left with no facts to present behind their statements. It won't get you anywhere if you don't know how to do a little research behind your posts.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr: a timeline of black history events and the Republican Party | Website resource for black men and the black community
This second link, you will also learn about what resulted from black rights and the Democratic Party.

As far as minorities, when democrats tell you a lie [republicans are racist] long enough many, unfortunately, tend to believe it. Yet the left, seems to be lacking quite a bit in the area of FACTS.

Unlike you, I don't believe making the Government responsible with the task of providing minorities with a better way of life is the answer. Dependancy on someone else [Big Governement] never solves the problems they face, it only creates a bigger one: "complacency" without any individual character, pride, or a sense of accomplishment. That is why Ben Franklin is quoted as saying:

“I am for doing good to the poor, but...I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. I observed...that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer.”
― Benjamin Franklin

Interesting concept wouldn't you say?
That basicly sums up my argument of Big Government as the "silver platter" provider for the poor, over Limited Government that provides only the educational means without financial "handouts". Now with reguard to the GOP, I don't agree with all of their policies, however of individual values I do: personal responsibility, setting goals, discipline through hard work, a stronger education that includes learning from your own mistakes, and rewards through accomplishment. The Federal Government has no business "punishing" those who are successful, and giving it to those who haven't earned it (the liberal Democrats philosphy). I will always stand opposed to this form of ideology.
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You're being pretty ridiculous. Yes, people care, but they are smart enough to vote based on present behavior, not the behavior of people over a century ago.

If the GOP is better for black people, why don't more black people vote for the GOP?
A progressive right winger like Shakles thinks he can state things that are not relevant today or are not true, and the reader is supposed to go "ooooohhhhhh" or "really?". Silly Shakles.

Dr. Martin L. King, Jr., was not a Republican.

The GOP since 1968 has done nothing to win the hearts and souls of black people.

Concentrate, Shakles, we are talking about King and the GOP since 1968. Stay on track.
A progressive right winger like Shakles thinks he can state things that are not relevant today or are not true, and the reader is supposed to go "ooooohhhhhh" or "really?". Silly Shakles.

Dr. Martin L. King, Jr., was not a Republican.

The GOP since 1968 has done nothing to win the hearts and souls of black people.

Concentrate, Shakles, we are talking about King and the GOP since 1968. Stay on track.

how do you expect him to focus when he can't even spell is own nic?
Shakles does not even understand that progressivism is a reform impulse historically far more than an ideology mistakenly misdefined by the far right.
A progressive right winger like Shakles thinks he can state things that are not relevant today or are not true, and the reader is supposed to go "ooooohhhhhh" or "really?". Silly Shakles.

Dr. Martin L. King, Jr., was not a Republican.

The GOP since 1968 has done nothing to win the hearts and souls of black people.

Concentrate, Shakles, we are talking about King and the GOP since 1968. Stay on track.

JakeStarkey --- Can you provide for the rest of us, a statement that I had made on this thread that wasn't true? . . . and learn to back up your argument with facts not just your "opinion". I'll wait.

Did you even bother to do any research or listen to the words of Alveda King, Martin Luther King Jr's own neice? Learning to take the time to perform a little research before you post really goes a long way. You can continue to ignore my advice, but it only makes you look less creditable and even more ignorant.
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A progressive right winger like Shakles thinks he can state things that are not relevant today or are not true, and the reader is supposed to go "ooooohhhhhh" or "really?". Silly Shakles.

Dr. Martin L. King, Jr., was not a Republican.

The GOP since 1968 has done nothing to win the hearts and souls of black people.

Concentrate, Shakles, we are talking about King and the GOP since 1968. Stay on track.

how do you expect him to focus when he can't even spell is own nic?

. . if you are going to comment on someone's spelling it would help to have no spelling errors within your own post, it makes you look less foolish.
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