Where did republicans get the rap as racist when history says it was the demcrats?

Democrat's reasoning:

Any criticism of Barack Obama or a Democrat Black politician = Racist

Therefor Republicans = racists.
Democrat's reasoning:

Any criticism of Barack Obama or a Democrat Black politician = Racist

Therefor Republicans = racists.

there redicules arguments have to be outed for what they are.

If you ignore them and dont counter them the fools think they have been proven correct.

They have to be constantly outed for their false logic

I agree. Them damn democrats and their election frauds!

Does this look at all familiar? It did not come from a liberal.

I'll bet it did.

A leftist pretending to be a conservative in order to smear the opposition,

SAY, are you actually a conservative? Keep up the good work, it's VERY effective at smearing the left....
This thread is really funny.

A right winger asks why Blacks eshew supporting the GOP.

People suggest reasons why based on history and even on current events.

The RWers then attempt to tell us why the Blacks are wrong and stupid not to support the Party with a recent and current history of hating them?

CAn these RW posters really not understand why Blacks don't support their party?

Gee, they protest: why do Blacks (that we hate and who we disadvantage every time we get a change) dislike us?

I mean come on lads.

Even you clueless racist morons ought to be able to figure this out.

You know, I don't think there was even one line in your post that wasn't a complete fabrication.
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Your the one claiming without a single shred of evidence that someone is sabatoging republicans by using racists images
Your the one claiming without a single shred of evidence that someone is sabatoging republicans by using racists images

Who the hell you talking to??

I understand how difficicult it is for you but the "quote" function serves a useful purpose.
The perception that the GOP hate Blacks might be wrong, just as you say.

A perception falsely cultivated by the demagogues of the DNC.

But the perception of that hate is why Blacks do not support the GOP.

More blacks support the GOP every year, the front runner for presidential candidate is black. Again, you deal in demagoguery, not fact.

Now seriously, is that really hard for you to understand?

To understand that you lie and smear?

Nah, we understand that perfectly.
there redicules arguments have to be outed for what they are.

If you ignore them and dont counter them the fools think they have been proven correct.

They have to be constantly outed for their false logic

I agree. Them damn democrats and their election frauds!

Your team has worked to keep blacks from voting for decades.

Its in the court records
This is what she looks like.



I think the white robe and pointy hood is interfering with your vision...

Political cartoonists always exaggerate features. If you read newspapers, you would be aware of this.

This was a flat out racial attack - since it is of an enemy of the party, you support it.

You define right and wrong by service to your shameful party - you have zero integrity, only partisanship.
Your the one claiming without a single shred of evidence that someone is sabatoging republicans by using racists images

It wouldn't surprise me.

Leftist hold party above all. You and the other leftists here lie as a matter of course. You'll say ANYTHING to promote your shameful party or damage the hated opposition. So sure, I could see one of the leftist trolls pretending to be right wing and posting racist shit - it's right down your ally. What the fuck, it could be Steven Colbert.

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