Where did Roy Moore's accusers go???

They're credible because there is an unbroken string of ages that Roy Moore went out with. And there's court records to back up the 14 year olds meeting Moore. Corroboration of Moores hanging around teenage girls at football games and the mall.
Because one thing checked out, that doesn't mean they all check out. The bottom line is that her description of events isn't plausible. Several of her claims are obvious lies, and she has a history of smearing men.

So far almost everything has checked out, from high school football games to the mall. From the court case to the writing on the yearbook and graduation card.
How have they "checked out?" Leigh Corfman's story certainly hasn't "checked out." Debbie Gibson's story certainly hasn't "checked out." The mall certainly hasn't checked out. The claim that he was on a list there has been discredited. They only thing that has "checked out" in most of these claims is that the person making the claim lived in the same town at the time, and that's about all.

Apparently "checked out" means you and your ilk don't care to examine the details of their stories.
Creepy Roy's denials never checked out

The law says he's innocent until proven guilty, and that certainly was never proven.

The court of public opinion ruled otherwise

They didn't believe him
it was/is his signature; from a signature stamp

the fact that his assistant's initials are part of the signature is really all the proof needed

Still waiting


waiting for what?

here is an article from a lefty website that acknowledges that Moore signed the paperwork that dismissed her case (it's where my cool jpeg cam from)

paperwork that she would have had access to

Court documents show key claim made by Roy Moore’s attorney was a lie
You keep saying the handwriting was analyzed. By whom? Certainly, there was no hands on examination.

Why would a "hands on" exam be necessary? Here's one - how many more ya need??

Roy Moore signed a yearbook of the woman he allegedly sexually assaulted as a teen, document expert says

Oh for the love of GOD!! He was the fucking DA


he was the DEPUTY District Attorney - otherwise known as "DDA"

signing anything as "DA" would have been a an example of him trying to pretend he was more than he was (which is part of why libs believed the yearbook thing)

his assistant was a woman named Debra Adams

ALL of his court documents had her initials on them; which is a common practice for ALL judges

happy reading - Roy Moore, the Moms, and the Yearbook Signature
waiting for what?
here is an article from a lefty website that acknowledges that Moore signed the paperwork that dismissed her case (it's where my cool jpeg cam from)paperwork that she would have had access to

So Roy Moore's attorney lied - is THAT your point?
Court documents show key claim made by Roy Moore’s attorney was a lie
So Roy Moore's attorney lied - is THAT your point?


I have said several times that Roy Moore sucks

that he was a bad candidate

he had lost several statewide elections in AL

but these charges about "abuse" are horse shit

I have adequately proven that at least 3 of the accusations against him were blatant lies (yearbook, mall ban & actual sexual assault)

that article proves that he signed a court document related to her case

the signature on that document is exactly what we see in the yearbook - all the way up to Debra Adams initials

anyone that defends Bill Clinton in the Lewinsky deal that harps on Moore is a hypocrite
Oh for the love of GOD!! He was the fucking DA - her boyfriend was late, she was cold and she trusted him not to try to force her into oral sex. I would say that was a reasonable decision on her part.

I'm sorry, I have trouble believing that a DA, nor even anyone this side of the ghetto, would try to force a girl, with whom there is no prior relationship, to have oral sex. And, the fact it didn't happen doesn't make the threat of forced oral sex any more credible.

And, still my question stands, why would she get into a car with someone she thinks is capable of rape? A guy doesn't go from harmless DA to potential rapist over a mere attempt to make out in a car.

But, it doesn't matter. There was no sex. It was 40 years ago. And, the alternative to Moore is a member of the party of racism, sexism, and oppression. I wouldn't vote for Hitler just because his opponent was accused of creepy behavior 40 years prior.
So Roy Moore's attorney lied - is THAT your point?
Court documents show key claim made by Roy Moore’s attorney was a lie
Technically the attorney didn't lie, he repeated the claim of his client, So once more Roy Moore lied, trying to invent a defense. Credibility shifts to the accusers.
waiting for what?
here is an article from a lefty website that acknowledges that Moore signed the paperwork that dismissed her case (it's where my cool jpeg cam from)paperwork that she would have had access to

So Roy Moore's attorney lied - is THAT your point?
Court documents show key claim made by Roy Moore’s attorney was a lie

If nothing else, Allred taught her daughter the same two step.
Having sex with a suboordinate is grounds for a sexual harassment case.

Can you link us to that? Not only is it not technically illegal to have sex with a subordinate - there is no law making it grounds for a sexual harassment case.

A COMPANY could have a rule like that in their employee handbook that it is grounds for dismissal. That's about it.
You keep saying the handwriting was analyzed. By whom? Certainly, there was no hands on examination.

Why would a "hands on" exam be necessary? Here's one - how many more ya need??

Roy Moore signed a yearbook of the woman he allegedly sexually assaulted as a teen, document expert says


For one thing, a "hands on" exam would allow the investigator to do a chemical analysis of the ink. It's age and manufacturer could then be determined. For another, to look at the writing under a microscope. There may even still be fingerprints on the paper.

That's exactly the stuff that you and your ilk don't want the public to learn about.
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I'm sorry, I have trouble believing that a DA, nor even anyone this side of the ghetto, would try to force a girl, with whom there is no prior relationship, to have oral sex. And, the fact it didn't happen doesn't make the threat of forced oral sex any more credible.

And, still my question stands, why would she get into a car with someone she thinks is capable of rape? A guy doesn't go from harmless DA to potential rapist over a mere attempt to make out in a car.

But, it doesn't matter. There was no sex. It was 40 years ago. And, the alternative to Moore is a member of the party of racism, sexism, and oppression. I wouldn't vote for Hitler just because his opponent was accused of creepy behavior 40 years prior.

Why would she have any reason to believe he was capable of rape?

But now you're going to compare Doug Jones to Hitler?


And, still my question stands, why would she get into a car with someone she thinks is capable of rape? A guy doesn't go from harmless DA to potential rapist over a mere attempt to make out in a car.

Moores title and position made her think he was an honorable man. His actions proved the opposite. Bill Cosbys victims thought the same way.
Roy Roy Statutory is still not allowed in some malls. It is good that the Senate has higher standards that malls do, if you ask me.

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