Where do you stand on State succession?

Do you support the right of States to succeed from the Union?

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What socialism, fool- you're ALREADY .

Yeah, what socialism


Typical brainwashed ADD DUPE...''What socialism, fool- you're ALREADY paying for their health care, just in the stupidest, most expensive, cruelest way possible...just why ignorant businessmen shouldn't be in charge...see Booosh and Mittens.''

BTW, Texas would have fallen apart and gone cannibal without all that oil... PUBS CAN'T RUN ANYTHING- SEE HISTORY, HATER DUPES...
Yeah, what socialism


We only socialize the losses: Wall Street firms, AIG, this West Virginia chemical spill - they've already declared bankruptcy, re-incorporated as a new entity, and bought the assets, basically selling it to themselves while passing off all the liability and responsibility to the taxpayers.

Check this out and tell me you're OK with this:

Truth behind Freedom Industries bankruptcy | MSNBC


Noam Chomsky defended the Khmer Rough slaughter of 3 million Cambodians.

Enough said about his opinions.

Democrats are the ones who think risk should be socialized. They are the ones who bailed out GM and Chrysler. More Democrats voted for TARP than Republicans.

BTW, "state capitalism" is a euphemism for "socialism."
Then you must hate Ronnie Ray-Gun's Socialist EMTALA and love Obamacare that requires we all pay for our own health care insurance.


Obama Hellcare requires that WE THE TAXPAYERS pay your premiums.


Can't read it but suspect its the same schlock about the young paying for the sick and hurt.

Old people can pay up to 5 times more than people in their 20s for real insurance.

Which, coincidentally, the way all health care insurance has always paid their bills.

Who did you think paid for it?

Nope. That isn't the way health insurance works. That's the way socialist Ponzi schemes work.
For most of my life, I could not have contemplated the idea that I would support such a thing. But the curve of the country towards socialism and away from liberty is so steep that I would now not only embrace the idea, but move to a State that secession. What say you?

I couldn't agree more.

And while I voted for the first and most favorable choice, I do not believe that succession is appropriate.

What is appropriate is an actual Civil War. Distinct from "The War of Northern Aggression", OKA: The US Civil War, a civil war is a war between two or more groups for control of a specific given geographic area.

The Ideological Left is a threat to the United States, in every conceivable way. The underpinning reasoning of socialism appeals to and otherwise promotes human weakness and cripples whatever culture it infects with an unsustainable economic equation. Undermining the human spirit with foolish notions of a free-ride.

In truth, there is no right to publicly advocate for socialism, socialist ideas or socialist policy.

Just as there is no right to advocate for rape, murder or burning down the house or business of another.

Because the advocacies are a direct threat to others and intrinsic to rights, is the bearing of the responsibility to not exercise your rights to the detriment of another to exercise their own rights.

Socialism is a direct threat to every free sovereign and every American is sovereign unto themselves.

Can't read it but suspect its the same schlock about the young paying for the sick and hurt.

Old people can pay up to 5 times more than people in their 20s for real insurance.

Which, coincidentally, the way all health care insurance has always paid their bills.

Who did you think paid for it?

Nope. That isn't the way health insurance works. That's the way socialist Ponzi schemes work.

Well said.
What socialism, fool- you're ALREADY .

Yeah, what socialism


We only socialize the losses: Wall Street firms, AIG, this West Virginia chemical spill - they've already declared bankruptcy, re-incorporated as a new entity, and bought the assets, basically selling it to themselves while passing off all the liability and responsibility to the taxpayers.

Check this out and tell me you're OK with this:

Truth behind Freedom Industries bankruptcy | MSNBC

That isn't allowed by bankruptcy courts.

You're full of shit.
Spell it 'secession', and we can go from there.

Any state can leave the Union, provided the other states approve.

Won't happen.


It doesn’t make any difference where anyone ‘stands’ on such a ridiculous non-issue; it’s un-Constitutional for a single state to ‘secede’ from the Union and indeed it will never happen.

It's not unconstitutional.

It doesn’t make any difference where anyone ‘stands’ on such a ridiculous non-issue; it’s un-Constitutional for a single state to ‘secede’ from the Union and indeed it will never happen.


Where does the United States Constitution prohibit secession? Did not the states form a "voluntary union?" Yet you advocate force and violence.

The problem is Mr. Goodman, you have no knowledge of the Constitution, and even less respect for the document.

Clayton allows the hacks on the Supreme Court tell him what to think.
No state may secede. Are there really people who disagree? Who are they, and how slacked jawed are they? Seriously. This debate ended in 1865, and you twangy gomers really need to get past that. The only mistake made during the US Civil War was the lack of adequate justice against the traitors and the treasonous. Hundreds of thousands of traitors were guilty of high, armed treason against the US, and they weren't adequately punished. They should have been, with firing squads, gallows and gibbets swinging in the air. What a huge mistake. Only the Iraq War would match that error in its ineptitude and negative consequences.
Bullshit. My internet privacy software changes my IP address every hour.




Changing your private IP does nothing. You are NATed to an ISP, who can be traced. If you truly want to hide your tracks, you need to route through an offshore provider and shifting proxy servers.

Whenever it changes IP addresses it also changes to offshore proxy servers.


What software is that?
For most of my life, I could not have contemplated the idea that I would support such a thing. But the curve of the country towards socialism and away from liberty is so steep that I would now not only embrace the idea, but move to a State that secession. What say you?

We could swap out Texas for Puerto Rico and never have to change the flag.

I think California and New York should just take over things and say unless you want to starve or go back to the dark ages, step in line and do as we say.

I wish, I would move back to Texas in a heartbeat.

I would also move to Alaska, the Northwest or Vermont if their secession movements were ever successful. Don't think it will happen though.
No state may secede. Are there really people who disagree? Who are they, and how slacked jawed are they? Seriously. This debate ended in 1865, and you twangy gomers really need to get past that. The only mistake made during the US Civil War was the lack of adequate justice against the traitors and the treasonous. Hundreds of thousands of traitors were guilty of high, armed treason against the US, and they weren't adequately punished. They should have been, with firing squads, gallows and gibbets swinging in the air. What a huge mistake. Only the Iraq War would match that error in its ineptitude and negative consequences.

Thanks for displaying your ignorance. Now the rest of us can ignore you and continue the discussion.
For most of my life, I could not have contemplated the idea that I would support such a thing. But the curve of the country towards socialism and away from liberty is so steep that I would now not only embrace the idea, but move to a State that secession. What say you?

We could swap out Texas for Puerto Rico and never have to change the flag.

I think California and New York should just take over things and say unless you want to starve or go back to the dark ages, step in line and do as we say.

I wish, I would move back to Texas in a heartbeat.

I would also move to Alaska, the Northwest or Vermont if their secession movements were ever successful. Don't think it will happen though.

Not today, but perhaps in 30-40 years.
No state may secede. Are there really people who disagree? Who are they, and how slacked jawed are they? Seriously. This debate ended in 1865, and you twangy gomers really need to get past that. The only mistake made during the US Civil War was the lack of adequate justice against the traitors and the treasonous. Hundreds of thousands of traitors were guilty of high, armed treason against the US, and they weren't adequately punished. They should have been, with firing squads, gallows and gibbets swinging in the air. What a huge mistake. Only the Iraq War would match that error in its ineptitude and negative consequences.

America was founded on secession. Secession is an American value. Many nations have formed from secession movements since the American Civil War. No debate has been settled.
No state may secede. Are there really people who disagree? Who are they, and how slacked jawed are they? Seriously. This debate ended in 1865, and you twangy gomers really need to get past that. The only mistake made during the US Civil War was the lack of adequate justice against the traitors and the treasonous. Hundreds of thousands of traitors were guilty of high, armed treason against the US, and they weren't adequately punished. They should have been, with firing squads, gallows and gibbets swinging in the air. What a huge mistake. Only the Iraq War would match that error in its ineptitude and negative consequences.

America was founded on secession. Secession is an American value. Many nations have formed from secession movements since the American Civil War. No debate has been settled.

Notice how the people who say "the debate is settled" sound just like the members of the cult of AGW who say the science is settled.

Whenever someone says "the debate is settled," that means it's very much alive and kicking. People say that because they want to stifle the debate.
Yo Vern, I live in Texas. I have Aetna.

What we don't want to do is pay YOUR premiums.


Then you must hate Ronnie Ray-Gun's Socialist EMTALA and love Obamacare that requires we all pay for our own health care insurance.


Obama Hellcare requires that WE THE TAXPAYERS pay your premiums.


Jimmy Kimmel says it well in these ad parodies for Obamacare.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxRTFkQtQYs]New Obamacare Ads Aimed at Young People - YouTube[/ame]
I believe that any state that wants out should be given out. Upon payment of a fee equal to a proportion of the national debt equal to the proportion of said state's population to the US population.
For most of my life, I could not have contemplated the idea that I would support such a thing. But the curve of the country towards socialism and away from liberty is so steep that I would now not only embrace the idea, but move to a State that secession. What say you?

It's not a good thing to encourage.

It would bring chaos, death and destruction to our country.

Our enemies want exactly that.

Don't let them bring U.S. down by driving a wedge between U.S.

And it's, "seceded."

Bootlickers like you would be the ones bringing the death, chaos and destruction.

By the way, please tell me if I lick the boots because I am Black and I feel compelled to see and provide the world with nice shiny boots (owing to my shoe shining 'heritage/legacy'' in my blood) or because I love the taste of dirt and shit and stuff.

Or do you suppose it's a fetish?

Spell it 'secession', and we can go from there.

Any state can leave the Union, provided the other states approve.

Won't happen.


It doesn’t make any difference where anyone ‘stands’ on such a ridiculous non-issue; it’s un-Constitutional for a single state to ‘secede’ from the Union and indeed it will never happen.

It's not unconstitutional.

You suppose the United States became the strongest, most prosperous and freest peoples on Earth because we were a UNION of states or because we were all separate states all doing our own thing?

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