Where do you stand on State succession?

Do you support the right of States to succeed from the Union?

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Spell it 'secession', and we can go from there.

Any state can leave the Union, provided the other states approve.

Won't happen.

Fuck their approval. Who says the federal government would allow it even if they did approve?

Nothing in the Constitution says a state can't secede. Even if it did, I would say the Constitution has no authority to tell states they can't secede.

The theory that state have no right to secede is just plain bunk.

That was settled at Appamatox Court House. Anyone trying to destroy the US today is a traitor, and need be treated as such.
No state may secede. Are there really people who disagree? Who are they, and how slacked jawed are they? Seriously. This debate ended in 1865, and you twangy gomers really need to get past that. The only mistake made during the US Civil War was the lack of adequate justice against the traitors and the treasonous. Hundreds of thousands of traitors were guilty of high, armed treason against the US, and they weren't adequately punished. They should have been, with firing squads, gallows and gibbets swinging in the air. What a huge mistake. Only the Iraq War would match that error in its ineptitude and negative consequences.

That is absurd on its face.

The US Constitution sets the rule and the US Constitution does not prohibit succession. PERIOD.

It also does not set a wall of separation between church and state... neither does it give anyone any rights.

Lincoln simply used his executive authority to prevent succession, for the reasons he stated, which are readily available for anyone who wants to read them.

Point is that no one in the Confederacy committed treason. You're entitled to disagree, but as a sovereign nation, the Confederacy was defending its borders and citizens from foreign invasion.

The US citizen is in NO WAY obligated to defend the Government of the United States. The Government of the United States serves the citizenry, and it is comprised only of citizens, themselves possessing only the same rights which are possessed by everyone else. They have no special rights, neither are they apostles of some higher power.

The Constitution of the United States is the only bond between the citizen and the state. And serves as the singular basis upon which the citizen consents to be governed by such.

The US Government long ago departed from the gunnels of that instrumental ship, stripping itself in the process of any moral justification wherein it should expect any citizen to consent to be governed by an organism which now lives purely to sustain itself.

Only those dependent upon a government are obligated to defend it... and there are NO AMERICANS, ZERO, NOT ONE SINGLE EXAMPLE, who are dependent upon the US Government for a damned thing.

Anything gettin' through here Scamp?
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It doesn’t make any difference where anyone ‘stands’ on such a ridiculous non-issue; it’s un-Constitutional for a single state to ‘secede’ from the Union and indeed it will never happen.

It's not unconstitutional.

You suppose the United States became the strongest, most prosperous and freest peoples on Earth because we were a UNION of states or because we were all separate states all doing our own thing?

If you can't leave a union you aren't free.
Here we have those damned idiots that are constantly waving the flag and declaring their patriotism rooting to destroy the United States of America. That gives one true insight into the mental processes of these "Conservatives". They are traitors, scum that hate this nation and all it stands for. They got their asses kicked good and proper in 1865, and will never again be allowed to have that kind of capability.
It's not unconstitutional.

You suppose the United States became the strongest, most prosperous and freest peoples on Earth because we were a UNION of states or because we were all separate states all doing our own thing?

If you can't leave a union you aren't free.

Hey Bozo, you are free to leave any time. You don't like the United States of America, get your scuzzy ass out of here.
No state may secede. Are there really people who disagree? Who are they, and how slacked jawed are they? Seriously. This debate ended in 1865, and you twangy gomers really need to get past that. The only mistake made during the US Civil War was the lack of adequate justice against the traitors and the treasonous. Hundreds of thousands of traitors were guilty of high, armed treason against the US, and they weren't adequately punished. They should have been, with firing squads, gallows and gibbets swinging in the air. What a huge mistake. Only the Iraq War would match that error in its ineptitude and negative consequences.

That is absurd on its face.

The US Constitution sets the rule and the US Constitution does not prohibit succession. PERIOD.

It also does not set a wall of separation between church and state... neither does it give anyone any rights.

Lincoln simply used his executive authority to prevent succession, for the reasons he stated, which are readily available for anyone who wants to read them.

Point is that no one in the Confederacy committed treason. You're entitled to disagree, but as a sovereign nation, the Confederacy was defending its borders and citizens from foreign invasion.

The US citizen is in NO WAY obligated to defend the Government of the United States. The Government of the United States serves the citizenry, and it is comprised only of citizens, themselves possessing only the same rights which are possessed by everyone else. They have no special rights, neither are they apostles of some higher power.

The Constitution of the United States is the only bond between the citizen and the state. And serves as the singular basis upon which the citizen consents to be governed by such.

The US Government long ago departed from the gunnels of that instrumental ship, stripping itself in the process of any moral justification wherein it should expect any citizen to consent to be governed by an organism which now lives purely to sustain itself.

Only those dependent upon a government are obligated to defend it... and there are NO AMERICANS, ZERO, NOT ONE SINGLE EXAMPLE, who are dependent upon the US Government for a damned thing.

Anything gettin' through here Scamp?

Yep. That you are freakin' stupid. My Great Grandfather fought at Fort Donaldson, Shiloh, and a hundred other places on the way to New Orleans. One Nation, Indivisable. And you damned better believe it!
Spell it 'secession', and we can go from there.

Any state can leave the Union, provided the other states approve.

Won't happen.

Fuck their approval. Who says the federal government would allow it even if they did approve?

Nothing in the Constitution says a state can't secede. Even if it did, I would say the Constitution has no authority to tell states they can't secede.

The theory that state have no right to secede is just plain bunk.

That was settled at Appamatox Court House. Anyone trying to destroy the US today is a traitor, and need be treated as such.

Still spouting the same old fire and brimstone, I see.

It wasn't settle at Appomattox. Secession doesn't destroy anything other than your delusion that the people of that state consented to be government by the federal government. Treason is defined in the Constitution, and secession doesn't fit the definition.
Nobody is forced to live in the United States. You are free to go live in any country that will have you.
Here we have those damned idiots that are constantly waving the flag and declaring their patriotism rooting to destroy the United States of America. That gives one true insight into the mental processes of these "Conservatives". They are traitors, scum that hate this nation and all it stands for. They got their asses kicked good and proper in 1865, and will never again be allowed to have that kind of capability.

We only hate what bootlicking Yankee carpetbaggers like you stand for.

Again, secession isn't treason. Try reading the Constitution before you insert your big foot into your big mouth.
You suppose the United States became the strongest, most prosperous and freest peoples on Earth because we were a UNION of states or because we were all separate states all doing our own thing?

If you can't leave a union you aren't free.

Hey Bozo, you are free to leave any time. You don't like the United States of America, get your scuzzy ass out of here.

Why do liberals all sound like rednecks these days?

It doesn’t make any difference where anyone ‘stands’ on such a ridiculous non-issue; it’s un-Constitutional for a single state to ‘secede’ from the Union and indeed it will never happen.

It's not unconstitutional.

You suppose the United States became the strongest, most prosperous and freest peoples on Earth because we were a UNION of states or because we were all separate states all doing our own thing?

The United States become what it once was, prior to the recent collapse, because 'they all were separate, distinct and sovereign individuals, doing their own thing. Producing, earning, doing, fulfilling the fulfillment of their own lives, all of which summed to their being "the most prosperous and freest peoples on Earth".

And there's one and only ONE reason why the United States is no longer free and prosperous and, that reason is, a sizable percentage of the citizenry are no longer free, they no longer produce, they no longer pursue the fulfillment of their own lives, they've turned from the principles that define America, to the grope for 'the easier way.

They've adhered to foreign ideas that are hostile to those principles.
No state may secede. Are there really people who disagree? Who are they, and how slacked jawed are they? Seriously. This debate ended in 1865, and you twangy gomers really need to get past that. The only mistake made during the US Civil War was the lack of adequate justice against the traitors and the treasonous. Hundreds of thousands of traitors were guilty of high, armed treason against the US, and they weren't adequately punished. They should have been, with firing squads, gallows and gibbets swinging in the air. What a huge mistake. Only the Iraq War would match that error in its ineptitude and negative consequences.

That is absurd on its face.

The US Constitution sets the rule and the US Constitution does not prohibit succession. PERIOD.

It also does not set a wall of separation between church and state... neither does it give anyone any rights.

Lincoln simply used his executive authority to prevent succession, for the reasons he stated, which are readily available for anyone who wants to read them.

Point is that no one in the Confederacy committed treason. You're entitled to disagree, but as a sovereign nation, the Confederacy was defending its borders and citizens from foreign invasion.

The US citizen is in NO WAY obligated to defend the Government of the United States. The Government of the United States serves the citizenry, and it is comprised only of citizens, themselves possessing only the same rights which are possessed by everyone else. They have no special rights, neither are they apostles of some higher power.

The Constitution of the United States is the only bond between the citizen and the state. And serves as the singular basis upon which the citizen consents to be governed by such.

The US Government long ago departed from the gunnels of that instrumental ship, stripping itself in the process of any moral justification wherein it should expect any citizen to consent to be governed by an organism which now lives purely to sustain itself.

Only those dependent upon a government are obligated to defend it... and there are NO AMERICANS, ZERO, NOT ONE SINGLE EXAMPLE, who are dependent upon the US Government for a damned thing.

Anything gettin' through here Scamp?

Yep. That you are freakin' stupid. My Great Grandfather fought at Fort Donaldson, Shiloh, and a hundred other places on the way to New Orleans. One Nation, Indivisable. And you damned better believe it!

So you ancestor was a carpetbagging Yankee asshole.

Who would ever have thunk it?
Here we have those damned idiots that are constantly waving the flag and declaring their patriotism rooting to destroy the United States of America. That gives one true insight into the mental processes of these "Conservatives". They are traitors, scum that hate this nation and all it stands for. They got their asses kicked good and proper in 1865, and will never again be allowed to have that kind of capability.

I am not a conservative. But I am proud of my ancestors. My ancestors fought not only in the first American Revolution, but also in the second. At this point I see no recourse from the abuses of the Federal Government(over the course of the 20th and 21st Centuries) from within the government. Secession is one form of redress in this situation.
You suppose the United States became the strongest, most prosperous and freest peoples on Earth because we were a UNION of states or because we were all separate states all doing our own thing?

If you can't leave a union you aren't free.

Hey Bozo, you are free to leave any time. You don't like the United States of America, get your scuzzy ass out of here.

That is another form of redress. But if enough of people in one geographical area want to leave, secession makes sense as well. That is what the OT is about.
Texas would fair pretty well as an independent state, imo.

They do have the Port of Houston, oil, cattle, etc. They have a low 6.1% unemployment rate. If they could get treaties with other states in the Union, maybe they would be ok.

There would also be a flood of high achievers like me who move there and build up their industry. And they would not go alone. They might blaze the trail, but if they went, there are a lot of surrounding States that would follow.

I think for it to succeed there would have to be treaties between the state or states that seceded and the states that remained in the Union. Things like common defense comes to mind, inter-countrey commerce,tarrifs, etc.

Using Texas as an example; according to the article and map below they are ranked 11th in receiving federal aid, the states that may join them are up there too. I'll leave the picture of the map out.

Texas Relies Too Much on Federal Aid | Texas Public Policy Foundation
If you can't leave a union you aren't free.

Hey Bozo, you are free to leave any time. You don't like the United States of America, get your scuzzy ass out of here.

That is another form of redress. But if enough of people in one geographical area want to leave, secession makes sense as well. That is what the OT is about.

The libturds in this forum just can't bare to contemplate the idea that people could leave and escape from all their socialist schemes to loot your income and property.
Hey Bozo, you are free to leave any time. You don't like the United States of America, get your scuzzy ass out of here.

That is another form of redress. But if enough of people in one geographical area want to leave, secession makes sense as well. That is what the OT is about.

The libturds in this forum just can't bare to contemplate the idea that people could leave and escape from all their socialist schemes to loot your income and property.

You think they would be happy to be rid of us.

Live and let live is what I say. I support Vermont secession as well, and they are democratic socialists for the most part.

If liberals want to have a large entitlement state with constant government surveillance, high taxes, gun control, mass immigration, abortion on demand, gay marriage, a FED, and an interventionist foreign policy, among other things, they should be able to have it. Others should be able to have their own nation-states corresponding to their identity and beliefs.

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