Where do you stand on State succession?

Do you support the right of States to succeed from the Union?

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Spell it 'secession', and we can go from there.

Any state can leave the Union, provided the other states approve.

Won't happen.

Fuck their approval. Who says the federal government would allow it even if they did approve?

Nothing in the Constitution says a state can't secede. Even if it did, I would say the Constitution has no authority to tell states they can't secede.

The theory that state have no right to secede is just plain bunk.

That was settled at Appamatox Court House. Anyone trying to destroy the US today is a traitor, and need be treated as such.

The US has already been destroyed. Decades of creeping (and creepy) socialism did that. We're just waiting for it to fall at this point.

I consider the US Federal government to be traitors to the US. They may disagree and likely do.

It's pointless to even debate it, because it's all going to be settled in the war you people will start, here shortly.
as the Pledge of Allegiance clearly illustrates through the line “one nation, indivisible.”........

.......which was written by Francis Bellamy, a Christian Socialist pushed out of his post as a Baptist minister for delivering pulpit-pounding sermons on such topics as “Jesus the Socialist.

After leaving the pulpit, Francis Bellamy decided to advance his authoritarian ideas through the public schools.

Bellamy wrote the Pledge of Allegiance for Youth’s Companion, a popular children’s magazine. With the aid of the National Education Association, Bellamy and the editors of Youth’s Companion got the Pledge adopted as part of the National Public School Celebration on Columbus Day 1892

So why should the socialist pledge of allegiance prevent the states from exerting their ABSOLUTE RIGHT TO SECDE?!?!?!?!?!?!


You quoted the wrong person, I didn't post that, Scalia did. I know you didn't do it on purpose, I catch myself almost doing the same thing quite often.:)

As far as secession and the state's rights to secede, Justice Scalia disagrees with you. I think "states rights" is a good thing, as long as it's not taking away the Liberties of it's citizens as guaranteed by the Constitution. I know it may not be popular with some, but what has happened with Colorado and some other states, is a good illustration of state's exercising their 10th Amendment rights.
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For most of my life, I could not have contemplated the idea that I would support such a thing. But the curve of the country towards socialism and away from liberty is so steep that I would now not only embrace the idea, but move to a State that secession. What say you?

We could swap out Texas for Puerto Rico and never have to change the flag.

I think California and New York should just take over things and say unless you want to starve or go back to the dark ages, step in line and do as we say.

30 of Californias 58 Counties are at 9% Unemployment,15 of them are 10% or better .....still want them in charge?....

California Counties: California?s unemployment rate by county - Data Desk - Los Angeles Times

But golly, look...the absolute mostest librulest part of the whole state? 5.2%
If you can't leave a union you aren't free.

Hey Bozo, you are free to leave any time. You don't like the United States of America, get your scuzzy ass out of here.

That is another form of redress. But if enough of people in one geographical area want to leave, secession makes sense as well. That is what the OT is about.

Work to make it work. Don't just cut off your nose to spite the assholes who are ruining things for everyone.

The results will not be what you now imagine.

Rather than relief you'll end up causing much, much pain.

Not worth it in the long run, until several generations are dead and gone.

Don't use permanent solutions to solve temporary frustrations.
When Texas secedes, does it return the 3.8 billion it took from TARP?
Speaking of which, why did Texas accept the bail-out in the first place?
Hey Bozo, you are free to leave any time. You don't like the United States of America, get your scuzzy ass out of here.

Why do liberals all sound like rednecks these days?

Why are RWers such crap citizens these days...

Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, do yourselves a favor and Google each of these terms mentioned in Franco's sig which he calls BS. Especially the ones I've highlighted in RED:

Total Pub Propaganda BS: ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc

Then draw your own conclusions as to who is more out of step with common sense and American values.

People like him who either, can't recognize the truth or who denies the truth and/or stands for warped ideas and ideals and calls RW'ers skewed?

Or people like this:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLHxbemvpxY]MITT - Official Trailer - A Netflix original documentary - HD - YouTube[/ame]

By the way, MITT debuts on Netflix on Jan. 24th.
Nobody is forced to live in the United States. You are free to go live in any country that will have you.

You're free to stick your head where the sun don't shine.

And you're still free to go live in any country that will have you. Nobody is forcing you to be here.

I am being forced to do a lot of other things, however. Like I said, you're free to stick your head where the sun don't shine. No one is forcing you to keep it exposed.
Unbelievable that such things are still spoken of after all these years :p

"Even in the case of a mere League between nations absolutely independent of each other, neither party has a right to dissolve it at pleasure; each having an equal right to expound its obligations, and neither, consequently a greater right to pronounce the compact void than the other has to insist on the mutual execution of it."
-- James Madison; from letter to Nicholas P. Trist (Feb. 15, 1830)
Hey Bozo, you are free to leave any time. You don't like the United States of America, get your scuzzy ass out of here.

That is another form of redress. But if enough of people in one geographical area want to leave, secession makes sense as well. That is what the OT is about.

Work to make it work. Don't just cut off your nose to spite the assholes who are ruining things for everyone.

The results will not be what you now imagine.

Rather than relief you'll end up causing much, much pain.

Not worth it in the long run, until several generations are dead and gone.

Don't use permanent solutions to solve temporary frustrations.

This country isn't salvageable. All the incentives work in the wrong direction. Congress will never be reformed by profession politicians. The U.S.A is swirling down the toilet bowl.

If you think the people of the Roman Empire didn't know they were headed for oblivion, you're mistaken. They simply couldn't do anything about it. That's why the secession movement is gaining steam here. Plenty of Americans understand the same exact process is going on here.
I like the idea of amicable divorce...

and I'm currently working through such a thing with my soon-to-be-ex wife...

why shouldn't states be able to do the same thing regarding their marriage to the U.S...?
It's not unconstitutional.

You suppose the United States became the strongest, most prosperous and freest peoples on Earth because we were a UNION of states or because we were all separate states all doing our own thing?

The United States become what it once was, prior to the recent collapse, because 'they all were separate, distinct and sovereign individuals, doing their own thing. Producing, earning, doing, fulfilling the fulfillment of their own lives, all of which summed to their being "the most prosperous and freest peoples on Earth".

And there's one and only ONE reason why the United States is no longer free and prosperous and, that reason is, a sizable percentage of the citizenry are no longer free, they no longer produce, they no longer pursue the fulfillment of their own lives, they've turned from the principles that define America, to the grope for 'the easier way.

They've adhered to foreign ideas that are hostile to those principles.

So, rather than fighting to preserve what we had even as recently as when "41" was still in the Oval Office, you'd throw your weight behind withdrawing.

That's not who we are.

Abe Lincoln.

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Unbelievable that such things are still spoken of after all these years :p

"Even in the case of a mere League between nations absolutely independent of each other, neither party has a right to dissolve it at pleasure; each having an equal right to expound its obligations, and neither, consequently a greater right to pronounce the compact void than the other has to insist on the mutual execution of it."
-- James Madison; from letter to Nicholas P. Trist (Feb. 15, 1830)

At the 1787 Constitutional Convention a proposal was made to allow the federal government to suppress a seceding state. James Madison, the acknowledged father of our Constitution, rejected it, saying: “A Union of the States containing such an ingredient seemed to provide for its own destruction. The use of force against a State would look more like a declaration of war than an infliction of punishment and would probably be considered by the party attacked as a dissolution of all previous compacts by which it might be bound.”
That is another form of redress. But if enough of people in one geographical area want to leave, secession makes sense as well. That is what the OT is about.

Work to make it work. Don't just cut off your nose to spite the assholes who are ruining things for everyone.

The results will not be what you now imagine.

Rather than relief you'll end up causing much, much pain.

Not worth it in the long run, until several generations are dead and gone.

Don't use permanent solutions to solve temporary frustrations.

This country isn't salvageable. All the incentives work in the wrong direction. Congress will never be reformed by profession politicians. The U.S.A is swirling down the toilet bowl.

If you think the people of the Roman Empire didn't know they were headed for oblivion, you're mistaken. They simply couldn't do anything about it. That's why the secession movement is gaining steam here. Plenty of Americans understand the same exact process is going on here.

Ah! Well stated!
The problem? Even our States are so embroiled in corruption it would take nothing short of a total elimination of both major parties, and trust in a new one, to establish the smallest governing body possible required for essential services such as a military.
Nobody is forced to live in the United States. You are free to go live in any country that will have you.

You're free to stick your head where the sun don't shine.

And you're still free to go live in any country that will have you. Nobody is forcing you to be here.

I doubt he's going anywhere. Odds are he'll man up and join the fight to rid the US of the Cultural HIV. The Virus that causes cultural AIDS: Socialism.

The cultural infection born from exposure to Foreign Ideas hostile to the principles that define America.
You suppose the United States became the strongest, most prosperous and freest peoples on Earth because we were a UNION of states or because we were all separate states all doing our own thing?

The United States become what it once was, prior to the recent collapse, because 'they all were separate, distinct and sovereign individuals, doing their own thing. Producing, earning, doing, fulfilling the fulfillment of their own lives, all of which summed to their being "the most prosperous and freest peoples on Earth".

And there's one and only ONE reason why the United States is no longer free and prosperous and, that reason is, a sizable percentage of the citizenry are no longer free, they no longer produce, they no longer pursue the fulfillment of their own lives, they've turned from the principles that define America, to the grope for 'the easier way.

They've adhered to foreign ideas that are hostile to those principles.

So, rather than fighting to preserve what we had even as recently as when "41" was still in the Oval Office, you'd throw your weight behind withdrawing.

That's not who we are.

That's who I am. I'm not the kind who goes down with a sinking ship.

This country is toast. You might was well get used to the idea. Hard times are coming. In fact, they are already here. Your children will enjoy a much lower standard of living and live in constant fear of their government.
When Texas secedes, does it return the 3.8 billion it took from TARP?
Speaking of which, why did Texas accept the bail-out in the first place?

Didn't all the firms receiving TARP money repay it? Is the federal government going to refund all the money Texans have paid in federal income tax?

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