Where do you stand on State succession?

Do you support the right of States to succeed from the Union?

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Anyone who thinks it's a good idea for their state to secede from the union does not have a clue how many benefits each state receives from the federal government. There are a few pros to secession but the cons far outweigh them.
I support people who think a state should secede from the United States, gather up their belongings and leave the United States.

That's why we want to secede, you think this is your country, not ours.
The issue has long been decided.

A few wack far right wing nut reactionaries and the dipsy anarchists can moan and groan all they want.

It makes not a whit's difference.

That's what they said about Dred Scott
Spell it 'secession', and we can go from there.

Any state can leave the Union, provided the other states approve.

Won't happen.

Fuck their approval. Who says the federal government would allow it even if they did approve?

Nothing in the Constitution says a state can't secede. Even if it did, I would say the Constitution has no authority to tell states they can't secede.

The theory that state have no right to secede is just plain bunk.

That is interesting. Let's us say, and I think they do, states have a constitutional right to succession. What then? They are no longer protected by the federal government nor do the have rights under the constitution. So what would stop the rest of the states from just taking over the state as in conquest because they could argue having a hostile state in the midst of the other states is untenable.
False "Without the ability to leave, you do not have a union in the first place."

False "There is no union without the ability to secede peacefully."

False The aftermath of the War of Southern Aggression ended the secession stupidity. Just read TASB for an example of that utter silliness.
The issue has long been decided.

A few wack far right wing nut reactionaries and the dipsy anarchists can moan and groan all they want.

It makes not a whit's difference.

That's what they said about Dred Scott

That is what Roger Taney said about Scott while 80% of the country went uh uh.

You, Kaz, don't have 3% of the country.
Without the ability to leave, you do not have a union in the first place. So, following the war of Northern Aggression, what started as a union is now a conscription to federal slavery of the states.

There is no union without the ability to secede peacefully. And we learned what the federal government thinks of peaceful secession already. They will not allow it. Tyrants gonna tyrant.

What was peaceful about the south attacking federal installations? Fort Sumter didn't attack anyone they were attacked. The crazy thing is if the southern democrats would have remained peaceful there would have been no war and the whole thing could have been negotiated. As it was they left the union and became an enemy which was taken over by the north and in the long run treated very well.
The problem is every state has a pockets of normalcy -- people who are not brainwashed by either side and just want to live their lives as Americans. People who respect the outcome of an election and don't tolerate intolerance.

Texas has Austin.

Alabama has Tuscaloosa.

Florida has Miami and Orlando.
For most of my life, I could not have contemplated the idea that I would support such a thing. But the curve of the country towards socialism and away from liberty is so steep that I would now not only embrace the idea, but move to a State that secession. What say you?

It's not a good thing to encourage.

It would bring chaos, death and destruction to our country.

Our enemies want exactly that.

Don't let them bring U.S. down by driving a wedge between U.S.

And it's, "seceded."

It's already there, if you have not seen.
The problem is every state has a pockets of normalcy -- people who are not brainwashed by either side and just want to live their lives as Americans. People who respect the outcome of an election and don't tolerate intolerance.

Texas has Austin.

Alabama has Tuscaloosa.

Florida has Miami and Orlando.

Yeah it is beyond imagination that any state would ever try and leave the union.
Are you trying to hide your inability to spell or know the definition of words.

Spell it 'secession', and we can go from there.

Any state can leave the Union, provided the other states approve.

Won't happen.

In this country now you have to secede to succeed! And that's a non answer, the question is what do you support. As if I don't know the answer of a big government "conservative." But I do like the formality.
Where do you stand on State succession?

Who doesn't want success?? :confused:

Or do you mean like the way Tennessee evolved out of North Carolina? That kind of succession? :dunno:

Kazin It, you are a strange strange person.

Oh sorry, didn't mean to assume you're a person... :rolleyes:
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While I think the right to secede exists, I don't see any practical benefit. For starters, the federal government would invade and put it down with as much for as necessary, and secondly the independent state would simply become the same as the federal government, albeit on a smaller scale, in a short amount of time. So it'd be a lot of risk for no benefit as far as I can tell.
kaz could never "succeed" on it's own.

Where do you stand on State succession?

Who doesn't want success?? :confused:

Or do you mean like the way Tennessee evolved out of North Carolina? That kind of succession? :dunno:

Kazin It, you are a strange strange person.

Oh sorry, didn't mean to assume you're a person... :rolleyes:

Spelling smak is some weak shit.

On other boards it's considered trolling.
Show some damn intelligence before posting.

kaz could never "succeed" on it's own.

Who doesn't want success?? :confused:

Or do you mean like the way Tennessee evolved out of North Carolina? That kind of succession? :dunno:

Kazin It, you are a strange strange person.

Oh sorry, didn't mean to assume you're a person... :rolleyes:

Spelling smak is some weak shit.

On other boards it's considered trolling.
I think the issue was decided a several generations ago.

So you opposed overturning the Dred Scott decision because it was overturning what had already been decided?

I might be past my prime but I'm just not that old.

The Dred Scott decision, possibly the worst decision and mistake made by the Supreme Court, was overturn by Constitutional Amendments. The validity of secession was decided by the war. I guess the racists out there could try and overturn the Amendments with another Amendment. And I suppose some states could try secession again too. Both would likely fail. Again IMO.

I fail to see how war decides anything. Something is either a right or not. The use of violence doesn't change that. You wouldn't say that a thief has a right to stolen goods because he won a fight with the actual owner.
I just don't see why anybody, liberal or conservative, should really care if a state that leans the other way should leave the Union. If the liberal northeast wanted to secede and form their own government then why in the world should that bother Texas, Arizona, etc..., or vice versa?
Nothing in the Constitution says a state can't secede.

The whole point of the Constitution was to keep states from being able to leave the Confederation. The response to Shays' rebellion made it clear our Founders did not believe in secession.
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