Where do you stand on State succession?

Do you support the right of States to succeed from the Union?

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you've finally come out as a nutter?

Socialism? As in social security? :eusa_whistle:

Most states you'd like couldn't afford to exist without federal subsidies

1) you've finally come out as a nutter?

- I haven't "finally come out" as anything. I have always advocated the same, small government policies. I consider your belief that government needs to run our lives and make our choices for us as the "nutter" position. We'll have to agree to disagree.

2) Socialism? As in social security? :eusa_whistle:

- Yes, that's a great example of socialism. It's central economic planning and it makes every American dependent on government, not just the "needy." For that reason Social Security/Medicare and Obamacare are the singularly most evil programs perpetrated on the American people by their own government. I'm not sure what your point was.

3) Most states you'd like couldn't afford to exist without federal subsidies

- Just a vacuous, authoritarian leftist talking point, no idea what it means. So let the red states go, we'll see who suffers and who prospers...

You throw around labels so easily you should start a merchandising labeling factory

1) Dante never said he'd desire or support government running our lives

2) One size fits all negativity

3) There are really no red states. Each of the states you think of have many Democrats and over time state populations swing :eusa_shhh:

Dude, I don't "throw out" labels at all. I've repeatedly asked you for content on the difference between liberals and progressives and leftists and you can't do it. What you have so far is that Bill Clinton was a progressive, he did one thing differently than liberals and leftists, and he then admitted that was a mistake.

I'll give you an example: I am not a Republican include:

1) I am against the war on drugs and for legalization of all drugs

2) I am pro-choice

3) I am against the wars and even the presence of our military in the middle east. I think our military should be reduced by half and only focus on the defense of the United States

4) I oppose all morality laws, including against prostitution, gambling and gay sodomy

5) I am against the Patriot act and the restrictions it places on our liberty

I also think Republicans spend like Democrats and do nothing to reverse our course towards socialism, they only try to slow it down by the tiniest percent.

Republicans regularly for these reasons refer to me as a "liberal." Your turn to provide actual substance to your hollow claim there's any difference between progressives, liberals and leftists.
For most of my life, I could not have contemplated the idea that I would support such a thing. But the curve of the country towards socialism and away from liberty is so steep that I would now not only embrace the idea, but move to a State that secession. What say you?

What would you have the states succeed in?

LOL, a day late and a dollar short, the story of your life. That has been beaten to death endlessly by liberals, you finally got it after about 50 pages. Can't get one by you for ever, can we?

Trolling on spelling never gets old though, keep it up.
Let me guess.

You meant to say "secede" and "secession", but went to public school.

I did go to a public school.....

So that's your excuse for not using spell check??

OMG, what a dumb ass. Not only was the way I spelled it actually a word that was spelled correctly, but it was grammatically correct as well so no tool would have caught it. It just wasn't the word I meant. Thanks for being dumber than me! I love that I did it, trolls are endlessly self-identifying.
I did go to a public school.....

So that's your excuse for not using spell check??

OMG, what a dumb ass. Not only was the way I spelled it actually a word that was spelled correctly, but it was grammatically correct as well so no tool would have caught it. It just wasn't the word I meant. Thanks for being dumber than me! I love that I did it, trolls are endlessly self-identifying.

What's Obama's excuse for not using a speech writer?

I haven't seen you spelling trolls [MENTION=31838]boilermaker55[/MENTION], [MENTION=41527]Pogo[/MENTION], [MENTION=32558]Luddly Neddite[/MENTION], [MENTION=32973]LoneLaugher[/MENTION], [MENTION=20412]JakeStarkey[/MENTION], [MENTION=30820]Moonglow[/MENTION] dumping on the President for not being able to sing the words that are the lyrics of a classic song. LOL.
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The shameless usually try to convince themselves "there is nothing to be ashamed of." It soothes the cognitive dissonance.

No "dissonance" here...


Thanks for proving my point.

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Seceding is succeeding.

Only for the terminally stupid. At the state level, there is nothing to be gained and a lot to be lost. On a national level, our country does not need the internal strife it would cause.

Notice that not one of those who are in favor of secession can say what they would gain. But, maybe they don't know they would starve to death in the streets.

The only positive result of this discussion has been the spelling lesson.
Seceding is succeeding.

only in treasonous rightwingnut hack world.

Tell them Ms Jill.

You have a right to the welfare state. To try to take those benefits away from you is outright treasonous.


who was talking about benefits? (you know, the ones I don't get except in your fevered imagination)

we're talking about treasonous wingnuts who started talking about secession as soon as the black guy became president.
So that's your excuse for not using spell check??

OMG, what a dumb ass. Not only was the way I spelled it actually a word that was spelled correctly, but it was grammatically correct as well so no tool would have caught it. It just wasn't the word I meant. Thanks for being dumber than me! I love that I did it, trolls are endlessly self-identifying.

What's Obama's excuse for not using a speech writer?

I haven't seen you spelling trolls [MENTION=31838]boilermaker55[/MENTION], [MENTION=41527]Pogo[/MENTION], [MENTION=32558]Luddly Neddite[/MENTION], [MENTION=32973]LoneLaugher[/MENTION], [MENTION=20412]JakeStarkey[/MENTION], [MENTION=30820]Moonglow[/MENTION] dumping on the President for not being able to sing the words that are the lyrics of a classic song. LOL.

You are whinging about grammar police?

Use spell check. I get jumped all the time because I don't.

Doesna matta, as my ol' granny would say.
OMG, what a dumb ass. Not only was the way I spelled it actually a word that was spelled correctly, but it was grammatically correct as well so no tool would have caught it. It just wasn't the word I meant. Thanks for being dumber than me! I love that I did it, trolls are endlessly self-identifying.

What's Obama's excuse for not using a speech writer?

I haven't seen you spelling trolls [MENTION=31838]boilermaker55[/MENTION], [MENTION=41527]Pogo[/MENTION], [MENTION=32558]Luddly Neddite[/MENTION], [MENTION=32973]LoneLaugher[/MENTION], [MENTION=20412]JakeStarkey[/MENTION], [MENTION=30820]Moonglow[/MENTION] dumping on the President for not being able to sing the words that are the lyrics of a classic song. LOL.

You are whinging about grammar police?

Use spell check. I get jumped all the time because I don't.

Doesna matta, as my ol' granny would say.

Stop whining about being called out for trolling and double standards. Where are your Obama bashing quotes? Since you've taken on grammar policing the world, shouldn't it start at the top with the biggest guy of them all who couldn't spell "respect?"
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Seceding is succeeding.

Only for the terminally stupid. At the state level, there is nothing to be gained and a lot to be lost. On a national level, our country does not need the internal strife it would cause.

Notice that not one of those who are in favor of secession can say what they would gain. But, maybe they don't know they would starve to death in the streets.

The only positive result of this discussion has been the spelling lesson.

We would free ourselves from the tyranny of the ticks on the ass of society - people like you, to be exact.
only in treasonous rightwingnut hack world.

Tell them Ms Jill.

You have a right to the welfare state. To try to take those benefits away from you is outright treasonous.


who was talking about benefits? (you know, the ones I don't get except in your fevered imagination)

we're talking about treasonous wingnuts who started talking about secession as soon as the black guy became president.

Wrong. No one started talking about secession until the Obama Administration started its wholesale disregard of the Constitution. It's become apparent that the Constitution is dead. The Supreme Court demonstrated it is no bulwark against a president or congress that wipes its ass on the Constitution. There's no point in belonging to this fascist union any longer.
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only in treasonous rightwingnut hack world.

Tell them Ms Jill.

You have a right to the welfare state. To try to take those benefits away from you is outright treasonous.


who was talking about benefits? (you know, the ones I don't get except in your fevered imagination)

we're talking about treasonous wingnuts who started talking about secession as soon as the black guy became president.

If not for the financial benefits why else would you insist that people remain in the union against their will.

I do agree with you that tyranny imposed by a white guy is just as bad.

Take the South, please, and keep it.

you have a deal. We will take the oil, the ports, the beaches, the cattle country, the wheat country, the cotton country, seafood, the military bases, Atlanta, Houston, Dallas, New Orleans, Miami, Nashville, the carolina coast, the smokey mountains, the natural gas, the refineries, the warm weather.

You can have detroit, newark, winter weather, corruption, union thugs, states in bankruptcy. Hell, you can even have the land of fruits and nuts, california.

then we can see whether freedom or socialism works best.

we are ready, where to we sign?

and I forgot, you can have obama and make him king for life, you can worship him from every nook and cranny while you try to stay warm while he eats cavier and plays golf with rich guys.
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