Where do you think all this division and hatred in America is leading?

We all get wrapped up in the here and now. Today's stunning headlines that feed the flames.

But it might do some good to reflect on where this is all heading as that is what ultimately matters.

Will Americans simply "get over" their differences and find a way to live together in peace?
Will Conservatives eventually simply die off leaving the nation to modern day Leftists?
Will the exposure of corruption on one side sink that side to the point of irrelevance?
Will a Civil War erupt?
Or will we just become a disjointed nation of simmering hatred and anger for one another and this will go on for a very long time, eroding the fabric of our nation and tearing it down. China has already or is soon to overtake the US as the worlds largest economy. Yet we are too busy calling the President an Orange Clown or creating mean spirited video memes to see the bigger picture.

Maybe we can look to other countries and to history for some answers? Except that the Left is hell bent on erasing ours.

So let's look at another country torn apart by similar difficulties. Venezuela.
Leftist Venezuelans eventually won (for now) the fight by fighting harder and by using a mantra of by any means necessary. I see what's happening in America today as frighteningly similar.

We may be one election cycle away from dramatic changes. One person who grabs power (as just happened in China AND the Philippines by the way) and steers this nation into an entirely different direction.
And it's never towards freedom for the people in these situations.

Let's not fool ourselves and say it could "never" happen. It was once said we'd never have a black President and that China could never rival the USA economically or militarily.
I think it is leading to another stunning election upset.

I suspect the GOP will lose the US House in 2018 and Nancy Pelosi will get it back.
Maybe we can look to other countries and to history for some answers? Except that the Left is hell bent on erasing ours.
A fine example of placing blame on only one side and ignoring the other. Until we can honestly examine ourselves how can we see other sides?

One day the pendulum will swing back to the center and maybe we'll all learn that compromise is not a dirty word.
I just thought since you were singling out the left for trying to re-evaluate our history of White supremacy you might also have noted the right's celebration of that same history of White supremacy.
Millennials will leave college, become more conservative, and, seeing how retarded the boomers have become, they'll settle somewhere in the middle, maybe slightly more toward the left socially but fiscally conservative. Gen X will play the good shepherd and together they'll bring some sanity back to the country.

At least, that's my hope.
That's the hope of a lot of people but will they find a home in either party?
My solution? Divide the country right in half north to south. Conservatives on one side of the country and liberals on the other. Let each run their own country they way they desire. That way, everybody is happy and no more arguing about which direction the country should go.


We all get wrapped up in the here and now. Today's stunning headlines that feed the flames.

But it might do some good to reflect on where this is all heading as that is what ultimately matters.

Will Americans simply "get over" their differences and find a way to live together in peace?
Will Conservatives eventually simply die off leaving the nation to modern day Leftists?
Will the exposure of corruption on one side sink that side to the point of irrelevance?
Will a Civil War erupt?
Or will we just become a disjointed nation of simmering hatred and anger for one another and this will go on for a very long time, eroding the fabric of our nation and tearing it down. China has already or is soon to overtake the US as the worlds largest economy. Yet we are too busy calling the President an Orange Clown or creating mean spirited video memes to see the bigger picture.

Maybe we can look to other countries and to history for some answers? Except that the Left is hell bent on erasing ours.

So let's look at another country torn apart by similar difficulties. Venezuela.
Leftist Venezuelans eventually won (for now) the fight by fighting harder and by using a mantra of by any means necessary. I see what's happening in America today as frighteningly similar.

We may be one election cycle away from dramatic changes. One person who grabs power (as just happened in China AND the Philippines by the way) and steers this nation into an entirely different direction.
And it's never towards freedom for the people in these situations.

Let's not fool ourselves and say it could "never" happen. It was once said we'd never have a black President and that China could never rival the USA economically or militarily.

Here is the problem:

On the right, there is an infighting between the conservatives and the establishment. Currently, the conservative Constitutionalist people are gaining ground.

On the left, they ran an admitted Socialist who many believed would have won if not for vote rigging.

The US Communist Party endorsed Sanders, Clinton and Obama both elections.

So the question is, where is the middle ground between constitutionalism and Communism? There is none. It's like trying to find a middle ground between Israel and the Palestinians.

My solution? Divide the country right in half north to south. Conservatives on one side of the country and liberals on the other. Let each run their own country they way they desire. That way, everybody is happy and no more arguing about which direction the country should go.

Uhm... Alaska doesn't want to be socialist, we're capitalists... How the hell do we fit into your N/S organization with Washington state being "north"? QQ
Also the real solution is actually to get folks back to the middle - which we'll never do because it'd be unconstitutional to stop the MSM, I mean the DNC, I mean Clinton, from fostering this resentment and hatred about her having lost because of; deplorables, old white people, Russians, social media, and well really just too many "enemies" to count.
Alaska perhaps the highest per capita amount of federal money spent in any state.

Rethink the above comment.
We all get wrapped up in the here and now. Today's stunning headlines that feed the flames.

But it might do some good to reflect on where this is all heading as that is what ultimately matters.

Will Americans simply "get over" their differences and find a way to live together in peace?
Will Conservatives eventually simply die off leaving the nation to modern day Leftists?
Will the exposure of corruption on one side sink that side to the point of irrelevance?
Will a Civil War erupt?
Or will we just become a disjointed nation of simmering hatred and anger for one another and this will go on for a very long time, eroding the fabric of our nation and tearing it down. China has already or is soon to overtake the US as the worlds largest economy. Yet we are too busy calling the President an Orange Clown or creating mean spirited video memes to see the bigger picture.

Maybe we can look to other countries and to history for some answers? Except that the Left is hell bent on erasing ours.

So let's look at another country torn apart by similar difficulties. Venezuela.
Leftist Venezuelans eventually won (for now) the fight by fighting harder and by using a mantra of by any means necessary. I see what's happening in America today as frighteningly similar.

We may be one election cycle away from dramatic changes. One person who grabs power (as just happened in China AND the Philippines by the way) and steers this nation into an entirely different direction.
And it's never towards freedom for the people in these situations.

Let's not fool ourselves and say it could "never" happen. It was once said we'd never have a black President and that China could never rival the USA economically or militarily.

Here is the problem:

On the right, there is an infighting between the conservatives and the establishment. Currently, the conservative Constitutionalist people are gaining ground.

On the left, they ran an admitted Socialist who many believed would have won if not for vote rigging.

The US Communist Party endorsed Sanders, Clinton and Obama both elections.

So the question is, where is the middle ground between constitutionalism and Communism? There is none. It's like trying to find a middle ground between Israel and the Palestinians.

My solution? Divide the country right in half north to south. Conservatives on one side of the country and liberals on the other. Let each run their own country they way they desire. That way, everybody is happy and no more arguing about which direction the country should go.

Uhm... Alaska doesn't want to be socialist, we're capitalists... How the hell do we fit into your N/S organization with Washington state being "north"? QQ

Maybe divide it north to south; from Minnesota to Texas, or something along those lines. Yep, a lot of people would have to move, but the next generation of people would really appreciate what we did; at least the conservative generation.

Heck, to never have to put up with liberals again, I would move. And if we voted to have my state in the conservative side and the liberals had to move, my property value would double overnight.
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That was basically my thinking.
The problem with it that I see is that naturally, liberals would completely wreck their side and soon be making an exodus to get back into the Conservative side. Just look at Chicago, LosAngeles and Detroit.

So then we'd need borders and armed enforcement or else the left would simply migrate back to take what the conservative side had which would likely be much more.

Of course, most anyone on the Left would disagree, but there's always the facts and reality to refer to as evidence.
Look where most of the terror incidences take place as well as mass killings. Usually liberal places and gun free zones.

But also realistically, dividing the country would be too complex I think. Think of the military, resources etc.

We could still unite under rare circumstances. And I don't think a border wall would be a problem. After all, we'd have Trump as President on our side.

Correct. The liberals would destroy their side in a matter of a few years. It would implode. Their social spending would leave them bankrupt, no jobs would leave them with no money. After all, most businesses would move to the conservative side for much lower taxation. Then there would be the cost to all of their crime. Because if we divided up, we would give Democrats all those Democrat prisoners (which are most of them) and we would have tons of jail space freed up. The very idea that the Democrat side would have disarmed citizens, they would all be victims.
That was basically my thinking.
The problem with it that I see is that naturally, liberals would completely wreck their side and soon be making an exodus to get back into the Conservative side. Just look at Chicago, LosAngeles and Detroit.

So then we'd need borders and armed enforcement or else the left would simply migrate back to take what the conservative side had which would likely be much more.

Of course, most anyone on the Left would disagree, but there's always the facts and reality to refer to as evidence.
Look where most of the terror incidences take place as well as mass killings. Usually liberal places and gun free zones.

But also realistically, dividing the country would be too complex I think. Think of the military, resources etc.

We could still unite under rare circumstances. And I don't think a border wall would be a problem. After all, we'd have Trump as President on our side.

Correct. The liberals would destroy their side in a matter of a few years. It would implode. Their social spending would leave them bankrupt, no jobs would leave them with no money. After all, most businesses would move to the conservative side for much lower taxation. Then there would be the cost to all of their crime. Because if we divided up, we would give Democrats all those Democrat prisoners (which are most of them) and we would have tons of jail space freed up. The very idea that the Democrat side would have disarmed citizens, they would all be victims.

This is pretty impossible, but just assuming it somehow comes true, both countries would fall to pieces within a decade. Probably much more quickly than that.
Millennials will leave college, become more conservative, and, seeing how retarded the boomers have become, they'll settle somewhere in the middle, maybe slightly more toward the left socially but fiscally conservative. Gen X will play the good shepherd and together they'll bring some sanity back to the country.

At least, that's my hope.
That's the hope of a lot of people but will they find a home in either party?

Both parties will have to change a lot for either to pick up the millennials. And neither is really trying.

Millennials are only hyper "liberal" in college, where they don't have any clue what it means to survive on their own. Once they get out into the world, and realize how fucked they are (many of them, anyway), they quickly learn the value of money and conservatism. This common assertion that millennials will continue moving to the left is bullshit, IMO; you are judging all of us by the most extreme that are still in fucking college, for God's sake. The hippies were at least as bad as the worst millennials.

The newest generation, Gen Z, is probably going to end up being more conservative, at least financially, than Gen Y. But both will be more socially liberal than their forebears. Mostly because social liberalism is superior to social conservatism, and vice versa when it comes to $$.

I'll tell you how the republicans prevent a steady decay; they stop (seemingly intentionally) alienating minorities and young people. Stop raping us and maybe we would give you a chance. Practice what you preach. The wall? Letting the national debt spiral ever farther into the abyss? That's not conservatism. That's just short-sighted selfishness. Why would we support the republicans? That's like living with your abuser when you could just walk out the door.

I'll tell you how the democrats prevent a steady decay; they stop focusing on social issues. Social issues are stinkers, by and large. Keep it nice and general. We support peace, prosperity, liberty, equal opportunity. That's it. There's no need to specify "African Americans" or "latinos". You think minorities are stupid? You think minority kids want to be treated with kid gloves? Like they need your help? I don't. Millennials care about the environment, education, and jobs. Focus exclusively on these things and you WILL win. I guarantee it.
I'll tell you how the republicans prevent a steady decay; they stop (seemingly intentionally) alienating minorities and young people. Stop raping us and maybe we would give you a chance. Practice what you preach. The wall? Letting the national debt spiral ever farther into the abyss? That's not conservatism. That's just short-sighted selfishness. Why would we support the republicans? That's like living with your abuser when you could just walk out the door.

Why would you support Republicans? It depends on how much you value freedom.

Conservatism is about rewarding hard work. Liberalism is about rewarding failure and punishing success. Conservatism is about supporting the good of our society like our military, our police, our church. Liberalism is about siding against all things good.

Conservatism is about personal responsibility. Liberalism is about removing responsibility and handing your choices to government. Conservatism is about choice. After all, choice is freedom. The more choices you have in life, the more liberty you experience. Conservatism is the belief if you teach a man how to fish, he eats for the rest of his life. Liberalism is a belief if you are hungry, take another mans fish.

Conservatism is a belief in tough love. Liberalism is about coddling people so they never have to experience toughness. Conservatism is a belief that to equalize people, you bring those from the bottom--up. Liberalism is the belief that to equalize people, bring those from the top--down.

That's why you vote Republican......that is if you truly believe in those things.
That was basically my thinking.
The problem with it that I see is that naturally, liberals would completely wreck their side and soon be making an exodus to get back into the Conservative side. Just look at Chicago, LosAngeles and Detroit.

So then we'd need borders and armed enforcement or else the left would simply migrate back to take what the conservative side had which would likely be much more.

Of course, most anyone on the Left would disagree, but there's always the facts and reality to refer to as evidence.
Look where most of the terror incidences take place as well as mass killings. Usually liberal places and gun free zones.

But also realistically, dividing the country would be too complex I think. Think of the military, resources etc.

We could still unite under rare circumstances. And I don't think a border wall would be a problem. After all, we'd have Trump as President on our side.

Correct. The liberals would destroy their side in a matter of a few years. It would implode. Their social spending would leave them bankrupt, no jobs would leave them with no money. After all, most businesses would move to the conservative side for much lower taxation. Then there would be the cost to all of their crime. Because if we divided up, we would give Democrats all those Democrat prisoners (which are most of them) and we would have tons of jail space freed up. The very idea that the Democrat side would have disarmed citizens, they would all be victims.

This is pretty impossible, but just assuming it somehow comes true, both countries would fall to pieces within a decade. Probably much more quickly than that.

No, the Republican side would flourish, and I'll tell you why:

This is what we call the cart theory. The people of a town build a huge cart, and as they pull the empty cart, it flies effortlessly down the road. As people get tired of pulling the cart, they jump inside the cart instead. The cart moves slower as more people jump in. Finally, when there are more people in the cart than pulling the cart, the cart stops.

On the Republican side, there would be few inside the cart. On the Democrat side, most people would be in the cart.

I know it's not possible, but if we could divide the country, the only real problem Republicans would have is keeping the Democrats from sneaking into our side.
Alaska perhaps the highest per capita amount of federal money spent in any state.

Rethink the above comment.

You mean because the feds turned half the state into parkland that has to be managed and 70% of the state is military, thus uses federal expenses? As much as you apparently want to bitch about it, Alaska is the front lines of defense against North Korea, China, and Russia for the entire lower 48, Canada, and even Europe.

- http://laborstats.alaska.gov/trends/Feb12art1.pdf

Just some of the facts you like to gloss over with your statement.

"The federal government has been Alaska’s largest employer since the days before state-hood, generating approximately a third of all jobs in the state."

"The most dramatic rise in federal expenditures in Alaska has been in salaries and wages — the largest spending category — which doubled over the past decade. (See Exhibits 3 and 4.) In 2010, Alaska ranked second for per capita federal wages and salaries at $5,710 — five times the national average. (See Exhibit 5.) Average salaries also increased, and the typical civilian federal worker earned $68,484 in 2010 — considerably more than the $47,724 earned by the average Alaska worker. Much of the growth in wages and salaries is attributable to the military’s expansion, and the U.S. Census Bureau also assembled a large temporary workforce to conduct the decennial census."

"Alaska ranks fourth in procurement, the other big federal spending category, with most of it tied to the military. The remaining categories also grew rapidly, but are much smaller and play lesser roles in Alaska than elsewhere in the nation."

"Defense is the largest federal employer In 2010, 40,000 Alaskans were on the federal payroll. The Department of Defense is the largest employer, with 29,714 combined uniformed and civilian workers in the state. In 2010, there were 7,313 civilian jobs on bases or other military property, ranging from highly specialized professionals working for the Corps of Engineers to retail personnel working for the commissaries and base exchanges."

"The total federal civilian workforce (including civilians working for the Department of Defense) was 17,544 in 2010, with a payroll of $1.2 billion."

"When the Department of Defense is excluded, the next top five agencies in Alaska employ more than three-quarters (76 percent) of all civilian federal workers. (See Exhibit 7.) The largest civilian agencies are the Department of the Interior, the United States Postal Service, and the departments of Transportation, Homeland Security, Agriculture, Commerce, Veterans Affairs, and Health and Human Services.

Considering the Department of the Interior is the state’s largest property owner, it’s not surprising that its presence is second only to the Department of Defense. The Department of the Interior controls over 50 percent of the state’s landmass, and most of its mission is to manage these federal lands and their resources. The big branches within the Department of the Interior are the National Park Service, the Bureau of Land Management, and the Fish and Wildlife Service."
There isn't as much hatred as you think.

We just happen to be focused on the loudest 10 or 15% of people.
We all get wrapped up in the here and now. Today's stunning headlines that feed the flames.

But it might do some good to reflect on where this is all heading as that is what ultimately matters.

Will Americans simply "get over" their differences and find a way to live together in peace?
Will Conservatives eventually simply die off leaving the nation to modern day Leftists?
Will the exposure of corruption on one side sink that side to the point of irrelevance?
Will a Civil War erupt?
Or will we just become a disjointed nation of simmering hatred and anger for one another and this will go on for a very long time, eroding the fabric of our nation and tearing it down. China has already or is soon to overtake the US as the worlds largest economy. Yet we are too busy calling the President an Orange Clown or creating mean spirited video memes to see the bigger picture.

Maybe we can look to other countries and to history for some answers? Except that the Left is hell bent on erasing ours.

So let's look at another country torn apart by similar difficulties. Venezuela.
Leftist Venezuelans eventually won (for now) the fight by fighting harder and by using a mantra of by any means necessary. I see what's happening in America today as frighteningly similar.

We may be one election cycle away from dramatic changes. One person who grabs power (as just happened in China AND the Philippines by the way) and steers this nation into an entirely different direction.
And it's never towards freedom for the people in these situations.

Let's not fool ourselves and say it could "never" happen. It was once said we'd never have a black President and that China could never rival the USA economically or militarily.

Here is the problem:

On the right, there is an infighting between the conservatives and the establishment. Currently, the conservative Constitutionalist people are gaining ground.

On the left, they ran an admitted Socialist who many believed would have won if not for vote rigging.

The US Communist Party endorsed Sanders, Clinton and Obama both elections.

So the question is, where is the middle ground between constitutionalism and Communism? There is none. It's like trying to find a middle ground between Israel and the Palestinians.

My solution? Divide the country right in half north to south. Conservatives on one side of the country and liberals on the other. Let each run their own country they way they desire. That way, everybody is happy and no more arguing about which direction the country should go.

Uhm... Alaska doesn't want to be socialist, we're capitalists... How the hell do we fit into your N/S organization with Washington state being "north"? QQ

Maybe divide it north to south; from Minnesota to Texas, or something along those lines. Yep, a lot of people would have to move, but the next generation of people would really appreciate what we did; at least the conservative generation.

Heck, to never have to put up with liberals again, I would move. And if we voted to have my state in the conservative side and the liberals had to move, my property value would double overnight.

heh you cannot move Alaska man, we are here because of the military reach - and we'll always be leaning right because of that military presence :D
Will Americans simply "get over" their differences and find a way to live together in peace?
This is clearly what needs to happen, but I just don't see it happening any time soon.

Not only have we become a terribly tribal and narcissistic country, but those who work to divide us further are still succeeding. All the various members of the tribes are buying into it and playing right along.

So whatever ends up happening, I don't think we've seen the worst yet.
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