Where does wealth hatred come from?

Sounds like Marxists who argue Communism wasn't really Marxism.. LOLOL

Kid you aren't fooling anyone, you bluster and talk shit but you really don't know much about anything at all. It was a legitimate question, can you answer it?

So, the U.S.A doesn't have Free-markets?

Uh... Yeah... It really does on the whole... Much more so than most of the World... (For now at least)

More dodging and deflecting.
What subset of Capitalism is the US economy based on?

It's Welfare Capitalism.

At least you tried, it's a Debt Based System.

"How does a debt-based economy work and why is having debt good for an economy?"

"The Western economies are based on debt because they are based on transactions. Issuing debt is the creation of money. Banks, or an entity acting as a bank, creates money by issuing loans. Formally, this is called fractional reserve lending.

As long as future income will pay off the debt, few people may be hurt by this, but put debtors in a position where they can't pay the debt, and either their debt has to be forgiven, or they have some permanent obligation. In the worst cases, the obligation is involuntary servitude, whether recognized as such or not. A bumper sticker in the US sums this up nicely, "I owe; I owe; it's off to work I go." That is, they pay for their own consumption by a lifetime of work. They may or may not truly enjoy their work."


Which brings us full circle back to....................

The Bankers.

It wouldn't really matter.... Both sides believe in change... America's obviously f*cking up.
Poland''s one of the fastest growing economies in Europe for over 20 years, and has caught up a lot.

No one gives a shit about Poland.

It seems you, and your Globalist elites do care about Poland as a big problem.

Fascism is a problem anywhere. It's not unique to Poland.

To him Fascism isn't the problem, it's the solution.

Of course Fascism is the solution.

How will we solve Globalism by letting elite Capitalists run our economy, and brainwash the masses, and stand by without lifting a finger?

The elites want you to hate the 3rd option (Fascism)

Because Fascism would crack down on both Capitalist, and Communist variants of Cultural Marxism.
Kid you aren't fooling anyone, you bluster and talk shit but you really don't know much about anything at all. It was a legitimate question, can you answer it?

So, the U.S.A doesn't have Free-markets?

Uh... Yeah... It really does on the whole... Much more so than most of the World... (For now at least)

More dodging and deflecting.
What subset of Capitalism is the US economy based on?

It's Welfare Capitalism.

At least you tried, it's a Debt Based System.

"How does a debt-based economy work and why is having debt good for an economy?"

"The Western economies are based on debt because they are based on transactions. Issuing debt is the creation of money. Banks, or an entity acting as a bank, creates money by issuing loans. Formally, this is called fractional reserve lending.

As long as future income will pay off the debt, few people may be hurt by this, but put debtors in a position where they can't pay the debt, and either their debt has to be forgiven, or they have some permanent obligation. In the worst cases, the obligation is involuntary servitude, whether recognized as such or not. A bumper sticker in the US sums this up nicely, "I owe; I owe; it's off to work I go." That is, they pay for their own consumption by a lifetime of work. They may or may not truly enjoy their work."


Which brings us full circle back to....................

The Bankers.

It wouldn't really matter.... Both sides believe in change... America's obviously f*cking up.

Here is the scary part.

"Banks, or an entity acting as a bank, creates money by issuing loans. Formally, this is called fractional reserve lending."

"That said, it isn't required to keep the entire amount either. Most banks are required to keep 10% of the deposit, referred to as reserves. This reserve requirement is set by the Federal Reserve and is one of the Fed's tools to implement monetary policy. Increasing the reserve requirement takes money out of the economy, while a decrease in the reserve requirement puts money into the economy.

Read more:
Fractional Reserve Banking https://www.investopedia.com/terms/f/fractionalreservebanking.asp#ixzz540ErxUrr
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Let that sink in.....they are only required to hold 10% in reserve that means that there is more Debt than actual money in the system....virtually every dollar in circulation is out there at interest.

What could possibly go wrong?
I wish we could trade your oversized asses for some of those people in one of those shithole countries.

You go over there and send any Haitian you like back to replace you.

Even *I* think that would be a good trade for America!
Look fuckbrain, I'm not the one that called those people shitholes. That woulf be the racist fuck you elccted President.

This country does not want or need racists fucks like you & Trumop. Please pack up your hate & leave.

So now it's racist to insult countries? You people have no limits, do you?
Poland''s one of the fastest growing economies in Europe for over 20 years, and has caught up a lot.

No one gives a shit about Poland.

It seems you, and your Globalist elites do care about Poland as a big problem.

Fascism is a problem anywhere. It's not unique to Poland.

To him Fascism isn't the problem, it's the solution.

Of course Fascism is the solution.

How will we solve Globalism by letting elite Capitalists run our economy, and brainwash the masses, and stand by without lifting a finger?

The elites want you to hate the 3rd option (Fascism)

Because Fascism would crack down on both Capitalist, and Communist variants of Cultural Marxism.

Fascism is what underachievers and losers turn to when they're unable to reconcile personal responsibility for themselves.
I wish we could trade your oversized asses for some of those people in one of those shithole countries.

You go over there and send any Haitian you like back to replace you.

Even *I* think that would be a good trade for America!
Look fuckbrain, I'm not the one that called those people shitholes. That woulf be the racist fuck you elccted President.

This country does not want or need racists fucks like you & Trumop. Please pack up your hate & leave.

So now it's racist to insult countries? You people have no limits, do you?

Well, the Liberals think it's racist to insult countries, except when they're insulting Poland, then it's not racism.
No one gives a shit about Poland.

It seems you, and your Globalist elites do care about Poland as a big problem.

Fascism is a problem anywhere. It's not unique to Poland.

To him Fascism isn't the problem, it's the solution.

Of course Fascism is the solution.

How will we solve Globalism by letting elite Capitalists run our economy, and brainwash the masses, and stand by without lifting a finger?

The elites want you to hate the 3rd option (Fascism)

Because Fascism would crack down on both Capitalist, and Communist variants of Cultural Marxism.

Fascism is what underachievers and losers turn to when they're unable to reconcile personal responsibility for themselves.

It's my responsibility to stop things like Cultural Marxism from ruining the next generation.

We are a society being ruined by the elite globalist rich folk, what does fighting back as a Fascist iron fist government to turn you down, have to do with personal responsibility?
I wish we could trade your oversized asses for some of those people in one of those shithole countries.

You go over there and send any Haitian you like back to replace you.

Even *I* think that would be a good trade for America!
Look fuckbrain, I'm not the one that called those people shitholes. That woulf be the racist fuck you elccted President.

This country does not want or need racists fucks like you & Trumop. Please pack up your hate & leave.

So now it's racist to insult countries? You people have no limits, do you?

Well, the Liberals think it's racist to insult countries, except when they're insulting Poland, then it's not racism.

Well it DOES take 3 of you to change a light bulb. One to hold it and two to turn the chair.
I wish we could trade your oversized asses for some of those people in one of those shithole countries.

You go over there and send any Haitian you like back to replace you.

Even *I* think that would be a good trade for America!
Look fuckbrain, I'm not the one that called those people shitholes. That woulf be the racist fuck you elccted President.

This country does not want or need racists fucks like you & Trumop. Please pack up your hate & leave.

So now it's racist to insult countries? You people have no limits, do you?

Well, the Liberals think it's racist to insult countries, except when they're insulting Poland, then it's not racism.

Well it DOES take 3 of you to change a light bulb. One to hold it and two to turn the chair.

Poland founds the Scientific Revolution, with Copernicus, and Albert Brudzewski, and saves Europe from Islamic Turks with Jan III Sobieski.

All the West has done for Poland is support our eradication, and humiliation.

Talk about sickos.
You go over there and send any Haitian you like back to replace you.

Even *I* think that would be a good trade for America!
Look fuckbrain, I'm not the one that called those people shitholes. That woulf be the racist fuck you elccted President.

This country does not want or need racists fucks like you & Trumop. Please pack up your hate & leave.

So now it's racist to insult countries? You people have no limits, do you?

Well, the Liberals think it's racist to insult countries, except when they're insulting Poland, then it's not racism.

Well it DOES take 3 of you to change a light bulb. One to hold it and two to turn the chair.

Poland founds the Scientific Revolution, with Copernicus, and Albert Brudzewski, and saves Europe from Islamic Turks with Jan III Sobieski.

All the West has done for Poland is support our eradication, and humiliation.

Talk about sickos.

So what are you saying? Have you guys pared it down to one to turn the chair?
Well.......the quickest answer is that it comes from the Democrat party and politicians. Hate people because they own businesses, hate people because they don't pay their workers enough, hate people because they get tax breaks, hate people because they have stuff the rest doesn't. It's brainwashing as usual.

But in my opinion, it must have deeper roots than politics.

Hate is usually a defense mechanism. Hate comes from fear or threat. You may hate your supervisor because he or she threatens your future with the company. Hate may come in forms of race where you feel a threat or fear for the safety of your family or investment of your home. Hate may be of gender where a person was abused by their spouse or even a stranger. It comes from somewhere. You don't wake up one morning and say "I really hate that Donald Trump. I didn't mind him yesterday, but today I wish he'd fall off a cliff."

I guess this question is really for the libs since they lead the charge in wealth hatred. If you agree with my assessment that hate derives from fear or threat, what has the wealthy done to you in the past that makes you feel this way? Or is it you were told by the Democrat party to hate wealthy people?

Well.......not all wealthy people of course. Liberals tend to give waivers to sports figures, entertainment figures, lottery winners, people that do things they enjoy instead of working for wealth. But if you went to college, worked your way up the ladder, made investments, and became wealthy through work, you are the worst creature on earth, and the Democrat party simply fuels that flame.

Ray, what is the point of this post? Your claiming Liberals hate wealth as a stereotype by using an old tired republic cannard about class envy?

People may hate don trump simply because he is a racist. You hate Liberals because they make you feel less compassionate and greedy.

Your problems shithole, not anyone else's.

I thought of it through discussions with the left on issues that involve the wealthy such as minimum wage, corporate taxes, individual wealth, multinational corporations, campaign contributions and so on.

It seems that anytime the wealthy are discussed, such vitriol spews from the left side of the discussion.

It made me wonder why is all. Like I wrote in the OP, hatred comes from somewhere, usually fear or threat.

As for myself, I've never feared or felt the wealthy threaten me. If anything, they make my life much better. It's government that threatens me.
Look fuckbrain, I'm not the one that called those people shitholes. That woulf be the racist fuck you elccted President.

This country does not want or need racists fucks like you & Trumop. Please pack up your hate & leave.

So now it's racist to insult countries? You people have no limits, do you?

Well, the Liberals think it's racist to insult countries, except when they're insulting Poland, then it's not racism.

Well it DOES take 3 of you to change a light bulb. One to hold it and two to turn the chair.

Poland founds the Scientific Revolution, with Copernicus, and Albert Brudzewski, and saves Europe from Islamic Turks with Jan III Sobieski.

All the West has done for Poland is support our eradication, and humiliation.

Talk about sickos.

So what are you saying? Have you guys pared it down to one to turn the chair?

I'm saying the West is degenerate as shit.

They're like f*cking animals West of the Odra, all they do is Chimp out looting, and shooting... No decency, no morals, no courage, not even real brain power which resists brainwashing.

Just inferior beasts.
So now it's racist to insult countries? You people have no limits, do you?

Well, the Liberals think it's racist to insult countries, except when they're insulting Poland, then it's not racism.

Well it DOES take 3 of you to change a light bulb. One to hold it and two to turn the chair.

Poland founds the Scientific Revolution, with Copernicus, and Albert Brudzewski, and saves Europe from Islamic Turks with Jan III Sobieski.

All the West has done for Poland is support our eradication, and humiliation.

Talk about sickos.

So what are you saying? Have you guys pared it down to one to turn the chair?

I'm saying the West is degenerate as shit.

They're like f*cking animals West of the Odra, all they do is Chimp out looting, and shooting... No decency, no morals, no courage, not even real brain power which resists brainwashing.

Just inferior beasts.

And yet here you are, living in the "West"
Well, the Liberals think it's racist to insult countries, except when they're insulting Poland, then it's not racism.

Well it DOES take 3 of you to change a light bulb. One to hold it and two to turn the chair.

Poland founds the Scientific Revolution, with Copernicus, and Albert Brudzewski, and saves Europe from Islamic Turks with Jan III Sobieski.

All the West has done for Poland is support our eradication, and humiliation.

Talk about sickos.

So what are you saying? Have you guys pared it down to one to turn the chair?

I'm saying the West is degenerate as shit.

They're like f*cking animals West of the Odra, all they do is Chimp out looting, and shooting... No decency, no morals, no courage, not even real brain power which resists brainwashing.

Just inferior beasts.

And yet here you are, living in the "West"

I was born here, but I think this country has become a monstrosity.

All Western European countries are unacceptable in all parts of history overall.

Maybe today only Austria is acceptable if that's even Western Europe...
Well.......the quickest answer is that it comes from the Democrat party and politicians. Hate people because they own businesses, hate people because they don't pay their workers enough, hate people because they get tax breaks, hate people because they have stuff the rest doesn't. It's brainwashing as usual.

But in my opinion, it must have deeper roots than politics.

Hate is usually a defense mechanism. Hate comes from fear or threat. You may hate your supervisor because he or she threatens your future with the company. Hate may come in forms of race where you feel a threat or fear for the safety of your family or investment of your home. Hate may be of gender where a person was abused by their spouse or even a stranger. It comes from somewhere. You don't wake up one morning and say "I really hate that Donald Trump. I didn't mind him yesterday, but today I wish he'd fall off a cliff."

I guess this question is really for the libs since they lead the charge in wealth hatred. If you agree with my assessment that hate derives from fear or threat, what has the wealthy done to you in the past that makes you feel this way? Or is it you were told by the Democrat party to hate wealthy people?

Well.......not all wealthy people of course. Liberals tend to give waivers to sports figures, entertainment figures, lottery winners, people that do things they enjoy instead of working for wealth. But if you went to college, worked your way up the ladder, made investments, and became wealthy through work, you are the worst creature on earth, and the Democrat party simply fuels that flame.

I come from a somewhat rich household worth 1.4 million.

However, I think most rich people kind of suck,as do most poor people kind of suck.

But, the rich people are more dangerous, especially ones in our institutions.

Look at the brats in media, Hollywood, the NFL, or businesses hiring illegals, or outsourcing.

The Goldilocks effect. Those who are not like me (the very rich, the very poor) are bad.

A lot of racists use that same supposed logic. They think blacks and Hispanics are too dumb and Asians and Jews are too smart and each is threatening to white people.

If you think all classes are created equal in terms of morality, you're not paying attention.

Most in the Middle Class are hard working, tax paying people.

Most in the lower class take in terms of welfare, and have more crime.

Most in the upper class reap havoc by hiring illegals, spreading Liberal propaganda, and outsourcing jobs, and while their crime isn't too bad, when they do something criminal it's usually very bad like pull a Bernie Madoff, or pull a Jacob Schiff and finance a Bolshevik Revolution, or pull a Rockerfeller and finance the Nazis.

Maybe In Your world.

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