Where does wealth hatred come from?

You don’t have a position that I even care about.

You’re a poor white shithole liking only to blame someone else for being a shithole.

Yeah, because you don't care about anything, like most Psychoopaths.

I live in America buddy, I['m just sick of the f*cking retards here like puppets being lead by the elite with no f*cking brains.

No, your a white shithole who believes in fascism because you can’t compete in a capitalistic society.

America's a lot more dangerous than Poland.

No where in Europe is like Detroit, or Chicago's South side, much less Gary Indiana, or East Saint Louis.

Poland's catching up quick in terms of wealth to the West.

Some of us want Fascism because we want to fix the World of the degenerates, and savages.
. A little bit of hitlerism talk going on in this post.. wow

How are we going to combat these trends?

Why are IQ's Dropping On A WorldWide basis | HuffPost

Criminals have more kids. July 2014 - The Psychology of Attractiveness Podcast

Going along to the Frankfurt School Multiculturalism plot.



Just stop, you had all at "i'm a shithole poster" long ago.
Well.......the quickest answer is that it comes from the Democrat party and politicians. Hate people because they own businesses, hate people because they don't pay their workers enough, hate people because they get tax breaks, hate people because they have stuff the rest doesn't. It's brainwashing as usual.

But in my opinion, it must have deeper roots than politics.

Hate is usually a defense mechanism. Hate comes from fear or threat. You may hate your supervisor because he or she threatens your future with the company. Hate may come in forms of race where you feel a threat or fear for the safety of your family or investment of your home. Hate may be of gender where a person was abused by their spouse or even a stranger. It comes from somewhere. You don't wake up one morning and say "I really hate that Donald Trump. I didn't mind him yesterday, but today I wish he'd fall off a cliff."

I guess this question is really for the libs since they lead the charge in wealth hatred. If you agree with my assessment that hate derives from fear or threat, what has the wealthy done to you in the past that makes you feel this way? Or is it you were told by the Democrat party to hate wealthy people?

Well.......not all wealthy people of course. Liberals tend to give waivers to sports figures, entertainment figures, lottery winners, people that do things they enjoy instead of working for wealth. But if you went to college, worked your way up the ladder, made investments, and became wealthy through work, you are the worst creature on earth, and the Democrat party simply fuels that flame.

Ray, what is the point of this post? Your claiming Liberals hate wealth as a stereotype by using an old tired republic cannard about class envy?

People may hate don trump simply because he is a racist. You hate Liberals because they make you feel less compassionate and greedy.

Your problems shithole, not anyone else's.

I thought of it through discussions with the left on issues that involve the wealthy such as minimum wage, corporate taxes, individual wealth, multinational corporations, campaign contributions and so on.

It seems that anytime the wealthy are discussed, such vitriol spews from the left side of the discussion.

It made me wonder why is all. Like I wrote in the OP, hatred comes from somewhere, usually fear or threat.

As for myself, I've never feared or felt the wealthy threaten me. If anything, they make my life much better. It's government that threatens me.

Discussions with Liberals usually don't devolve into hate fulled piles of crap that you're seemingly referring too. Are you referring to strawman Liberals or actual ones? And if you really want to be honest, you have to realize hate filled rhetoric is the trade of people who see that world as black and white.

Liberals are gray and have compassion for their fellow man. Conservatives are toggle switches of black and white.

Horse Shit, take a stroll among the threads and look at what your "fellow" Libs have said.

I have and found most posters on this board are knee jerk black and white idiots who spew things like all Liberals hate the wealthy and bring the color of skin into any argument for no reason. An example would be that black athletes that kneel for the national anthem are pandered, rich and didn't work for their position in life.

MOST people of all stripes are asses on the internet. The Left here is in no way innocent and for anyone to try and make that point is patently stupid.
Ray, what is the point of this post? Your claiming Liberals hate wealth as a stereotype by using an old tired republic cannard about class envy?

People may hate don trump simply because he is a racist. You hate Liberals because they make you feel less compassionate and greedy.

Your problems shithole, not anyone else's.

I thought of it through discussions with the left on issues that involve the wealthy such as minimum wage, corporate taxes, individual wealth, multinational corporations, campaign contributions and so on.

It seems that anytime the wealthy are discussed, such vitriol spews from the left side of the discussion.

It made me wonder why is all. Like I wrote in the OP, hatred comes from somewhere, usually fear or threat.

As for myself, I've never feared or felt the wealthy threaten me. If anything, they make my life much better. It's government that threatens me.

Discussions with Liberals usually don't devolve into hate fulled piles of crap that you're seemingly referring too. Are you referring to strawman Liberals or actual ones? And if you really want to be honest, you have to realize hate filled rhetoric is the trade of people who see that world as black and white.

Liberals are gray and have compassion for their fellow man. Conservatives are toggle switches of black and white.

Horse Shit, take a stroll among the threads and look at what your "fellow" Libs have said.

I have and found most posters on this board are knee jerk black and white idiots who spew things like all Liberals hate the wealthy and bring the color of skin into any argument for no reason. An example would be that black athletes that kneel for the national anthem are pandered, rich and didn't work for their position in life.

MOST people of all stripes are asses on the internet. The Left here is in no way innocent and for anyone to try and make that point is patently stupid.

Because it's not being an ass when both of you mock Polish people, for no reason but to be vindictive twerps.
I thought of it through discussions with the left on issues that involve the wealthy such as minimum wage, corporate taxes, individual wealth, multinational corporations, campaign contributions and so on.

It seems that anytime the wealthy are discussed, such vitriol spews from the left side of the discussion.

It made me wonder why is all. Like I wrote in the OP, hatred comes from somewhere, usually fear or threat.

As for myself, I've never feared or felt the wealthy threaten me. If anything, they make my life much better. It's government that threatens me.

Discussions with Liberals usually don't devolve into hate fulled piles of crap that you're seemingly referring too. Are you referring to strawman Liberals or actual ones? And if you really want to be honest, you have to realize hate filled rhetoric is the trade of people who see that world as black and white.

Liberals are gray and have compassion for their fellow man. Conservatives are toggle switches of black and white.

Horse Shit, take a stroll among the threads and look at what your "fellow" Libs have said.

I have and found most posters on this board are knee jerk black and white idiots who spew things like all Liberals hate the wealthy and bring the color of skin into any argument for no reason. An example would be that black athletes that kneel for the national anthem are pandered, rich and didn't work for their position in life.

MOST people of all stripes are asses on the internet. The Left here is in no way innocent and for anyone to try and make that point is patently stupid.

Because it's not being an ass when both of you mock Polish people, for no reason but to be vindictive twerps.

LOL< look dumbass, read the first part of that post. If it's too hot in this Forum for you snowflake you are free to leave.
Ray, what is the point of this post? Your claiming Liberals hate wealth as a stereotype by using an old tired republic cannard about class envy?

People may hate don trump simply because he is a racist. You hate Liberals because they make you feel less compassionate and greedy.

Your problems shithole, not anyone else's.

I thought of it through discussions with the left on issues that involve the wealthy such as minimum wage, corporate taxes, individual wealth, multinational corporations, campaign contributions and so on.

It seems that anytime the wealthy are discussed, such vitriol spews from the left side of the discussion.

It made me wonder why is all. Like I wrote in the OP, hatred comes from somewhere, usually fear or threat.

As for myself, I've never feared or felt the wealthy threaten me. If anything, they make my life much better. It's government that threatens me.

Discussions with Liberals usually don't devolve into hate fulled piles of crap that you're seemingly referring too. Are you referring to strawman Liberals or actual ones? And if you really want to be honest, you have to realize hate filled rhetoric is the trade of people who see that world as black and white.

Liberals are gray and have compassion for their fellow man. Conservatives are toggle switches of black and white.

Horse Shit, take a stroll among the threads and look at what your "fellow" Libs have said.

I have and found most posters on this board are knee jerk black and white idiots who spew things like all Liberals hate the wealthy and bring the color of skin into any argument for no reason. An example would be that black athletes that kneel for the national anthem are pandered, rich and didn't work for their position in life.

MOST people of all stripes are asses on the internet. The Left here is in no way innocent and for anyone to try and make that point is patently stupid.


I'm not posting that people of any stripe aren't assholes on the wed. I'm just pointing out the poster(s) that post black and white shithole posts. Like the dude who has posts above and below.
Discussions with Liberals usually don't devolve into hate fulled piles of crap that you're seemingly referring too. Are you referring to strawman Liberals or actual ones? And if you really want to be honest, you have to realize hate filled rhetoric is the trade of people who see that world as black and white.

Liberals are gray and have compassion for their fellow man. Conservatives are toggle switches of black and white.

Horse Shit, take a stroll among the threads and look at what your "fellow" Libs have said.

I have and found most posters on this board are knee jerk black and white idiots who spew things like all Liberals hate the wealthy and bring the color of skin into any argument for no reason. An example would be that black athletes that kneel for the national anthem are pandered, rich and didn't work for their position in life.

MOST people of all stripes are asses on the internet. The Left here is in no way innocent and for anyone to try and make that point is patently stupid.

Because it's not being an ass when both of you mock Polish people, for no reason but to be vindictive twerps.

LOL< look dumbass, read the first part of that post. If it's too hot in this Forum for you snowflake you are free to leave.

You are free to leave too, if my prejudices hurt your feelings, snowflake.
Horse Shit, take a stroll among the threads and look at what your "fellow" Libs have said.

I have and found most posters on this board are knee jerk black and white idiots who spew things like all Liberals hate the wealthy and bring the color of skin into any argument for no reason. An example would be that black athletes that kneel for the national anthem are pandered, rich and didn't work for their position in life.

MOST people of all stripes are asses on the internet. The Left here is in no way innocent and for anyone to try and make that point is patently stupid.

Because it's not being an ass when both of you mock Polish people, for no reason but to be vindictive twerps.

LOL< look dumbass, read the first part of that post. If it's too hot in this Forum for you snowflake you are free to leave.

You are free to leave too, if my prejudices hurt your feelings, snowflake.

Son on your best day you couldn't get under my skin. With all due respect, the entire Forum can see that you are uneducated, racist, bigoted little boy. Sorry, you are simply entertainment for me.
I have and found most posters on this board are knee jerk black and white idiots who spew things like all Liberals hate the wealthy and bring the color of skin into any argument for no reason. An example would be that black athletes that kneel for the national anthem are pandered, rich and didn't work for their position in life.

MOST people of all stripes are asses on the internet. The Left here is in no way innocent and for anyone to try and make that point is patently stupid.

Because it's not being an ass when both of you mock Polish people, for no reason but to be vindictive twerps.

LOL< look dumbass, read the first part of that post. If it's too hot in this Forum for you snowflake you are free to leave.

You are free to leave too, if my prejudices hurt your feelings, snowflake.

Son on your best day you couldn't get under my skin. With all due respect, the entire Forum can see that you are uneducated, racist, bigoted little boy. Sorry, you are simply entertainment for me.

You're easily brainwashed racial trash.... You do what ever the elites tell you to, you're literally a zombified monstrosity like most Western bitches.
Discussions with Liberals usually don't devolve into hate fulled piles of crap that you're seemingly referring too. Are you referring to strawman Liberals or actual ones? And if you really want to be honest, you have to realize hate filled rhetoric is the trade of people who see that world as black and white.

Liberals are gray and have compassion for their fellow man. Conservatives are toggle switches of black and white.

Horse Shit, take a stroll among the threads and look at what your "fellow" Libs have said.

I have and found most posters on this board are knee jerk black and white idiots who spew things like all Liberals hate the wealthy and bring the color of skin into any argument for no reason. An example would be that black athletes that kneel for the national anthem are pandered, rich and didn't work for their position in life.

MOST people of all stripes are asses on the internet. The Left here is in no way innocent and for anyone to try and make that point is patently stupid.

Because it's not being an ass when both of you mock Polish people, for no reason but to be vindictive twerps.

LOL< look dumbass, read the first part of that post. If it's too hot in this Forum for you snowflake you are free to leave.

Ya know when to accuse someone of being a snowflake its best not being one.

Did you get buttburt or not have good response.
The Elite want to destroy us so we can be easier to control.


How many Jews have you killed kid?

None, I've killed nothing.

What's wrong with pointing out criticisms of Jews for what they've supported?

You can't make this up, you defend Hitler and Mussolini, but you hate Jews.

Wrong, I support no leaders 100%.

The best leaders are actually people like Sobieski, Pilsudski, and Horthy.

You know Polish, and Hungarian strongman.

Sobieski was right in the end, that saving Western European chimps was a mistake.... You people are savages.


MOST people of all stripes are asses on the internet. The Left here is in no way innocent and for anyone to try and make that point is patently stupid.

Because it's not being an ass when both of you mock Polish people, for no reason but to be vindictive twerps.

LOL< look dumbass, read the first part of that post. If it's too hot in this Forum for you snowflake you are free to leave.

You are free to leave too, if my prejudices hurt your feelings, snowflake.

Son on your best day you couldn't get under my skin. With all due respect, the entire Forum can see that you are uneducated, racist, bigoted little boy. Sorry, you are simply entertainment for me.

You're easily brainwashed racial trash.... You do what ever the elites tell you to, you're literally a zombified monstrosity like most Western bitches.

OOOO struck a nerve I did!!! You're a one trick pony kid. LOL
Because it's not being an ass when both of you mock Polish people, for no reason but to be vindictive twerps.

LOL< look dumbass, read the first part of that post. If it's too hot in this Forum for you snowflake you are free to leave.

You are free to leave too, if my prejudices hurt your feelings, snowflake.

Son on your best day you couldn't get under my skin. With all due respect, the entire Forum can see that you are uneducated, racist, bigoted little boy. Sorry, you are simply entertainment for me.

You're easily brainwashed racial trash.... You do what ever the elites tell you to, you're literally a zombified monstrosity like most Western bitches.

OOOO struck a nerve I did!!! You're a one trick pony kid. LOL

It's funny when Western Europeans don't realize how dumb, and brainwashed they are.

Truly a blemish of the World.... Pure savages.
Horse Shit, take a stroll among the threads and look at what your "fellow" Libs have said.

I have and found most posters on this board are knee jerk black and white idiots who spew things like all Liberals hate the wealthy and bring the color of skin into any argument for no reason. An example would be that black athletes that kneel for the national anthem are pandered, rich and didn't work for their position in life.

MOST people of all stripes are asses on the internet. The Left here is in no way innocent and for anyone to try and make that point is patently stupid.

Because it's not being an ass when both of you mock Polish people, for no reason but to be vindictive twerps.

LOL< look dumbass, read the first part of that post. If it's too hot in this Forum for you snowflake you are free to leave.

Ya know when to accuse someone of being a snowflake its best not being one.

Did you get buttburt or not have good response.

Oh Johnny, I'm sorry, I forgot you were there. You may go now.
You will never get under my skin lil boy but apparently I'm under yours already. Get used to it.
LOL< look dumbass, read the first part of that post. If it's too hot in this Forum for you snowflake you are free to leave.

You are free to leave too, if my prejudices hurt your feelings, snowflake.

Son on your best day you couldn't get under my skin. With all due respect, the entire Forum can see that you are uneducated, racist, bigoted little boy. Sorry, you are simply entertainment for me.

You're easily brainwashed racial trash.... You do what ever the elites tell you to, you're literally a zombified monstrosity like most Western bitches.

OOOO struck a nerve I did!!! You're a one trick pony kid. LOL

It's funny when Western Europeans don't realize how dumb, and brainwashed they are.

Truly a blemish of the World.... Pure savages.

Of course kid, you're the savior of the world, just ask you. It's funny how you are quick to point out the ills of the World population but afraid to do anything about it.
Been called a dumb Polak before.... Thanks to the elite globalist Liberal Jew media's promotion of dumb Polak on TV by elite globalist scum Liberal Jews like Norman Lear, on All in the Family, or George Schlatter's Laugh In.

I'm much more concerned with other things.

You know like Globalist scums who are pure evil.

Especially considering that those prejudices don't bother me much more, or less than simple obnoxious rude personal insults .

Most Americans consider Poland to be to be a white shithole.

Why is your country not better than it is?

Poland's actually doing pretty good, FYI.

You dumb Western Europeans just fall for anything, such primitive Apes being led by the elite.




Nobody in America cares about your white shithole country.

We don’t even care that your entire Navy sank one day because some shithole opened the screen door on your only submarine.

We marvel at the fact Germany invaded your country in less than 24 hours because they marched in backwards and yo all thought they were leaving.

And then your country descended to current shithole status because you sold out the only white people who made something of your country.

The only thing worse than being a shithole is to be proud of it.
. Wow, bigotry on full display in this post. You almost went heavily into Polak Joke mode. Remember two wrongs never make a right.

One question, are you an idiot?
. You wish that I was don't you ?
You are free to leave too, if my prejudices hurt your feelings, snowflake.

Son on your best day you couldn't get under my skin. With all due respect, the entire Forum can see that you are uneducated, racist, bigoted little boy. Sorry, you are simply entertainment for me.

You're easily brainwashed racial trash.... You do what ever the elites tell you to, you're literally a zombified monstrosity like most Western bitches.

OOOO struck a nerve I did!!! You're a one trick pony kid. LOL

It's funny when Western Europeans don't realize how dumb, and brainwashed they are.

Truly a blemish of the World.... Pure savages.

Of course kid, you're the savior of the world, just ask you. It's funny how you are quick to point out the ills of the World population but afraid to do anything about it.

I am doing something about it... I'm educating people... You however are obviously too far brainwashed by the elite to know better.

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