Where does wealth hatred come from?

Well.......the quickest answer is that it comes from the Democrat party and politicians. Hate people because they own businesses, hate people because they don't pay their workers enough, hate people because they get tax breaks, hate people because they have stuff the rest doesn't. It's brainwashing as usual.

But in my opinion, it must have deeper roots than politics.

Hate is usually a defense mechanism. Hate comes from fear or threat. You may hate your supervisor because he or she threatens your future with the company. Hate may come in forms of race where you feel a threat or fear for the safety of your family or investment of your home. Hate may be of gender where a person was abused by their spouse or even a stranger. It comes from somewhere. You don't wake up one morning and say "I really hate that Donald Trump. I didn't mind him yesterday, but today I wish he'd fall off a cliff."

I guess this question is really for the libs since they lead the charge in wealth hatred. If you agree with my assessment that hate derives from fear or threat, what has the wealthy done to you in the past that makes you feel this way? Or is it you were told by the Democrat party to hate wealthy people?

Well.......not all wealthy people of course. Liberals tend to give waivers to sports figures, entertainment figures, lottery winners, people that do things they enjoy instead of working for wealth. But if you went to college, worked your way up the ladder, made investments, and became wealthy through work, you are the worst creature on earth, and the Democrat party simply fuels that flame.

I come from a somewhat rich household worth 1.4 million.

However, I think most rich people kind of suck,as do most poor people kind of suck.

But, the rich people are more dangerous, especially ones in our institutions.

Look at the brats in media, Hollywood, the NFL, or businesses hiring illegals, or outsourcing.

The Goldilocks effect. Those who are not like me (the very rich, the very poor) are bad.

A lot of racists use that same supposed logic. They think blacks and Hispanics are too dumb and Asians and Jews are too smart and each is threatening to white people.

If you think all classes are created equal in terms of morality, you're not paying attention.

Most in the Middle Class are hard working, tax paying people.

Most in the lower class take in terms of welfare, and have more crime.

Most in the upper class reap havoc by hiring illegals, spreading Liberal propaganda, and outsourcing jobs, and while their crime isn't too bad, when they do something criminal it's usually very bad like pull a Bernie Madoff, or pull a Jacob Schiff and finance a Bolshevik Revolution, or pull a Rockerfeller and finance the Nazis.

Maybe In Your world.

Most petty crime is definitely Lower class, and most massive crime is Upper class.

The Middle class is capable, but less capable on the whole of crime.

If you aren't aware, good job on the elites for making you not think for yourself.
You know why Black Lives Matters exist?

Because of the elite.

The elites in the media kept ignoring Whites killed by cops, and kept showing Blacks killed by cops.

Mix that with elite music industry supporting songs like this from Thug 2Pac to brainwash a generation.

Bam... Thug scums thinking the cops are wrong, and justice is being a thug.

see, this is the problem when trumptard scum make things up in their own little "minds" and then castigate others for the thoughts you pretend exist.

no one hates the wealthy. but that doesn't mean normal people think that they should pay less of a percentage in taxes than the rest of us who work.

I don't pretend they exist, they do exist. Just read anything on this service related to wealthy people.

If what you people talk about is not hate of the wealthy, then WTF is hate to you???

now let's stop pretending this has anything to do with economic policy. legitimate economists know there is no such thing as trickle down economics and all your orange loon is doing is greening the swamp.

again, normal people should object to that.

perhaps a course in economics would help?

The OP was not about economic policy--it's about hatred of the wealthy. Your average working person does not pay more income tax than the wealthy. That's why the top 20% of wage earners in this country pay nearly 85% of all collected income taxes.
You know why Black Lives Matters exist?

Because of the elite.

The elites in the media kept ignoring Whites killed by cops, and kept showing Blacks killed by cops.

Mix that with elite music industry supporting songs like this from Thug 2Pac to brainwash a generation.

Bam... Thug scums thinking the cops are wrong, and justice is being a thug.

^ Oh, I get it now, all makes sense. Disgruntled Bruce Hornsby fan, say no more, please.
There will always be bitter envy. It's human nature. Humanity is made up of winners and losers. And that will never change. Some losers are justified in their bitterness, while others aren't. So my advice would be to try avoiding being a loser at all costs. At least try. Otherwise, just accept being a loser and stop whining. In most cases, it is all on you. For the most part, you do control your own destiny.
So all those Democrat billionaires and millionaires are just jealous also, right? LOL!

Most are shallow Politicians preying on bitter losers like you. The allure of that Freebie has folks like you hook, line, and sinker. They just get y'all worked up and reel you in come Election time. You're just poor exploited dupes. It is what it is.
There are just as many Rich Democrats as rich Republicans. The greedy Rich are Republicans who brainwash fools like you and have been wrecking the middle class and the country for 35 years now.

Stop hatin, and start trying harder to be a winner. Bitter whiners usually stay losers their whole lives. Think about that a bit.
Meanwhile your mega-rich greedy idiot GOP brainwashers are robbing you blind along with your family and friends, super dupe, for 35 years now. And it's about to get worse.....

The Demise of the American Middle Class In Numbers.
Filed under Economicsno comments

The Demise of the American Middle Class In Numbers.

Over the past 35 years the American dream has gradually disappeared. The process was slow, so most people didn’t notice. They just worked a few more hours, borrowed a little more and cut back on non-essentials. But looking at the numbers and comparing them over long time periods, it is obvious that things have changed drastically. Here are the details:


Over the past 63 years worker productivity has grown by 2.0% per year.

But after 1980, workers received a smaller share every year. Labor’s share of income (1992 = 100%):

1950 = 101%
1960 = 105%
1970 = 105%
1980 = 105% – Reagan
1990 = 100%
2000 = 96%
2007 = 92%

A 13% drop since 1980


Share of National Income going to Top 10%:

1950 = 35%
1960 = 34%
1970 = 34%
1980 = 34% – Reagan
1990 = 40%
2000 = 47%
2007 = 50%

An increase of 16% since Reagan.


The savings Rose up to Reagan and fell during and after.

1950 = 6.0%
1960 = 7.0%
1970 = 8.5%
1980 = 10.0% – Reagan
1982 = 11.2% – Peak
1990 = 7.0%
2000 = 2.0%
2006 = -1.1% (Negative = withdrawing from savings)

A 12.3% drop after Reagan.


Household Debt as percentage of GDP:

1965 = 46%
1970 = 45%
1980 = 50% – Reagan
1990 = 61%
2000 = 69%
2007 = 95%

A 45% increase after 1980.


Gap Between the Share of Capital Income earned by the top 1%
and the bottom 80%:

1980 = 10%
2003 = 56%

A 5.6 times increase.


The Probably of Moving Up from the Bottom 40% to the Top 40%:

1945 = 12%
1958 = 6%
1990 = 3%
2000 = 2%

A 10% Decrease.


1 = ftp://ftp.bls.gov/pub/special.requests/pf/totalf1.txt
1 = https://www.clevelandfed.org/Research/PolicyDis/No7Nov04.pdf
1 = Clipboard01.jpg (image)
2 – http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/blog/09/04/27/CongratulationstoEmmanuelSaez/
3 = http://www.demos.org/inequality/images/charts/uspersonalsaving_thumb.gif
3 = U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)
4 = Federated Prudent Bear Fund (A): Overview
4 = The Fed - Financial Accounts of the United States - Z.1 - Current Release
5/6 = http://www.businessinsider.com/15-charts-about-wealth-and-inequality-in-america-2010-4?slop=1#slidesho
Well.......the quickest answer is that it comes from the Democrat party and politicians. Hate people because they own businesses, hate people because they don't pay their workers enough, hate people because they get tax breaks, hate people because they have stuff the rest doesn't. It's brainwashing as usual.

But in my opinion, it must have deeper roots than politics.

Hate is usually a defense mechanism. Hate comes from fear or threat. You may hate your supervisor because he or she threatens your future with the company. Hate may come in forms of race where you feel a threat or fear for the safety of your family or investment of your home. Hate may be of gender where a person was abused by their spouse or even a stranger. It comes from somewhere. You don't wake up one morning and say "I really hate that Donald Trump. I didn't mind him yesterday, but today I wish he'd fall off a cliff."

I guess this question is really for the libs since they lead the charge in wealth hatred. If you agree with my assessment that hate derives from fear or threat, what has the wealthy done to you in the past that makes you feel this way? Or is it you were told by the Democrat party to hate wealthy people?

Well.......not all wealthy people of course. Liberals tend to give waivers to sports figures, entertainment figures, lottery winners, people that do things they enjoy instead of working for wealth. But if you went to college, worked your way up the ladder, made investments, and became wealthy through work, you are the worst creature on earth, and the Democrat party simply fuels that flame.

Is this why Repubs and Christians hate gay people? They are afraid of them? Are they afraid they will be turned into a gay person if they get too close to one?
The vast majority of Republicans and Christians do not hate gay people, jackass.

And the vast majority of Dems do not hate the rich. But you will never call out your fellow party zealots.
. If they don't, then why don't they make themselves vocal about it ???????
There will always be bitter envy. It's human nature. Humanity is made up of winners and losers. And that will never change. Some losers are justified in their bitterness, while others aren't. So my advice would be to try avoiding being a loser at all costs. At least try. Otherwise, just accept being a loser and stop whining. In most cases, it is all on you. For the most part, you do control your own destiny.
So all those Democrat billionaires and millionaires are just jealous also, right? LOL!

Most are shallow Politicians preying on bitter losers like you. The allure of that Freebie has folks like you hook, line, and sinker. They just get y'all worked up and reel you in come Election time. You're just poor exploited dupes. It is what it is.
There are just as many Rich Democrats as rich Republicans. The greedy Rich are Republicans who brainwash fools like you and have been wrecking the middle class and the country for 35 years now.

Stop hatin, and start trying harder to be a winner. Bitter whiners usually stay losers their whole lives. Think about that a bit.
Meanwhile your mega-rich greedy idiot GOP brainwashers are robbing you blind along with your family and friends, super dupe, for 35 years now. And it's about to get worse.....

The Demise of the American Middle Class In Numbers.
Filed under Economicsno comments

The Demise of the American Middle Class In Numbers.

Over the past 35 years the American dream has gradually disappeared. The process was slow, so most people didn’t notice. They just worked a few more hours, borrowed a little more and cut back on non-essentials. But looking at the numbers and comparing them over long time periods, it is obvious that things have changed drastically. Here are the details:


Over the past 63 years worker productivity has grown by 2.0% per year.

But after 1980, workers received a smaller share every year. Labor’s share of income (1992 = 100%):

1950 = 101%
1960 = 105%
1970 = 105%
1980 = 105% – Reagan
1990 = 100%
2000 = 96%
2007 = 92%

A 13% drop since 1980


Share of National Income going to Top 10%:

1950 = 35%
1960 = 34%
1970 = 34%
1980 = 34% – Reagan
1990 = 40%
2000 = 47%
2007 = 50%

An increase of 16% since Reagan.


The savings Rose up to Reagan and fell during and after.

1950 = 6.0%
1960 = 7.0%
1970 = 8.5%
1980 = 10.0% – Reagan
1982 = 11.2% – Peak
1990 = 7.0%
2000 = 2.0%
2006 = -1.1% (Negative = withdrawing from savings)

A 12.3% drop after Reagan.


Household Debt as percentage of GDP:

1965 = 46%
1970 = 45%
1980 = 50% – Reagan
1990 = 61%
2000 = 69%
2007 = 95%

A 45% increase after 1980.


Gap Between the Share of Capital Income earned by the top 1%
and the bottom 80%:

1980 = 10%
2003 = 56%

A 5.6 times increase.


The Probably of Moving Up from the Bottom 40% to the Top 40%:

1945 = 12%
1958 = 6%
1990 = 3%
2000 = 2%

A 10% Decrease.


1 = ftp://ftp.bls.gov/pub/special.requests/pf/totalf1.txt
1 = https://www.clevelandfed.org/Research/PolicyDis/No7Nov04.pdf
1 = Clipboard01.jpg (image)
2 – http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/blog/09/04/27/CongratulationstoEmmanuelSaez/
3 = http://www.demos.org/inequality/images/charts/uspersonalsaving_thumb.gif
3 = U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)
4 = Federated Prudent Bear Fund (A): Overview
4 = The Fed - Financial Accounts of the United States - Z.1 - Current Release
5/6 = http://www.businessinsider.com/15-charts-about-wealth-and-inequality-in-america-2010-4?slop=1#slidesho
. Could this be an indictment of the corruption going on over time in this country ? People might say it's not corruption, but most working people looking at these stats might look at it as entrenched corruption.
And the vast majority of Dems do not hate the rich.

Sure could have fooled me, especially here on USMB.

same can be said for Repubs/Christians on this board dealing with homosexuals.
We just hate the lying cheating thieving greedy idiot GOP Mega rich who brainwash fools.... The bulshit and hate GOP propaganda machine is a disgrace.

Naaa, you just hate anyone who has more than you. You still wearing that Che T-Shirt?
And the vast majority of Dems do not hate the rich.

Sure could have fooled me, especially here on USMB.

same can be said for Repubs/Christians on this board dealing with homosexuals.
We just hate the lying cheating thieving greedy idiot GOP Mega rich who brainwash fools.... The bulshit and hate GOP propaganda machine is a disgrace.
Your super dilemma is that the Demon-crats are just as corrupt if not more so when you add all the other baggage they have tagging itself to the party.
Your analysis is dead wrong, but you knew that didn't you ? You are just another race hustler is all you are.

No, I'm actually 100% correct.

Do yourself a favor and watch this.

Been called a dumb Polak before.... Thanks to the elite globalist Liberal Jew media's promotion of dumb Polak on TV by elite globalist scum Liberal Jews like Norman Lear, on All in the Family, or George Schlatter's Laugh In.

I'm much more concerned with other things.

You know like Globalist scums who are pure evil.

Especially considering that those prejudices don't bother me much more, or less than simple obnoxious rude personal insults .

Most Americans consider Poland to be to be a white shithole.

Why is your country not better than it is?

Poland's actually doing pretty good, FYI.

You dumb Western Europeans just fall for anything, such primitive Apes being led by the elite.




Nobody in America cares about your white shithole country.

We don’t even care that your entire Navy sank one day because some shithole opened the screen door on your only submarine.

We marvel at the fact Germany invaded your country in less than 24 hours because they marched in backwards and yo all thought they were leaving.

And then your country descended to current shithole status because you sold out the only white people who made something of your country.

The only thing worse than being a shithole is to be proud of it.
. Wow, bigotry on full display in this post. You almost went heavily into Polak Joke mode. Remember two wrongs never make a right.
Well.......the quickest answer is that it comes from the Democrat party and politicians. Hate people because they own businesses, hate people because they don't pay their workers enough, hate people because they get tax breaks, hate people because they have stuff the rest doesn't. It's brainwashing as usual.

But in my opinion, it must have deeper roots than politics.

Hate is usually a defense mechanism. Hate comes from fear or threat. You may hate your supervisor because he or she threatens your future with the company. Hate may come in forms of race where you feel a threat or fear for the safety of your family or investment of your home. Hate may be of gender where a person was abused by their spouse or even a stranger. It comes from somewhere. You don't wake up one morning and say "I really hate that Donald Trump. I didn't mind him yesterday, but today I wish he'd fall off a cliff."

I guess this question is really for the libs since they lead the charge in wealth hatred. If you agree with my assessment that hate derives from fear or threat, what has the wealthy done to you in the past that makes you feel this way? Or is it you were told by the Democrat party to hate wealthy people?

Well.......not all wealthy people of course. Liberals tend to give waivers to sports figures, entertainment figures, lottery winners, people that do things they enjoy instead of working for wealth. But if you went to college, worked your way up the ladder, made investments, and became wealthy through work, you are the worst creature on earth, and the Democrat party simply fuels that flame.

Ray, what is the point of this post? Your claiming Liberals hate wealth as a stereotype by using an old tired republic cannard about class envy?

People may hate don trump simply because he is a racist. You hate Liberals because they make you feel less compassionate and greedy.

Your problems shithole, not anyone else's.

I thought of it through discussions with the left on issues that involve the wealthy such as minimum wage, corporate taxes, individual wealth, multinational corporations, campaign contributions and so on.

It seems that anytime the wealthy are discussed, such vitriol spews from the left side of the discussion.

It made me wonder why is all. Like I wrote in the OP, hatred comes from somewhere, usually fear or threat.

As for myself, I've never feared or felt the wealthy threaten me. If anything, they make my life much better. It's government that threatens me.

Discussions with Liberals usually don't devolve into hate fulled piles of crap that you're seemingly referring too. Are you referring to strawman Liberals or actual ones? And if you really want to be honest, you have to realize hate filled rhetoric is the trade of people who see that world as black and white.

Liberals are gray and have compassion for their fellow man. Conservatives are toggle switches of black and white.
Well.......the quickest answer is that it comes from the Democrat party and politicians. Hate people because they own businesses, hate people because they don't pay their workers enough, hate people because they get tax breaks, hate people because they have stuff the rest doesn't. It's brainwashing as usual.

But in my opinion, it must have deeper roots than politics.

Hate is usually a defense mechanism. Hate comes from fear or threat. You may hate your supervisor because he or she threatens your future with the company. Hate may come in forms of race where you feel a threat or fear for the safety of your family or investment of your home. Hate may be of gender where a person was abused by their spouse or even a stranger. It comes from somewhere. You don't wake up one morning and say "I really hate that Donald Trump. I didn't mind him yesterday, but today I wish he'd fall off a cliff."

I guess this question is really for the libs since they lead the charge in wealth hatred. If you agree with my assessment that hate derives from fear or threat, what has the wealthy done to you in the past that makes you feel this way? Or is it you were told by the Democrat party to hate wealthy people?

Well.......not all wealthy people of course. Liberals tend to give waivers to sports figures, entertainment figures, lottery winners, people that do things they enjoy instead of working for wealth. But if you went to college, worked your way up the ladder, made investments, and became wealthy through work, you are the worst creature on earth, and the Democrat party simply fuels that flame.

Ray, what is the point of this post? Your claiming Liberals hate wealth as a stereotype by using an old tired republic cannard about class envy?

People may hate don trump simply because he is a racist. You hate Liberals because they make you feel less compassionate and greedy.

Your problems shithole, not anyone else's.

I thought of it through discussions with the left on issues that involve the wealthy such as minimum wage, corporate taxes, individual wealth, multinational corporations, campaign contributions and so on.

It seems that anytime the wealthy are discussed, such vitriol spews from the left side of the discussion.

It made me wonder why is all. Like I wrote in the OP, hatred comes from somewhere, usually fear or threat.

As for myself, I've never feared or felt the wealthy threaten me. If anything, they make my life much better. It's government that threatens me.

Discussions with Liberals usually don't devolve into hate fulled piles of crap that you're seemingly referring too. Are you referring to strawman Liberals or actual ones? And if you really want to be honest, you have to realize hate filled rhetoric is the trade of people who see that world as black and white.

Liberals are gray and have compassion for their fellow man. Conservatives are toggle switches of black and white.

Horse Shit, take a stroll among the threads and look at what your "fellow" Libs have said.
Dude, if I look up shithole in a dictionary your picture has to be there.

You can't even defend your position, like a typical Liberal scum.

You don’t have a position that I even care about.

You’re a poor white shithole liking only to blame someone else for being a shithole.

Yeah, because you don't care about anything, like most Psychoopaths.

I live in America buddy, I['m just sick of the f*cking retards here like puppets being lead by the elite with no f*cking brains.

No, your a white shithole who believes in fascism because you can’t compete in a capitalistic society.

America's a lot more dangerous than Poland.

No where in Europe is like Detroit, or Chicago's South side, much less Gary Indiana, or East Saint Louis.

Poland's catching up quick in terms of wealth to the West.

Some of us want Fascism because we want to fix the World of the degenerates, and savages.
. A little bit of hitlerism talk going on in this post.. wow
No, I'm actually 100% correct.

Do yourself a favor and watch this.

Been called a dumb Polak before.... Thanks to the elite globalist Liberal Jew media's promotion of dumb Polak on TV by elite globalist scum Liberal Jews like Norman Lear, on All in the Family, or George Schlatter's Laugh In.

I'm much more concerned with other things.

You know like Globalist scums who are pure evil.

Especially considering that those prejudices don't bother me much more, or less than simple obnoxious rude personal insults .

Most Americans consider Poland to be to be a white shithole.

Why is your country not better than it is?

Poland's actually doing pretty good, FYI.

You dumb Western Europeans just fall for anything, such primitive Apes being led by the elite.




Nobody in America cares about your white shithole country.

We don’t even care that your entire Navy sank one day because some shithole opened the screen door on your only submarine.

We marvel at the fact Germany invaded your country in less than 24 hours because they marched in backwards and yo all thought they were leaving.

And then your country descended to current shithole status because you sold out the only white people who made something of your country.

The only thing worse than being a shithole is to be proud of it.
. Wow, bigotry on full display in this post. You almost went heavily into Polak Joke mode. Remember two wrongs never make a right.

One question, are you an idiot?
Well.......the quickest answer is that it comes from the Democrat party and politicians. Hate people because they own businesses, hate people because they don't pay their workers enough, hate people because they get tax breaks, hate people because they have stuff the rest doesn't. It's brainwashing as usual.

But in my opinion, it must have deeper roots than politics.

Hate is usually a defense mechanism. Hate comes from fear or threat. You may hate your supervisor because he or she threatens your future with the company. Hate may come in forms of race where you feel a threat or fear for the safety of your family or investment of your home. Hate may be of gender where a person was abused by their spouse or even a stranger. It comes from somewhere. You don't wake up one morning and say "I really hate that Donald Trump. I didn't mind him yesterday, but today I wish he'd fall off a cliff."

I guess this question is really for the libs since they lead the charge in wealth hatred. If you agree with my assessment that hate derives from fear or threat, what has the wealthy done to you in the past that makes you feel this way? Or is it you were told by the Democrat party to hate wealthy people?

Well.......not all wealthy people of course. Liberals tend to give waivers to sports figures, entertainment figures, lottery winners, people that do things they enjoy instead of working for wealth. But if you went to college, worked your way up the ladder, made investments, and became wealthy through work, you are the worst creature on earth, and the Democrat party simply fuels that flame.

Ray, what is the point of this post? Your claiming Liberals hate wealth as a stereotype by using an old tired republic cannard about class envy?

People may hate don trump simply because he is a racist. You hate Liberals because they make you feel less compassionate and greedy.

Your problems shithole, not anyone else's.

I thought of it through discussions with the left on issues that involve the wealthy such as minimum wage, corporate taxes, individual wealth, multinational corporations, campaign contributions and so on.

It seems that anytime the wealthy are discussed, such vitriol spews from the left side of the discussion.

It made me wonder why is all. Like I wrote in the OP, hatred comes from somewhere, usually fear or threat.

As for myself, I've never feared or felt the wealthy threaten me. If anything, they make my life much better. It's government that threatens me.

Discussions with Liberals usually don't devolve into hate fulled piles of crap that you're seemingly referring too. Are you referring to strawman Liberals or actual ones? And if you really want to be honest, you have to realize hate filled rhetoric is the trade of people who see that world as black and white.

Liberals are gray and have compassion for their fellow man. Conservatives are toggle switches of black and white.

that's complete bullshit
liberals are even more black and white

no shades of gray on
racial issues
gay issues
womens issues
climate change
nothing....naddaa......they are way more black and white

and lefties never argue on facts and logic...just on emotion and trying to discredit you because you said ****** like 50 years ago
You can't even defend your position, like a typical Liberal scum.

You don’t have a position that I even care about.

You’re a poor white shithole liking only to blame someone else for being a shithole.

Yeah, because you don't care about anything, like most Psychoopaths.

I live in America buddy, I['m just sick of the f*cking retards here like puppets being lead by the elite with no f*cking brains.

No, your a white shithole who believes in fascism because you can’t compete in a capitalistic society.

America's a lot more dangerous than Poland.

No where in Europe is like Detroit, or Chicago's South side, much less Gary Indiana, or East Saint Louis.

Poland's catching up quick in terms of wealth to the West.

Some of us want Fascism because we want to fix the World of the degenerates, and savages.
. A little bit of hitlerism talk going on in this post.. wow

How are we going to combat these trends?

Why are IQ's Dropping On A WorldWide basis | HuffPost

Criminals have more kids. July 2014 - The Psychology of Attractiveness Podcast

Going along to the Frankfurt School Multiculturalism plot.

Well.......the quickest answer is that it comes from the Democrat party and politicians. Hate people because they own businesses, hate people because they don't pay their workers enough, hate people because they get tax breaks, hate people because they have stuff the rest doesn't. It's brainwashing as usual.

But in my opinion, it must have deeper roots than politics.

Hate is usually a defense mechanism. Hate comes from fear or threat. You may hate your supervisor because he or she threatens your future with the company. Hate may come in forms of race where you feel a threat or fear for the safety of your family or investment of your home. Hate may be of gender where a person was abused by their spouse or even a stranger. It comes from somewhere. You don't wake up one morning and say "I really hate that Donald Trump. I didn't mind him yesterday, but today I wish he'd fall off a cliff."

I guess this question is really for the libs since they lead the charge in wealth hatred. If you agree with my assessment that hate derives from fear or threat, what has the wealthy done to you in the past that makes you feel this way? Or is it you were told by the Democrat party to hate wealthy people?

Well.......not all wealthy people of course. Liberals tend to give waivers to sports figures, entertainment figures, lottery winners, people that do things they enjoy instead of working for wealth. But if you went to college, worked your way up the ladder, made investments, and became wealthy through work, you are the worst creature on earth, and the Democrat party simply fuels that flame.

Ray, what is the point of this post? Your claiming Liberals hate wealth as a stereotype by using an old tired republic cannard about class envy?

People may hate don trump simply because he is a racist. You hate Liberals because they make you feel less compassionate and greedy.

Your problems shithole, not anyone else's.

I thought of it through discussions with the left on issues that involve the wealthy such as minimum wage, corporate taxes, individual wealth, multinational corporations, campaign contributions and so on.

It seems that anytime the wealthy are discussed, such vitriol spews from the left side of the discussion.

It made me wonder why is all. Like I wrote in the OP, hatred comes from somewhere, usually fear or threat.

As for myself, I've never feared or felt the wealthy threaten me. If anything, they make my life much better. It's government that threatens me.

Discussions with Liberals usually don't devolve into hate fulled piles of crap that you're seemingly referring too. Are you referring to strawman Liberals or actual ones? And if you really want to be honest, you have to realize hate filled rhetoric is the trade of people who see that world as black and white.

Liberals are gray and have compassion for their fellow man. Conservatives are toggle switches of black and white.

Horse Shit, take a stroll among the threads and look at what your "fellow" Libs have said.

I have and found most posters on this board are knee jerk black and white idiots who spew things like all Liberals hate the wealthy and bring the color of skin into any argument for no reason. An example would be that black athletes that kneel for the national anthem are pandered, rich and didn't work for their position in life.

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